Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
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By Asura.Darvamos 2016-06-15 06:24:54
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Has it even been tested that resistance to status ailments works agaisnt Charm? And if so against all forms?
And having a script swap your head for a different set whenever a "Mob readies charm on you" is intercepted in the chat packets is slow and risky.

It's quite a big loss to swap to that piece.
You lose DT (in case you can't recover it in other slots), VIT, INT, MND, CHR, Meva, Eva, Def, HP and much else, all of which contributes in one way or another to mitigate physical and magical damage, enmity retention and last but not least chance of debuffs to stick.

I dunno, I have no numbers to say with absolute certainty it wouldn't be effective, but I'm at the very least quite skeptic on its practical use in real contexts against stuff that matters.
If you're on a fast wired stable internet connection intercepting the action packet isn't really slow at all. I am glade you bought up the packets thought because if you not going by those I wouldn't ever recommend it then.

Also yea on stuff that matters you have to think smart about it.

Also if it is 2% its already sounding like a wasted inventory slot then.

Edit: So I didn't bring this up at first cause I was trying to find any info. I can't seem to find if the resist all status ailments was ever tested to work on charm or not. Probably not sense it says all ailments but this is SE. If I can be assed enough tonight I'll make a rani pop and test it out or recall a better/easier mob to do thats actually up but its way past bedtime for me to think atm.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-06-15 06:50:44
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Charm could be seen as a "status ailment", it might work, I was just saying I have never seen proof of it being demonstrated as working.
Also there are multiple forms of charm, I can think of at least 2 (Virelai).
Don't even know if the "resist charm" gear works against Virelai tbf.

Last but not least, there could be a "cap" on such resist stat gear and we might be already overstacking beyond the allowed limit and gaining no benefit.
So many "ifs" that I'm really not particularly leaning to embrace a non ilevel item (even if it weren't just 2%)
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
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By Asura.Chiaia 2016-06-15 07:04:20
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I remember seeing that brd songs don't count with regular resist gear so I don't see why "all ailments" would make it start count(it could though.) You can't even evade them. Only way I know of are with special temps.

There maybe a water based version of charm from the Mermaid NM in ToAH. I need to look into that again.

You bring up a point that could be true about over stacking but after SE released a resist stun body with +90. I can't see there being a lower cap for other ailments.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1442
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-06-15 10:22:49
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
There maybe a water based version of charm from the Mermaid NM in ToAH. I need to look into that again.
There's also Frog Song which I'd wager if anything is water-based that probably is.

Possibly the easiest non-BRD source of charm to find is Hyoscya, the Belladonna in Yorcia Delve. It uses charm a lot in my experience.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-06-15 10:58:10
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Poroggo are both light and water aligned, so it's entirely possible (quite likely even imo) that Frog Song is light elemental. Magic Hammer is light based, they completely resist light elemental damage, etc. They take half damage from water elemental abilities iirc.

Regarding the use of Embolden on the previous page, I usually use it for shell when tanking. Can pop it right before the WHM casts Shellra V (or your own Shell V) to get a solid 40% or so base MDT, which leaves a lot of room for meva or status resist gear in MDT sets.

Emboldened Temper is also a lot of fun with a good enhancing skill set, but not especially relevant to tanking high level content.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-06-15 15:09:04
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I'm very confident that Frog Song/Chorus are light based, since I fight Ascended Poroggos all the time with Tenebrae Pflug. I constantly see "Resist!", and it's extremely rare that they land it on me (I'm not even sure they ever have when I've been on RUN). I'm pretty sure all Charms are light-based, really.

Did testing on Merrow No.5 for Virelai science, and not once did I see "Resist!" when it missed while using both Charm Resist gear and Tenebrae Pflug. Based on her success rate by testing a few variables, I'm strongly convinced that the only things you can do to help against it are boost your Meva, Light resistance, and dCHR, as well as lowering the enemy's magic accuracy.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-06-15 15:45:18
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To give a parallel example.

Sleep. Resist sleep traits do Not work on Repose. Made it useful for sleeping PLD mobs in dynamis back in the day. Same status effect, but the traits never proc. Also, different element.

