Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Bismarck
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user: Elbii
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By Bismarck.Elbii 2014-04-08 10:11:08
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Yeah I meant kinda a bigger pic.

To Elbii and Xyxx
Weren't you missing accuracy with those sets? Did you manage to hit NMs 1-5? I have a hard time believing you managed to do that on the Megaboss.
Well, not like RUN really needs to hit to be able to keep hate, but accuracy is one of the "checks" on parry rate if I recall?
Which JAs were you keeping up constantly?
Anything else you want to add? How about /NIN?

I spam JA's magic so much that I do not really even swing. All TP I get is from taking dmg or parry.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-08 10:18:14
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Well, not like RUN really needs to hit to be able to keep hate, but accuracy is one of the "checks" on parry rate if I recall?
Accuracy and parry have no known relation. You may be thinking of counters, which have an acc check.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-08 10:26:19
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I was indeed thinking about Counters and thought that applied to Parry as well.
Oh well, even better I guess.

I have no trouble believing RUN can have a great time on Marjami MB.
1-2 really are no issue at all, number 3 I dunno, he uses multiple elements? I don't even remember.
All in all the first 3 NMs look easy for almost any kind of tank tbh. Only problem would likely be some bigger-than-usual trainpulls, which can be easily handled by PLD (who can use situational JAs as well), not sure RUN can do it as easily/safely as PLD in those situations.
Again, I see RUN working on the T4.

Basically my main point of concern is Podarge (Harpy, T5)
You two guys said something about her but I'd love even more details on exactely which JAs and spells you used, which food (Taco you said?) and which buffs.
You both used the RNG with Decoy Shot strategy right?
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Alistrianna 2014-04-08 10:45:35
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3 just spams aero, but you'd need to do something to counter amnesia from pentapeck. Probably a non-issue since it wears fast or use shadows.
Posts: 43
By Zaeeth 2014-04-08 11:00:42
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I tanked my first Marjami this last weekend it was a blast. We were doing an LS clear run, we had beaded out 3 4 and 5. I was /war, yeah I know, not the best but group wanted defender/provoke. We also accidentally went on Lightningday and didn't realize that til it was over. The most Static Prison did to me was around 600 but I only had 3 runes up at the time and no other buffs that I can recall. It did one-shot my PLD(Ochain) friend and he had full buffs and Rampart up. I found it humorous.

I found I was getting TP decently well with hits and parries. I know I weaponskill a couple times when I wasn't busy with spells and JAs. Would land around 2k Resolutions. Don't tell my LS but I never defendered again after the initial haha.

I did tank 3 4 and 5 for beads on the outside. 3 is pretty pathetic, 4 is just annoying but 5, man she's just random. Any help on tanking her outside the fracture and in would be a great help. Her damage still seems ridiculously random even after trying many of the theories online.

Enjoy the tanking. I know I'm looking forward to more of it on RUN.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-08 12:53:41
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did you and your friends timed WS right on Podarge? (T5)
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ramyrez
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By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-04-08 12:57:17
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Asura.Sechs said: »
did you and your friends timed WS right on Podarge? (T5)

Forgetting the name, but if that's the Marjami Harpy, we actually did a couple outside where we didn't ws at all and it still went apeshit a time or two.
Posts: 43
By Zaeeth 2014-04-08 13:01:43
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We've tried ice, we've tried timing WSs to when its casting or TP moves. She's just an odd one.

One pop right out of the gates she hit me for 2400. I had full buffs, she's barely spawn and maybe 3 arrows had hit her.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-08 13:15:59
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I thought you had to do constant ice damage and avoid WS at the wrong times to make so she doesn't go apeshit.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Zerowone
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-04-08 23:33:33
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What spells are being set when /blu?

And how do I go about testing the effects of Lunge and Swipe with this:


(Yes I'm aware /war is not good for run ^^)
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-09 05:12:04
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I tested it already. Just finished posting on BG.

