Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-07-18 17:41:58
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Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Random loosely related aside: I had a similar experience where I got a parry skill up from hitting a gnole. Was super confused till I figured out that I'd parried, and thus prevented, a counter. Neat.
Also loosely related, I noticed when fighting Putraxia as THF that he has phantom Counters.
Kinda like genbu? Nothing in the log, but you'd suddenly lose a shadow(again, no msg), or be missing a chunk of HP. <,<
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-07-18 18:04:42
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Random loosely related aside: I had a similar experience where I got a parry skill up from hitting a gnole. Was super confused till I figured out that I'd parried, and thus prevented, a counter. Neat.
Also loosely related, I noticed when fighting Putraxia as THF that he has phantom Counters.
Kinda like genbu? Nothing in the log, but you'd suddenly lose a shadow(again, no msg), or be missing a chunk of HP. <,<
Precisely. I hadn't noticed until I went THF, since as RUN, I take waaay less damage and dish out fewer swings.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2016-07-27 11:38:04
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Curious on the JSE cape's bonus to Embolden. Does that make embolden actually increase spell effectiveness by up to 65% or is it calculated differently?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-07-27 11:47:01
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It's a duration bonus.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2016-07-27 11:53:08
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Alright, that's much less complicated. Thanks.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Vazerus
Posts: 263
By Fenrir.Vazerus 2016-08-06 08:23:55
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If anyone's bored I would appreciate help on where I should really start getting new gear. I only decided to play around on the job because it mostly shares a lot of gear with the other stuff I enjoy, so I actually need to spend some time learning how to play it well. I would like to go in the direction of things both my outdated BLU/SAM/COR, and HQing certain AF/Relic/Empy armor is cool, too. Working on a Tizona, so I probably won't be trying for Epeolatry/Lionheart for at LEAST a long time.

Currently I have Aettir (NQ), AF/Relic/Empy NQ armors, Taeon with mostly TA/Acc augments, and a crapton of somewhat-relevant old accessories I used on BLU/SAM/COR:

Grip - Pole/Sword (currently Pole)

Ammo - Focal Orb, Honed Tathlum, Cheruski Needle, Jukukik Feather
Neck - Twilight, Asperity, Stoicheion, Magoraga Beads, Fotia.

Ear - Steelflash/Bladeborn, Dudgeon/Heartseeker, Friomisi/Hecate's, Moonshade, Ethereal, Suppanomimi, Brutal, Loquac., Pixie(lol?), Merman's +1 (lol?).

Ring - Epona's, Rajas, Shadow, Sheltered, K'ayres (from SAM), various NQ +8 rings.

Back - Envisionist's (3%DA, 1Enmity, 15Embolden) + Atheling, Shadow.

Waist - Flume +1, Windbuffet +1, Siegel Sash, Anguinus (acc for steps), Fotia.

Random stuff - Crimson Cuisses, Thaumas Gloves, Iuitl Wristbands (5ATK -3%Phys), Iuitl Gaiters (1DA, -3%Phys), old haste belts I don't really use (Cetl, Twilight, Goading).

I have Dimidiation, don't have Resolution (Requiescat, Shoha, Last Stand 5/5). Job point gifts are low, merited Rune Enhancement/Vallation 5/5, Battuta 5/5, Inspiration 4/5, Rayke 1/5. Haven't done the Adoulin story yet, so I'm a bit behind on Rhapsodies.

Thanks! If this gets passed over that's ok too; I'm mostly just bored between applying to new jobs before I head in to work, lol.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Vashkoda
Posts: 62
By Bismarck.Vashkoda 2016-08-06 10:26:09
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Fenrir.Vazerus said: »
If anyone's bored I would appreciate help on where I should really start getting new gear.

Your gear choices will depend on how seriously you want to play the job. RUN is above all else, a tanking job. If you want to dd, you should play those other jobs you've been gearing, instead. That's not to say you can't dd when you mess around on fodder, but no one is inviting you to serious events on RUN for anything but tanking or weakening a NM to nuking.

