Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
By Kasumuni88 2021-05-12 03:39:50
For BiS sets its hard to nail down in terms of what is best since most situations BLM is used, the magic accuracy can be a big problem.
My suggestion would be to aim for all +3 dynamis D Archmage set. Overall it has good macc and mattk. The Omen AF +3 set would probably only overtake that if you have the regal accessories to go with it, so thats a huge time sink to get to that anytime soon.
As for accessories, capitalise on the Unity NM campaign right now. Get Mephitas/Metamorph Ring and put it to R15. Acuity Belt is BiS for raw INT.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-05-12 10:29:37
Anyone mind sharing their gear setup for "free nuke equipment" - For head slot is Archmage the best [since getting lucky with Merlinic is so random...] thanks in advance
I'm noticing the times I get to use BLM these days on high end content, in particular the Gaol fights of Odyssey, dINT (difference between your INT and your target's INT) is HUGE again. I've had to stop using my Laevateinn inside there even, and switched to a Marin+1. Getting much steadier numbers even though in theory my raw magic accuracy is lower with that staff.
Obviously our eyes are (rightfully) drawn to MAB in terms of the big boy stat, and if things start resisting we think of Macc next...but let's not forget about INT and its multi-faceted role in our damage potential.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2021-05-12 11:44:39
Alot of stuff depends on what you wanna do if gonna just be bursting ea set+1 is still king the set posted is pretty much bis outside of maybe accessories. Alot of the problem is like celeb said high end content shut has higher int than we do so you wanna change buffs up. If you got geo have them to do indi-int geo acumen same with if you got bard in group. Etudes are your friend.
By Kasumuni88 2021-05-13 03:56:35
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
...but let's not forget about INT and its multi-faceted role in our damage potential.
Indeed it does, and I think thats why the majority of the Gaol augmented accessories have INT stuck on them along with magic dmg.
The new Agwu set further clarifies this. Its a mix of Archmages +3 and Merlinic augments mixed into one.
High INT, Fast Cast for quicker reactions, Magic Dmg and the 40% cap on Magic Burst Bonus.
Im starting to think magic damage is key in boosting burst damage. Ok it adds straight damage onto your lower tier nukes, but it adds up when the 40% bonus kicks in for the burst.
Maybe Shantotto has been right this whole time....she only bursts with T1 spells instantly and still has a ton of MP left.
By eeternal 2021-05-15 16:07:22
I would like to inquiry if Myrkr set changed from the below:
Relevant Augments:
Kaabnax Hat: 'HP+30','MP+30','MP+30'
Weatherspoon Robe +1: MP+120
Otomi Gloves: 'HP+30','MP+30','MP+30'
Moonshade: MP+25, TP Bonus +25
Amalric Slops: MP+60
Psycloth Boots: MP+50
Use HQ Amalric Legs and Head if available to you.
it was a few pages back posted by Tychefm (thanks to him)
By Chimerawizard 2021-05-15 18:55:03
I think this would be the max tryhard set.
ItemSet 326816
By eeternal 2021-05-15 19:14:15
Thank you Chimerawizard, much obliged...
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By Felgarr 2023-07-03 20:42:34
I'm looking for feedback on my Bursting set, in a post-Empy+3 world. My numbers are just ok, but could be better when compared to an ML40 Scholar or Sortie Magic tactics:
This what I generally use as my Bursting set: Code xml
<set name="MagicBurstRelic">
<main augment="O257954938880262">Laevateinn</main>
<sub>Enki Strap</sub>
<ammo>Pemphredo Tathlum</ammo>
<head>Ea Hat +1</head>
<body augment="M7427">Arch. Coat +3</body>
<hands augment="M1347">Arch. Gloves +3</hands>
<legs augment="M1348">Arch. Tonban +3</legs>
<feet augment="M1349">Arch. Sabots +3</feet>
<neck augment="O3728794451968202">Src. Stole +2</neck>
<waist>Sacro Cord</waist>
<ear1>Regal Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Malignance Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Mujin Band</ring1>
<ring2>Freke Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S81383595743748541542533">Taranus's Cape</back> <!-- INT+30 M.Acc/M.Dmg+20 MAB+10 DT-5 -->
Here is another option, I use with a focus on Earth Elemental Bonuses, like in V20 Ongo. (I have not tried v25 yet): Code xml
<set name="MagicBurstRelicEarth">
<main>Bunzi's Rod</main>
<sub>Ammurapi Shield</sub>
<ammo>Ghastly Tathlum +1</ammo>
<head>Ea Hat +1</head>
<body>Ea Houppe. +1</body>
<hands>Agwu's Gages</hands>
<legs>Ea Slops +1</legs>
<feet>Agwu's Pigaches</feet>
<neck>Quanpur Necklace</neck>
<ear1>Regal Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Malignance Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Mujin Band</ring1>
<ring2>Freke Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S81383595743748541542533">Taranus's Cape</back> <!-- INT+30 M.Acc/M.Dmg+20 MAB+10 DT-5 -->
Edit: Sorry for the necro
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1435
By Asura.Toralin 2023-07-03 21:00:38
By Felgarr 2023-07-03 21:29:13
Thank you for sharing this set. Could I use this set with Mythic + Khonsu or some other MAB grip? Is there a staff equivalent? I just can't give up Myrkr in a pinch.
