Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-15 09:14:44
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Thanks guys, really awesome.
I'm gonna work on that. Wonder how many days/weeks it will take me... I'm just level 1 :(
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee 2014-05-15 13:04:22
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BLU is easy and fun in my opinion. I recommend doing it the long slow way, but in this day in age... /blm and nuke your way through the lower levels, exp rings abound. you'll need to learn some basic blu magic as well, head butt, bludgeon, cocoon, pollen. Once you hit 30, if you have some friends who will let you leech an aby party, take advantage of it, but don't sit idle. While you have minikin monstrosity, SPAM skillup magic. your goal should be to hit 56 for access to af hands and cap skill. AF hands, capped skill for 56 should make short work of learning any spell pre49.

As for what i set

tanking tools
1 cocoon
4 jettatura
3 blank gaze
3 geist wall

auto regen
2 sheep song
4 healing breeze

def bonus
2 grand slam
2 terror touch

2 cursed sphere
1 sound blast

and this leaves 6 points and 4 spell slots for 4 refueling (if you don't have haste), or att bonus(battle dance, uppercut), or any of the killer traits

beast killer(wild oats, sprout smack)
lizard killer(foot kick, claw cyclone)
undead killer(bludgeon, smite of rage)
plantoid killer(power attack, mandibular bite)
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Zerowone
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-05-15 13:37:20
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Thanks guys, really awesome.
I'm gonna work on that. Wonder how many days/weeks it will take me... I'm just level 1 :(

not long really, just get it to lvl 49 fast. What I do and its a bit of a placebo but has worked 95% of the time when trying to learn a spell is make sure you are yellow Hp and have 100% tp when you kill it.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ranthozyk
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By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-05-15 14:07:27
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Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee said: »

As for what i set

auto regen
2 sheep song
4 healing breeze

But Rune Fencer already natively gets Auto Regen.
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2014-05-16 08:42:22
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I will say I like wild carrot its not the best but hey a cure 3 is a cure 3 on a class without cure lol.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
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By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2014-05-16 12:44:32
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You can complete your BLU spells in a day or two even from level 1 blu. It just has to do with how much time you put in. You can learn spells iirc up to 7 skill levels gimped from the actual cap at the level of the spell but you'd have to see the BLU forums for that. I also set Soporific because between that and Sheep Song you are covered pretty well for sleeps if you need. And I do believe that the auto-regen does not stack with RUN's native one but I'd have to try when I'm home from work to be sure.

Added Epeolatry to the OP. Will add an enhancing set as requested to the OP once I've got some free time later today. I'll add some info about the Ergon Questline too as it comes out.

Sorry I've been so afk. Put 136 hours into new job in the last two weeks.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ranthozyk
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By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2014-05-16 13:14:17
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Would be neat if a set could be added or some notes could be added under the tp/req. set for an optimal dual wield build as well. I imagine it's going to be close to the multihit set already, but which dual wield enhancing pieces are more favorable over their multi-attack counterparts?
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
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By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2014-05-17 01:26:04
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DW set should be the same unless maybe swapping earrings to dudgeon/heartseeker. You also have to keep in mind DW sets could vary depending on weapon choices as well. Axe/Sword and Sword/Sword will likely have differing optimal sets and with the release of the Ergon weapon are for sure obsolete. Even if you don't have Epeo then DW is questionable for beating Aettir. Only time I've ever really used it is when we didn't feel lhave a MNK/RUN for shark and I did it RUN/NIN and DW'd swords for Req spam on Foret NMs and Sulpor on shark.

Thou I just came off a 12 hour shift + 4 hour drive so I'll run it through the spreadsheet in the morning as well as check on Auto-regen from blu spells stacking with job trait thou I am fairly confident that it does not as I stated earlier.

I'll do up enh set and put it in OP in a sec.
Server: Asura
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user: Naten
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By Asura.Natenn 2014-05-17 14:37:11
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any1 have info on mythic quest? i talked to npc and was told to get seeds but theres no quest in my log about it..
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-17 17:51:08
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Let's say it didn't start the good way.
I got to level 10 before I could learn a single spell.
Saw Pollen, and many other abilities, used over 20 times each and still nothing >.>
Server: Diabolos
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user: Raelia
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By Diabolos.Raelia 2014-05-18 03:51:46
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Better to go for foot kick or power attack first for a better skillup rate. I got nowhere until I had something I could spam on mobs for skill.

