Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Server: Asura
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Posts: 119
By Asura.Blittzjr 2015-09-24 16:10:54
Can we get some updated gear sets?
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-09-26 14:53:51
Can we get some updated gear sets?
Tanking sets haven't changed since AF3 119. There should be some new pieces for Reso/Dimidiation/etc. however.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3729
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-09-28 13:03:04
I guess dual Vampirism wins for dual wielding if accurracy is good enough?
That's near the top. If accuracy matters (or if you don't have two Vamps with max/near max augs), Fettering Blade and 1 Vamp is going to be better. Vamp/Fettering might even be superior in capped acc situations thanks to the Crit rate +4% (I suspect it is, assuming decent amount of buffs for delay reduction), but I haven't mathed it out.
Relevant stats:
Fettering: DMG:134 Delay:231 Skill+242 STR+12 Acc+27 MAB+14 MDmg+108 Critical hit rate +4%
Vampirism (max augs): DMG:142 Delay:240 Skill+242 STR+25 Atk+23 MAB+24 MDmg+108 Additional effect: HP/MP/TP drain.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-09-29 16:53:09
Any RUNs soloing U/O? I kinda want to try it, not sure what to expect though.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-09-29 22:41:26
Did them on Normal for funsies, Omega is probably the more annoying of the two, more so on higher difficulties.
- Tank him in the back so he'll try Rear Laser (conal petrify, no damage) over other moves. He'll turn after most WSs so be ready to move.
- Most trusts are going to get wrecked if they stay close so using the ones that keep a distance might be better.
- Hyper Pulse is Earth-based, so Flabra is highly recommended.
- Homing Missle is physical and blockable with Utsusemi.
- Gessho might make a good partner, since he'll keep shadows up and try to maintain hate; since Pile Pitch will reset yours, this will keep things more stable.
- Use Tellus/Barthunder in the last 25%, since he has added effect: stun and one of his moves in the last 25% gives him shock spikes.
- Wearing BDT/DT gear will help against his various breath attacks. He'll generally use those after Nuclear Waste (all resistances -50). Can also use OFA and power through that phase, which is like 60-30% or something.
- Flabra/Barstone will help against Chemical Bomb (potent Elegy/Slow combo) and his earth breath attack.
- Switch to Tenebrae for the last 25% for Antimatter.
- Only aoe move of concern is Equalizer, which is like 50-25% phase. It's basically just a strong physical aoe.
I haven't thought to try CCB Polymers on them, so no clue if they have an effect. I think I recall them saying that Mistmelts had an effect of some sort (but not landing) Ouryu in the merit BC.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-10-04 09:28:20
Did them on Normal for funsies, Omega is probably the more annoying of the two, more so on higher difficulties.
- Tank him in the back so he'll try Rear Laser (conal petrify, no damage) over other moves. He'll turn after most WSs so be ready to move.
- Most trusts are going to get wrecked if they stay close so using the ones that keep a distance might be better.
- Hyper Pulse is Earth-based, so Flabra is highly recommended.
- Homing Missle is physical and blockable with Utsusemi.
- Gessho might make a good partner, since he'll keep shadows up and try to maintain hate; since Pile Pitch will reset yours, this will keep things more stable.
- Use Tellus/Barthunder in the last 25%, since he has added effect: stun and one of his moves in the last 25% gives him shock spikes.
- Wearing BDT/DT gear will help against his various breath attacks. He'll generally use those after Nuclear Waste (all resistances -50). Can also use OFA and power through that phase, which is like 60-30% or something.
- Flabra/Barstone will help against Chemical Bomb (potent Elegy/Slow combo) and his earth breath attack.
- Switch to Tenebrae for the last 25% for Antimatter.
- Only aoe move of concern is Equalizer, which is like 50-25% phase. It's basically just a strong physical aoe.
I haven't thought to try CCB Polymers on them, so no clue if they have an effect. I think I recall them saying that Mistmelts had an effect of some sort (but not landing) Ouryu in the merit BC.