Also, I only have R25 Agwu, but I'll keep R30 in mind. ;)
By zixxer 2023-07-03 22:22:57
I'm using the exact same set.
By zixxer 2023-07-03 22:28:03
Thank you for sharing this set. Could I use this set with Mythic + Khonsu or some other MAB grip? Is there a staff equivalent? I just can't give up Myrkr in a pinch.
Also, I only have R25 Agwu, but I'll keep R30 in mind. ;)
Mpaca staff + Enki is a good combo.
But if you can find a way to make your mp manageable while using bunzi rod instead, it will provide better dps.
I bring loads of coalition ethers, vile elixir/+1, a sublimation charge that's been pre-charged before entering sortie. Mana well, Manafont and if there's zero other options you can always toggle in speakona body for free nukes.
By Felgarr 2023-07-03 23:01:36
Thank you for sharing this set. Could I use this set with Mythic + Khonsu or some other MAB grip? Is there a staff equivalent? I just can't give up Myrkr in a pinch.
Also, I only have R25 Agwu, but I'll keep R30 in mind. ;)
Mpaca staff + Enki is a good combo.
But if you can find a way to make your mp manageable while using bunzi rod instead, it will provide better dps.
I bring loads of coalition ethers, vile elixir/+1, a sublimation charge that's been pre-charged before entering sortie. Mana well, Manafont and if there's zero other options you can always toggle in speakona body for free nukes.
Thank you for sharing. Yes, I do have Spaekona Body toggle as well as an Occult Occumen set, which returns 1000 TP for Myrkr, and makes doing so with Thunder6, effectively FREE:
Code xml
This is a free Myrkr set which contains 111 Occult Acumen in gear and +50 Store TP. (BLM gets +50 Occult Acumen in Traits)
For Thunder6 costing 437MP, the total amount of Occult Acument needed to reach 1000 TP is:
1000/437 = 2.28, rounding up to 229, subtract 50 from BLM traits = 179 Total Occult Acumen is needed. (No decimal points in FFXI gear stats)
However, it's only possible to get 161 Occult in gear, so we need to add Store TP to reach 1000 TP when casting Thunder 6:
Per BG Wiki formula:
TP Gain = floor(Original MP Cost × Occult Acumen × (1 + (Total Store TP/100)))/100
Total StoreTP = −100(OccultAcumen*MP Cost) +10000000 / (OccultAcumen * MP Cost)
= (−100(161*437) +10000000 )/ (161*437)
= 42.132
= +43 Store TP needed to reach 1000 TP!
Meanwhile, the maximum store TP we can gear with 161 Occult Acumen is +50 STP.
So: ((437 × (161) × (1 + (50/100)))/100) = 1055 TP returned
<set name="OccultAcumen">
<main>Khatvanga</main> <!-- Occult Acumen+30 -->
<ammo>Seraphic Ampulla</ammo> <!-- Occult Acumen+7 -->
<head>Mall. Chapeau +2</head> <!-- Occult Acumen+11 -->
<legs>Perdition Slops</legs> <!-- Occult Acumen+30 -->
<waist>Patentia Sash</waist> <!-- Store TP+5 -->
<waist>Oneiros Rope</waist> <!-- Occult Acumen+2 percent TP/MP -->
<sub>Bloodrain Strap</sub> <!-- Store TP+6 -->
<neck>Combatant's Torque</neck> <!-- Store TP+4 -->
<ear1>Telos Earring</ear1> <!-- Store TP+5 -->
<ear2>Dedition Earring</ear2> <!-- Store TP+8 -->
<ring1>Chirich Ring +1</ring1> <!-- Store TP+6 -->
<ring2>Chirich Ring +1</ring2> <!-- Store TP+6 -->
<back>Taranus's Cape</back> <!-- Store TP+10 -->
<body augment="S3740622792717324611">Merlinic Jubbah</body> <!-- OA+11 MND+5 M.Acc+13 MAB+19-->
<hands augment="S19809746933795">Merlinic Dastanas</hands> <!-- OA+11 INT+3 M.Acc+28 -->
<feet augment="S1210274029">Merlinic Crackows</feet> <!-- OA+11 M.Acc+ 10 -->
I show both waist options, but you only need one of them.
