Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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By palladin9479 2015-03-05 11:44:02
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Lakshmi.Zerowone said: »
Well the thing is /dnc /nin dual Usons with Savage Blade sets are in fact currently the best from a DD stand point. 2 handed WSs need a buff cause my Epeolatry is weeping.

That's interesting cause /SAM hasso should win most of the time without some sort of Fencer bonus for Savage. WAR can get ridiculous results out of savage cause of Fencer V + Gift bonus but can't dualwield when doing that.

On a side note, assuming the same WS set, my DMG +36 Macbain only gets 16~17% higher Reso then my Rag on WAR. This is because the higher STR WSC adds more base DMG then the weapon so large differences in base DMG tend to wash out. The real benefit of Macbain is the 510 delay for 141 base TP per swing making a 6-hit stupid easy and a 5-hit /SAM really easy. 4-hit not gonna happen though.
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2015-03-05 12:02:13
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Corsair is another job that cranks out monster Savage blades as /dnc when geared for the WS. Yes they're nothing like a War utilizing fencer but they are surprisingly high on both Rune and Corsair.
Posts: 12330
By palladin9479 2015-03-05 12:14:53
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Lakshmi.Zerowone said: »
Corsair is another job that cranks out monster Savage blades as /dnc when geared for the WS. Yes they're nothing like a War utilizing fencer but they are surprisingly high on both Rune and Corsair.

That's just you screwing around with rolls.


Savage at 1000TP is bleh, it doesn't get monstrous until you start approaching 2000TP. It has Rudra's like scaling with TP. WAR gets 550 TP Bonus for free which when combined with Moon shade make every 1000TP Savage into a 1800 TP Savage. That is why you got WAR's with Sword + Shield doing stupid savage numbers. COR and RUN have nothing that compares to that, so what your seeing is you saving up to 3000TP then comparing it to a 1000TP Reso or other WS.

If your Dual Wielding on RUN you should be using Vorpal, not sure what COR has but COR/WAR with Savage might not be too bad.

Vorpal @1000TP is 1.375 fTP that copies TP, 1.575 across all five hits gives you 7.875 fTP with 60% STR WSC and crits which RUN actually needs. Savage @1000TP would be 7.5625 across all three hits (DW) with 50% STR/MND WSC. Swift isn't that bad either, 6.8 fTP across all four hits (DW) and 50% STR/MND with Gravitation property makes it a good opener for RS or other Distortion based WS. Of course if you have over 1500TP then Savage beats everything, it really does scale ridiculously well, but if someone is having more then 1500TP they better be opening for a RS darkness in which case Savage can't help you.

In comparison Resolution also scales really well with TP. @1000TP + moonshade you get 5.55 with 85% STR WSC. @2000TP + moonshade you get 9.437, at 3000TP you get 12.25. The only downside is that -15% attack penalty which isn't much to a WAR or DRK but can be harsh to a RUN who is frequently under-buffed. I really wish RUN could use Torc as this is the situation where Torc starts to beat Reso.

Now a note about the different kinds of WS's. Because single hit smash WS's like RS, Savage and Torc put all their damage in that first hit, additional hits are only at a 1 multiplier. WS's that spread their damage out across multiple hits and copy TP multiplier have additional hits getting full TP potency. Savage procing a DA or TA would only have 1.0 multiplier while Vorpal would get 1.575, Swift would get 1.7 and Resolution would get 1.11 (@1000TP+moonshade). The daddy of multi-hit's, CDC, would get a whopping 2.45 @1000 that could also crit.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-09 02:15:23
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So, again, anybody managed to math out if and how Taeon Body can become a better WS option than Manibozho Body for RUN, for Resolution?
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By Sylph.Hyunkyl 2015-03-09 20:29:45
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Mind posting your Savage Blade and Vorpal Blade sets?
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2015-03-09 21:25:53
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See....I'm so goddamn behind on RUN gear sets.

When did Mani body (a) become BIS for reso?

Also, I would like to see some Vorpal Blade sets as well. I have a really nice GS on RUN, but I'm just not happy with resolution numbers. Someone in my ls recommended subbing drk for desparate blows and last resort, rather than sam. DW Run seems like the most fun for me lately.
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By Siren.Kyte 2015-03-09 21:38:15
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It's not really- however, the spread between the best bodies (at least pre-Yorcia) was pretty small and varied on target/buffs.

