Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-04-18 07:43:13
I don't believe either way is really ideal. Cycling can be slow, and highest-available spell deprives you of control.
The simplest method is just to edit your windower4/scripts/init.txt with the following: Code // *** MACRO PALETTE HOTKEYS ***
bind @1 input /macro set 1
bind @2 input /macro set 2
bind @3 input /macro set 3
bind @4 input /macro set 4
bind @5 input /macro set 5
bind @6 input /macro set 6
bind @7 input /macro set 7
bind @8 input /macro set 8
bind @9 input /macro set 9
bind @0 input /macro set 10
Winkey-# will quickly jump to your desired palette number. It's fast, and allows you to set up your palettes in any way you wish. Works across all jobs, too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-04-18 08:08:10
Quetzalcoatl.Haxxor said: »Some good ideas on macro setups. Having to toggle elements though doesn't seem efficient. I'll share this. It's not the best for some stuff but for just spamming your highest available spells, works well.
Copying code within FFXIAH always messes the layout so I also addded the pastebin.
function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
refine_various_spells(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
--Refine Nuke Spells
function refine_various_spells(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
aspirs = S{'Aspir','Aspir II','Aspir III'}
sleeps = S{'Sleep II','Sleep'}
sleepgas = S{'Sleepga II','Sleepga'}
nukes = S{'Fire', 'Blizzard', 'Aero', 'Stone', 'Thunder', 'Water',
'Fire II', 'Blizzard II', 'Aero II', 'Stone II', 'Thunder II', 'Water II',
'Fire III', 'Blizzard III', 'Aero III', 'Stone III', 'Thunder III', 'Water III',
'Fire IV', 'Blizzard IV', 'Aero IV', 'Stone IV', 'Thunder IV', 'Water IV',
'Fire V', 'Blizzard V', 'Aero V', 'Stone V', 'Thunder V', 'Water V',
'Fire VI', 'Blizzard VI', 'Aero VI', 'Stone VI', 'Thunder VI', 'Water VI',
'Firaga', 'Blizzaga', 'Aeroga', 'Stonega', 'Thundaga', 'Waterga',
'Firaga II', 'Blizzaga II', 'Aeroga II', 'Stonega II', 'Thundaga II', 'Waterga II',
'Firaga III', 'Blizzaga III', 'Aeroga III', 'Stonega III', 'Thundaga III', 'Waterga III',
'Firaja', 'Blizzaja', 'Aeroja', 'Stoneja', 'Thundaja', 'Waterja',
cures = S{'Cure IV','Cure V','Cure IV','Cure III','Curaga III','Curaga II', 'Curaga',}
if spell.skill == 'Healing Magic' then
if not cures:contains(spell.english) then
local newSpell = spell.english
local spell_recasts = windower.ffxi.get_spell_recasts()
local cancelling = 'All '..spell.english..' spells are on cooldown. Cancelling spell casting.'
if spell_recasts[spell.recast_id] > 0 then
if cures:contains(spell.english) then
if spell.english == 'Cure' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Cure IV' then
newSpell = 'Cure V'
elseif spell.english == 'Cure V' then
newSpell = 'Cure IV'
elseif spell.english == 'Cure IV' then
newSpell = 'Cure III'
if newSpell ~= spell.english then
send_command('@input /ma "'..newSpell..'" '..tostring(spell.target.raw))
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.skill == 'Dark Magic' then
if not aspirs:contains(spell.english) then
local newSpell = spell.english
local spell_recasts = windower.ffxi.get_spell_recasts()
local cancelling = 'All '..spell.english..' spells are on cooldown. Cancelling spell casting.'
if spell_recasts[spell.recast_id] > 0 then
if aspirs:contains(spell.english) then
if spell.english == 'Aspir' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Aspir II' then
newSpell = 'Aspir'
elseif spell.english == 'Aspir III' then
newSpell = 'Aspir II'
if newSpell ~= spell.english then
send_command('@input /ma "'..newSpell..'" '..tostring(spell.target.raw))
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.skill == 'Elemental Magic' then
if not sleepgas:contains(spell.english) and not sleeps:contains(spell.english) and not nukes:contains(spell.english) then
local newSpell = spell.english
local spell_recasts = windower.ffxi.get_spell_recasts()
local cancelling = 'All '..spell.english..' spells are on cooldown. Cancelling spell casting.'