Another interesting thing to note about charm, is that it's really inconsistent... Fealty works against some charm TP moves, but not others. It's really annoying... Also, fealty doesn't work against BRD songs at all. -.-;
Server: Asura
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user: Alkai
Posts: 39
By Asura.Alkk 2016-06-17 16:35:05
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What are the augs for the Ogma on front page tank set? Didn't see it mentioned anywhere.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-06-17 16:53:40
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Your choice of HP/INT/VIT, eva and meva+20, and either enmity+10 or FC+10. Enmity+ is marginally better in the sense that it'll help reduce CE loss, but FC is potentially more beneficial as a first option since we're otherwise lacking for FC back equipment.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-06-20 07:02:24
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What do we think about 4-hits with the Lionheart? This is an experimental set I'm considering making.

ItemSet 344353

Ogma's Cape - DEX+20 Acc/Att+20 Store TP+10
Herc. Vest - accuracy & triple atk.
Carmine on accuracy path.

Set would have about 1150 accuracy before any food or buff. +85 store tp from equipment, +100 when sub SAM.

The issue I'm having is wondering if it is worth losing 10% triple atk for the accuracy and store tp on the carmine. 10% is from Skormoth Mask and Herc. Boots with accuracy and triple atk 4%.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2016-06-20 07:34:46
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You're using no acc on grip, poor acc options in other slots and -20 in ear and neck.
That's quite the acc sink.
Buuut... if you can still reach 95% acc on the current target, it's totally gonna be worth it dps-wise I think.

What DPS are you getting on the spreadsheet and with which buffs?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-06-20 09:51:55
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4 hit build is only narrowly advantageous (~5% gain iirc) even in the best case scenario (Lionheart, HQ gear, no acc issues, capped ratio, very aggressive use of TP). If you have to make any tradeoffs at all, a 5 hit is probably as good or better.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2016-06-20 16:30:31
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Just a few things regarding some of the builds,

For TP, if we're not specifically targeting a 4-hit build, don't Ainia Collar/Dedition Earring/Petrov Ring seem useless? Wouldn't some sort of multi strike option be better? I haven't spreadsheeted anything as I just finished gearing RUN, but I personally use Cessance (although I could use Brutal instead) and Hetairoi Ring. I haven't decided on a neck yet, but I'm leaning towards Asperity/Lissome since it still retains some STP while adding multi strikes.

This one's a minor nitpick, but Dignitary could also be used over Zennaroi for max acc, a trade off of 2 acc for 3 STP.

For Resolution, I've been considering Herculean Vest over Adhemar Jacket +1. Adhemar Jacket +1 Path B *should* be the best choice barring Herculean with non-existent augment, but Path A is lacking heavily in the STR department, and you should be able to match the rest of the offensive stats without much trouble. You'd only need an acc/atk/TA augment, and STR would only further boost your damage over Adhemar.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2016-06-20 19:50:17
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Curious to see what the "new" Skadi set will bring on the table for RUN.

Is RUN's DPS any competitive with Lionheart, on targets where you can reasonably reach 95% accuracy?
How does it fare against other jobs?
Last time I checked BLU was pretty high but not on top tier (its main advantage was the ability to cut the amount of necessary buffers you have to bring, which is quite a huge one, but when you don't have this necessity other jobs were reaching higher DPS), DRK was pretty high too, WAR using Ragnarok and Mighty Strikes was the highest number I could generate on the spreadsheet.
Other noteable mentions were SAM with Aeonic (but only if he's solo DDing and self SCing multistep) and DNC with Terps/Twash, which was doing good spamming WSs, and even better in the same scenario described above for SAM (solo DD multistepping SCs).
NIN was behind, with a smaller gap if you can make use of Innin, and every other DD job I tried was further down.

Not sure how useful it is to make a tier list like this, the scenario is way too ideal and unrealistic, but at the same time I'm curious to see where Lionheart RUN would place in this list.
Is my list even close to the one you guys got on your own?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-06-20 21:46:27
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Fenrir.Ramzus said: »
For TP, if we're not specifically targeting a 4-hit build, don't Ainia Collar/Dedition Earring/Petrov Ring seem useless?
I touch on this briefly in the guide, but Resolution and to a lesser extent Dimidiation are very flexible with regards to holding TP. Most greatswords can weaponskill at anywhere from 1k to approximately 2k TP with no appreciable change in DPS due to Resolution's strong fTP scaling and the two second JA delay on WS. In fact, if memory serves DPS generally increases very slightly (potential skillchains notwithstanding) from 1k to 2k before dropping off more rapidly as you approach 3k. As such, TP gain is rather fluid and the concept of an x-hit is not particularly important.

The exception is Lionheart. TPB+500, along with a TPB Moonshade Earring and the newfound ability to self-light with greatsword's best WS, heavily incentivize aggressive use of TP. I believe the increase in average TP per WS still favored those items (bear in mind also that RUN's high multiattack devalues the DA of Asperity and co), but I'll verify that for Lionheart specifically when next I have time to sit down and crank out numbers for a few hours.