JP, thanks for this. I tanked them on D last night for a group rather than solo. Your advice helped (for which elements to defend against). Only issue was the hate reset on Omega. That was brutal! Tellus/Barthunder made en-stun and spikes a non-issue.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-10-04 10:09:37
Yeah, at the 25% and lower phase, he mostly just spams Pile Pitch. It's the kind of fight that goes much more smoothly with multiple tank type people, like RUN and NIN together, or THF/NIN using Collaborator, etc. An alternative way to manage it is to have all mages just stay in melee range at that last phase and try to keep Blink/SS up in case they get swung at. That way at least you won't have Omega running all over the place, and he doesn't do any aoe crap at that point.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-10-05 00:58:05
Yeah, at the 25% and lower phase, he mostly just spams Pile Pitch. It's the kind of fight that goes much more smoothly with multiple tank type people, like RUN and NIN together, or THF/NIN using Collaborator, etc. An alternative way to manage it is to have all mages just stay in melee range at that last phase and try to keep Blink/SS up in case they get swung at. That way at least you won't have Omega running all over the place, and he doesn't do any aoe crap at that point.
Melee setup with DD's /NIN was smoother for sure. We did our last run like that and it worked better.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-10-05 01:05:48
When it comes to Vivacious Pulse, should I focus primarily on Divine skill and fit in stat modifiers based on the rune element, or prioritize stats? Main concern comes down to accessories and the like, where I can get larger boosts to stats, but be bogged down in an absurdly large inventory requirement.
By Zaeeth 2015-10-05 11:02:08
I've been experimenting with Vivacious Pulse. And have some questions about it myself along the modifier lines and others experiences.
I've added some "Cure Potency Recieved" gear to it with decent results but its pretty minimal. Cure Potency didn't seem to effect it or the gear I was using just didn't work as it should or how I thought it should.
My current highest VP is 536. That's a pretty decent cure, but can it be pushed higher? Thoughts?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10305
By Asura.Sechs 2015-10-05 11:49:39
Did them on Normal for funsies, Omega is probably the more annoying of the two, more so on higher difficulties.
- Tank him in the back so he'll try Rear Laser (conal petrify, no damage) over other moves. He'll turn after most WSs so be ready to move.
- Most trusts are going to get wrecked if they stay close so using the ones that keep a distance might be better.
- Hyper Pulse is Earth-based, so Flabra is highly recommended.
- Homing Missle is physical and blockable with Utsusemi.
- Gessho might make a good partner, since he'll keep shadows up and try to maintain hate; since Pile Pitch will reset yours, this will keep things more stable.
- Use Tellus/Barthunder in the last 25%, since he has added effect: stun and one of his moves in the last 25% gives him shock spikes.
- Wearing BDT/DT gear will help against his various breath attacks. He'll generally use those after Nuclear Waste (all resistances -50). Can also use OFA and power through that phase, which is like 60-30% or something.
- Flabra/Barstone will help against Chemical Bomb (potent Elegy/Slow combo) and his earth breath attack.
- Switch to Tenebrae for the last 25% for Antimatter.
- Only aoe move of concern is Equalizer, which is like 50-25% phase. It's basically just a strong physical aoe.
I haven't thought to try CCB Polymers on them, so no clue if they have an effect. I think I recall them saying that Mistmelts had an effect of some sort (but not landing) Ouryu in the merit BC. How did you handle Terror?
Omega fight seemed easy but in each of the 2 attempts I did it was the 10+ seconds terror that *** me and the others.
I'll try again with the 50% trust HP bonus campaign I guess
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-10-05 14:46:33
When it comes to Vivacious Pulse, should I focus primarily on Divine skill and fit in stat modifiers based on the rune element, or prioritize stats? Main concern comes down to accessories and the like, where I can get larger boosts to stats, but be bogged down in an absurdly large inventory requirement.
My 2 cents- it seems like a lot of inventory investment for a relatively small return. I just use VP (with AF3 head) to clear status rather than as a heal of note, because it's such a small restoration for RUN's big HP pool. Divine Skill, since it's the only way to increase Tenebrae MP restore, should probably be priority, though.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-10-05 14:47:19
Pulse is mainly Divine Skill, and also modified slightly by a stat associated with the runes used. Both of these are additive, so it's hard to crank up. I just have mine set to equip ilevel Enmity gear, AF legs, and Erilaz head. It is affected by day/weather, so using an obi and storm spells can help. Mine do around 550ish normally, with 15/15 job points.
Also I noticed the BG description of the Erilaz bonus is wrong: it makes Pulse remove a status that has a -na spell associated with it (Silena, Poisona, etc), and seems to only do one at a time, possibly picking randomly.