I wouldn't put off using skillup books from sparks either. Probably quite the boon really and might make this far more doable. I need all of the spells from 37-49 still, since my /BLU was prepared back at 75, and maybe a few still below that.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-18 05:41:27
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Got 5 levels from books and now will go back.
I get that spamming self spells gets you nowhere?
Or is it just a matter of it being slower? Because in that case you can just afk for, say, 10 hrs with a skillup food and skillup auras (Moogle Trust)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2014-05-18 06:32:35
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It is considerably faster to use the multi-hit blu spells like Bludgeon and Jet Stream as each hit can proc a skill up as far as I remember.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2014-05-18 09:05:55
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Ehhhhh, it doesn't work like that.

Self-targeted spells do work, but ya it is slow.
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2014-05-18 20:24:30
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can write a pollen skill up macro and go none stop.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee 2014-05-18 20:39:02
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For what it's worth, my experience with the mythic quest so far.

talk to gaddiux at inventors coalition on run. he asks for some numbing blossom seed from yorcia weald, and hints that you need a pickaxe. He also mentioned the scouts coalition, but no one there had anything useful to say.

go to yorcia weald (I-8), there's a large clearing behind some timed brush. Inside the clearing, there's a ???, mining it yields the ki that was requested, but something resonates beneath it still. Keep mining to get the broken rapier hilt key item. Upon returning to gaddiux, he points you to runje desaali.

Runje takes the key item and requests 100hp bayld to start. I'm currently at 75, but heard that second step is 500. I don't know details beyond that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-19 01:54:11
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kenshynofshiva said: »
can write a pollen skill up macro and go none stop.
It's the way I capped many of my magic skills, will do the same.
Tbh I'm thinking to just bring BLU higher, as high as I can in an Abyssea PT, and then just do AF quests until I get the AF gloves.
Learning those spells is so painful... omg.
Wonder if reforged AF grants an even better learning up rate? Because I could totally spend 10x Rem Tales #3 for that.
This is how much I love learning spells >.>

Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee said: »
Runje takes the key item and requests 100hp bayld to start. I'm currently at 75, but heard that second step is 500. I don't know details beyond that.
There's a BC fight afer the 100 HP Bayld trade thing.
Then it's 500 + 3 items from Delve MB + 200 Ghastly Stones
Then 2500 HP + 3 items from new delve MB + 200 Verdigris Stones
Then (speculation) 12500 HP + the new 2,5m Plasm item + 200 Wailing stones
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-05-19 01:56:47
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Asura.Sechs said: »
kenshynofshiva said: »
can write a pollen skill up macro and go none stop.
It's the way I capped many of my magic skills, will do the same.
Tbh I'm thinking to just bring BLU higher, as high as I can in an Abyssea PT, and then just do AF quests until I get the AF gloves.
Learning those spells is so painful... omg.
Wonder if reforged AF grants an even better learning up rate? Because I could totally spend 10x Rem Tales #3 for that.
This is how much I love learning spells >.>

10% extra chance lv56, 11% 109, 12% 119

it really isn't that bad. try learning body slam or spinal cleave back in the day

offensive casting is always better. this goes for every magic type, including healing. besieged generals were so good for ***like enhancing because they, for some reason, count as offensive targets.

only spells you really need for /BLU are:

Blank Gaze
Geist Wall
Sheep Song
Cursed Sphere
Sound Blast
Battle Dance
Grand Slam
Terror Touch
Wild Carrot

cocoon, hate spells, magic attack bonus, attack bonus, defense bonus, and uh... resist sleep because there's really nothing else to put on there.

no blu spell traits stack with natural sub job ones. they overwrite if they're stronger, however.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-19 02:22:45
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
offensive casting is always better.
Of course! With Destrier Beret, Valor Refresh and Moogle Trust I'm just spamming spells and I have it capped for my level (22 atm).
Thing is... self casting skillup, while slower, can be done while I'm sleeping xD That's even better! :P

Thanks for the list btw, altough I guess I'll try to get them all up to 49 because I'm an OCD, unless I finally give up the frustration of it and just learn the ones in your list lol

Question about mantles, looking for feedbacks.
I currently do not own a Mollusca Mantle (which is easily solved by getting one from AH, but that's not the point!).
Atm I have 3 main sets for tanking. An Hybrid one (easy stuff, retains some acc and whatnot), a PDT focused one, an MDT/meva/mdb focused one. (can cap mdt with way less, but I'm considering situations for when Shell gets dispelled etc).
For these 3 sets I use respectively: Evasionist's, Iximulew and Mubvumvamiri.
I have a separate toggle to activate Repulse Mantle when needed, regardless of the currently equipped set.