A Vorpal set is going to look at lot like a Resolution set but with Rancorous Mantle and Yetshila.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2015-03-21 00:19:49
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it likely won't take too much. if you consider the important stats on a Rank 15 A Mani (32 Attack, 27 Accuracy, 21 STR and DEX 15) vs base Tabard (10 Attack, 22 STR 29 DEX) if you got a +20 Attack/Accuracy Augment you have pretty much broken even/gotten ahead already. throw on other bonuses say STR/DEX augment, maybe Triple Attack, you should be able to toss the Mani at that point. other possible augments are.... weaponskill accuracy? I have not seen Store TP on a piece of Taeon gear, though having triple attack augments is a lot of fun when you get to DD.
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-03-21 01:16:57
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Store TP supposedly doesn't appear on Taeon. Notable leaf augments for Taeon are Crit Rate +3, Triple Attack +2, and Dual Wield +5 for offensive bonuses.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2015-03-21 12:15:32
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right, but for the purposes of Resolution, the only stats I saw that were really feasible were WS Accuracy or Triple Attack. Crit Hit Rate will not make Resolution crit, correct?
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-03-21 12:17:27
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Critical Hit Rate/Damage will not affect a weapon skill where it is not native, unless forced by an ability like Sneak/Trick Attack (Only the first hit), or Mighty Strikes.

And in such an occasion, only the critical hit damage would be affected.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2015-03-21 12:20:45
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You'd want to aim for STR, Attack/Acc, and Triple Attack.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-21 20:03:09
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Good suggestions, thanks guys.
What about a DD focused Macbain instead?
Pretty obvious for Snow slot.
But what would you put in the Leaf slot?
And in the Dusk one? STR+ or DMG+?
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By Sylph.Oraen 2015-03-21 20:18:58
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I don't see ~25 STR being able to compete wth 30+ damage, but I don't know too much about RUN specifically.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-21 20:50:59
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Also +DMG works on Lunge/Swipe as well iir, whereas +STR would not.
Posts: 181
By Lyncath 2015-03-21 20:56:48
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DMG+ on the Macbain, no question.
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-03-21 20:59:05
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Also +DMG works on Lunge/Swipe as well iir, whereas +STR would not.
Weapon dmg is not a part of the Lunge/Swipe damage formula. Now, MAGIC DMG+ is, but that's not what's being discussed here.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-22 14:13:56
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I thought Lunge used Weapon Skill level, Base Damage, Mab and Magic damage into the formula?
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-03-22 14:38:50
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It doesn't use weapon damage. It would have made testing Aettir's Lunge enhancement quite a pain in the *** if that had been the case. Not that it wasn't a pain anyway.

Lunge Formula
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By Bahamut.Lyncath 2015-03-26 04:22:25
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These are just the 109 versions mind.

The set bonus for Rune Fencer Empyrean is the same as Paladin's. Occasionally Absorbs Damage Taken (10% rate with 5/5 I'd imagine)

Erilaz Galea
HP+69 MP+29
< stat vomit >
Refresh Potency +1 (Affects the spell, isn't passive)
Enhancing Magic Effect Duration +10 (Is this a %)?
Augments "Vivacious Pulse"

Erilaz Surcoat
HP+90 MP+51
< stat vomit >
Accuracy +18 Attack +18
Converts 5% of Physical Damage Taken to MP
Boots Enmity Retention When Taking Damage

Erilaz Gauntlets
HP+14 MP+14
< stat vomit >
Great Sword Skill +18
Haste +4%
Resistance to all Status Ailments +4

Erilaz Leg Guards
HP+53 MP+66
< stat vomit >
Enmity +10
Inquartata +1
Physical Damage Taken -6% (!!!)

Erilaz Greaves
HP+8 MP+24
< stat vomit >
Enmity +5
Resist All Elements +20
Physical Damage Taken -4% (!!!)

These all have some use which is good to see.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-03-26 05:20:39
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some +1 stats from here..

Leaving stat vomit in because while it's annoying to read through, it is relevant. Like for example, the fact that the magic evasion on all pieces is 119 mage class. On the feet that is particularly nice with the +25 to all resist.

Erilaz Galea +1" DEF:105 HP+91 MP+35 STR+20 DEX+20 VIT+14 AGI+20 INT+19 MND+16 CHR+17 Evasion+47 Magic Evasion+69 "Magic Def. Bonus "+5 Haste+8% "Refresh " potency +2 Augments "Vivacious Pulse " Enhancing magic effect duration +15 Set: Occ. absorbs damage taken"

Erilaz Surcoat +1" DEF:137 HP+123 MP+61 STR+28 DEX+30 VIT+23 AGI+29 INT+25 MND+24 CHR+24 Accuracy+28 Attack+28 Evasion+52 Magic Evasion+80 "Magic Def. Bonus "+6 Haste+4% Converts 6% of physical damage taken to MP Boosts Enmity retention when taking damage +12 Set: O"

Erilaz Gauntlets +1" DEF:94 HP+29 MP+17 STR+16 DEX+42 VIT+30 AGI+7 INT+16 MND+30 CHR+19 Evasion+33 Magic Evasion+37 "Magic Def. Bonus "+3 Great Sword skill +28 Haste+5% Resistance to all status ailments +6 Set: Occasionally absorbs damage taken"

Eri. Leg Guards +1" DEF:117 HP+80 MP+74 STR+33 VIT+15 AGI+21 INT+33 MND+17 CHR+12 Evasion+44 Magic Evasion+107 Haste+6% "Magic Def. Bonus "+6 Enmity+11 "Inquartata "+2 Physical damage taken -7% Occasionally absorbs damage taken"

Erilaz Greaves +1" DEF:75 HP+18 MP+29 STR+17 DEX+26 VIT+16 AGI+38 MND+16 CHR+32 Resist all elements +25 Evasion+77 Magic Evasion+107 "Magic Def. Bonus "+5 Haste+4% Enmity+6 Physical damage taken -5% Occasionally absorbs damage taken"

I'm rather disappointed that the body has no PDT considering those tanking stats on it.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Lyncath
Posts: 26
By Bahamut.Lyncath 2015-03-26 05:26:31
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Holy ***at those stats.

