Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-08-06 18:18:03
Geez, thanks. The hell does your nuking set look like to be that much higher than mine. I can only imagine a couple more r15 pieces, but that shouldn't give that much of an increase.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-08-06 18:27:24
Umbrils take extra damage from fire. Double I think.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 83
By Fenrir.Jarrin 2013-08-06 18:48:49
umbrils are weak to fire but its not double damage they take.
yeah i have 5/5 bokwus (15) and i also am trying a more int heavy build at the moment just messing around with different builds. currently what i'm trying is:
magian / wizzan / empty / ombre
bokwus(15) / saevus / hecate / novio
bokwus(15) / bokwus(15) / icesoul / icesoul
refraction / othila / bokus(15) / bokwus(15)
puts me at 106+128 int as a hume and i just went back to cirdas to test it out and firaja was dealing a consistant 7826 numerous times WITHOUT ionis. no food, no burn, no firesday or fire weather (obviously). this is as blm/rdm just cause i happened to be on it at the time.
certain things i was trying out was replacing memoria with ombre, strendu for a second icesoul, and seeing was refraction was doing.
all in all, i'm happy with it so i'll keep messing with it and we'll see.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-08-06 19:02:34
If it's not double than it's at least +50%, they also take bonus danage from a bunch of odd sources like formless, also bonus damage from light.
By innit 2013-08-06 19:50:35
Strophadic Earring is better than Hecates and in many cases better than Novio, making Strop/Novio the best earrings for nuking.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 83
By Fenrir.Jarrin 2013-08-06 20:13:27
Quote: Strophadic Earring is better than Hecates and in many cases better than Novio, making Strop/Novio the best earrings for nuking.
Not true, it depends on your current setup especially if you are using magian staves still. strophadic may work better for some and not for others. for example, stophadic was better for me until i finally finished my bokwus 5/5(15) with magian staff then hecates our performed it by about 10-15 damage on all T5 nukes except for thunder V which, by strange coincidence, it does exactly the same damage for that particular spell.
everyone has different stages of augmented gear so you need to test pieces as you rank up your gear, especially when using affinity bonus gear.
By innit 2013-08-06 20:21:43
Like I said for 'many cases', of course MAB will favour the higher tier spells. BLM has a lot of lower spells that are much more mp efficient.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Fenrir.Jarrin 2013-08-06 20:38:06
sorry i must of misread your post. I read the "many cases" part of the statement as referring to novio while the first part of the statement i read Quote: Strophadic Earring is better than Hecates and also Quote: making Strop/Novio the best earrings for nuking as you stating a fact, which is just not the case.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-08-06 20:59:22
Lame. I have to r15 the legs/feet into macc pieces because I'm primarily rdm in delve. It's too bad those Bokwus pieces are all rare.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-08-06 21:07:39
Soothsayer and the future +1 skirmish staff are basically a bolster geo you can equip as a weapon so you may not need all of the augmentation for that purpose
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 29
By Shiva.Eldelphia 2013-08-07 06:56:48
And now we have a whole new load of gear coming in... the Hagondes set. Black Mage / Red Mage / Summoner / Blue Mage / Scholar / Geomancer
Head & Legs look good?