Anyway, even if club/shield is better, I'll make the rest of the set (Only need to +3 Wicce Body, and my Agwu pieces are R25). I might sound like I'm intentionally gimping myself compared to the most optimal burst setup, but I'll stick with my R15 Laevateinn and Enki Strap, for now. Having the Occult Occumen set above along with Staff-nuking, ensures I basically have infinite MP, at the cost a single Thunder6->Myrkr usage.
By zixxer 2023-07-04 18:04:39
Went blm yesterday for sortie (we got bored of melee strat and wanted to do MB strat) and this was the parse with the same set that Toralin posted.
21:52:09(Zixxer) Dmg: Zixxer 4022250(40.0%), GEO 2212899(22.0%), SCH 1979464(19.7%), SCH 1474528(14.7%)
21:52:11(Zixxer) RUN 183783(1.8%), COR 100323(1.0%), Skillchain(RUN) 35181(0.3%), Skillchain(COR) 22586(0.2%)
8/8 boss and the parse is filtered to show only the 8 bosses.
Used sublimation twice, vile elixir +1, and 10 coalition ethers. Didn't get to use manafont.
Names on the parse is redacted because I didn't ask for permission and if it was ok to share.
By Felgarr 2023-07-04 20:21:39
Went blm yesterday for sortie (we got bored of melee strat and wanted to do MB strat) and this was the parse with the same set that Toralin posted.
21:52:09(Zixxer) Dmg: Zixxer 4022250(40.0%), GEO 2212899(22.0%), SCH 1979464(19.7%), SCH 1474528(14.7%)
21:52:11(Zixxer) RUN 183783(1.8%), COR 100323(1.0%), Skillchain(RUN) 35181(0.3%), Skillchain(COR) 22586(0.2%)
8/8 boss and the parse is filtered to show only the 8 bosses.
Used sublimation twice, vile elixir +1, and 10 coalition ethers. Didn't get to use manafont.
Names on the parse is redacted because I didn't ask for permission and if it was ok to share.
Thanks for sharing. (I don't think anyone was doubting the viability of Toralin's set, but I'll see how my numbers compare during my next run in 1 or 2 days).
Question for the group: Does /SCH provide a huge benefit in offensive capability? I tend to go sub RDM out of habit (from the Death-spam pre-Nuke-Wall days).
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-07-04 20:27:48
I didn't switch off /rdm in Sortie until ML30+ on BLM and /sch got 2 major improvements- 1. Sublimation gains strength to where it surpasses even the best-intentioned NQ Refresh from /rdm, and 2. Ebuillence. Its really all I use my charges on BLM in there, outside of the occasional Manifestation for Break (having Breakga naturally eliminates a large chunk of its need).
I definitely like having Ebuillence for 3 chains every boss, and find it a very valuable increase in damage output for lower tier nukes.
By Felgarr 2023-07-04 20:53:27
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »I didn't switch off /rdm in Sortie until ML30+ on BLM and /sch got 2 major improvements- 1. Sublimation gains strength to where it surpasses even the best-intentioned NQ Refresh from /rdm, and 2. Ebuillence. Its really all I use my charges on BLM in there, outside of the occasional Manifestation for Break (having Breakga naturally eliminates a large chunk of its need).
I definitely like having Ebuillence for 3 chains every boss, and find it a very valuable increase in damage output for lower tier nukes.
Thanks. Yeah, my BLM is only ML22 or so, but this is great to keep in mind. I can't wait to try it out when I hit ML30+
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1435
By Asura.Toralin 2023-07-05 09:22:52
the only real arguement for /rdm is the convert, for one of those annoying times the boss keeps changing elements and your rayke/gambit/weather is on the wrong element and your continually laying down high tier nukes.
bosses should be dying in 1-2 skillchains, besides Aita and Gartell.(if you are extending them properly)
By Felgarr 2023-07-10 04:06:22
the only real arguement for /rdm is the convert, for one of those annoying times the boss keeps changing elements and your rayke/gambit/weather is on the wrong element and your continually laying down high tier nukes.
bosses should be dying in 1-2 skillchains, besides Aita and Gartell.(if you are extending them properly)
1-2 skillchains, yes, that seems to be the expectation in my sortie group. Could you tell me about the expectation around not using high-tier nukes? When I played BLM heavily before/after the Nuke wall became a thing, if I had the single skillchain all to myself, I could do Tier 6 > -ja spell > Tier 5 spell in a single skillchain. As a Black Mage, what's the appropriate tiers to use for Triboulex/Gartel, etc in a single skillchain window?