if spell_recasts[spell.recast_id] > 0 then
if sleeps:contains(spell.english) then
if spell.english == 'Sleep' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Sleep II' then
newSpell = 'Sleep'
elseif sleepgas:contains(spell.english) then
if spell.english == 'Sleepga' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Sleepga II' then
newSpell = 'Sleepga'
elseif nukes:contains(spell.english) then
if spell.english == 'Fire' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Fire VI' then
newSpell = 'Fire V'
elseif spell.english == 'Fire V' then
newSpell = 'Fire IV'
elseif spell.english == 'Fire IV' then
newSpell = 'Fire III'
elseif spell.english == 'Fire II' then
newSpell = 'Fire'
elseif spell.english == 'Firaja' then
newSpell = 'Firaga III'
elseif spell.english == 'Firaga II' then
newSpell = 'Firaga'
if spell.english == 'Blizzard' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Blizzard VI' then
newSpell = 'Blizzard V'
elseif spell.english == 'Blizzard V' then
newSpell = 'Blizzard IV'
elseif spell.english == 'Blizzard IV' then
newSpell = 'Blizzard III'
elseif spell.english == 'Blizzard II' then
newSpell = 'Blizzard'
elseif spell.english == 'Blizzaja' then
newSpell = 'Blizzaga III'
elseif spell.english == 'Blizzaga II' then
newSpell = 'Blizzaga'
if spell.english == 'Aero' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Aero VI' then
newSpell = 'Aero V'
elseif spell.english == 'Aero V' then
newSpell = 'Aero IV'
elseif spell.english == 'Aero IV' then
newSpell = 'Aero III'
elseif spell.english == 'Aero II' then
newSpell = 'Aero'
elseif spell.english == 'Aeroja' then
newSpell = 'Aeroga III'
elseif spell.english == 'Aeroga II' then
newSpell = 'Aeroga'
if spell.english == 'Stone' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Stone VI' then
newSpell = 'Stone V'
elseif spell.english == 'Stone V' then
newSpell = 'Stone IV'
elseif spell.english == 'Stone IV' then
newSpell = 'Stone III'
elseif spell.english == 'Stone II' then
newSpell = 'Stone'
elseif spell.english == 'Stoneja' then
newSpell = 'Stonega III'
elseif spell.english == 'Stonega II' then
newSpell = 'Stonega'
if spell.english == 'Thunder' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Thunder VI' then
newSpell = 'Thunder V'
elseif spell.english == 'Thunder V' then
newSpell = 'Thunder IV'
elseif spell.english == 'Thunder IV' then
newSpell = 'Thunder III'
elseif spell.english == 'Thunder II' then
newSpell = 'Thunder'
elseif spell.english == 'Thundaja' then
newSpell = 'Thundaga III'
elseif spell.english == 'Thundaga II' then
newSpell = 'Thundaga'
if spell.english == 'Water' then
eventArgs.cancel = true
elseif spell.english == 'Water VI' then
newSpell = 'Water V'
elseif spell.english == 'Water V' then
newSpell = 'Water IV'
elseif spell.english == 'Water IV' then
newSpell = 'Water III'
elseif spell.english == 'Water II' then
newSpell = 'Water'
elseif spell.english == 'Waterja' then
newSpell = 'Waterga III'
elseif spell.english == 'Waterga II' then
newSpell = 'Waterga'
if newSpell ~= spell.english then
send_command('@input /ma "'..newSpell..'" '..tostring(spell.target.raw))
eventArgs.cancel = true
Not sure if that is what you are looking for, but maybe it gives you an idea.
Oh ***, is this auto-downranking like I think it is? LS mate put code like this in for my GEO dualbox and I've missed it terribly since dabbling with BLM.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2017-04-18 08:19:20
I don't see how that's any more efficient than this: Code CTRL:
1: /console gs c set nuketype Earth
2: /console gs c set nuketype Wind
3: /console gs c set nuketype Ice
4: /console gs c set nuketype Fire
5: /console gs c set nuketype Water
6: /console gs c set nuketype Lightning
7: /console gs c set nuketype Light
8: /console gs c set nuketype Dark
It requires 8 rows of macros for nukes versus one row of macros for nukes.
