Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-09-20 11:15:46
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
only spells you really need for /BLU are:

Blank Gaze
Geist Wall
Sheep Song
Cursed Sphere
Sound Blast
Battle Dance
Grand Slam
Terror Touch
Wild Carrot

cocoon, hate spells, magic attack bonus, attack bonus, defense bonus, and uh... resist sleep because there's really nothing else to put on there.
Anybody still agrees with this list?
Any useless Job Trait from there?
Was trying to make space for Refueling.

Just because their on the list doesn't mean you set them all lol. WC and Pollen are pretty useless most of the time as is Geist Wall. GW is good hate but you can spam cast BG instead. You want many of the other spells because they form killer traits which can be situationally useful. Tier 1 of the traits are 8% proc rates, and while that may not be much it's better then nothing. You can get undead killer, beast killer, lizard killer and plant killer.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-20 11:38:59
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The point of Geist Wall is that its the lowest recast AOE enmity blu spell. Admittedly, multi-mob tankng is not really RUN's thing. And usually you just supertank. But that's what the spell is good for.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-09-20 12:01:26
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I do like Wild Carrot and don't find it useless.
I was wondering about other things.
For instance I think Pollen creates an "Auto Regen" trait with Wild Carrot, no? Then I can kinda skip Pollen since that job trait wouldn't stack with RUN's own autoregen.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gobbo
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By Sylph.Gobbo 2014-09-20 20:07:17
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I do like Wild Carrot and don't find it useless.
I was wondering about other things.
For instance I think Pollen creates an "Auto Regen" trait with Wild Carrot, no? Then I can kinda skip Pollen since that job trait wouldn't stack with RUN's own autoregen.

The spell list tells you exactly what each spell helps create. In this case it creates Resist Sleep.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-09-20 23:57:35
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I do like Wild Carrot and don't find it useless.
I was wondering about other things.
For instance I think Pollen creates an "Auto Regen" trait with Wild Carrot, no? Then I can kinda skip Pollen since that job trait wouldn't stack with RUN's own autoregen.

You have 0 healing magic skill, it's useless when your tanking. If your out soloing stuff then Regen IV would be more then sufficient.

As for resist sleep, why on earth would anyone need that when the monster / NM is going to wake you up in the next hit. /BLU is a tanking sub, meaning you have something, semi dangerous, smacking you.

And yeah Martel GW is the aoe enmity spell, figured it was super situational like the killer traits. GW + Foil spam can build up a very large amount of enmity quickly on everything around the RUN.

People need to learn that anything dealing with BLU or /BLU is always going to require judgement and situational adaptation. The entire purpose of BLU, which also applies as a sub, is to customize and adapt your load out according to the situation at hand.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-09-27 22:04:53
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
You have 0 healing magic skill, it's useless when your tanking.
Yes, I have 0 healing magic.
Yes, it heals for very small amounts (like 300ish HP or something more than that).
And yes, I did find somewhat useful when I solo tanked stuff like WKRs.
Which hasn't happened in a while tbf, but it was fun those times I did :D
Another nice use I found was to wake up my WHM who got sleeped today in Marjami Delve lol.

If your out soloing stuff then Regen IV would be more then sufficient.
Why not using both? :D
Regen IV is awesome but doesn't last long enough even with Futhark+1 legs and it drains your MP pretty fast.
Of course Regen is more mp efficient, but sometimes its not enough, Vivacious Pulse is down, Regen IV is already up and you want some additional cures.
I found Wild Carrot to be a small yet nice addition for situations like those.

As for resist sleep, why on earth would anyone need that when the monster / NM is going to wake you up in the next hit.
Except it's not if you're not engaged yet or if you're not the one with hate.
I think you're focusing too much on situations where you're in a group of skilled people doing high-end content.
Of course the utility is going to be close to zero in situations like those.
(granted that honestly I don't see Resist Sleep PARTICULARLY useful even in other situations lol)

People need to learn that anything dealing with BLU or /BLU is always going to require judgement and situational adaptation. The entire purpose of BLU, which also applies as a sub, is to customize and adapt your load out according to the situation at hand.
I think you're overstressing things.
Yes, in the world of min/maxing where +1STR makes a "huge difference" I'll agree with your "always".
In the rest of the universe /BLU is mainly used as a tanking subjob for Cocoon and additional hate tools to spam, that's it.
Everything else (the traits, etc) are a really nice icing on the cake of those core elements which constitute like what, 90% of the reason why people use /BLU instead of another SJ.