DEF:78 HP+24 MP+29 STR+15 DEX+15 VIT+15 AGI+15 INT+19 MND+19 CHR+19 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+60 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+13 Haste+5%
DEF:102 HP+37 MP+53 STR+17 DEX+17 VIT+17 AGI+17 INT+28 MND+23 CHR+23 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 Evasion +28 Magic Evasion+65 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4 Haste+3% Adds "Refresh" effect
DEF:68 HP+23 MP+21 STR+5 DEX+22 VIT+20 AGI+4 INT+15 MND+26 CHR+15 Magic Accuracy+20 Evasion+15 Magic Evasion+30 Enmity-8 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+3%
DEF:88 HP+29 MP+26 STR+20 VIT+10 AGI+14 INT+27 MND+19 CHR+15 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+25 Magic Damage+10 Evasion+18 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4 Haste+4%
DEF:53 HP+19 MP+23 STR+8 DEX+9 VIT+8 AGI+26 INT+14 MND+15 CHR+27 Evasion+37 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3 Haste+3% Avatar: "Magic Atk. Bonus"+25
By Darkforce 2013-08-08 14:09:04
Those legs are amazing and pretty much beat any nuking legs to date as far as I know, lol. The head is nice too, I'm not sure how it'll compare with Buremte Hat from Yumcax (24 int, 15 magic acc, 35 magic dmg, etc) but it's still nice and I'll probably get it to test it out anyway. This Hagondes set is apart of the Skirmish 2.0 gear sets, I think? Which means we'll likely be able to augment that gear for even more stats.. Wonder what the augment paths or choices will be, regardless. I can't wait to find out. :3
By Darkforce 2013-08-08 15:40:25
I'm currently using:
magian / elders / empty / memoria
buremte / stoicheion / novio / hecate
bokwus(10) / quauhpilli / strendu / icesoul
bane / othila / goetia / nares
(standard nuking, when not using Day/Weather Bonus or Sorcerer Ring)
I have all 7 Magian Affinity Magic Damage+6 Staves for blm (thunder, ice, fire, wind, water, earth, and dark(comet/impact)) as well as chatoyant for enfeebles still, and the lehbrailg with a "dmg+24, mnd+6, MAB+26" augment on it which I use for meteor.
(didnt bother re-augmenting for INT or more MAB due to SE stating augment is removed when +1'ing it in Skirm2.0)
I have the following pieces available for the slots:
(I'm not including piece like nares head/hands or other such pieces that I have that I think have become obsolete for nuking)
Grip: Elder's, Wizzan
Ammo: Memoria
Head: Buremte, blm af2+2aug (for AMII spells)
Neck: Stoicheion
Body: Bokwus(Rank 10), blm af2+2 aug (for Manafont macro), and twilight cloak (for impact)
Hands: Quauhpilli
Back: Bane and Searing Capes
Waist: Othila, Maniacus, and all 8 sea ele obi's (including lolLight)
Legs: Goetia+2, Orvail, and blm af2+1 legs (for ele day)
Feet: Nares and Goetia+2 (for manawall)
Earring(s): Novio, Hecate's, Strophadic
Rings: Icesoul x2, Strendu, Zodiac (for ele day set), and Sorcerer's (with appropraite hp>mp macro set to activate it)
Some things off of the top of my head that I can think of that I don't have are:
Erlene's Notebook, Akasha Chaps, and Taubran Cape from Meebles, Yaoyotl Gloves from Tojil, Eddy Necklace from Dakuwaqa, none of the Morrigan +1 pieces from Salvage v1/v2 (though I was working on the feet, (40/40prim and had 45piece, missing 15,25,35 pieces), Ombre Tathlum (from WoE?), full rank 15/15 MAB bokwus gear, and lastly the new staffs atinian, voay, and soothsayer.
And other random side notes/comments:
Not bothering to finish Morrigan Feet +1 due to the new Weatherspoon Feet(new bayld gear feet, iirc) having 9 INT and 10 MAB (as well as the other stats)
I didn't bother rank 15'ing all of bokwus set due to most of the pieces note having innate MAB/INT on them (other than body, obv)((which I'm still debating to go from rank 10 to 15 on that))
And regarding the new staffs (Atinian, Voay, Soothsayer, ((Lehbrailg)) and each of their +1 or augmented counterparts--
At what point will they beat out the Magian staffs (i know it's based off of each individuals gear, etc.) like if you're a af3+1 blm, I'd imagine you'd do better with Atinian, versus Magian, but a fully high-end geared blm might still do better with Magian over Atinian?)(for high tier nukes, anyways? Idk)
And lastly, the "Magic Damage+" parameter adjustment that Matsui/SE promised us in this early august got delayed and wasn't implemented, so I'd imagine that it's coming in late August, and depending on this new buff/adjustment, the future of blm may move to spamming low tier nukes for more mp efficiency) ((atleast that's what i see coming, or already happening^^))
Thank you for reading and any advice on my blm, nuking gear/set ups and/or other information and comments is much appreciated and I hope I gave some others some good info. I'm a hardcore blm at heart. :)
Sorry for the long post, I tried to cover a lot. ^^;
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Shiva.Borgan 2013-08-08 18:18:57
Legs are easily best nuking piece when released, by far.