This one's a minor nitpick, but Dignitary could also be used over Zennaroi for max acc, a trade off of 2 acc for 3 STP.
Yep. Think I opted for a judgement call on that one. May or may not switch it back later.

For Resolution, I've been considering Herculean Vest over Adhemar Jacket +1. Adhemar Jacket +1 Path B *should* be the best choice barring Herculean with non-existent augment, but Path A is lacking heavily in the STR department, and you should be able to match the rest of the offensive stats without much trouble. You'd only need an acc/atk/TA augment, and STR would only further boost your damage over Adhemar.
This is part of why I'm probably going to switch Herc in over the NQ jacket when I get back to updating sets. HQ's staying as is though. Considerations like this are difficult to convey in a concise manner within the guide, so there's a certain degree of "use your brain" left to the reader here.

Asura.Sechs said: »
Is RUN's DPS any competitive with Lionheart, on targets where you can reasonably reach 95% accuracy?
How does it fare against other jobs?
Yes - if you can cap ratio, which is harder for RUN than just about any other melee job right now. Lionheart is a huge boost for RUN though. I generally get numbers slightly behind what BLU can do barring unfavorable mob mechanics (-crit/critdef hurts BLU quite a bit), but with a top notch Embolden Temper it probably pulls ahead slightly. Neat little consideration for Ambuscade and such where you can have it up for every fight.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rydal
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-06-28 10:42:04
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Working on my WS sets for RDM, BLU and RUN, I noticed that I'm being overwhelmed with Ambuscade capes in my inventory. Right now I'm looking at having 3-4 RUN capes. Could I cutdown by using a TP cape as one of my WS capes and if so which one would be the best to do so?

Here are my WS sets:
ItemSet 344128
Ogma's cape augments: STR+20, Atk/Acc+20, DA+10
Would I got for TA or WSD for Herc pieces? I know STR/Atk/Acc.

ItemSet 344129
Ogma's cape augments: DEX+20, Atk/Acc+20, STP+10 (this is my future TP cape)
Could I use the first STR/Atk/Acc/DA cape here as well for similar results or would a DEX/Atk/Acc/Crit or WSD cape be very noticeably better?

Feel free to fix the sets as well.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 50
By Asura.Midgitis 2016-06-28 10:55:33
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If the WS is more than 1 hit then it is almost always more benficial to go multi attack or primary stat over wsd

I don't think Crit or WSD are good choices for Dimidation over double attack but I don't really have a way to prove it one way or the other just doesn't seem as good. But since it is only two hits, it depends on where the majority of the damage lies like savage blade or if it is evenly split.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2016-06-28 11:57:39
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As far as I have ever been made aware the majority of Dimi's damage is on the first hit making WSD very effective. Crit is pointless as Dimi does not crit.

I actually use Ishvara Earring, WSD Herc, and a WSD Ogma's for it.

ItemSet 344471
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-06-28 12:07:08
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Dimidiation's fTP is 2.25->4.5->6.75 with no fTP transfer, so the answer depends in part on when exactly you're using it. At high TP (such as when activating Epeo AM3) WSD is your best option, but TA is competitive/potentially better if you're using it near 1k.

Crit does nothing for Dimidiation.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Rydal
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-06-28 12:20:11
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So in my case, WSD will be for Dimidation but since I rarely use it outside of solo situations (self SC Light), I will make the cape later. Thank you for the replies.
Server: Asura
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user: Datass
Posts: 35
By Asura.Datass 2016-06-30 19:09:10
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Quick question: I've just started looking into RUN so I've been asking around- what is the best merit point distribution for the current game state. It seems that each person I ask gives me a completely different answer and since the OP is from 2013 I wasn't sure how current any of that info is. So I'm kind of confused. In case it matters, I have access to most gear so I'm assuming I can collect the required fast cast stuff. Thanks!
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-06-30 19:53:27
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G1: 5/5 Vallation, 5/5 something of your choice. Gambit recast is a good option if you frequently tank manaburned fights and would actually benefit from the recast reduction. If you're chugging revits and getting COR resets then it doesn't really help you. Pflug or maybe Rune effect are better options in that situation; I'd generally favor Pflug. Long as you don't put merits into Lunge effect you're probably okay.