The whole customization/situational thing you talk about is absolutely true, but you're making it look as it's something vital creating huge differences, where it totally has not that big of an impact (it DOES have one though, not denying that. Trying to redimension what you said, not to claim it's untrue)
Server: Lakshmi
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user: terry
Posts: 59
By Lakshmi.Abaddon 2014-09-28 00:08:40
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since atm we're on the subject of /blu. On older content pre SoA /blu was a common sub for pld and rdm for insane damage mitigation with cocoon, -pdt and phalanx. cocoon added a +50% def bonus. Now i just kinda sorta came back recently. its seems that most ilvl19 gear has in most cases doouble the defense then even Empy Armor from abyssea. So on mobs/NMs I used to sub /blu for stupid high defense. would i even need to do that now? Run with phalanx and access to lv119 gears should have really dumb high def. Will i be able to go into abyssea and wreck face with out /blu
Posts: 161
By dedrummer000 2014-09-28 00:10:10
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so, just got a cape with embolden +5, figured id test it. had 774 def, used embolden, pro IV, 954 def, looks like 50% boost like always. any idea what the boost on cape does?
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-09-28 00:20:09
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Lakshmi.Abaddon said: »
m we're on the subject of /blu. On older content pre SoA /blu was a common sub for pld and rdm for insane damage mitigation with cocoon, -pdt and phalanx. cocoon added a +50% def bonus. Now i just kinda sorta came back recently. its seems that most ilvl19 gear has in most cases doouble the defense then even Empy Armor from abyssea. So on mobs/NMs I used to sub /blu for stupid high defense. would i even need to do that now? Run with phalanx and access to lv119 gears should have really dumb high def. Will i be able to go into abyssea and wreck face with out /blu
RUN is pretty much unstoppable in Abyssea with any sub, though certain enemies still present issues (Rani in particular still has impressive magic accuracy and power). That said, you should be ok to sub things like DRK, SAM, THF, whatever you feel like. Since a vast number of Abyssea NMs favor a single element (Apademak, for example), RUN is in no danger whatsoever in these fights, even without much in the way of atmas or gear. Even the more physically oriented enemies will have a hard time hitting a RUN, for little damage if at all.

dedrummer000 said: »
so, just got a cape with embolden +5, figured id test it. had 774 def, used embolden, pro IV, 954 def, looks like 50% boost like always. any idea what the boost on cape does?
If it's not potency, then it would have to be duration, perhaps +5 meaning +5% of the original duration, or your buffs last 55% duration instead of just 50%.
Posts: 161
By dedrummer000 2014-09-28 00:23:23
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now i gotta check again, if its duration, thats pretty damn useless
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-09-28 00:33:40
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For crap like Protect or Shell, yeah pretty much unless you're like, getting Protect V and won't be seeing that mage again for a while. But I suppose it could make Embolden + Barspells a slightly more attractive choice for something.
Posts: 161
By dedrummer000 2014-09-28 00:41:13
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pro IV, laster 16.29 with embolden +5
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-09-28 06:38:41
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Totally duration then.
Can't complain really, it's not that bad.
Posts: 161
By dedrummer000 2014-09-28 22:30:43
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looks like adds 5% of the original length to it for embolden +5
Server: Leviathan
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user: Tajinjr
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By Leviathan.Mckeag 2014-09-29 11:32:32
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Anyone have an up to date rune fencer Gearswap?
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2014-09-30 02:22:41
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i use these from motenten. Just have to do some rewriting to make it your own
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-10-02 02:58:47
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There is not a quicker way to go from excitement to disgust than getting an Evasionist's Cape drop from Incursion coffer... then seeing you got augments of Enmity+1/Embolden+13. /sigh
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2014-10-02 05:42:03
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Appearently the only way they know to keep people busy for a long time is to tie stuff to completely random number generators so that you'll likely be forced to do that thing over and over and over and over and over without feeling a "progress" as you perform such deeds.

I don't know why they like this approach. It's probably easier for them to handle and maybe since it's random for everyone it sounds more "fair" to them?

I can't stand this randomness. I'd rather get a system that forces me to play a month or more to get a single cape but makes me feel a bit of progress at my pace every time I get a chance rather than a 1% of getting what I want in 5 mins but potentially being forced to go on for years without even seeing what I want.
Without seeing improvement, without seeing my goal slowly getting closer.
Dunno, maybe it's just me who's wrong in the head, but I can't stand this random stuff.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-02 06:15:04
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Appearently the only way they know to keep people busy for a long time is to tie stuff to completely random number generators so that you'll likely be forced to do that thing over and over and over and over and over without feeling a "progress" as you perform such deeds.

