Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-07-17 11:34:16
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Enmity+ or - when it comes to Lunge or other attacks is pretty insignificant since the Enmity changes, especially if you're stacking Enmity on your Flashes and JAs.
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2015-07-17 12:17:26
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I'm playing around with occult acumen on lunge swipe lol
Never hurts to get tp back when ye use it.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-07-17 12:33:40
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gargurty said: »
I'm playing around with occult acumen on lunge swipe lol
Never hurts to get tp back when ye use it.
... Does that even work? Occult acumen TP return is based on MP expended. Lunge.. doesn't have an MP cost. Not to mention it's not elemental or dark magic.
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By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2015-07-17 12:50:18
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Doesn't work for BLU spells so I don't see it working for Lunge and Swipe. Hope you didn't invest too much gil and time for that.
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user: Kanryu
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By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2015-07-25 19:57:44
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Its been a while but I finally got around to updating the OP.

I do not think I would believe you if you told me every set was correct, but I tried to make them at least more up to date.

People who are better at math let me know what has to get changed and I'll fix it.

Also met me know if there is any glaring mistakes / missing info.
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By Sylph.Oraen 2015-07-25 22:19:44
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Just a quick look over the sets, and most are pretty spot on. Just a few pieces would be superior, namely:

-For idle, it's been reported that rawhide trousers Rank 15D have 1 refresh on them, so that would be superb.
- Aftermath TP set: kentarch belt +1 has 1 less accuracy, 15 less attack, but 2 more DA and 5 STP, so would probably be the better option.
- Max acc : If you're wanting purely accuracy, subtlety spectacles, olseni belt, 2 Ramuh ring +1, rawhide gloves path B, and rawhide boots path B will give you the most. Obviously you'll lose a good amount of offense, but if it's only accuracy you want, they'll be good.

Thank you for the update. Been wanting to work on RUN more seriously for a while now.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
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By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2015-07-26 01:46:28
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Changed them~!

Aftermath TP set I left Anguinus because assuming I did my math correctly you do not need the store TP from that belt to reach a threshold. The proper choice for belt to the best of my knowledge is either Anguinus or Windbuffet +1 but I can not remember the interaction between DA and Aftermath, but I recall it being less beneficial.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-07-26 01:59:02
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I can only speak for Ryu DRG specifically. But for AM3 up TP, STP typically beats out multi hit of any kind. An example being that even Goading belt >> Windbuffet+1 in that case. And there are better STP options than goading.

Another thing to consider. Hit build is not the sole determiner of STP usefulness. Jobs that use damage varies with TP WS(Stardiver, Resolution, Dimidiation, etc.) benefit from STP over the hit build requirements in your TP build. It's more or less like adding small values of TP bonus, since the extra STP raises the avg TP that you WS with.

All that being said, when in doubt, run some DPS spreadsheet simulations. Although I don't know what the sheets look like atm, in terms of being up to date.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2015-07-26 03:56:05
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I have never actually used the RUN sheets, I was just speaking from experience in other light armor DD jobs. My results might be different from the actual best, so that's my mistake. Unfortunately, the spreadsheets for basically all jobs are very out of date as of now, so whichever brave soul wants to start working on them, you'll have a job ahead of you.
Server: Sylph
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user: hyunkyl
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By Sylph.Hyunkyl 2015-07-26 09:28:14
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Thank you for updating it! Very nice ;p
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2015-07-26 13:04:02
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On Enmity set:

- Aqreqaq Bomblet is an easy and cheap alternative to Sapience.
- Unmoving Collar +1 and Nilas Gloves are the best on their slots. (Nilas are also the best on Lunge set, if you don't want to waste Snowdim Stones)
- Pluto's Pearl is an alternative to Cryptic.
- Supershear earring and Provocare Ring are alternatives on ring slots too.
- If you're not worried about inventory, consider Earthcry Mantle, Trance Belt and Rager Ledelsens +1.
- Shark Strap on sub, if you really REALLY want a Enmity+ piece there.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2015-07-26 13:17:56
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Nice update- thank you very much!