G2: 5/5 Rayke, unlock Battuta, put enough points into Inspiration to cap your fast cast set, then put the rest into Inspiration or Battuta as you see fit.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-06-30 20:56:30
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Group 1: I'd go with either Gambit Recast (if you really love Gambit) or Pflug potency. I personally go with Pflug, which I'm convinced provides +22% flat status resistance per rune (with merits and Runeist Bottes +1).

Group 2: 5/5 Rayke is only going to help if you're doing high end mage fights. You're really just going from 31 seconds to 47 seconds by maxing it out, which isn't necessary for everything. If you're on RUN a lot, you may even find yourself switching merits around regularly. Rayke is nice for even non-mage stuff though:
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-06-30 22:17:16
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Group 1 depends on preference, Rune Enhancement, Vallation and Pflug are all solid. Don't bother with Gambit recast because you will be syncing it with Rayke for anything remotely important.

Group 2 Rayke 5/5 no questions asked, it's that important. At least one in both Battuta and Inspiration, then whatever you personally prefer.

Note on R/G

Gambit at x3 provides +30% damage for that specific element and can last 90 seconds. This sounds good on paper but magic nukes are greatly diminished on NM's past the first nuker, which is where the next ability comes into play.

Rayke provides a large magic evasion reduction per rune but more importantly it removes the -SDT effect that NM's get after taking magic damage. This enables multiple nukers to get full damage on their nukes instead of only the first. This can last up to 47 seconds.

When both these abilities are paired it massively increased the damage a NM will take on each SC volley, which is why duration is so important on both. Reducing recast on Gambit isn't very useful because you will be using Rayke in conjunction with it and they both have a 5min recast time. The LS I'm in relies heavily on synched R/G to destroy high level NMs.
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-06-30 22:30:58
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You know, there's more to the game than boosting nuke damage on level 150 NMs.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-06-30 22:51:57
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Asura.Datass said: »
Quick question: I've just started looking into RUN so I've been asking around- what is the best merit point distribution for the current game state. It seems that each person I ask gives me a completely different answer and since the OP is from 2013 I wasn't sure how current any of that info is. So I'm kind of confused. In case it matters, I have access to most gear so I'm assuming I can collect the required fast cast stuff. Thanks!
In my experience Group One is really down to the fight in question. 5/5 Pflug and Rune Enhancement is very good against Teles when you see Soul Voice go off. I change from Vallation Effect to Pflug for her. Rune Enhancement 5/5 is a given for me as I like having a good chunk of Darkness and Light resistance on hand.

Group Two, Rayke is 5/5 absolutely no questions asked. 5/5 Inspiration is good for starting out but as you get more Fast Cast equipment you need to start taking merits out of it and putting them into Battuta. Battuta should only be used as an 'OH SHI-' button, like when Albumen uses Hundred Fists. I'm personally 2/5 in Inspiration and 3/5 in Battuta.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-01 05:39:46
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Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
You know, there's more to the game than boosting nuke damage on level 150 NMs.

These also apply to T3's, and anything under a T3 isn't worth discussing.

I don't care how well someone tanks a Delve NM.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Datass
Posts: 35
By Asura.Datass 2016-07-01 11:09:21
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Thanks for all the replies guys! I will consider the suggestions based on the content I need RUN for, which, tbh is going to be Reis. T3 and 4. I appreciate the explanations though- extremely helpful.

Also, how current are the gearsets on the first page?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-07-01 20:10:53
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The only sets that are currently outdated are the DW sets and Swipe/Lunge set. I need to make some corrections and flesh out the utility sets similar to how I've got the melee sets arranged now along with updating the aforementioned, but the basic idea is mostly there. Wrapping up some testing and another round of spreadsheet updates first (Soon! New augment setup took a while to figure out.), but it's on my to-do list. There's also some discussion on a couple of the sets further up this page.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Datass
Posts: 35
By Asura.Datass 2016-07-02 20:43:41
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I'm trying to determine the amount of store TP needed to 5-hit a 480 GS. I'm looking at the wiki but the table is set up weird. It has things grouped by delay but it includes 480 in two separate ranges: 450-480 and then 480-530. Which is it? I tried working my way through the thread but all I've seen is the idea that a 5-hit build is the goal. How much store-tp is that? I apologize if this is listed somewhere in the previous 95 pages. I've read about 20 of them but didn't see it.

P.S. I recognize this is sub-job dependent. Any numbers you guys can throw me are greatly appreciated. Or just clarifying which equation I ought to be using for the calculation (450-480 or 480-530) would be a big help also. Thanks!
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