Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3012
By Fenrir.Leoheart 2013-05-02 11:56:23
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »for what it's worth...
Spirit Lantern
Though I don't see many times anyone would actually break one of those out anymore. for what it's worth I gave up on that CoP BCNM long ago, after beating it on many jobs and not getting the JS drop. Annoying waste of time
That and the limited uses pretty much sealed the deal for me.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 331
By Cerberus.Pukushu 2013-05-02 12:06:09
Since you are /brd you cat use wind instruments. This way wind skill will have no effect on your acc. (Musical earring and Bokwus Boots)
another decent macc earring is the goetia earring
overlooked the skills listed on musical earring, but the boots are for the macc and cast speed not the wind skill. there are a couple boots that are very similar. ill change earring to a macc one thx :)
By Chimerawizard 2013-05-02 12:33:53
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »for what it's worth...
Spirit Lantern
Though I don't see many times anyone would actually break one of those out anymore. for what it's worth I gave up on that CoP BCNM long ago, after beating it on many jobs and not getting the JS drop. Annoying waste of time It's not that bad. If you see a lightsday and you haven't done it in the last few days, run over, Trade the gob about 2716 (I think) then 1k. Play around in the BC for 10 minutes, faster if you have manafont ready. Then pray you got lucky.
If the fight starts to go bad, stun, bind w/e the guy and run around til the moblin cures you up enough to continue, or you drain/aspir'd enough to continue. Took me a few weeks trying whenever I was bored and saw lightsday pop up.
By Quetzacoatl 2013-05-02 12:52:21
Just post Low mid and high tier and link to Kaeko's LJ. BLM Done. Kaeko does testing on 14 now though, right? Probably easier to find specific posts in Kaeko's LJ to prevent confusion between XI stats and XIV stats
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2013-05-02 13:25:29
Since you are /brd you cat use wind instruments. This way wind skill will have no effect on your acc. (Musical earring and Bokwus Boots)
another decent macc earring is the goetia earring
overlooked the skills listed on musical earring, but the boots are for the macc and cast speed not the wind skill. there are a couple boots that are very similar. ill change earring to a macc one thx :)
ok not that it really matters, but i think Nares clogs would be better for blm singing set ^^; not that 6% song casting time would do much... threnody are fast cast anyways
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Ragnarok.Forsakengriever 2013-05-02 14:40:28
Okay I updated some stuff. :| Hopefully I got everything. Sorry for all the missed stuff. Added notes to a bunch of stuff and swapped some gear around for some of the sets. . _.;
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 331
By Cerberus.Pukushu 2013-05-02 14:51:14
ok not that it really matters, but i think Nares clogs would be better for blm singing set ^^; not that 6% song casting time would do much... threnody are fast cast anyways
sure. its about the same, but ill list the boot options. Bokwus boots, Orvail souliers, Wohpe's sabots and sweven boots +1 all have 7-8 macc an a variety of other modifiers.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Siren.Zerichtwo 2013-05-02 15:23:01
Reconsider some of this for your "stun" set-up. This set assumes you have Thunderstorm and Klimaform up from a SCH. Switch in Aureole if you've been Stunning the mob for a bit (resists) as well as Chela cape.
ItemSet 299493
And this for your refresh set. Mostly just switch heka's set with Spurrina coif (refresh +2 augment) and Orvail robe (refresh +2).
ItemSet 299495
By Chimerawizard 2013-05-02 15:40:33
Reconsider some of this for your "stun" set-up. This set assumes you have Thunderstorm and Klimaform up from a SCH. Switch in Aureole if you've been Stunning the mob for a bit (resists) as well as Chela cape.
ItemSet 299493changed body piece, I forgot that had m.acc on it.
Why do you want fast cast on hands legs and feet when you could get haste instead. Also, why 1% haste in ammo over occ. cast instantly. The back piece I understand since the listed back is currently unobtainable. I'll add goetia earring, same m.acc without the enmity +
Not trying to sound rude, typing on phone is annoying so fewer words=good
By Chimerawizard 2013-05-02 15:48:16
Ragnarok.Chronosphere said: »Cause BLM TP with the new weapons > nukes from a BLM.