One NEEDS an alternative to Cryptic, as getting one through the hordes of PLD that insist they need it is impossible. -.-
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-07-26 16:49:38
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
I have never actually used the RUN sheets, I was just speaking from experience in other light armor DD jobs. My results might be different from the actual best, so that's my mistake. Unfortunately, the spreadsheets for basically all jobs are very out of date as of now, so whichever brave soul wants to start working on them, you'll have a job ahead of you.
I was actually supporting your conclusion regarding kentarch's belt+1. It most likely Is better Than anguinus/windbuffet+1 for a AM3 set assuming max unity rank. Although it might or might not be the best. Sweordfaetels +1 comes to mind.

Also, keep in mind that RUN is pretty different from most light armour jobs. I mean, How many of those use high delay 2 handed weapons? And AM3 + a 2 handed weapon takes that a step further.

I maintained my own copies of sheets for the jobs I played myself, till I stopped playing. Although minor fixes and updating gear were all I could really do. And even that was a lot of work. I shudder at the thought of updating them for all jobs.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2015-07-26 17:36:20
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Changed the emnity set.

I don't believe anyone would fully gear out all these sets vs making a mix of what they have for the slot, but I always found it helpful to see ideal sets and adjust downward from there.
Edit: This isn't a good way to phrase this... I suppose its listed as ideal possible and people can adjust to their tastes and inventory constraints.

As for Cryptic Earring I actually have that one, as does almost everyone I know. It is a fairly common drop.

I had originally considered a Nefarious Collar +1 and Sweordfaetels +1 but shyed away from it due to not considering the excess TP helping Dimi/Reso.

If I actually manage to get my hands on one I'll test it out and update the OP.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-07-26 18:46:16
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I think that the chances of the dps difference between the two being reliably observable outside of a huuuuge sample size is rather low. While we like to focus on what's better, the overall difference between two pieces of gear is typically very small compared to the whole. There also Just too many factors that can swing one way or another for any given test.

It would probably be better to bring the RUN dps sheet up to date, then simulate as needed. It also spares you from actually having to acquire the item to get your results.

What's involved in bringing the sheet up to date though, depends on what's changed since the last public version. There will no doubt be a lot of gear to be added. And some new monster stats if available. But both of those are just data entry. Any changes in ws mods, ftp, etc, would need to be adjusted.But again that's just input new number in old cell.

The only semi-recent thing I can think of that would actually require some new formula would be the effect on Fotia gorget/belt.(and in that case, I'd just been using them anyway cause I love dropping a 3k TP drakesbane to put AM3 up, and them sometimes still having 3k TP to stardiver with. <,< Again with my DRG perspective.)

But then, the last run spreadsheet version was from 10/16/2014. There may have been changes since that I'm forgetting.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-27 02:47:26
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Some random notes

  • In the set names, you wrote "emnity" instead of "enmity"

  • Apeile Ring and Apeile Ring +1 both have Enmity +9

  • I suggest writing in the notes that the Enmity from Evasionist's Cape comes from an Augment (up to +7)

  • Aqreqaq Bomblet has the same +enmity of Sapience Orb, and a lot of RUNs likely already have it because it's a good option for Resolution

  • Given how Rabid Visor generally sucks, another good option to use in enmity sets if you wanna save inventory space is Highwing Helm

  • Similar to above but for the feet slot, Erilaz +1 is a good inventory saver in that sense

  • You missed a lot of items in the Fast Cast set, saying that only 32% FC is needed with 4/5. That's true but there's a lot more depth than that that we need to consider. First, with enough FC you could drop to 3/5 Inspiration. Personal playstyle choice, but someone might like it. Second, having an excess of FC isn't negative, it's actually quite positive. It helps in those situations when Inspiration gets dispelled, or if you have to cast stuff at all costs and you're temporarily slowed down, etc etc. I would put the plentiful other options we get in those slots. Etiolation Earring, Enchanter's Earring +1, Weatherspoon Earring, augmented Rawhide for FC, augmented Kaabnax Trousers (3% FC), Thaumas Gloves, Sombra Gloves, Chelona Boots, Impatiens etc

On a different topic, my own personal view on tanking sets.
This is personally my favourite one. Original creation credit goes to Ruaumoko.
It's of course a non-ergon set, but then again I don't see why we shouldn't care about those. Not like the majority of people reading the guide is going to get an Epeolatry anyway.

ItemSet 336577

It's an all-purpose set. I like it particularly because of its versatility.
It grants capped PDT (55%) plus quite a lot of accuracy, 4/5 Empyrean armor for the set bonus, 28% DT (for capped MDT with Shell) and the additional status ailments resistance from Empyrean gloves.

