Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-24 03:37:54
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Looking again at your set Ruaumoko, and I really like it.
Wonder why I never considered using Lithelimb Cap on my RUN before... really how dumb can I get?
Your set gets you at 49% though, unless I mathed something wrong?
Aside from Aettir of course.
You could easily get to 50% by using a different grip, I'm sure you've seen Umbra Grip, have you not?

Sadly it kinda needs Vocane.
I guess an alternative could be using Umuthi Gloves.
You'd be missing quite a lot of accuracy going this way, but you could recover some by using a different Ammo (Inlamvuyeso or Honed Tathlum), a different Grip (Tzacab Grip) and different Earrings (Zennaroi Earring + another earring of your choice).

If you're tanking I feel DA is surely nice to have but not that important? Maybe I'm just doing things in a different way from you, but especially when I'm on /BLU my meleeing time is so reduced (because of the spellcasting and subsequent 1sec delay) that I'm not sure DA would have such a big impact.

Regardless of all my dumb mumbling, thanks for sharing, your set gave me quite a few ideas to improve my own sets ;)
Do you use a lot of specific sets on RUN?
Originally I made 3 basic sets.
A generic hybrid one (which didn't CAP PDT but had a mix of everything), another more focused on Def/PDT, and another focused on MDT/MDB/MEva.
Most of the times I find myself perma-riding the Hybrid set though...

With a set like yours you cap PDT, cap MDT, have accuracy and everything you may need. With such a set you don't really need specific/alternative ones.
Maybe a set that uses Erilaz Glvoes +1 and Runeist Trousers +1 at the same time could be cool.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Tedril
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By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2015-04-24 10:12:01
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Ruaumoko said: »
ItemSet 334832
This is what I use for tanking these days.

Evasionist's Cape has a perfect augment of Damage Taken -5% on it and you need that augment to pull this set off.

Aettir (5% PdT II)
Lithelimb Cap (3% PdT)
Eri. Legs (7% PdT)
Eri. Feet (5% PdT)
Twilight Torque (5% DT)
JSE Cape (3% PdT / 5% DT)
Flume Belt (4% PdT)
Defending Ring (10% DT)
Vocane Ring (7% DT)

If you're not using the Aettir this will put you pretty much on the cap border so you can probably sub in Goading or some other TP/Enmity waist over the Flume.
On what content would you be using this? I feel like most of the time something like this would be a dt swap in set? Not to tp in?
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kaeviathan 2015-04-24 10:27:12
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ItemSet 334941 ItemSet 334943 ItemSet 334942
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2015-04-24 10:46:42
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when you are tanking, you are ideally doing so in your DT set. (unless you just like trying to mash your macro before you take any given hit....) if you just want a straight up DD set where you are not holding hate, this is what I use for funsies:

ItemSet 334946

my Cape has Double Attack +5 augmented, and all the Taeon have Triple Attack +2. the Accuracy/Attack augments are not perfect (damn you Snowslit costs) but each piece has at least 15 Accuracy on it, and my Macbain has DMG+26, Accuracy/Attack +12, and Store TP +4 currently.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Tedril
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By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2015-04-24 10:53:03
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ItemSet 334860
Well that's a hybrid I'm looking at. With a dt swap that you don't swap in for hits just swap in for harder NMs. I haven't yet started using run in end game.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2015-04-24 16:05:29
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Your set gets you at 49% though, unless I mathed something wrong?
You could easily get to 50% by using a different grip, I'm sure you've seen Umbra Grip, have you not?

Do you use a lot of specific sets on RUN?
Originally I made 3 basic sets.
A generic hybrid one (which didn't CAP PDT but had a mix of everything), another more focused on Def/PDT, and another focused on MDT/MDB/MEva.
Most of the times I find myself perma-riding the Hybrid set though...

With a set like yours you cap PDT, cap MDT, have accuracy and everything you may need. With such a set you don't really need specific/alternative ones.
Maybe a set that uses Erilaz Glvoes +1 and Runeist Trousers +1 at the same time could be cool.
You didn't math wrong, it is 49%. I mentioned in my post that this set will put you just below the cap but will take you over it with the Aettir. This is pretty much my "Oh ***, brace for impact" set. I tend to use my normal TP set when Battuta goes up as I have a much better chance of parrying stuff. I could work on a hybrid set though, that's a fair point.