I think I died a little inside.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Siren.Zerichtwo 2013-05-02 15:50:16
Reconsider some of this for your "stun" set-up. This set assumes you have Thunderstorm and Klimaform up from a SCH. Switch in Aureole if you've been Stunning the mob for a bit (resists) as well as Chela cape.
ItemSet 299493changed body piece, I forgot that had m.acc on it.
Why do you want fast cast on hands legs and feet when you could get haste instead. Also, why 1% haste in ammo over occ. cast instantly. The back piece I understand since the listed back is currently unobtainable. I'll add goetia earring, same m.acc without the enmity +
Not trying to sound rude, typing on phone is annoying so fewer words=good
! Forgot about Goetia earring. I had that earring because I have it laying over from my WHM (no MND+4 pearl atm). The Impatients and Hasty Pinion are interchangeable, it's more of a personal preference (chance for insta-cast or assured haste+1).
The legs are fast cast 10% which is 5% recast reduction.
Repartie are basically same as Rubeus feet and hands combo, but the hands never dropped, so their a more obtainable equivalent that can save inv. as well.
Also, that set would generally be better if you are only receiving ballads from your BRD, or no buffer (since it's impossible to get a WHM to haste anyone).
By Chimerawizard 2013-05-02 15:59:57
Click the link on the legs, It looks like whoever tested it when you last checked had their math wrong, I can't find anything about 10% fast cast. Otherwise that piece is f'ing godly.
Changed to Chelona boots+1. Was at the 25.4 or whatever haste cap with other feet anyway.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 96
By Siren.Taruina 2013-05-02 16:25:56
Click the link on the legs, It looks like whoever tested it when you last checked had their math wrong, I can't find anything about 10% fast cast. Otherwise that piece is f'ing godly.
Changed to Chelona boots+1. Was at the 25.4 or whatever haste cap with other feet anyway.
Damn, I guess I got old info~ty for the correction!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Ragnarok.Forsakengriever 2013-05-03 13:02:38
How does one go about getting a sticky for this thread?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-05-03 13:03:10
Just ask Aelius.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Aelius 2013-05-03 13:39:58
Everyone will need a towel now. This thread just got sticky.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2013-05-03 13:43:53
Everyone will need a towel now. This thread just got sticky.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Ragnarok.Forsakengriever 2013-05-03 16:17:24
Everyone will need a towel now. This thread just got sticky.
Haha ty for the sticky Aelius
By Chimerawizard 2013-05-04 19:41:22
I know there must be a Magic damage calculator out there somewhere. Only one I can remember finding hadn't been updated since lv75 cap.
This does not assume your job traits or group one merits, so make sure you enter them. it does assume default 100% mab and enemy mdb that they start from.
I got tired of trying to make rules for when twilight cape procs and for when iridescence, single weather and double weather are valid...so I just made each valid anytime they have a '1' set.
Really Bad Magic DMG Calculator
I JUST finished writing it, so please PM me with any errors you find. (not going to troubleshoot if it's only a slight difference between actual DMG and what my calculator gives).
edit: tried something since I've never posted anything from google drive. changed the link.
edit: weird QUOTIENT(x,y) discards any remainder. fixed that.
also, did not give it rules for which formula to use based on if player int is less than enemy int or if player int is greater than enemy int but past the inflection point / CAP D.
Calculater will wildly off #s in those cases.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Fenrir.Harrypooter 2013-05-04 20:57:24
This probably isn't important to most Black Mages, but the information is relevant to the guide. Magic accuracy and enfeebling skill are 1:1 with INT or MND until dStat (player INT or MND - mob INT or MND) hits +10-15, where it becomes 1:0.5. End effect is that against low stat mobs, where chances of resists are low, the potency wins out. Against high stat mobs you should be weighting gear as a combination of stat, enfeebling skill, and magic accuracy, 1:1:1, to determine which is best in slot, keeping in mind that stat equal or greater than (magic accuracy + enfeebling) should win out.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31
By Cerberus.Lawliett 2013-05-05 01:59:23
Well it appears this update just about Dethroned everything. Every piece of Bokwus (at the expense of 6000 RP) Can be augmented with Magic Attack Bonus +15, INT +10 and Macc +10, Making everything including Yaoyotl Gloves irrelevant. RP is gained through the use of Airlixirs when trading the new Delve gear to an NPC... Airlixir = 10 RP, Airlixir +1 = 50 RP and Airlixir +2 = 2,000 RP. +2's are 100,000 Plasm from NPC, and presumed to be dropped from the final bosses in Delve Fractions, which are currently undefeated. So the real highest tier Nuke builds will revolve around the full set of Bokwus after it's been upgraded to it's max potential.