How did you handle Terror?
Omega fight seemed easy but in each of the 2 attempts I did it was the 10+ seconds terror that *** me and the others.
I'll try again with the 50% trust HP bonus campaign I guess I've never seen either use any Terror moves, are you sure it wasn't Petrify? Omega's Rear Laser and Ultima's Smoke Discharger are both conal petrify (Ultima's also being earth breath damage).
If you are tanking Omega from behind, but he is oriented towards anyone else, they will get hit despite you being the target. This is just like how people unaccustomed to fighting Wyrms get killed by breath by standing in the face. Make sure your trusts are in a good spot, and be ready to reposition.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10305
By Asura.Sechs 2015-10-06 01:40:33
No it was Omega and it was Terror, it lasted 10+ seconds and it *** me up.
I don't remember which move it was that caused terror but I was in front of it (trying to move behind) and it produced AoE damage because that same damage killed 2 of my trusts before terrorizing us all.
I was on Normal difficulty both times and damage on me was ridiculously low. Aside from a couple of moves I ate from the front because I couldn't reposition behind in time, it was mostly casting the Petrify conic thing from behind, which Yoran Oran was stonaing pretty fast.
Gessho stole hate once or twice but I was literally getting hate back a nanosecond after.
I swear both times it's that Terror move that got me.
What element is Terror? Dark based? Earth based? Wonder if runes and Pflug can help resisting it...
Pflug is so lame, compare it with Chivalry.
Ok Chiv is 10 mins but works against virtually everything and it has an insane resistance level, almost immunity.
Pflug is 3 mins but it has specific element thing and it's not even 100% not even when you pack 3 runes of the right type etc.
They should rework the JA and make it give a base resistance to all debuffs PLUS a bonus tied to the types of runes you have up when you use it.
Alas, we all know it's not gonna happen. Last patch incoming and I doubt RUN is gonna receive anythign at all, other than the new Gifts/JPs.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2015-10-06 02:37:27
Monster terror is probably non-elemental. That said, I can't say I have any experience with Omega using terror either.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2015-10-06 05:04:14
Terror checks petrify resistance, no idea why SE did that but it shares the same dice roll. Don't think it does a ME check against earth, probably dark but really hard to test that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10305
By Asura.Sechs 2015-10-06 05:21:00
So you're saying you're not sure if any specific elemental MEva helps against Terror (might be un-elemental like Kyte said) but Barpetrify will work against it?
Well "work", more like "give a minuscule increase to the resist rate" :p
By Boshi 2015-10-07 11:54:21
I guess dual Vampirism wins for dual wielding if accurracy is good enough?
That's near the top. If accuracy matters (or if you don't have two Vamps with max/near max augs), Fettering Blade and 1 Vamp is going to be better. Vamp/Fettering might even be superior in capped acc situations thanks to the Crit rate +4% (I suspect it is, assuming decent amount of buffs for delay reduction), but I haven't mathed it out.
Relevant stats:
Fettering: DMG:134 Delay:231 Skill+242 STR+12 Acc+27 MAB+14 MDmg+108 Critical hit rate +4%
Vampirism (max augs): DMG:142 Delay:240 Skill+242 STR+25 Atk+23 MAB+24 MDmg+108 Additional effect: HP/MP/TP drain.
There's also new Hrotti and the Kirin sword.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2015-10-07 14:46:41
So you're saying you're not sure if any specific elemental MEva helps against Terror (might be un-elemental like Kyte said) but Barpetrify will work against it?
Well "work", more like "give a minuscule increase to the resist rate" :p
Thinking about it more, unless you can say that you actually looked at the icon and it said "Terror" or you were frozen in some crazy pose, it was almost certainly stun.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10305
By Asura.Sechs 2015-10-07 15:24:53
Did the fight again today, took me 25 mins to win (yeah I know, I'm slow...).
I think it was STUN, not TERROR that got me the other 2 times.
Not sure which move causes it but I think it's Hyper Pulse?