I'm set up for the following 'engaged' sets: DD, Accuracy, DT, Resist. The first three speak for themselves but what's different about the last set, 'Resist', which looks like this.
ItemSet 334947

Focusing on elemental resistance and ailment resistance while also allowing for some tanking attributes as I don't want to leave myself completely open while tanking.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-24 16:58:36
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Ruaumoko said: »
I'm set up for the following 'engaged' sets: DD, Accuracy, DT, Resist. The first three speak for themselves but what's different about the last set, 'Resist', which looks like this.
ItemSet 334947

Focusing on elemental resistance and ailment resistance while also allowing for some tanking attributes as I don't want to leave myself completely open while tanking.
A few thoughts for you.
BGwiki said:
In general, +2 Magic Evasion is assumed to give +1% Resist rate below a 50% resist rate, and +2% Resist rate above a 50% resist rate.
With this in mind, take a look at Erilaz legs vs runeist legs.

There's a 38 magic evasion difference between the two. Going by the quoted info, that'd equate to 19% resist rate when below 50% resist, and 38% when above 50%.

So we have +6 resist status vs 19~38% resist rate. Then consider Erilaz's higher PDT, enmity+, Inquartata+, and the increased set effect for wearing another piece of Erilaz.

however, there are two cases that could turn this around and make Runeist's the better resist option.

Case #1: Being waaay below floored resist rate. But if you're targeting status with your runes and bar spells, I don't think this is going to happen much.

Case#2: Things that do not have a resist check. This isn't something well tested, but I suspect the death spell is one of these. Possibly also some forms of terror, and some types of doom. That or they're just spectacularly accurate. But in this case you'd probably be making more specific sets to resist(shadow ring, etc on death.)

Anyway. You could also get more meva on head, but you'd have to drop some PDT. But with the additional PDT from erilaz legs, you could drop that and still be better off than before. Erilaz head, wayfarer, and meva augmented Taeon are all that come to mind with higher Meva though. Meva augmented Taeon hands would also beat out erilaz hands, but ugh at making/carrying them. I suppose you could put the augment on your phalanx+ hands. Since phalanx+ is a dusk aug and meva is a snow aug. Wouldn't cost any additional space that way. But still ugh.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2015-04-24 17:10:22
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
I'm set up for the following 'engaged' sets: DD, Accuracy, DT, Resist. The first three speak for themselves but what's different about the last set, 'Resist', which looks like this.
ItemSet 334947

Focusing on elemental resistance and ailment resistance while also allowing for some tanking attributes as I don't want to leave myself completely open while tanking.
A few thoughts for you.
BGwiki said:
In general, +2 Magic Evasion is assumed to give +1% Resist rate below a 50% resist rate, and +2% Resist rate above a 50% resist rate.
Awesome stuff.
Will take this on board for sure.

What is the cap on Phalanx+ equipment and which Dusk stone is used for it?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-24 17:15:34
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Phalanx+ caps at +3, and is only available on Yorium and Taeon gear. Comes from Duskdim stones, so prepare your wallet.

Makes for a truly glorious Phalanx though.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2015-04-24 19:52:38
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How does the Phalanx+ equipment factor into the formula for the spell? Does each +1 on Phalanx+ equipment add to the floor or is it a percentage?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-24 20:17:40
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Phalanx +1 = -1 dmg added to current phalanx reduction.

So, if you have a -30 dmg phalanx, and add +10 phalanx gear, you get a -40 dmg/hit phalanx.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-27 02:00:37
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Can anybody share their experiences with non-Ergon RUN tanking AAs?
I was bored with some friends yesterday and tried Normal HM with RUN + 2 GEOs.
Yeah setup sucked but we were bored.

Things didn't go nicely. Damage from WSs was still pretty high despite it being on normal. When Battuta wasn't up they were wracking through the RUN's defenses and of course GEOs weren't the best job to heal. I remember a Rampage doing ~1236 damage.
Fight lasted a while and we only took ~10% damage off AA HM, then we decided to accept defeat.
They would've ran out of MP anyway and even if we managed to survive (I doubt) we would've timed out because of not enough damage.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2015-04-27 02:53:37
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I've tanked all the AA's on RUN and it works great provided you chose the right support job. For GK, EV and MR it's /NIN with appropriate haste support, with HM it's /BLU and for TT it doesn't really matter. Get a WHM healer and some sort of buffs and your set.

What buffs were the GEO's using because HM should of been hitting for for nearly nothing with Barrier and Wilt up and even without them cocoon and embolden protect V should of made the RUN very resistant to physical damage. I could easily see three man, RUN + healer (WHM / RDM / SCH) + DD with shadows (NIN / THF / DNC) or Ranger.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-27 03:03:02
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I emboldened Protect IV since we lacked a healer.
I don't remember the buffs 100%.
Precision, Fury for sure. Asked them to rotate Entrust Indi-Haste.
Not sure if Barrier was up.