Since you don't have epeolatry (and even if you did), your first priority is capping your pdt. Can you do that with the gear you listed? If not, start there. Options include relic head, relic body, emp legs, emp feet (so obviously focus on getting those to 119), defending ring/augmented dark rings/other tanking rings, flume belt, envisionist cape with dt augments, loricate torque. At the same time, try to get gear that boosts your debuff resists, like hearty earring and staunch tathlum. Anything that boosts your parry rate is also nice, like ogma's cape and balarama grip. Finally, anything that raises your hp can also be very helpful. I'm not mentioning a mdt set because a lot of pieces are dt and cover it (and you don't need much to cap with Shell V on), but if you are low in that area, you can also work on that (I don't bother with a set that adds more mdb or meva for heavy nuking NMs, though for all I know, some RUNs do).

Once you have your tanking set, you can work on a ws set, a magic burst set (for lunge), a vivacious pulse set, and an enhancing magic boost/duration set. I'm pretty sure examples of these exist on the first page. You'll also want situational pieces like sheltered ring for pro/shell bonus, relic feet for rayke, an evisionists's cape for embolden duration, and Ogma's cape for valliance duration.
By Afania 2016-08-06 11:39:48
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Fenrir.Vazerus said: »
If anyone's bored I would appreciate help on where I should really start getting new gear. I only decided to play around on the job because it mostly shares a lot of gear with the other stuff I enjoy, so I actually need to spend some time learning how to play it well. I would like to go in the direction of things both my outdated BLU/SAM/COR, and HQing certain AF/Relic/Empy armor is cool, too. Working on a Tizona, so I probably won't be trying for Epeolatry/Lionheart for at LEAST a long time.

Currently I have Aettir (NQ), AF/Relic/Empy NQ armors, Taeon with mostly TA/Acc augments, and a crapton of somewhat-relevant old accessories I used on BLU/SAM/COR:

Grip - Pole/Sword (currently Pole)

Ammo - Focal Orb, Honed Tathlum, Cheruski Needle, Jukukik Feather
Neck - Twilight, Asperity, Stoicheion, Magoraga Beads, Fotia.

Ear - Steelflash/Bladeborn, Dudgeon/Heartseeker, Friomisi/Hecate's, Moonshade, Ethereal, Suppanomimi, Brutal, Loquac., Pixie(lol?), Merman's +1 (lol?).

Ring - Epona's, Rajas, Shadow, Sheltered, K'ayres (from SAM), various NQ +8 rings.

Back - Envisionist's (3%DA, 1Enmity, 15Embolden) + Atheling, Shadow.

Waist - Flume +1, Windbuffet +1, Siegel Sash, Anguinus (acc for steps), Fotia.

Random stuff - Crimson Cuisses, Thaumas Gloves, Iuitl Wristbands (5ATK -3%Phys), Iuitl Gaiters (1DA, -3%Phys), old haste belts I don't really use (Cetl, Twilight, Goading).

I have Dimidiation, don't have Resolution (Requiescat, Shoha, Last Stand 5/5). Job point gifts are low, merited Rune Enhancement/Vallation 5/5, Battuta 5/5, Inspiration 4/5, Rayke 1/5. Haven't done the Adoulin story yet, so I'm a bit behind on Rhapsodies.

Thanks! If this gets passed over that's ok too; I'm mostly just bored between applying to new jobs before I head in to work, lol.

Besides the sets above post mentioned, a strong enmity set is also quite useful for tanking low lv stuff with melee DDs spamming 20k ws. Phalanx Stoneskin set are important too.

Your goal is to hit 50 pdt- with ambuscade JSE backpiece without weapon slot, so any gears that gives high pdt- is top priority. Then put the additional bonus in left over slots depending on what you are tanking. Tanking NM with nothing but physical attack? Add more vit, def, empy set bonus etc. Tanking NM with high dmg one shot tp moves? Get more HP as safety net. Tanking NM with annoying status ailments move? Add status resist gears in your sets. The key is to know your NM and tweak tanking sets based on what you are tanking, never use same tanking sets for every single targets.

If you do endgame with mage setup Rayke 5 is must have. If not then don't bother.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Vazerus
Posts: 263
By Fenrir.Vazerus 2016-08-06 19:00:36
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Thanks for the tips, guys! My primary goal on RUN is really just to learn the job; I haven't played FFXI in over a year now, so I'm busy re-learning my old jobs and learning this one from scratch. Honestly I'll probably just play it against fodder for a while until I'm comfortable knowing exactly what to expect when I hit a JA, or to instantly know what JA to push to prevent my untimely death, lol. I don't know if I'll ever use it seriously for current endgame, but that won't stop me from gearing it properly (habit).
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2016-08-27 14:13:17
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2 questions: What artifacts/relics/empyreal are still relevant to use (regarding the enhancement to jas)?