Possible variations:
  • If you got Vocane Ring, you can drop Refined +1 for something else (Umbra Strap, whatever else) or afford to use an Evasionist's Cape without the capped -5% DT augment

  • Can swap earrings accordingly to the current fights. Hearty Earring for more Status Ailment defense, Sanare for more MDB etc.

  • If you don't have a 5/5 Dark Ring, can also swap it for a Patricius Ring for a really nice result (+acc, -MDT)

Can think of many other variations yourself.
I think it works really great and can realistically use this set in 98% of the situations where you're gonna tank on RUN in group events.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2015-07-27 15:18:06
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I changed the enmity set and fixed the spelling.

This one seems to be a pretty area of contention so I added a second one with a more realistic approach.

As for tanking I personally don't use that set often either. The majority of things I tend to use Macbain for unless it is something I do not intend to engage at all.

Once I have Epeo (1.8kish bayld to go) I will potentially change but for now until someone gets a chance to test or inform me of the rate I don't much care to use the gloves most of the time.

I swap between these two depending on what I am doing usually.

ItemSet 336585

ItemSet 307480

My cape isn't perfect. At the moment it is -3% DT but I havn't usually had much case for concern.

I usually don't get whittled down. If I get killed on RUN its either to status effects not being cleansed or to being very much oneshotted by things my group doesn't have a great understanding of yet. But then again we don't tend to look up a lot of info about fights before hand.

The tanking set for the most part seems to be pretty heavily personal preference. As long as you hit the 50% mark however you want it doesn't much matter. Epeo is a great benefit but PDT-II is a bonus not an instead. Unless you want a really offensive oriented tank-hybrid set you could just as easily use the same tanking set with Aettir as Epeo.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-28 01:16:30
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Ragnarok.Kanryu said: »
This one seems to be a pretty area of contention so I added a second one with a more realistic approach.
Yeah the problem is mixing stuff in the right slot and searching for the right compromise.
When it comes to stuff like JAs (or runes) it's easy to equip as much Enmity as you can because you usually only need 1-2 slots (or even zero) to enhance the JA, but can put enmity in the other slots without worrying.
When it comes to spell it's a different story.
Tipically you want to midcast in stuff with FastCast/Haste to furtherly reduce the cooldown on those spells.
Especially stuff you want to spam like Flash, Foil or if you're /BLU stuff like Geist Wall, Jettatura etc.
In situations like these you have to carefully evaluate which slots where to put enmity at the cost of FC.
Hands is usually a good slot for instance, given how Taeon Gloves for example have enmity-5.
Ultimately it's up to each of us and our own personal playstyle I guess.

As for your tanking set, don't wanna sound like an *** but I dont' get why you, and many other people, keep tanking with Futhark +1.
I used to do it too, until I realized that aside from PDT-4 Futhark doesn't really offer anything else.
In that sense Lithelimb (or even other options) look much better to me.
Yes it's 1 PDT less, but can easily compensate in other slots or even stay at 49% PDT, and gain much more in return.
If you're /BLU and spamming spells like there's no tomorrow you'll hardly get time to melee and in that sense accuracy might not seem that useful, but in all other options you're really going to need every bit of acc you can get.

Just my personal and probably flawed opinion of course.
Emet+1 offers a lot of acc (and evasion! and enmity!) but it comes at a big cost. The Empy body is so good for tanking that it's hard to give it up, every tanking set should be created around the goal of trying to reach PDT cap (or getting as close as possible to it) while equipping body.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-07-28 02:22:10
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Asura.Sechs said: »
When it comes to stuff like JAs (or runes) it's easy to equip as much Enmity as you can because you usually only need 1-2 slots (or even zero) to enhance the JA, but can put enmity in the other slots without worrying.
The enmity gain on Runes was nerfed quite a while ago. And not just lowered, they give 0/0 CE/VE now. So if you bother to swap gear during Rune use at all, the only thing you could swap to would be PDT/DT- in case something hits you during usage.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-28 02:25:38
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I thought runes gave 1, not 0?
And even if it's zero if you stack +enmity they should still produce an enmity level compared to the amount of enmity gear you have in that moment?
I've seen mobs turn around with the usage of a single rune so, unless it was a coincidence, I'd be leaning to say it works.