They were both /RDM and unable to -na.
I don't remember my sj on RUN (I usually love to /BLU stuff) but I think it was lolWAR.
Also that ~1236 Rampage was probably in my Hybrid set, which is outdated and doesn't reach 50% PDT.
Would using Umbra Runes be the smart choice against HM btw, to reduce the impact of Light SC damage when he starts spamming CDC? (wonder if you can Liement SC damage).

Also how do you handle Mijin Gakure from HM and something Incarnate from EV without Scherzo?
You tanked them all on (D) I assume? (not interested in getting VD, did them all long time ago and it's just more time efficient to do (D) if you need to farm stuff, imho)
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-27 03:30:10
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Tenebrae. Umbra isn't a rune name.

Light skill chains don't always deal light damage. They deal either fire, wind, thunder or light dmg. The element is chosen based on the mobs resistances(uses the element the mob is weakest to.)

Thing is, I'm not sure if "Resistances" in this case refers to when mobs take extra damage from an element, or if it means elemental magic evasion like we see in the equip menu. So I dunno if we can manipulate what element the DMG would be. This stuff is applied to mobs far more often than players.

But honestly, the best solution to SC DMG is still reducing the DMG of the closing WS.

I don't anticipate RUN having much issue with Arrogance Incarnate. Vallation/Valliance work on breath damage. AI should be far less a threat to a RUN than a PLD. I think it's light damage, but that's not something I've been able to verify. Go liement one for me. <,<
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2015-04-27 03:41:06
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Would using Umbra Runes be the smart choice against HM btw, to reduce the impact of Light SC damage when he starts spamming CDC?

That will have absolutely zero effect on his SC damage. CDC -> CDC produces L3 "Light" which deals Fire / Thunder / Wind / Light damage, the one that's chosen is based on which the target has the lowest resistance to. All use tenebre does is ensure that it'll be one of Fire / Thunder / Wind that smacks you. In a flight like HM, where the damage is almost all physical, you want something that will help you heal with VP or recover MP if that's an issue, otherwise go with the earth resistance runes in order to reduce the chance of slow landing from Cross Slash.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-27 03:51:30
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Derp, level3 is light alligned elements and not l1 light.
Yeah, makes sense.
Thanks for the reality check, somehow was thinking about l1 properties for a moment there.

I think I remember someone testing Arrogance Incarnate a long time ago and proving it's non-elemental breath damage.
I'm 100% sure reading that because I remember asking specifically about it with RUN tanking in mind, long time ago.
Of course the one who replied to me could've just fed me with incorrect information, I didn't verify it myself.

Still, how do you guys deal with Mijin Gakure without Scherzo? (you have One For All I guess, should work on Mijin, but getting the timing right might not be very easy)
Also what about Charm from MR?
3x Tenebrae and Pflug? I think Charm should be light-alligned?
But frankly Pflug is quite lackluster compared to Fealty, not sure it could be as reliable as that.

And for TT?
Random nukes shouldn't be that much of a deal. Just stick 3 different element runes, a 4th element with barspell, and with those plus RUN's MDB and capped MDT none of those spells should be life-endangering on (D).
But Meteor? Mob version is non-elemental if I recall.
I mean aside from the cheap tactic of having a THF Larcenying Manafont it of course.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2015-04-27 04:08:10
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For TT, it's a complete joke for RUN. Meteor will do jack sh!t for damage because the amount of total MDB you have. For him I'd just keep up three wind runes with barstone and barpetrify to reduce the random petrify effect from amon drive, otherwise you can laugh at him all day long. MR is tricky, I usually try to Tenebre + Pflug at 50% and then WS to force her charm, its usually resisted but if it's not I have someone on sleep duty, then they just run her around since charm will wear shortly anyway. Mijin won't hit you that hard with capped MDT and high MDB, I remember barely getting scratched by it though anyone nearby would get smoked. The best way is to hold TP at 10% and have the WHM sacrosancity then drop a WS or two onto his head quickly to force him to explode.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-27 04:35:18
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Sacrosanctity definitely works on Mijin but I assumed One For All to work as well?
I don't know exactely how it works and how much it absorbs though, whereas those mechanics are pretty clear for Sacrosanctity.

Either way, thanks for the tips guys <3
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-27 04:48:51
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I think I remember someone testing Arrogance Incarnate a long time ago and proving it's non-elemental breath damage.
I'm 100% sure reading that because I remember asking specifically about it with RUN tanking in mind, long time ago.
Of course the one who replied to me could've just fed me with incorrect information, I didn't verify it myself.
I don't recall ever seeing anything conclusive. And I was pretty interested in the subject.