Mollusca wouldn't allow me to save inventory space because for one reason or another I'm still gonna need those 3 mantles (Ixi for other jobs, Evasionist's for Acc/Mab, Mubv for Meva and enmity) but it would grant me 1-2 more PDT.
Given that my PDT set is not at 50% before Aettir (no Defending yet, it's gonna drop one day!) that would be a small but welcome increase.

I'm... I don't know, what am I even asking here? I'm not sure. Maybe looking for comments and opinions. Should I bother with Mollusca or not?
Server: Asura
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user: kormak
Posts: 75
By Asura.Kormak 2014-05-19 02:44:42
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Asura.Sechs said: »

Question about mantles, looking for feedbacks.

Mollusca wouldn't allow me to save inventory space because for one reason or another I'm still gonna need those 3 mantles (Ixi for other jobs, Evasionist's for Acc/Mab, Mubv for Meva and enmity) but it would grant me 1-2 more PDT.
Given that my PDT set is not at 50% before Aettir (no Defending yet, it's gonna drop one day!) that would be a small but welcome increase.

I'm... I don't know, what am I even asking here? I'm not sure. Maybe looking for comments and opinions. Should I bother with Mollusca or not?

I am on the exact same boat as above^^
The D-ring will drop someday...

I would like some feedback on subjobs, mainly is DRK actually viable? Is there enough macc to make up for the lack of dark magic skill which would make drain and aspir worthwhile?
When I was trying to trio WKR Shark with 2 PLD's and found myself needing to heal more than 450hp every 60sec and keeping up phalanx foil and regen IV ate my MP quick. (Faster than refresh could fill it anyway)

I guess what id like to know is what would the best sub in that situation be? WHM , BLU or as I hinted at earlier could I get away with DRK?
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-05-19 04:25:26
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
cocoon, hate spells, magic attack bonus, attack bonus, defense bonus, and uh... resist sleep because there's really nothing else to put on there.

no blu spell traits stack with natural sub job ones. they overwrite if they're stronger, however.
Makes me wonder, do resist status traits even stack with Tenacity? Considering that's a resist all trait.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-05-19 04:45:59
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DRK sub is terribad.

As for resist traits stacking with tenacity, they're probably separate checks.
Posts: 115
By nightkidz 2014-05-19 05:02:38
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Does anyone have a Rune Enchantment Toggle for GS? I had one for SC, but not sure how to go about setting it up for GS.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-19 05:12:53
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I think they should in theory. Specific ones offer a specific bonus to that specific debuff, while Tenacity is against all.
Who knows, but I hope they do stack!

Aren't you considering /NIN? Never tried DShark WKR myself, dunno if he has too many utsu-stripping moves, but if he doesn't you should consider that as your main subjob. Would reduce physical damage, hence reducing the need for cures etc.
Altough in all honesty I doubt you could survive without a random mage giving you heals.
Last WKR I tanked on RUN was Kumhau and I wouldn't have been able to survive without support (altough that was largely because of the massdispel move, without that I probably could've despite the para aura)
Concerning /DRK, it's a nice fullDD option similar to /SAM but without the ability to swap between Seigan and Hasso, and without the negative bonus to recast timers.
I wouldn't really say that Drain from a subjob (given the low DRK skill u'd be left with) could be useful even with massive amounts of macc.
Or maybe it could, but I doubt it could be as reliable as to solve your mentioned healing issues.
Server: Asura
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user: kormak
Posts: 75
By Asura.Kormak 2014-05-19 05:24:40
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Aren't you considering /NIN? Never tried DShark WKR myself, dunno if he has too many utsu-stripping moves, but if he doesn't you should consider that as your main subjob. Would reduce physical damage, hence reducing the need for cures etc.
Altough in all honesty I doubt you could survive without a random mage giving you heals.

I use /NIN for most other content but I think 2/3 of his regular attacks are aoe so it would be wasted for the most part. I had no issues with his TP moves, most of them hitting for <50 but his reg attacks were hitting 50-100 with phalanx and 220+ without.