Second, is there any way to use efficiently a fast cast, spell interrupt and enhancing magic set using native tools, or will i need to resort to other tools?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 7
By Osterburg 2016-08-27 17:03:49
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I think most of it is still relevant situationally. RUN got screwed pretty bad for tanking stats on the top-tier sets they can wear, in my opinion. But for JA enhancement as you said, Artifact body is pretty much a must for the Vallation/Valiance duration. For Relic, the Phalanx +5 on the head is nice. Relic legs are nice for enhancing magic, even better if you have any merits in inspiration. Relic feet also good for Rayke which is a pretty important JA on some party setups/fights. Empyrean head is a nice bonus for Vivacious Pulse, removes some status ailments, surprisingly useful in some situations. Empyrean legs are nice, +2 to inquartata which is 4% parry rate regardless of level difference and 7% PDT. Feet are 5% PDT, and 25 reactance to all elements, also nice.

As for native tools for fast cast and all, it can be done these days with equipsets and the ability to use decimals for /wait in macros but honestly a 3rd party alternative is gonna be more effective and reliable in the end.
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-08-27 22:39:17
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Head: Not necessary, but a good Fast Cast option
Body: Vallation/Valiance duration (can remain 109), and a Refresh idle option at 119
Hands: Enhancing skill and Gambit duration, 119 recommended
Legs: Optional, I love these at 119 for status resistance/PDT combo
Feet: Pflug bonus, which I speculate is +1% flat resistance per rune for 109 and +2% for 119. Up to you if that's worthwhile.

Head: 119 recommended for Phalanx. Battuta augment seems to just be damage boost. PDT is nice too.
Body: 119 recommended for the DT (more so for magic/breath damage). Extends Sforzo, so very useful
Hands: Not worth carrying, they just boost Swordplay charge time. Nobody uses Sleight of Sword, either
Legs: 119 recommended for duration bonus, but 109 is more than fine for the reduced Enhancing casting time and FC bonus (+2% per merit) to Inspiration
Feet: Good for super Battuta tanking (parry TP bonus). 109 at least is great for extending Rayke duration (+1 second/merit) if you use it (magic damage strategies)

Head: 119 recommended for extending Enhancing duration and improving your Refresh. At least carry the 109, either will give Vivacious Pulse a -na effect to remove crap like Poison, Paralyze, etc.
Body: Good for tanking if you can cap PDT through other means. Decent melee option.
Hands: Like the AF legs, I love these for status resistance. Ok for some extra accuracy.
Legs: Amazing Enmity/PDT/Parry piece. High Meva and the set bonus makes this ideal for almost all tanking situations.
Feet: Great for similar reasons as the legs.
Set Bonus: It's inevitable that you'll use the legs and feet together, and you'll discover situations and ways to incorporate the hands and body as well.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2016-09-03 19:35:31
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Does the augment on Futhark Trousers require to be on for pre-cast of the spell or just the JA?
Posts: 3
By Buddie 2016-09-15 10:08:49
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I don't know why but I'm not getting the quest for dimidiation. I have the trial blade but the quest isn't showing up in the current quests. what can it be?
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-09-19 16:23:31
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A friend of mine brought up a great question for a DD setup on RUN and I'd like to ask for some input. He proposed using the Lentus Grip (Two-Handed Weapon Delay +5%) on the Lionheart to push it to 504 delay, meaning you need less Store TP to 4-hit the thing.