For example, on CTRL I have Code
1.Casting Mode (Normal, M.Acc, Burst, Spaekona's etc.)
2.Cycle elements
8.Aspir II
10.AM II
And on ALT I have tier 1-6, aga 1-3 and aja.
I have a few rows of buffs, sleeps, debuffs etc. and I still have room for your style set up just in case GS is down after an update (which I do in fact still have for just that reason).
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-04-18 08:26:31
If your goal is to minimize the # of palettes you have to write/maintain, then sure, go with that auto-deprecation method.
If your goal is to be mp-efficient, flexible, and situationally responsive then automatic deprecation will hamper you.
Oops, you were using Tilanna's way. I guess the way you set it up works too, but you're basically stuck dedicating an entire row to element changes. If you could key bind those to something else (like winkey 0-9) that could be a nice way to handle it.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2017-04-18 08:38:33
Yeah, You can do that. I set mine up on macros because I play with an xbox controller from my couch half the time. Keybinds definitely make more sense when I'm at my desktop though.
By Feanorsof 2017-04-18 11:27:16
I use a Logitech G910 with the G-keys assigned to elements, the nice thing is you can set each key to the corresponding colour of the element. I then use the keyboard software to run macros which execute a windower keybind file
Colours look a lot more prominent then the picture shows.
I then add an echo to the file so I can see when i've changed element
input /echo BLM FIRE SET GO!
keyboard_bind ^1 input /ma "Refresh" <me>;
keyboard_bind ^2 input /ma "Haste" <me>;
keyboard_bind ^3 input /ma "Fire III" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^4 input /ma "Fire IV" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^5 input /ma "Fire V" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^6 input /ma "Fire VI" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^7 input /ma "Firaja" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^8 input /ma "Cure IV" <me>;
keyboard_bind ^9 input /ws "Myrkr" <me>;
keyboard_bind ^0 input /ma "Aspir III" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^- input /ma "Aspir II" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^= input /ma "Sleep II" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^w input /ma "Warp" <me>;
keyboard_bind ^[ input /ja "Convert" <me>;
keyboard_bind ^] input /ja "Elemental Seal" <me>;
keyboard_bind !` input /ma
keyboard_bind !1 input /ma "Aquaveil" <me>;
keyboard_bind !2 input /ma "Stoneskin" <me>;
keyboard_bind !3 input /ma "Burn" <t>;
keyboard_bind !4 input /ma "Distract" <t>;
keyboard_bind !5 input /ma "Frazzle" <t>;
keyboard_bind !6 input /ma "Drain" <t>;
keyboard_bind !7 input /ma "Firaga III" <t>;
keyboard_bind !8 input /ma "Cure IV" <t>;
keyboard_bind !9 input /ma "Distract" <t>;
keyboard_bind !0 input /ma "Aspir" <t>;
keyboard_bind !- input /ma "Breakga" <t>;
keyboard_bind != input /ma "Sleepga II" <t>;
keyboard_bind !w input /ma "Warp II" <t>;
keyboard_bind ^t input /ja "Alacrity" <me>;
keyboard_bind ^k input /ma "Klimaform" <me>;
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1395
By Asura.Toralin 2017-05-10 09:58:33
Guess we need to figure out MBII cap
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2017-05-12 10:08:44
My SCH got *** with the new Armors. I come to BLM Forums to at least see some mathed out new cool sets to get high. But there is nothing here !
Someone get off their butt and make a presentation thx !
By geigei 2017-05-12 10:10:59
Crafters thinking they hit jackpot! charging x4 mat cost for nq pieces.
By minikomby 2017-05-12 10:19:39
Cerberus.Mrkillface said: »I don't see how that's any more efficient than this: Code CTRL:
1: /console gs c set nuketype Earth
2: /console gs c set nuketype Wind
3: /console gs c set nuketype Ice
4: /console gs c set nuketype Fire
5: /console gs c set nuketype Water
6: /console gs c set nuketype Lightning
7: /console gs c set nuketype Light
8: /console gs c set nuketype Dark
It requires 8 rows of macros for nukes versus one row of macros for nukes.