Also, there's been some evidence to suggest that spirits within is light elemental. Considering that AI uses the spirits animation, and replaces SW for high tier AAEV, I feel that there's some similarities between the two. This quite possibly includes element. Also hardly conclusive. But interesting, imo.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-27 05:00:12
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I think THIS post and the following ones is what I was thinking about but unless there's some other post I couldn't find with the search function then yes, it seems there's no conclusive result.
Given the similarity with Spirits Within it might be worth to ride on runes/vallation to reduce damage.

Which one is the AA EV's dispelling move?

It should be easy to test the Spirits Within thing in Ballista/Brenner btw. Any sword using job against a RUN with 3 runes and Liement. If the damage doesn't get absorbed then it's not light-alligned.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-27 05:35:46
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Dominion Slash is AAEV's dispel. However, oddly enough, I've never seen it dispel a bard song. And I've tanked a lot of EV.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-27 05:46:58
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Coincidence or are you claiming there might be more about it?
Granted I'm talking about DM2, but I seem to recall our PLD panicing about Scherzo being dispelled.
He's a very reliable source of information, I can ask him if you want a 100% confirmation of what I said.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-27 05:50:41
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I'm just stating a recollection. Whether it was luck, me just not noticing if a BRD song did get dispelled, I dunno.

Take it as you will. I'm not particularly inclined to argue about it atm.
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
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By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-04-27 06:07:17
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Pretty sure AAEV doesn't dispel songs. Never had that issue myself, either.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-04-27 12:48:06
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For all AA's, I just sub NIN and have never had issues, even long before Epeolatry. It easily solves the issue of WS and SC damage you're taking, provided you're proficient at blink tanking. Also helps since there are additional effects on a lot of their WSs. With more Haste, this gets to be incredibly easy.

Arrogance Incarnate seems non-elemental to me, since I've tried Tenebrae wards and never seen them make any difference. Instead, I use Tellus and Barthunder as a means of reducing the stun proc from her shield bash.

It is possible to kill the AA Hume without him using Mijin, if you get him to around 5% and he uses Mighty Strikes, then you use this time to push him down with something like a skillchain and bursted Lunge. He won't use Mijin with Mighty Strikes or Brazen Rush active. If these wear off before you kill him, he'll almost certainly Mijin right away, so you can use whatever buffs (OFA, etc) you want.

For Mithra, I usually use Tenebrae plus some Resist Charm/Status gear and that works just fine, otherwise having a buddy on NIN or something works great too.

Don't think I need to add anything about Taru and Galka, they're pretty simple. I've solo'd Taru on Normal as RUN/NIN with no pre-fight buffs or anything, took about 25 min though.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2015-04-28 10:34:47
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I'm 99.9% sure that AI is nonelemental breath damage. Also, I have noted that EV seems to PMS rage at times. I have no idea why, but sometimes she just facestomps you/the paladin who didn't expect it.

Liement does jack, I've Liemented one for you, Martel. :P

Best defense against AI is probably the same BDT- stuff PLD uses, if you can get your hands on it. Or just outlive it. It's divided among everyone in range, so if you're doing a melee-centric EV run, you're golden. Even a THF tagging in for TH will help here.

Galka is a straight RUN/NIN keep-your-shadows-up-and-yawnfest.

HM I have done on RUN/NIN because I lack the spells for the proper /BLU setup, and it's not too bad. Your WHM Diaga-ing shadows off helps and unlike a PLD you can actually hurt it.

For TT it's a RUN/SAM GS-to-face thing because he casts things and it's probably not gonna hurt.

For MR, the first half is a bit harder than the second, because post-Charm she loves her Cloudsplitter, and though you do still need to watch for Rampage, she mainly Splitters which is pure thunder damage (or not, since you're a RUN).

The pet is more annoying to me than she is, sometimes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-28 10:44:52
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You tried Liementing Arrogance Incarnate?
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 879
By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2015-04-28 10:46:11
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Yeah, it wasn't my brightest moment.

It was awhile back (few months ago) and it did exactly nothing.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-04-28 13:58:32
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Bahamut.Seekerstar said: »
I'm 99.9% sure that AI is nonelemental breath damage. Also, I have noted that EV seems to PMS rage at times. I have no idea why, but sometimes she just facestomps you/the paladin who didn't expect it.

Liement does jack, I've Liemented one for you, Martel. :P
And what element did you use?

Anyway, there's test 1/8 for the non-elemental argument. Just 7 more. get ta work!
Bahamut.Seekerstar said: »
HM I have done on RUN/NIN because I lack the spells for the proper /BLU setup, and it's not too bad. Your WHM Diaga-ing shadows off helps and unlike a PLD you can actually hurt it.
Hey now! I think my PLD's DPS is quite respectable.
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