Also, second question, this is the Drain/Aspir set I'm aiming for:
ItemSet 386460
...But I'm just using the NQ earring until my luck improves. Also, I don't have the AF1+3 legs yet. Hopefully, I can get them during the omen campaign. What's a decent alternative legs to hold me over until then?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2023-07-10 05:38:17
the only real arguement for /rdm is the convert, for one of those annoying times the boss keeps changing elements and your rayke/gambit/weather is on the wrong element and your continually laying down high tier nukes.
bosses should be dying in 1-2 skillchains, besides Aita and Gartell.(if you are extending them properly)
1-2 skillchains, yes, that seems to be the expectation in my sortie group. Could you tell me about the expectation around not using high-tier nukes? When I played BLM heavily before/after the Nuke wall became a thing, if I had the single skillchain all to myself, I could do Tier 6 > -ja spell > Tier 5 spell in a single skillchain. As a Black Mage, what's the appropriate tiers to use for Triboulex/Gartel, etc in a single skillchain window?
Also, second question, this is the Drain/Aspir set I'm aiming for:
ItemSet 386460
...But I'm just using the NQ earring until my luck improves. Also, I don't have the AF1+3 legs yet. Hopefully, I can get them during the omen campaign. What's a decent alternative legs to hold me over until then? I mean the +2 af legs are the alternative tbh.
By Felgarr 2023-07-10 05:48:28
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »I mean the +2 af legs are the alternative tbh.
You are correct. This is what I deserve for doing gear updates at 4AM. Any opinions on the lower tier nuke order?
By lumengrid 2023-07-10 08:14:26
i sometimes sneak in T2/3 nukes if the others are still on recast, the boss is still alive, and theres a window open (this doesnt happen that often)
typically i rotate -ja then 6 then 4/5
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1435
By Asura.Toralin 2023-07-10 09:21:05
when your doing a fire skillchain it should look something like
SCH Liquefication > Fusion -> Externator -> Dimidiation
You can easily get ja/6/5/4/3, back to 5 depending on your haste/recast situation. and if your cor and run, understand how to maximum the time the window is open.
I also agree nuking the element inbetween skillchains you can land a 20-40k nuke if your Gambit/Rayke and other debuffs are on the bosses. Its not just like 5k.
tip: on boss A/E yes Stone works better, but why use Stone when you can kill it faster with 1 long fire skillchain.
derail: on GEO I do tier 5/4/3/2/5/4 on skillchain above
By Pantafernando 2023-07-10 09:58:50
In theory, you can do stone > aero > stone, but the required coordination should be high.
Also, im not sure if there is something going on with lag, but when i run a small script of aero wait 4 geohelix, generally it works well outside. But in sortie, i had to review it and do aero wait 8 geohelix for it to start bursting.
Im not sure why such difference, if its the environment or the computer processing. Kinda annoying
By Felgarr 2023-07-10 18:20:06
the only real arguement for /rdm is the convert, for one of those annoying times the boss keeps changing elements and your rayke/gambit/weather is on the wrong element and your continually laying down high tier nukes.
bosses should be dying in 1-2 skillchains, besides Aita and Gartell.(if you are extending them properly)
1-2 skillchains, yes, that seems to be the expectation in my sortie group. Could you tell me about the expectation around not using high-tier nukes? When I played BLM heavily before/after the Nuke wall became a thing, if I had the single skillchain all to myself, I could do Tier 6 > -ja spell > Tier 5 spell in a single skillchain. As a Black Mage, what's the appropriate tiers to use for Triboulex/Gartel, etc in a single skillchain window?
Also, second question, this is the Drain/Aspir set I'm aiming for:
ItemSet 386460
...But I'm just using the NQ earring until my luck improves. Also, I don't have the AF1+3 legs yet. Hopefully, I can get them during the omen campaign. What's a decent alternative legs to hold me over until then?
In my drain/aspir set, what augments should I use on the Taranus Cape? (I also have a Bane cape with Dark Magic Skill +10). Just wanted to get some feedback before I spend my ambuscade JSE materials.
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[37 days between previous and next post]
By Felgarr 2023-08-16 18:04:59
Bump bump.
Is there a particular preference for JSE capes when it comes to Dark/Aspir set? Ambuscade vs Skirmish?
Also for a free-nuke set, is it basically just all Wicce+3? Max M.Acc + Max. MAB?

Artwork done by Chiyoy
Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
So I’ve never written a guide and I don’t claim to be an expert, but I wanted to try and write out a guide for Black Mage. I’ve always really enjoyed the job and it is one of the jobs that (sadly) didn’t have a guide for it until now.
I will try and keep this updated as much as I can. Gear wise, I will try to keep a low/mid/high tier sets up.
As I am only human, there may be mistakes within this guide or changes that may need to be made. Feel free to send me a PM, reply, discuss, debate, make suggestions, etc. I will add and change things as needed.