This is the set I currently use, and it gets me great results. I managed to parse first in a melee zerg on Warder of Courage with it, see the below video for evidence - just skip to the end and look at the scoreboard.
YouTube Video Placeholder

Here is the set.
ItemSet 339347
Accuracy: 1156
Store TP: +78 (+93 /SAM)

Here is what the set would look like with Lentus.
ItemSet 346350
Accuracy: 1180
Store TP: +62 (+77 /SAM)

Basically the Lentus Grip, if I mathed it correctly, adds 24 delay to the Lionheart putting it at 504 delay. Do we think the Lentus is worth using over the Nepenthe +1? Really open to input here.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-09-19 16:30:10
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I will let the experts on the subject and job do all the theorycrafting but:

480 Delay + 78 STP

(61+[(480-180)×88÷360]) * 1.78 = 239.11 TP/Swing

504 Delay + 62 STP

(61+[(504-180)×88÷360]) * 1.62 = 227.124 TP/Swing

Edit Corrected for your actual STP values
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-09-19 16:43:13
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Following the formula above:

259.26 first set /sam
248.15 second set /sam
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-09-19 16:45:49
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Set 1 will also swing .06 seconds faster at capped haste and offers 15 additional attack. I think the answer is apparent with this information, unless I am missing something.
Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-09-19 17:41:58
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They are both 4 hit sets with reso for you I assume? I think the issue more comes down to the value of that 24 acc (I would assume its value is high) on stuff like WoC etc. My drk runs more acc than your RUN and I am normally not at capping acc, but close. This means you probably could have even parse higher! :D invite me next time so I can see how i fair to run dd :D

How much is your tp return on reso (could you post gearset)? I always account for 2 missed hits to my x-hit, just because I find thats a good base to cut out a high enough % to make it reasonable. This will help say for sure which is better, because your 2nd may be lacking a few stp even from the looks.

Regarding your 1st set though, I would make a few changes since your probably at 259 x 3 = 778 after 3 swings which means if your ws set is giving returns on 222+ then you maybe have wiggle room for better acc. earring+neck for cessance+lissome(or torque with 4 stp) which is a gain in acc of 32 and attack gain of 22~
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-09-19 18:30:40
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Asura.Azagarth said: »
They are both 4 hit sets with reso for you I assume? I think the issue more comes down to the value of that 24 acc (I would assume its value is high) on stuff like WoC etc. My drk runs more acc than your RUN and I am normally not at capping acc, but close. This means you probably could have even parse higher! :D invite me next time so I can see how i fair to run dd :D

How much is your tp return on reso (could you post gearset)? I always account for 2 missed hits to my x-hit, just because I find thats a good base to cut out a high enough % to make it reasonable. This will help say for sure which is better, because your 2nd may be lacking a few stp even from the looks.

Regarding your 1st set though, I would make a few changes since your probably at 259 x 3 = 778 after 3 swings which means if your ws set is giving returns on 222+ then you maybe have wiggle room for better acc. earring+neck for cessance+lissome(or torque with 4 stp) which is a gain in acc of 32 and attack gain of 22~
This is my Resolution set.
ItemSet 346353
Herculean Gloves/Boots have STR/AccAtt/TA.
Adhemar is on STR/DEX/Att path.
Ogma's has STR+30/AccAtt/DA.
Samnuha has max augment.

I cannot recall how much I get from a WS but it's quite a bit, I will pay better attention and get back to you on that. Agreeing with you re: your comments on the first set. I'm thinking I can drop Ainia and Dedition for Lissome and Cessance. I typically have Samurai Roll when in a melee setup so that'd more than compensate. I also forgot to mention that Swordplay adds +80 Acc when it's at maximum charge and I seldom have the effect reset from taking a major hit.
Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-09-19 19:56:38
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Doh ya forgot about sword play :D ya then you would be right around my acc, so your probably good, but never hurts to make sure your at cap.

Well the tp return with main+2 hits landed is 194 in that according to ffxicalc. Which means you need 806 / 3 = 269 tp per hit roughly (you can technically land just main hit +1 and still be ok). So.... I am unsure really what to tell you. Swapping to petrov+adhemar hands is 209 return on ws, which means you only need 264 per hit. Might be a little more manageable of a trade off.

Are you sure without cor roll your at a 4 hit? I may be doing math wrong, but normally ffxicalc works for me just fine. Because with 93 stp i get 258 a hit.
Server: Odin
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user: Roundelk
Posts: 41
By Odin.Roundelk 2016-09-22 11:12:31
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This is my 4-hit set
257 tp hit.

Has 1136 accuracy plus 10 from Hasso, On all high tier content like WoC and HELM I have parsed 96%+ Acc.