I don't know why they like this approach. It's probably easier for them to handle and maybe since it's random for everyone it sounds more "fair" to them?

I can't stand this randomness. I'd rather get a system that forces me to play a month or more to get a single cape but makes me feel a bit of progress at my pace every time I get a chance rather than a 1% of getting what I want in 5 mins but potentially being forced to go on for years without even seeing what I want.
Without seeing improvement, without seeing my goal slowly getting closer.
Dunno, maybe it's just me who's wrong in the head, but I can't stand this random stuff.

If they make gears require months of grind like RME playrbase gonna cry and whine again.

You can never please everyone I guess.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2014-10-02 06:49:38
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I wasn't talking for the player base, I was talking about myself of course.
The one month per cape was a bit of an extreme exageration of course.
Not too big of an hyperbole though in the end.
Realistically, according to factors on which you have absolutely no form of control (random % on drop rate, random % on augment types and quality), it could take you much more than a month to get the cape you want for a specific job.
With a system that forces you to gather, dunno, points, something? You would have a form of control.
Hardcores would grind through that, casuals would have it a bit worse, but at least with each following attempt you would feel like you made one step forward getting closer to your goal.

This is a positive feeling in my view, it drives you to keep doing what you're doing.
Having no form of control whatsosever and feeling like after X months you're still at the same point you were before without any noticeable increase in your path aside that exceptional strike of luck, can become a pretty frustrating feeling.
I can understand and sympathize when people feel like they want to stop doing certain content because of reasons like that.

Japanese players are tipically more prone to accept random aspects compared to western users. You can clearly see the difference in how often this approach is embraced by japanese developers versus western ones.

I dunno, just my two cents. I hate stuff depending on luck where I have no form of control on what it's going to happen.
Guess variety is the spice of life?
Server: Asura
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user: ccl
Posts: 1998
By Asura.Ccl 2014-10-02 06:56:11
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Point system on an event with 0 gate is bad; I much prefer the ability to do the content whenever I want with random drop/augment, than to be locked like ein or weekly cap like XIV.

If they do content with point without gate, the content will last a lot less, specially if there is no gil incensitive like incursion.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-10-02 13:01:20
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One suggestion: you could at least let players trade in augmented Incursion capes for a shot at one they want, similar to how they did a 3-for-1 on the unaugmented JSE capes. Even if the reward cape is still randomly augmented, there's a little more ability to target one you want after putting in the time to get some cape drops the original way.

I'm OK with a little bit of randomness, but man... stuff like my last night is just heartbreaking when you walk away with a cape that's useless to you (BST), and then FINALLY get one you've really been looking forward to, just to get the worst possible mix of augments.
Server: Asura
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user: ccl
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By Asura.Ccl 2014-10-02 13:03:18
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When you do higher clvl you can walk away with so many cape that even with a trade system now, we'd cap the event faster than next update.

It's cool if they add a trade system later, but not right now.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 74
By Shiva.Ladyofhonor 2014-10-04 11:21:51
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So I am picking up RUN as my 2nd 99 job to main (usually THF). Figured we share a lot of the same gear, and I've been running thf/run since SoA launch, basically (though only for delves really). I think I'm finally geared up, relic+1 head/body/feet, AF+1 head/body, JSE sword. Missing a defending ring but have a lot of the other big pieces from THF for overall RUN usage.

I'm looking into maybe tanking some KI fights, mostly for experience as my actual need to clear them isn't that high, so what should I be subbing for these fights? Should I turtle up as /blu or fast cast it up as /nin? And where do you think I should spend my JP as I slowly acquire them? And how do you guys acquire JP for RUN? Do you have to actively go out and farm them solo? Because I'm almost certainly going to do that on THF instead for the most part.

This guide claims /SAM is bread and butter DD sub, but I've read more recent threads saying /WAR is a fine sub (which is exactly opposite what this thread states). While skilling up GS and unlocking Dimidiation I was /sam and the Hasso effect really isn't that hard to work around, and I'm not sure Berserk would be that good to use, but not sure where I'd prefer /sam, maybe in delves since tanking isn't really needed but can be useful? I'm basically playing a 2nd 99 because of how anti-melee some content is and using a tank job seems a solid alternative, just need to be slightly more DD focused. Anyway, on 2 hours of sleep and feel like I'm rambling now, but thanks for any answers.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-04 11:48:09
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For KI fights like AA, Nexus, etc. you'll be better off with /NIN, since almost every WS is blinkable and they tend to dish out a rough bad status on top of that. That, and beyond Epeolatry, we don't really have good physical damage mitigation that would make taking all those hits work out.