The revamped Bokwus circlet might be best Nuke head now.
R15 would be +13 MAB and +23 INT. Not sure how it compares to Burmete Hat with its Magic Damage + stat.
(+13MAB vs. +35 Magic Damage)
Hands will be best Macc + haste piece.
Looking for any info if Bane cape will beat the meebles cape with the revamped Magic Damage+ change?
^LOL, same avatar as me. Sweet =)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Ragnarok.Deathshift 2013-08-08 18:41:02
I'm currently using:
magian / elders / empty / memoria
buremte / stoicheion / novio / hecate
bokwus(10) / quauhpilli / strendu / icesoul
bane / othila / goetia / nares
(standard nuking, when not using Day/Weather Bonus or Sorcerer Ring) Wizzan over Elder's.
Saevus Pendant is better than Stoicheon, it's pretty cheap so if you have the inventory room I'd go for that.
Maniacus over Othila unless you're having some sort of accuracy issues.
Searing should beat Bane unless the magic damage update changes anything drastically. Romanus is better than searing, and very cheap as well.
Orvail also beat Goetia +2 legs.
If you have inventory room for latent gear, use sorcerer's over icesoul.
Memoria should pull a head a little bit over ombre.
Also, did the author of this give up on it or something? <_<
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-08-08 19:49:46
Quote: And lastly, the "Magic Damage+" parameter adjustment that Matsui/SE promised us in this early august got delayed and wasn't implemented, so I'd imagine that it's coming in late August, and depending on this new buff/adjustment, the future of blm may move to spamming low tier nukes for more mp efficiency) ((atleast that's what i see coming, or already happening^^))
The Magic Damage+ adjustment happened in the August 5 patch. Magic Damage is no longer capped at 1/4 the base damage (V + dInt), making it far more valuable, particularly to low tier nukes.
My magic damage spreadsheet has been updated with the new gear (as well as proper helix damage formulas). Anything I comment on here you could check yourself, but covering what you listed...
Quote: magian / elders / empty / memoria
buremte / stoicheion / novio / hecate
bokwus(10) / quauhpilli / strendu / icesoul
bane / othila / goetia / nares
Quote: Grip: Elder's, Wizzan
Ammo: Memoria
Head: Buremte, blm af2+2aug (for AMII spells)
Neck: Stoicheion
Body: Bokwus(Rank 10), blm af2+2 aug (for Manafont macro), and twilight cloak (for impact)
Hands: Quauhpilli
Back: Bane and Searing Capes
Waist: Othila, Maniacus, and all 8 sea ele obi's (including lolLight)
Legs: Goetia+2, Orvail, and blm af2+1 legs (for ele day)
Feet: Nares and Goetia+2 (for manawall)
Earring(s): Novio, Hecate's, Strophadic
Rings: Icesoul x2, Strendu, Zodiac (for ele day set), and Sorcerer's (with appropraite hp>mp macro set to activate it)
Notes for blm spells only.
Wizzan over Elder's, except once you go over dInt 100 on T1 nukes.
blm af2+2aug (for AMII spells) -- Only beats Buremte with 3 or more merits in a given AM2 spell.
Back: Bane for T1/T2/Ga1 spells, Searing for any others
Legs: Orvail wins for all nukes, except T1s or AM2 when you go over 100 dInt.
Feet: Nares for AM/AM2 and Bliz5/Thunder5. Otherwise Goetia+2 if you're under 100 dInt, or Nares for over 100 dInt (all spells). Obviously Weatherspoon wins over both in all cases.
Earrings: Assuming Novio in all cases, and under 100 dInt, Hecate's for AM/AM2 and Bliz/Thunder 5, Ga3 and -ja, and Strophadic for others. If you're over 100 dInt, Hecate's always wins.
Rings: If under 100 dInt, Strendu for AM/AM2, Icesoul for everything else. If over 100 dInt, it's a complicated mess. Icesoul for Stone AOE spells, Strendu for AM/AM2, Thunder single-target spells and all T1/T2, and Icesoul for the remaining single-target spells.
As for when the new staves beat out Magians, that's a bit complicated:
Using roughly the gear from your list, Soothsayer R2 MAB path beats magians for all T1/T2/T3/Ga1/Ga2 spells. Rank 15 increases it to win on all T4 and AM (not AM2) spells as well.