Today I was either resisting it or it was lasting only 5-6 seconds, not 10+
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-10-07 16:49:39
- His regular attacks are added effect: stun (roughly 10 second duration)
- Hyper Pulse is earth damage and bind
- Pile Pitch is physical %-based, hate reset, and bind
- Rear Laser is petrify only, no damage
- Ion Efflux is paralyze only, no damage
- Discharger is Shock Spikes (thus, more stun) and magic shield
No terror, but definitely lots of chances for him to stun you. It's very easy for me to observe many of these short effects since I changed my status icons, but scan through your chat log if you get a chance too.
Like Saevel said, Terror is aligned with earth, though I'm not sure if barpetrify helps (annoying to test though). Between Stun, Terror, and Petrify, only one of the 3 can be active at once, and I recall Terror overwriting the other two (you might see this on Tojil or ADL). Pflug helps against it, and I'm fairly confident that it sets a high percentage flat resistance for the duration.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2015-10-07 19:01:32
Unless you've personally tried against ADL or something, there's really nothing out there that definitively shows that monster terror is earth based. The original tests on the matter used blue magic on Elementals, which only showed that it was earth based for our usage.
I've personally tested it, but I only used Nauls- opening up the possibility that monster Absolute Terror just has an absurd accuracy bonus.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-10-07 22:05:56
I haven't done ADL on RUN in a long time, but I have had success resisting his terror with Flabra Pflug. You're definitely correct in that it has an absurd accuracy bonus, and I also think it's possible that it may come in different elements depending on the source (like sleep vs lullaby).
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 300
By Sylph.Gobbo 2015-10-07 22:49:13
Didn't Martel do some testing on Qiqirns and discerned Earth Resistance allowing him to evade their Faze? Or was that test inconclusive?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-10-07 23:45:25
Didn't Martel do some testing on Qiqirns and discerned Earth Resistance allowing him to evade their Faze? Or was that test inconclusive? I vaguely recall that test. Early RUN stuffs I believe. And Faze could be reliably resisted. might go look that up later..
But even 500'ish earth resist+meva gear wasn't enough to get a single resist from Absolute Terror when used by Nauls.
I just figured some terror moves either have insane macc, or just don't have a resist check.
Interestingly, I've been doing some Neo Kirin on RUN lately, and we got hit by that AoE Absolute terror a few times. My RUN and my WHM had noticeably different Terror durations.
RUN had Flabra runes up(earth resist) and had about a 15 second duration. Btw, being able to see debuff duration is amazing.Compared to my WHM who had only barstone, and ate about a 45~ sec duration.
I'm left wondering if Terror has a lot of resist states like stun, and resisting typically only reduces duration. Making it very hard to outright resist.
Interesting stuffs, but difficult to conclusively test.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-10-07 23:53:07
It does. Outside of the resistance element (and trait, Resist Petrify works on Terror too, little known fact), Terror and Stun are effectively the same status ailment. They each have several resist states, however the ones on Terror are more likely to be noticed as Terror tends to last longer than most Stuns.
Petrification also falls into this category. The player and monster versions of it function entirely differently though.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-10-07 23:58:36
I've heard about the resist petrify bit, and even acted on it in the past(so i do generally accept it as true.) But I never did see good testing on it. What was the original source of it?
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-10-08 00:01:17
I did all of that myself a long time ago, I'll have to dig for the data. I don't know if anyone else ever cared enough about these things to look at them. I think I had originally done it when BLU' Absolute Terror came out so I could see what would resist it and if it would be easy to resist in Ballista.
Kind of like the monster correlations like elementals and umbrils. Pointless tests that didn't serve any purpose but I did anyway.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 234
By Asura.Darvamos 2015-10-08 01:35:30
Messing around with Nauls in Aby I did get a few no effect messages using Founder's Greaves just to make sure they could be "resisted". Also durations I've seen 60,50,45,32,15,10 thats about 40 terrors all fall on those, all the times are from the new timers we have in game. Yet to get /rdm to outright Resist one with its JT (Resist Petrify).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10305
By Asura.Sechs 2015-10-08 04:18:19
No terror, but definitely lots of chances for him to stun you. Thing is, the 2 times it caused me a wipe, all of my trusts were stunned as well. Nobody was receiving cures, nobody was curing me, and basically with a 10+ seconds I died because Omega gained TP by hitting me and then used a second AoE which killed everybody.
Third attempt I did yesterday was easy (altough it took me 25 mins to win >.>), I didn't notice any stun lasting more than ~6 seconds.