It's just not the huge amount of enmity it used to be before the nerf, I thought it was just about that.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-07-28 02:34:21
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“Freshly Picked Vana’diel 8” Digest
Akihiko_Matsui said:
Rune fencer
Elimination of enmity gain from Rune Enchantment
This is a change that was coupled with the above adjustment. Previously it was difficult for rune fencer to gain enmity and players were constantly using Rune Enchantment as a means to do this. However, this was something that was not originally intended for this ability, so with the addition of new methods to gain enmity it will no longer be necessary to do this.
It's 0/0 Enmity. If you saw a mob turn on Rune use, well, VE doesn't stop ticking down just cause you used a JA.

Asura.Sechs said: »
And even if it's zero if you stack +enmity they should still produce an enmity level compared to the amount of enmity gear you have in that moment?
No. enmity gear is a % modifier. 0*200% is still 0.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-28 02:53:44
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Are we just basing ourselves on what Matsui said or has it been *tested* to prove it's zero?
Wouldn't be the first time they give not completely accurate information.

I was sure I read 1/1 enmity after the nerf, but I can't find tests anywhere and BG wiki data has been update to 0/0, so I suppose someone must have tested it somewhere, somewhen.
Guess I can update my Lua then and insert an exception for Runes, kinda pointless if it's zero.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-07-28 03:20:57
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While I've done a fair amount of enmity tests, including ones to test for 0 CE actions(a lot of enhancing magic is 0 CE now), I can't recall if I ever tried Runes. When SE outright tells us the values of something, we don't usually go check it.

I didn't see any links to testing either. If you're really curious about it, it's not terribly hard to test. Assuming you have 2 characters.

But in any case, even if it's 1 CE, it's still pretty damn pointless to swap gear for it. At +200 enmity(a value I do not believe RUN can even attain atm... but by all means correct me if I'm mistaken.) You'd get 3 CE for a base 1 CE action. 2 CE gain. I think I'd rather either stay in my current gear, or swap to PDT/DT.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-07-28 04:13:29
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Assuming you have 2 characters.
Only one sorry, but it's not a big deal, just wanted to make sure.
The 1/1 thing I read probably was unaccurate information from unreliable sources.
It's k, I'll just add an exception for runes.

Thanks for the input, Martel.
Posts: 43
By Zaeeth 2015-07-28 08:40:57
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Wasn't sure where to post it, but after much WKR spamming through the month, many tasks previously and the help of many and an especially close friend: Epeolatry!

Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2015-07-28 08:45:08
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Dude, congratulations! :D
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 09:56:51
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Zaeeth said: »
Wasn't sure where to post it, but after much WKR spamming through the month, many tasks previously and the help of many and an especially close friend: Epeolatry!

Saw you shouting the other day and thought maybe you were pushing to finish Baylds. Congrats! ^^
Server: Sylph
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user: Safiyyah
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By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-07-28 17:12:52
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So what do you guys use RUN for? I got my wife's RUN to a good place in the past week, with capped DT/FC, enmity, Reso/Dimi sets, capped her magic skills/parrying, etc. I used it in a few Unity fights on Saturday. For single-element fights it seems like a capable tank, and the status effect resistance is quite handy. I had more than a little trouble holding hate because the JAs have long CDs, but that's just a matter of practice.

I just feel like I'm missing something. What do you do in multi-element fights like versus Perfidien/Plouton or some others? With capped MDT do you just eat the hits? How does RUN do with multiple mobs, since you can't rely on shield blocks? Forgive my ignorance, I haven't tanked in XI, though I have mained tanks in WoW and FFXIV.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2015-07-28 17:32:05
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Either Utsusemi or Cocoon can be another layer of defense, with Battuta providing periods of near-invincibility. Third Eye can also be an option.

I had more than a little trouble holding hate because the JAs have long CDs, but that's just a matter of practice.

You shouldn't be using JAs as a primary hate source.
Server: Sylph
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user: Safiyyah
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By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-07-28 18:09:29
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Siren.Kyte said: »
Either Utsusemi or Cocoon can be another layer of defense, with Battuta providing periods of near-invincibility. Third Eye can also be an option.

I had more than a little trouble holding hate because the JAs have long CDs, but that's just a matter of practice.

You shouldn't be using JAs as a primary hate source.

I wasn't, was using Flash and Foil when they were up.
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