Stage 3 out of 15, gonna be a long painful road.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Ragnarok.Forsakengriever 2013-05-05 12:46:46
Is there anywhere yet where you can see all the new potential augments? If there is it would be easier to update the high tier gear :(
By Chimerawizard 2013-05-05 13:08:25
Cerberus.Lawliett said: »Stage 3 out of 15, gonna be a long painful road.
 Damn, that is hawt, and you say it's a static 10INT 10m.acc and 15MAB for every piece of augmentable equipment in that set fully upgraded? Does that include the weapon?
Also, someone please give some feedback on the Magic DMG calculator.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Quetzalcoatl.Hidegger 2013-05-05 14:21:37
Cerberus.Lawliett said: »Well it appears this update just about Dethroned everything. Every piece of Bokwus (at the expense of 6000 RP) Can be augmented with Magic Attack Bonus +15, INT +10 and Macc +10, Making everything including Yaoyotl Gloves irrelevant. RP is gained through the use of Airlixirs when trading the new Delve gear to an NPC... Airlixir = 10 RP, Airlixir +1 = 50 RP and Airlixir +2 = 2,000 RP. +2's are 100,000 Plasm from NPC, and presumed to be dropped from the final bosses in Delve Fractions, which are currently undefeated. So the real highest tier Nuke builds will revolve around the full set of Bokwus after it's been upgraded to it's max potential.
Stage 3 out of 15, gonna be a long painful road.

Was just about to add that the new gear has some crazy augments and the dmg sets were outdated.
Other things to point out, chrysopoeia torque for refresh set on anyone that uses a single staff like emp, mythic, or the new MAB staves prevents from using owleyes and resetting TP, especially with the emp or mythic where the ws's give back MP or a decent aftermath.
the PDT/MDT sets should be revise so, if someone doesn't have Dring that items like lefay brais, plumb boots, or the aby pdt earrings are also viable options. and the MDT set should list gear with MDB as options also. Like magavon clogs or frock, dalmatica +1, shadow ring.
There is an enhancing set which I have never used on blm but no stoneskin set.
I wouldn't use witful belt in a fastcast set, I save that for a quickmagic combined set including dalmatica +1, impatiens, veneficium ring and the new cape and use that set for raise/reraise, warp, tele, or -na spells. Also there is a new fast cast head that will probably beat out nares and hyaline that you should keep an eye out for.
Enfeebling sets top tier will always be a magian II path staff before chatoyant.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Sylph.Leafe 2013-05-05 15:13:17
Not sure if this is the right place to be asking this, but does a Chatoyant Staff do anything to help Dark Magic spells like Drain/Aspir? I see it has the hidden effects of "All elements: Magic Potency +15% All elements: Magic Accuracy +30" but I'm a little unclear as to whether this includes Dark Magic or simply refers to all elements of Elemental Magic.
Just trying to figure out if I need to be switching to my Chatoyant Staff for these spells or if it's safe to have another weapon equipped (I'm thinking about this in the context of some jobs besides BLM, such as my GEO which may otherwise be better suited to wield a Club than a Staff, for example).

Artwork done by Chiyoy
Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
So I’ve never written a guide and I don’t claim to be an expert, but I wanted to try and write out a guide for Black Mage. I’ve always really enjoyed the job and it is one of the jobs that (sadly) didn’t have a guide for it until now.
I will try and keep this updated as much as I can. Gear wise, I will try to keep a low/mid/high tier sets up.
As I am only human, there may be mistakes within this guide or changes that may need to be made. Feel free to send me a PM, reply, discuss, debate, make suggestions, etc. I will add and change things as needed.