That's goodbye to Taeon Tabard and Taeon Gloves.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Lyncath
Posts: 26
By Bahamut.Lyncath 2015-03-26 05:37:21
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With regards to a tanking set let's try working the Surcoat in.

Futhark Bandeau+1 (4% PdT)
Umuthi Gloves (4% PdT)
Eri. Leg Guards (7% PdT)
Eri. Greaves (5% PdT)
Twilight Torque (5% DT)
Evas. Cape (3% PdT / 4% DT)
Flume Belt (4% PdT)
Defending Ring (10% DT)
Vocane Ring (7% DT)

That's 53% overall with 27% being PdT-% and 26% being DT-%.
This isn't taking into consideration the Aettir (I find myself using the Macbain these days) which would break the 50% cap. With a perfect augment of -5% Damage Taken on the Evasionist's Cape you could take the Umuthi Gloves off and use Eri. Gauntlets for more DPS and for the set effect.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-26 05:54:07
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Can't believe the stats on body, altough it's gonna be a close call with this other piece:

Tartarus Platemail DEF:158 HP+63 MP+35 STR+29 DEX+19 VIT+29 AGI+19 INT+19 MND+19 CHR+19 Accuracy+40 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+80 "Magic Def. Bonus "+6 Haste+3% Absorbs magic damage taken +5% Damage taken -10% Physical damage taken: "Death Spikes " effect"

Probably gonna want both and swap to benefit from the Damage>MP conversion. Also Body best WS option now? Or if not best, pretty good alternative to Taeon if you don't want to be bothered with the randomness of augmentation.

I love legs, altough I'm gonna miss the ailments resist on AF.
Love feet too but wouldn't having a +25 higher magic evasion value have been better than a separate "resist all elements +25"? All elements +25 means it only works on stuff that's elementally alligned, implying it won't work on stuff that has no elemental affinity. Magic Eva works on everything.

Confused by hands. They are awesome but without the PDT from Umuthi it's a close call. Would love to idle in this, but that would mean being unable to cap PDT, with my gear.
Should be better than Nilas for WS at least.
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By Valefor.Dpdhuntress 2015-03-26 06:18:59
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If you done the ergon quest and you have Epeolatry he just asks for 1 heart or hp Bayld per piece. I got a small break from collecting items for all that coalation hell.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Lyncath
Posts: 26
By Bahamut.Lyncath 2015-03-26 06:52:11
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I love legs, altough I'm gonna miss the ailments resist on AF.

Confused by hands. They are awesome but without the PDT from Umuthi it's a close call. Would love to idle in this, but that would mean being unable to cap PDT, with my gear. Should be better than Nilas for WS at least.
If you're fighting something with really nasty status ailments you can swap the Runeist Trousers +1 in and sacrifice some of the PdT-% for increased resistance.

Hands destroy Nilas if you ask me.

Erilaz: STR+16 DEX+42 Great Sword skill +28 (Accuracy+28 / Attack+28)


Nilas: STR+11 DEX+35 Attack+15 Double Attack+2%

Not even close.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-26 06:56:06
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For WS totally, probably for TP too, unless you're fighting weak stuff where the DA+2% would be preferable.
Alas it's no inventory+1 because you'll still want to keep Nilas for Lunge/Swipe

What you said about Legs is true, and I could do the same with reforged empy hands in place of Umuthi, but it means either adding triggers to my lua, or a plain different set focusing on ailments resist.
Kinda feel the same is going to happen on reforged AF body vs Tartarus.
Annoying =/

Regardless of that, it's nice too have such good new options.
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By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2015-03-26 07:02:00
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Can't believe the stats on body, altough it's gonna be a close call with this other piece:

Tartarus Platemail DEF:158 HP+63 MP+35 STR+29 DEX+19 VIT+29 AGI+19 INT+19 MND+19 CHR+19 Accuracy+40 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+80 "Magic Def. Bonus "+6 Haste+3% Absorbs magic damage taken +5% Damage taken -10% Physical damage taken: "Death Spikes " effect"

I could easily be wrong, but I am almost certain RUN won't be able to wear this.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-26 07:27:42
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Ungh... You are absolutely right, didn't notice that.
Completely sure RUN won't be able to equip it now.
Shame :'(
Posts: 405
By bradinthebox 2015-03-26 11:52:33
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The "jobs" number is 21378, which is the same number used on Askar/Ogier's. So WAR/PLD/DRK/BST/SAM/DRG.
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