Guess I'll go ahead and quote it here.

I did some testing on Aettir "Lunge +10", but I'm not quite sure what to make of the results.
weapon		Tskill	MAB			
Aettir1		682		  0					
Aettir2		682		100					
Expected DMG
1Rune	511 				
2Rune	1363		
3Rune	2556

Observed DMG
	Aettir1	Aettir2
1Rune	579 	1152
2Rune	1499	2982
3Rune	2760	5491

	Aettir1			Aettir2
1Rune	0.117443869		0.112847222
2Rune	0.090727151		0.085177733
3Rune	0.073913043		0.069022036

I really want a better way to display data like this. Lining up columns on a forum really sucks.

Anyway. "Lunge+10" doesn't appear to be a %+ value. The way it degrades is weird too. But here's my best guess as to how to work this into the current formula.

Normal: ( Main-hand weapon Skill × (0.5 + Number of Runes × 0.25) )
Aettir: ( Main-hand weapon Skill × (0.6 + Number of Runes × 0.25) )

When you add 0.1 to the normal bolded value the expected and observed vaules nearly match up. It's still a tiny bit off, but I've no Idea how to get it any closer while using some thing even vaguely resembling the +10 SE showed on Aettir. interpreting it as +0.1 to the bolded value is the best I've got.
	Expected DMG	Observed DMG	%gains
	Aettir1	Aettir2	Aettir1	Aettir2	Aettir1		Aettir2
1Rune	579 	1158	579 	1152	0.0		-0.005208333		
2Rune	1500	3000	1499	2982	-0.000667111	-0.006036217
3Rune	2760	5520	2760	5491	0.0		-0.00528137

The expected values are ever so slightly higher than the observed, in most cases. They're so close I wonder if I just forgot to floor a step somewhere...

Also, need a name for that bolded value. It's difficult to say What exactly Attir does without a name for it. "Adds 0.1 to valueX" doesn't tell you much.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-09 05:30:39
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Changing the Base Rune Multiplier (BRM) term (there you go) to 0.6 matches perfectly with your observed values.

3 * 0.25 = .75

.75 + .6 = 1.35

682 * 1.35 = 920.7 (trunc = 920)

920 * 3 = 2760

2760 * 2 = 5520
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2014-04-09 12:41:15
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Anyone going the duel wield route with that new 119 axe and sword combo??? Keep thinking about it but pretty easy to get GS 119 but those two can be used on multiple jobs...

Hmmm. sword is only 7 424 - 417 less skill than GS maybe req spam duel swords lol but ruinators such a sexy beast but thats a bigg drop 424 to 388..
Server: Odin
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user: Nappypup
Posts: 147
By Odin.Nappy 2014-04-09 14:36:06
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Does anyone use a emnity set for run? I tried doing some delve 2.0 last night for the first time as main tank and could not hold hate for the life of the group. I was spaming Flash Foil and runes. Any advice?
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2014-04-09 15:51:34
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Odin.Nappy said: »
Does anyone use a emnity set for run? I tried doing some delve 2.0 last night for the first time as main tank and could not hold hate for the life of the group. I was spaming Flash Foil and runes. Any advice?

The way the game is now holding hate seems can only be done for relic gun rangers...
Server: Odin
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user: Nappypup
Posts: 147
By Odin.Nappy 2014-04-09 15:54:37
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ya we had all 119 relic gun rngs
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2014-04-09 16:39:23
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Odin.Nappy said: »
ya we had all 119 relic gun rngs

Wow must have to have some hate reset mechanics going on unless they aren't using decoy maybe and hitting hella barrages weird. Gear setup and weapon used very curious.
Server: Odin
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user: Nappypup
Posts: 147
By Odin.Nappy 2014-04-09 16:49:47
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Nonstop para was a problem, I have the new JSE gs with 242 skill, i use a PDT set basicly full time.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-10 01:05:29
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In terms of Mab, how much would that +0.1 correspond to? Roughly of course.
Trying to compare that effect we get on Aettir to the +10Mab we get on Tung-thingy
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-10 01:53:43
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a lot more than +10

actually im trippin, prolly a bit less than +10 but it's relative
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-10 02:00:36
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Relative to what? To the amount of Mab you get from other slots?
Something like: if you have a lot of mab Aettir is better if you don't then that +10 will represent a bigger % of your overall mab and hence have bigger impact?