For example, on CTRL I have Code
1.Casting Mode (Normal, M.Acc, Burst, Spaekona's etc.)
2.Cycle elements
8.Aspir II
10.AM II
And on ALT I have tier 1-6, aga 1-3 and aja.
I have a few rows of buffs, sleeps, debuffs etc. and I still have room for your style set up just in case GS is down after an update (which I do in fact still have for just that reason).
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2017-05-12 11:18:52
Crafters thinking they hit jackpot! charging x4 mat cost for nq pieces.
You are still allowed to theorycraft !
It's not like the materials are locked behind some time gated event this time.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 138
By Quetzalcoatl.Chanceikin 2017-05-12 11:52:46
+3 gloves wont even come close to amalric nq, and thats for death, on elemental is even worse. Math it before spreading disease.
Did you math this out considering Reisenjima t4s? Because BLM is kind of a rare use outside of there.. at least for us. On a lot of the Reis T4s and again, this is really one of the only notable places where we're suiting blms, wouldn't breaking the macc gap (resists) make up for the loss of mab?
By geigei 2017-05-13 03:11:46
Was pre geo changes, i'm considering some blm af pieces now for T4 but with new gear i'll just hold.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Odin.Taffy 2017-05-15 09:21:27
Was pre geo changes, i'm considering some blm af pieces now for T4 but with new gear i'll just hold.
Your statement was not pre-geo changes. The whole premise of the discussion was that I was suggesting AF+3 over Amalric +2 DUE to the MACC need because of the changes.
FYI - AF+3 wins.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2212
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2017-05-15 09:49:22
Quetzalcoatl.Chanceikin said: »Math it before spreading disease.
By geigei 2017-05-15 10:04:54
Can i see what formula you used?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2212
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2017-05-15 13:50:42
Till math is presented i dont think 2% mburst2 beats a ton of of mab
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Asura.Bratgurl 2017-05-15 14:36:06
I have started using af1 +3 hands and feet with the regal earring and there is a noticeable difference. Its like the geo nerf never happened. Just my 2 cents.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Asura.Bratgurl 2017-05-15 14:36:56
That and the new food with 90 macc. Then factor in the extra macc from the set bonus. On top of the really high macc on those pieces.
By geigei 2017-05-15 14:48:52
Even full set wont come close to what geo was doing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 216
By Asura.Lordoftheseven 2017-05-15 14:55:23
I have started using af1 +3 hands and feet with the regal earring and there is a noticeable difference. Its like the geo nerf never happened. Just my 2 cents. We are not poor we don't need your money BG :P
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Asura.Bratgurl 2017-05-15 14:55:51
Once again, just my 2 cents, i swapped those pieces out and am not having issues. The macc and int gains from the AF1 +3 pieces vs the amalric hands and merlinic feet are worth it. Now i am talking about for T4 Reisenjima nm's. Not ambuscade. Macc is everything now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Asura.Bratgurl 2017-05-15 14:56:38
Asura.Lordoftheseven said: »I have started using af1 +3 hands and feet with the regal earring and there is a noticeable difference. Its like the geo nerf never happened. Just my 2 cents. We are not poor we don't need your money BG :P
2 cents is about all i have left after buying that food.. lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 216
By Asura.Lordoftheseven 2017-05-15 15:05:02
The lord will make you rich again :P
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 138
By Quetzalcoatl.Chanceikin 2017-05-15 15:19:53
Till math is presented i dont think 2% mburst2 beats a ton of of mab
I think you're missing the point also. Amalric NQs will beat af1+3 hands on trash mobs. There's no need for math or discussion there.
Now on Reis t4s, the AF1+3 > Amalric NQ. These are mobs that you need a ton of macc to land unresisted since the nerf.
If you want math, bring your old pre-nerf set and do Vinipata MB setup. Dude resists everything.. add the higher macc lower mab pieces like af1+3 hands and see how much more damage you do.
