Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-04-03 15:13:48
Here's a question for you all.
I know there are about 20 different ways at least to set up macros these days, everything from Spellcast to Gearcollector to whatever else.
How are you folks doing it? I've been playing run for all my solo activities recently, even when it's not ideal, trying to get myself more familiarized with all the aspects and nuances of the job.
The biggest issue I'm having is finding room and making all my macros work with the right gear. In another thread Kei went into some detail about using the macro book set shortcuts, but that still seems overly complicated to me depending on the situation.
I utilize two Logitech programmable keyboards, a G510 and a G13. The G510 and G13 are used predominately for Scholar but also have a column devoted specifically to meds such as Echo drops, Panaceas, Remedies, Holy waters, etc. If you have this many extra macros, there is no need for /macro book or /macro set commands.
On SAM, I utilize 1 macro book consisting of identical macro sets. The only difference between these sets within the book is one key, namely, the "SAM-TP" button. SAM-TP is always alt+1 for easy access. My SAMTP is arranged in 3 categories. Store TP, Accuracy, and Multistrike. It looks something like this:
SAMTP(-3)-Large Accuracy+, Small Store TP
SAMTP(-2)-Medium Accuracy+, Medium Store TP
SAMTP(-1)-Small Accuracy+, Large Store TP
SAMTP(0)-Most Store TP
SAMTP(+1)-Small Multistrike+, Large Store TP
SAMTP(+2)-Medium Multistrike+, Medium Store TP
SAMTP(+3)-Large Multistrike+, Small Store TP
On NIN, I have the same concept except it has two variables: Dual Wield + Multistrike.
NIN(0)-Most Dual Wield
NIN(+1)-Large Dual Wield, Small Multistrike
NIN(+2)-Medium Dual Wield, Medium Multistrike
NIN(+3)-Small Dual Wield, Large Multistrike
For something like PLD (and thus, likely the same for RUN), I'd do PDT+ and Offense.
PLD(+1)-Big PDT, Small Offense
PLD(+2)-Medium PDT, Medium Offense
PLD(+3)-Small PDT, Large Offense
To swap between these sets, I hold ALT+DOWN to go down the sets or ALT+UP to go up the sets. I keep Alt+1(TP) Alt+2(WS) consistant so that it's easy to access TP+WS throughout any fight.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-03 17:02:04
I wish they'd just make Battuta a passive trait with an 80% activation rate so it'd be less distinguishable from PLD '~'
I said this to my wife the other day about making a trait like Shield Mastery is for Paladin and that would, in turn, make Battutu something more akin to Palisade with Foil being the Reprisal(ish) spell.
She didn't immediately object or consider anything I said unreasonable, and given she's also a Burtgang/Aegis/Ochain Paladin who is fiersomely protective of her role in tanking, I'd say it's really not that out of the question in terms of opening up tanking options. Shield mastery prevents spell interruption on blocks, and grants TP for blocking.
Parries already prevent spell interruptions, as you don't get hit. As for TP gain, RUN has tactical parry. I think RUN effectively already has their shield mastery equivalent.
Battuta pretty much IS RUN's version of palisade already. Minus the enmity loss prevention. Also, Battuta is already more powerful than palisade defensively.
Battuta vs Palisade stuff
While I still don't have precise Palisade values I know that the parry boost from battuta is Huge. And since parry is effectively -100% dmg, every percent of parry rate equates to 1% overall dmg reduction.
At best, a shield has -86% dmg on block(killedar. yes, yes. There's rinda now too, but I don't wanna rework the numbers on it.) increasing block rate by 1% with -86% dmg would be -0.9% dmg. With Ochain at -66% dmg you'd get -0.7% per 1% block rate.
Some of my old parses have battuta potency at about 34% increase in parry rate, with 4/5 merits. For palisade to match that with Ochain, it'd take +48.5% block rate gain form palisade. Of course Ochain would cap long before you could get that much block%+. So, with kiledar, it'd take +37.7% block rate to match.
Again, I don't have good palisade data, but I really doubt it's that much block rate.
I think Foil adjustments would be a good idea. Adding parry rate to foil. And/or making the eva+ apply to normal hits was well as WS would be good.