I suppose what I really want to know is would I have survived /BLU? I haven't even unlocked it yet and never intended to but if it is a "game changer" for Rune then perhaps I ought to.
Could /WHM have been the answer? Also how do people keep there MP topped up beyond refresh, I just cant see how it is sustainable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-19 05:36:58
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Well /BLU is pretty awesome, in theory.
I'm levelling mine these days as you may have read.
Other than some minor not changing traits, on /BLU you get
1) Self cure spells (granted that they're not extremely powerful, but can help while Pulse is down)
2) A very powerful def+ spell (Cocoon) which is as strong/stronger than Defender but without the attack penalty
3) Self haste spell (won't help much given the amount of time RUN spends meleeing and since our recast are already capped, but it's still a nice addition)
4) A spell to reduce target's attack (Terror Touch, does it even stick on NMs?)
5) An AoE dispel (think this has very low accuracy? Correct me if I'm wrong)
6) A very fast physical damage stun move (no clue on the accuracy against high level targets)

I'm not sure about this list. Given that on /BLU you're gonna have very low Blue Magic skill, the attack/debuff ones will probably be useless.
So we're basically left with self buffs and additional enmity tools (don't think you're gonna need them for WKRs though, at least I had no issues on /NIN against Kumhau), while the rest is spells you equip not to use them, but for the "stats" they give you
(on BLU each spell you equip gives certain stats bonuses, and if you create certain combos of spells, you gain job traits, since BLU natively has none)

Note that on BLU MP kinda becomes an issue from what I read, if you get really spammy. Refresh alone won't cut it.
Ethereal Earring might help but that too I feel like won't be enough.
Maybe using Runeist Coat in place of Futhark... but mostly you're gonna have to rely on ballads/refresh2/other stuff if you really want to spam those.
In a WKRs unless you're soloing you should get the MP refresh thing often enough for MP to not being a huge issue though.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-05-19 05:49:23
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/blu doesnt really work for shark or trex. Constant def down from melee attacks that overwrites cocoon. Se patched cocoon's previously awesome priority a few years back. Otherwise, cocoon is significantly stronger than defender. 50% vs 25%

Youre not going to pick up your land rate from floor for debuffs on anything over ep. Blank gaze has a fairly potent macc bonus, but even that will fail to land a majority of the time
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-05-19 06:21:31
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DRK sub is terribad.

/DRK is better hate then /WAR or /SAM but less then /BLU, it's better damage then /BLU and /WAR but less then /SAM. It offers more hate JA's and stun which you can spam next to Flash and Foil along with a 15% JA Haste +15% attack for 3min out of every 5min. /SAM ends up interfering with spell cast / recast which can be a problem depending on what your doing.

/SAM = no real tanking expected, full damage and utility
/BLU = not expecting to deal any damage, full time tanking
/DRK = want full damage and utility but might need to tank

/blu doesnt really work for shark or trex. Constant def down from melee attacks that overwrites cocoon. Se patched cocoon's previously awesome priority a few years back. Otherwise, cocoon is significantly stronger than defender. 50% vs 25%

Youre not going to pick up your land rate from floor for debuffs on anything over ep. Blank gaze has a fairly potent macc bonus, but even that will fail to land a majority of the time

I'd expect delve to be /SAM full throttle DPS because your not holding hate off two other full DD's with march's. Mind as well join and and use Valiance / OFA strategically. And yeah /BLU spells are for utility (Cocoon) or hate, nobody is landing jack sh!t with that low m.acc.

Note that on BLU MP kinda becomes an issue from what I read, if you get really spammy. Refresh alone won't cut it.

Ideally you want March x 2 + Ballad, should get super low recasts on Flash / Foil and Jet. BG should already be under the 3s global recast.

Something I'd like to see fleshed out is a hybrid +enmity / FC set for those spells to generate maximum enmity.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-05-19 06:35:54
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You don't really wanna Last Resort while tanking. I can see drk being nice for zerg, but there really isn't anything akin to vw and adl anymore. It's hard to find a use for it.

I'd say sam, nin and blu are the only subs worth, with maybe whm if you're solo(but you can use Trusts in many places).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2014-05-19 06:39:10
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
/SAM = no real tanking expected, full damage and utility
/BLU = not expecting to deal any damage, full time tanking
/DRK = want full damage and utility but might need to tank
Where is /NIN!

I'd expect delve to be /SAM full throttle DPS because [cut]
Think we were talking about WKR Naakuals, not Delve ones.
I never lost hate once on Kumhau on my first time tanking as RUN/NIN with 109 gear and 115 Gsword.
(of course by this we can clearly say there were no good DDs meleeing Kumhau :P)

Valefor.Sehachan said: »
I can see drk being nice for zerg, but there really isn't anything akin to vw and adl anymore. It's hard to find a use for it.
And if there were, you probably wouldn't be bringing a RUN, honestly.
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