What is a good BLM PDT set these days for use with manawall?
Taranus's Cape + Wicce Sabbots +1 then toss on whatever PDT you have. With those two items and capped job points in Mana Wall you wont be taking much damage at all anyway.
Is the first page still showing best in slot for each situation?
No, it's a bunch of sets. If you don't have every item in the set some pieces may be needed to be changed around (Anything with set bonus, death sets, and MB sets can vary in this way... maybe more).
MB sets: get as close to capped MBD (40%, not including amalric gages and mujin band) as you can while maintaining high INT, MAB, and MACC. Job traits, job points, and gifts work outside of this cap.
Death sets: make sure none of your sets for death drop your MP below what MP your death set casts with.
Also, pretty sure they're not updated to include Taranus's Cape or optimized with Grio augments in mind.
Any MB set without amalric +1 is going to heavily vary based on the MBD augments you get on merlinic.
All right.
What should I do about the Rare/Ex items crafted through synergy? I don't know the first thing about crafting anything other than corpses.
As far as I know, you just have to find a synergist to help you craft them. You can claim a furnace and put the items in, and they can craft it for you I think. Dont quote me on it though, but from what I could figure out Synergy is a group crafting thing.
Yes, but Synergy does not need to be done by a group.