Atinian has a similar spread to Soothsayer R15 when compared vs a Magian.
A decently augmented Lehbrailg should beat a Magian on all spells, though Soothsayer and Atinian will beat Lehbrailg on all T1/T2/T3/Ga1/Ga2 spells. I can't judge where the Lehbrailg +1 will fall at this time.
By Darkforce 2013-08-10 21:47:43
Legs are easily best nuking piece when released, by far. The revamped Bokwus circlet might be best Nuke head now. R15 would be +13 MAB and +23 INT. Not sure how it compares to Burmete Hat with its Magic Damage + stat. (+13MAB vs. +35 Magic Damage) Hands will be best Macc + haste piece. Looking for any info if Bane cape will beat the meebles cape with the revamped Magic Damage+ change? ^LOL, same avatar as me. Sweet =) LOL, what are the chances, haha! XD
(google images; ark angel tarutaru (ftw))
AA Taru, very popular amongst BLMs :D /highfive!
And @Deathshift & Motenten, thanks for the feedback.
I noticed increased damage moving from Elder's to Wizzan and Goetia +2(legs) to Orvails. And also decided to rank 15 my Bokwus Robe, (previously rank 10).
As for Saevus & Maniacus vs Stoicheion & Othila (basically +2 MAB vs 15 Macc) worth the dmg upgrade vs the loss of magic acc in Adoulin content? I don't resist much so it might not make much of a difference. I have capped Ele-Skill plus 8/8 merited, 12/12 int Merits(and I'm a taru), plus the gear I named off in my sets previously, I probably shouldn't have to worry about resists too much, so I might make that switch; Or, wait forever until I get a shark win for an Eddy Necklace. But I suppose as always it depends on the content/mob/situation, etc.
And @Motenten, you said that Magic Damage+ is no longer capped at 1/4th base damage, do we happen know the new cap or what else SE did to it? Thanks again for all the info on gear, D int, etc. ^^
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Ragnarok.Deathshift 2013-08-10 22:03:07
I haven't ever really had any resist issues on anything in Adoulin other than the few times I've done a WKR as BLM, but I've done a few tojils as BLM to mess with some stuff, and I haven't really had any resist issues on him at all using maniacus over othila. I'd see how you do with them, but if you notice more resists then just stick with stoicheion / othila if you ask me.
By Darkforce 2013-08-10 22:10:28
Ah, kk, I'll have to try it out, cool.
In a Tojil run as BLM, lol nice, how'd you do? XD (I WANNA TRY!!) lol
It seems every time SE tries to make BLM relevent in new endgame and everytime we get a buff ((new magic damage+ stat, as well as the elemental magic changes in the previous update)) everything else/all other jobs get even better aswell, so we never really get too far. :(
Hopefully BLM will be back on top like back in Sea & HNM days. (Or today's equivalent of Oatixur MNK, lol)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Ragnarok.Deathshift 2013-08-10 22:59:37
I mainly went to try breaking the auras, was able to break all of them except for the 50-25% one, but at 100-75 various water spells were doing 4-7k damage once I broke the aura with wind, so it was pretty fun tbh. ._. I'm usually stunning on scholar, so it was a nice change of pace.
I really want BLM to become relevant again as well. It's been my main since 75 cap. :L
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-08-10 23:57:42
And @Motenten, you said that Magic Damage+ is no longer capped at 1/4th base damage, do we happen know the new cap or what else SE did to it? Thanks again for all the info on gear, D int, etc. ^^
Pre-patch, the cap was 1/4 base damage, which included the spell's innate V plus whatever you gained from Int. So, for example, Stone (tier 1) has a V of 10, and the absolute max you can get from Int is 150 damage, since dInt over 100 doesn't add anything extra. That gives it a total max base damage of 160, and its cap was thus +40 Magic Damage+.
The only thing I have to test with right now is a Soothsayer Staff, with +151 Magic Damage. Using that, there was no cap on the addition from Magic Damage+. Thus the only cap I can see possibly existing is a cap equal to the original base damage (so +160 in the case of Stone). Even if that's the case, you'd only see the cap come into play on tier 1 spells, since there's not nearly enough Magic Damage+ gear to match max damage on tier 2 (you'd need at least 450 Magic Damage+).