Dunno, trying to balance out things between these two. Aside from being in love with Aettir model it's not cheap atm. With so many things I need to spend my gil on atm it's only natural I'm trying to understand if it's worth it or not.
Damage-wise they're close together. One has higher delay (easier to mantain X-Hit with different STP builds? Dunno, would have to check) the other has 5 enmity more, altough I'm not sure if this means anything given the current state of enmity in the game.

OT: Proth did you receive my PM on BG? Hope I didn't pass any respect threshold in your regards because it totally wasn't my intention.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-10 02:04:58
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idc, like I said I probably won't be maintaining this thing like I do the BLU one. No one wanted editing rights though so idk what to do with it
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-10 02:15:08
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I'd love to mantain this but I don't have the knowledge or skills to write or correct anything meaningful.
I could correct/update quite some things in the original thread but once that's done I wouldn't be able to add more original content, especially when it comes to the sets. I'm usually the one looking for advice, how would I be able to tell other people what to use lol?
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-10 02:16:24
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increasing the damage pre-MAB will have more weight than MAB at certain points since that damage is being multiplied by the MAB. if that makes sense. Aettir is RUN's best GSword atm.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-10 05:41:12
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Here's a few lunge/swpie values using Tunglmyrvi and Aettir.
wep		skill	MAB	lunge	swipe
Aettir	682		0	2760	579	
Tungl	668		10	2754	551	
Aettir	682		94	5353	1123	
Tungl	668		104	5109	1022

At 0 base MAB, Aettir does 6 more DMG on lunge than Tungl. Then with 94 MAB, Aettir does 244 more DMG.

The 0 base MAB sample should have been the time when Tungl won, if ever, because it makes its 10 mab a full +10% dmg. But you also have to keep in mind that there's a 14 skill difference present.

If Tungl had 242 skill, it'd be doing 2811 dmg on lunge, and would beat Aettir by 51 DMG. But it lacks that skill so Aettir is all around, always better for lunge.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-10 05:50:08
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Completely forgot about the 228 skill on Tungl.
No more doubts then, Aettir >>> Tungl, period.
Guess Tungl is still a nice, even if temporary, choice.
Especially a cheaper one I guess lol
Server: Cerberus
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user: eoz41
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By Cerberus.Mirlikovir 2014-04-10 12:13:58
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I'd like to know what would be the best resolution set nowaday for run, since we got so many choice, and main page isn't updated at all.

Any advice?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ramyrez
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-04-10 13:10:37
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ItemSet 322194

Spitballing quickly off the top of my head. Probably not max ideal.

Thinking the +Attack/DA path for body, +str path for gloves/feet.

Edit: also, this is assuming full DD buffs and the like. Otherwise you might be needing more attack/strength, less DA/TA/QA.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2014-04-10 15:08:43
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Probably pretty close to ideal in high buff situations Ramy thou I'm pretty confident Futhark Mitons +1 beat Mani Hands no matter what path.

I've been using the below for the last little while thou I do swap to Brutal/Moon when acc capped.

ItemSet 294335

Martel also posted his theoretical best for both Reso and Ruin a page or two ago... albeit in text not itemset.

Edit: Liberator = Aettir
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2014-04-10 15:12:08
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Also. Prothscar I'm not the best at coming up with the perfect set for every situation but I'd gladly attempt to keep the OP up to date if people keep contributing to set data and information as much as they have.
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