For job points, there's nothing exceptionally preferred, though I'd say most of mine come from taking it to various events like Skirmish. Otherwise, it's no different than any other job for going out and getting CP. RUN is a very capable soloing job though, so you can take on enemies in any Adoulin zone with varying degrees of kill speed.

What makes /SAM a better subjob is Hasso, Meditate, and Store TP. WAR offers Double Attack, Aggressor, and Berserk, plus a few minor traits, but those JA's aren't full time. I'm also a fan of being able to Seigan tank if I need to, and Meditate and Sekkanoki are both very handy (self-made skillchains allow you to burst your own Lunges). It's not to say WAR is a useless sub, just that SAM gets more from our greatsword use.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2014-10-05 10:07:04
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Regarding Rani:

I fought her yesterday in my normal static RUN set, as /war, and her spells did almost squat (which is what I expect in aby, lol)

Enthrall still happened, though, even with runes + Pflug....which was sort of annoying. She never came remotely close to killing me, though, which is promising. (Atma: Apoc/MM/MC)

In my experience, RUN can solo anything in aby except stuff that casts Death or has endoom. That skele NM in Grauberg and Azdaja are the ones I am thinking of, mainly because Azdaja spams just enough AoE to make shadows suck.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-10-05 10:35:11
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This guide claims /SAM is bread and butter DD sub, but I've read more recent threads saying /WAR is a fine sub (which is exactly opposite what this thread states).

WAR sucks as a sub, you get better from /SAM, /BLU and /NIN. /NIN for stuff that's blinkable, /BLU for when you can't blink stuff (seriously cocoon fixes all physical damage problems), /SAM for everything else. Hasso beats out Berserk for offense, Cocoon crush's Defender, and BG / GW / Jettaru absolutely destroy Provoke for enmity gain.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-05 11:33:30
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Bahamut.Seekerstar said: »
Regarding Rani:

I fought her yesterday in my normal static RUN set, as /war, and her spells did almost squat (which is what I expect in aby, lol)

Enthrall still happened, though, even with runes + Pflug....which was sort of annoying. She never came remotely close to killing me, though, which is promising. (Atma: Apoc/MM/MC)

In my experience, RUN can solo anything in aby except stuff that casts Death or has endoom. That skele NM in Grauberg and Azdaja are the ones I am thinking of, mainly because Azdaja spams just enough AoE to make shadows suck.

Try /DRK if you have it, the Arcana Killer/Circle are very handy, and you can save Weapon Bash for Enthrall.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-10-05 11:37:57
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Bahamut.Seekerstar said: »
Regarding Rani:

I fought her yesterday in my normal static RUN set, as /war, and her spells did almost squat (which is what I expect in aby, lol)

Enthrall still happened, though, even with runes + Pflug....which was sort of annoying. She never came remotely close to killing me, though, which is promising. (Atma: Apoc/MM/MC)

In my experience, RUN can solo anything in aby except stuff that casts Death or has endoom. That skele NM in Grauberg and Azdaja are the ones I am thinking of, mainly because Azdaja spams just enough AoE to make shadows suck.
That's... kinda odd. I did a few Rani, quite awhile back now, on PLD/RUN. Only 2 runes, and Pflug was never up when it mattered. But I still resisted every Enthrall. And there were quite a few. PLD is kinda slow.

What ilvl/type of gear were you using? I mention type, because light/mage class gear tends to have higher M.eva)

And while I doubt this is the case, I'll just check. What runes were you using?
Server: Asura
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user: jalexan4
Posts: 200
By Asura.Alexandero 2014-10-07 12:44:54
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Hey guys, I don't want to start a bunch of crap, but, now with the new gear, as well as the mythic or jse GS, what is left before we are on equal playing fields with PLD? The reason I ask, is that I love to tank, I am always a tank in any mmo. At 75 Cap my favorite job was PLD. I don't have the acct anymore, but when I started this one, I wanted to tank again. This was about the time when RUN was announced as a new tank. I leveled my account to play RUN. Unfortunately, we are rarely used, at least on Asura.

I just logged on, and I plan to go ahead and suck it up and level PLD. It isn't the leveling that I'm not looking forward to, it's those damn shields I have to build. I love RUN, love the mechanics of it, but I want to be able to tank again. Do you guys feel like there will be anytime in the near future (yearish) that we will see, "RUN or PLD, <Can I have it?>" shouts? Or should I just go ahead and build a PLD if I want to tank? Thanks peeps!
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