Dampening tam is near max just short of 1 stats each on augment.
Samnhua tights is max.
Herculean feet is 13 DEX, 21 Acc, 4 ATT and 3 TA
Herculean Body 10 DEX, 28 Acc, 20 Att, TA 4%

WS Set
Herculean Helm 13 STR, 25 Acc, 31 ATT
Herculean Gloves 15 STR, 37 Acc, 31 ATT
Herculean feet 13 STR, 26 Acc, 16 ATT, TA 1%

1116 Accuracy + 20 From fotia neck/belt + 10 Hasso = 1146
I would have to miss more then 2 swings for the 4 hit to break and easy switch can be brutal earring for Telos.

For Epeolatry I'm still working things out but I got lucky with a 39 Acc, 15 ATT, STP 6 and TA 1% Herculean feet DM augment that I kept, switching in those feet keeps a 4hit with Epeolatry so far.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-09-26 08:11:03
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What all accuracy buffs are being used to cap acc on WoC/HELM with 1150ish accuracy?

Also got a Warden's Ring the other day, what practical things can I use it for? Or just something I should toss into a set manually for specific situations?
Server: Bahamut
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user: digoserra
Posts: 269
By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2016-09-26 10:19:06
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Also got a Warden's Ring the other day, what practical things can I use it for? Or just something I should toss into a set manually for specific situations?
You can use it on your basic tank set, it helps with a bit of PDT and some Enemy Critical Hit minus. If you're already capped, I'd use Fortified Ring instead.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Rydal
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-28 16:04:45
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Can someone post their Max HP+/DT set? I chose Vocane Ring as my Adoulin ring if that has any bearing.

Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-09-28 17:06:14
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ItemSet 343792

Etiolation can be replaced by Odnowa nq
I personally use herc gear to maximize DT
Server: Shiva
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user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2016-09-30 06:58:57
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Odin.Roundelk said: »
This is my 4-hit set
257 tp hit.

Has 1136 accuracy plus 10 from Hasso, On all high tier content like WoC and HELM I have parsed 96%+ Acc.

Dampening tam is near max just short of 1 stats each on augment.
Samnhua tights is max.
Herculean feet is 13 DEX, 21 Acc, 4 ATT and 3 TA
Herculean Body 10 DEX, 28 Acc, 20 Att, TA 4%

WS Set
Herculean Helm 13 STR, 25 Acc, 31 ATT
Herculean Gloves 15 STR, 37 Acc, 31 ATT
Herculean feet 13 STR, 26 Acc, 16 ATT, TA 1%

1116 Accuracy + 20 From fotia neck/belt + 10 Hasso = 1146
I would have to miss more then 2 swings for the 4 hit to break and easy switch can be brutal earring for Telos.

For Epeolatry I'm still working things out but I got lucky with a 39 Acc, 15 ATT, STP 6 and TA 1% Herculean feet DM augment that I kept, switching in those feet keeps a 4hit with Epeolatry so far.

What are the augments on your capes?
By Afania 2016-10-02 04:58:21
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Ragnarok.Rydal said: »
Can someone post their Max HP+/DT set? I chose Vocane Ring as my Adoulin ring if that has any bearing.


How much DT- are you looking for? 50? 25? Or are you okay with anything lower? To be more specific, what are you tanking?

Was trying sets and this is what I came up with:
ItemSet 346589

Assuming DT-4 aug on herc, in escha this set has 47 DT-. Backpiece has hp+80 augment, not sure if there's better hp+ options for waist slot but waist/ear 1/2 are free to use highest hp+ piece possible.

Also you can sacrifice weapon slot for bidenhander for another 130 HP and 5 dt- if you need more hp and dt
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2016-10-03 04:51:38
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Im seeking some help about run and casting.

I dont use gearswap so i have lots of trouble when casting anything, even more when supertanking, with interruptions. Currently i built a 102% SID set, but using it means weakning my phalanx or having little enmity when casting foil/flash.

Any advice how i can i manage working both with SID and orher sets with native tools?

Thanks in advance.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10293
By Asura.Sechs 2016-10-03 04:53:38
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Create a Fastcast set with the in-game tools and use that set as precast for all of your spells?

It's easy to cap fast cast on RUN even with just 2/5 of Inspiration, even 1/5 if you have an Ambuscade Cape with FC+10
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