So for the moment it can be treated as completely uncapped. Can see if a cap starts showing up when someone collects a large amount of Magic Damage+ gear.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
By Leviathan.Draylo 2013-08-11 06:52:43
Haven't played BLM seriously in a very long time, but I always enjoyed playing it. Looked around and haven't seen many threads or discussions about BLM soloing with melee oriented build and using spells. Just thought that with all this new delve equipment, it can have some benefits for returning players or people who can't get help in Abyssea or Voidwatch. I think with current gear sets that are easy to obtain (relatively) you could create an EVA set for BLM to farm seals in Abyssea(or solo low tier VW.) much faster and safer than kiting things around (some aren't possible to do that either.) This way players that have BLM can solo on their own time for seals and +2 items for other jobs if they have at least some progress in delve.
I tossed together what I could with the plasm I had and what I used to use for BLM (haven't used it in a long time.) I decided to go BLM/RDM for haste, self cure and fast cast. I think if the mob is drainable and doesn't do excessive AOE, then /nin would be more of a benefit. An example would be Hedjedjet in Altepa, got him to 5% solo BLM/RDM but died to back to back death scissors, my drains were ~400 dmg each and he barely ever hit me.
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This is my set I slapped together on the fly:
ItemSet 310660
Not optimal in most scenarios, and a bit above average available gear but it was more than needed for Abyssea. I used Minikin Monstrosity, Cloak and dagger and Beyond for atma. Could probably switch beyond for a second evasion atma if your gear isn't as advanced. With all the magic evasion and stats, enemy spells were barely ever landing (Sippoy add effects on ws did not proc majority of the time.) Enfeebles were incredibly potent and ws avg 1.5~4k dmg.
Some ideas for someone with only beginner delve gear access:
ItemSet 310658
Decent plasm cost but a lot of pieces can be swapped for older gear with evasion or the use of a second evasion atma. New skirmish and Bayld gear should help out as well as those would be easier to obtain.
By Darkforce 2013-08-11 10:41:41
The new Weatherspoon Souliers (BLM nuking feet) are available at Peacekeeper's Coalition now for 15k bayld (new bayld gear), that is, depending on if your server voted the Adoulinian Flag (iirc), anyways got my new pair of nukng feet. ^^ (9 INT, 10 MAB, also gives 27 MP and 3% haste, etc)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Shiva.Borgan 2013-08-13 12:50:40
Weatherspoon Souliers are missing the MAB+10 as shown in the description, so don't toss out your old nuking feet just yet. Probably be fixed in the late August VU.
Any idea on how Voay Staff+1 fairs against other staff options? Over in the SCH thread, it says its top option for t4-5 nukes.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Ragnarok.Forsakengriever 2013-08-14 19:04:57
Okay, so this is my first time posting here in a little while. I've been busy the last couple of months with real life stuff and have not been able to get on the game. I am seeing about coming back, and I realize this thread probably needs a big update...If I am unable to return, is there anyone who would like to take over this thread? (As in I give you all the coding and what not? idk how we'd work that out but can do something) whether temp. or perm.? Just looking at options.
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By Rece 2013-10-30 04:01:33
Admittedly I moved through this thread pretty quickly. Did i miss the section on Seidr Cotehardie?
"Converts 2% of magic elemental damage dealt to MP"
By Gruknor 2013-11-16 01:58:01
I bought an Atinian Staff then went to do a kamihr drifts wkr, I get a Bagil Staff. Something I wanted, but I looked at it's stats and I think Atinian is better, unless I am using Elemental Seal or need some -enmity. The real question is Bagil Staff or Atinian Staff? Inquiring minds want to know.

Artwork done by Chiyoy
Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
So I’ve never written a guide and I don’t claim to be an expert, but I wanted to try and write out a guide for Black Mage. I’ve always really enjoyed the job and it is one of the jobs that (sadly) didn’t have a guide for it until now.
I will try and keep this updated as much as I can. Gear wise, I will try to keep a low/mid/high tier sets up.
As I am only human, there may be mistakes within this guide or changes that may need to be made. Feel free to send me a PM, reply, discuss, debate, make suggestions, etc. I will add and change things as needed.