By geigei 2017-05-15 15:32:21
U must have a magical pair of hands with 300macc then.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 138
By Quetzalcoatl.Chanceikin 2017-05-15 15:59:07
U must have a magical pair of hands with 300macc then.
The difference in MACC is 48 over Amalric. It's not 300, but it's 1/6th of three hundred. Not sure if you're a troll or not, but it's significant on mobs that matter.
Do you play melee jobs and just stack attack on them without enough accuracy to hit the mob?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2212
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2017-05-15 17:42:28
Quetzalcoatl.Chanceikin said: »Now on Reis t4s, the AF1+3 > Amalric NQ. These are mobs that you need a ton of macc to land unresisted since the nerf.
With brd rdm geox2 Cor and WeatherII's that should be enough macc but I guess if your in a situation where your support isn't top notch the extra macc would be helpful
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Odin.Taffy 2017-05-16 09:22:40
This discussion is pointless now anyway as the new EA gear hands will win surely? They have 11 more Int, 24 more macc and 5 MBD while keeping the 5 MBD 2. The extra 5 MBD here allows you to drop some MBD from other slots. I just bought the NQ EA head body and hands and intend to test tomorrow on 3x Kei runs vs my current setup. The legs and feet are lackluster and I don't see a place for them but basically for Elemental magic I'm picking up an additional 14 MBD 2 8 Macc (vs my current augments on merlinic) and 20 INT while only dropping 7 MAB. That also freed me up to reroll my legs not needing the 9 MBD i previously needed (as I picked up an extra 5 on the hands) and I rolled a 37 Macc, 35 MAB 6 MBD which puts me 2 over MBD cap but them legs roll more than made up for what I dropped in MAB alone. Also this will allow me to swap my Grio in for Lathi and Pixie hairpin in and keep my MP pool above 2200 while keeping all the MBD and MBD2. I'm pretty excited to test it but my feeling is going to see much more reliable numbers with this new set. And this is without even considering the HQ set yet as prices aren't close to settled....
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 236
By Asura.Neufko 2017-05-16 11:02:47
This discussion is pointless now anyway as the new EA gear hands will win surely? They have 11 more Int, 24 more macc and 5 MBD while keeping the 5 MBD 2. The extra 5 MBD here allows you to drop some MBD from other slots. I just bought the NQ EA head body and hands and intend to test tomorrow on 3x Kei runs vs my current setup. The legs and feet are lackluster and I don't see a place for them but basically for Elemental magic I'm picking up an additional 14 MBD 2 8 Macc (vs my current augments on merlinic) and 20 INT while only dropping 7 MAB. That also freed me up to reroll my legs not needing the 9 MBD i previously needed (as I picked up an extra 5 on the hands) and I rolled a 37 Macc, 35 MAB 6 MBD which puts me 2 over MBD cap but them legs roll more than made up for what I dropped in MAB alone. Also this will allow me to swap my Grio in for Lathi and Pixie hairpin in and keep my MP pool above 2200 while keeping all the MBD and MBD2. I'm pretty excited to test it but my feeling is going to see much more reliable numbers with this new set. And this is without even considering the HQ set yet as prices aren't close to settled....
You're not taking Augment into account. INT+10 Macc+15 Mab+15.
Ea cuffs have then 1 more INT, 8 Mdb less, 11 more Macc (considering Elemental skill on amalric).
Head and body are surely good for a max damage burst set, but the hands are not worth 10M if you're capped on MBD v1.
I still have a high macc burst set including AF1+3 Body and hands.
Current Max MB
ItemSet 351281
High Acc MB
ItemSet 351280
Artwork done by Chiyoy
Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
So I’ve never written a guide and I don’t claim to be an expert, but I wanted to try and write out a guide for Black Mage. I’ve always really enjoyed the job and it is one of the jobs that (sadly) didn’t have a guide for it until now.
I will try and keep this updated as much as I can. Gear wise, I will try to keep a low/mid/high tier sets up.
As I am only human, there may be mistakes within this guide or changes that may need to be made. Feel free to send me a PM, reply, discuss, debate, make suggestions, etc. I will add and change things as needed.