<rant>. Still annoyed that foil is such good enmity on a low recast, while reprisal is still complete crap even post update. </rant>
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-04-03 17:58:01
Here's a question for you all.
I know there are about 20 different ways at least to set up macros these days, everything from Spellcast to Gearcollector to whatever else.
How are you folks doing it? I've been playing run for all my solo activities recently, even when it's not ideal, trying to get myself more familiarized with all the aspects and nuances of the job.
The biggest issue I'm having is finding room and making all my macros work with the right gear. In another thread Kei went into some detail about using the macro book set shortcuts, but that still seems overly complicated to me depending on the situation.
I utilize two Logitech programmable keyboards, a G510 and a G18. The G510 and G18 are used predominately for Scholar but also have a column devoted specifically to meds such as Echo drops, Panaceas, Remedies, Holy waters, etc. If you have this many extra macros, there is no need for /macro book or /macro set commands.
On SAM, I utilize 1 macro book consisting of identical macro sets. The only difference between these sets within the book is one key, namely, the "SAM-TP" button. SAM-TP is always alt+1 for easy access. My SAMTP is arranged in 3 categories. Store TP, Accuracy, and Multistrike. It looks something like this:
SAMTP(-3)-Large Accuracy+, Small Store TP
SAMTP(-2)-Medium Accuracy+, Medium Store TP
SAMTP(-1)-Small Accuracy+, Large Store TP
SAMTP(0)-Most Store TP
SAMTP(+1)-Small Multistrike+, Large Store TP
SAMTP(+2)-Medium Multistrike+, Medium Store TP
SAMTP(+3)-Large Accuracy+, Small Store TP
On NIN, I have the same concept except it has two variables: Dual Wield + Multistrike.
NIN(0)-Most Dual Wield
NIN(+1)-Large Dual Wield, Small Multistrike
NIN(+2)-Medium Dual Wield, Medium Multistrike
NIN(+3)-Small Dual Wield, Large Multistrike
For something like PLD (and thus, likely the same for RUN), I'd do PDT+ and Offense.
PLD(+1)-Big PDT, Small Offense
PLD(+2)-Medium PDT, Medium Offense
PLD(+3)-Small PDT, Large Offense
To swap between these sets, I hold ALT+DOWN to go down the sets or ALT+UP to go up the sets. I keep Alt+1(TP) Alt+2(WS) consistant so that it's easy to access TP+WS throughout any fight.
I have a hard time playing at your level anymore, Kei. I'll be the first to admit that. You're still insane about this stuff and I envy that to a degree (...I also worry about you, to a degree). But all I'd like right now is to be able to use my Gkeys (also a g510) with windower macros and I can't even get -that- to work without FFXI UTIL.
It's really bugging me.
Edit: Inadvertently submitted when I didn't mean to yet.
Anyhow. I don't use multiple TP sets to the extent you do. I use a few for specific circumstances (Ionis and non, hybrid, etc.) but a lot of the time I don't end up using half of them.
...a lot of the time I just end up on ranger and that's that.
But I'm having a problem putting macros where -I- want them. My gkeys may as well be worthless right now because neither Binder nor the native Logitech software lets me do what I want to do with them that FFXIUtil used to let me do.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Odin.Xyxx 2014-04-04 11:55:39
For those of you wanting to try tanking delve on RUN it is absolutely possible, and in my opinion easier for the WHM. Recently cleared Marjami MULTIPLE TIMES with a set up of RUN/WAR WHM BRD RNG RNG RNG(Cor works for 3rd slot also). I used the set below to tank and had 0 issues. I suppose it could be important to note that on T4 I asked for Minnex2 + Ballad and back tanked (TP move spam is annoying and w one of them being a hate reset I decided Id rather not chance losing hate if I got hit) and on T5 asked for Minne + Wind Carol II + Scherzo (must be kept up at all times and HP capped or you will die). On all other NMs I had Marchx2 + Mad. On the boss I asked the Brd to just reapply scherzo after Static Prison just on the off chance I had no runes up and or lost all MDB JA buffs. You can take off the aura easily with a MB Lunge, which is rather helpful in speeding up the fight but at not time did I ever dip into yellow on the boss.
Hope this helps and encourages people to try this and end the PLD ONRY responses, atleast for 1 instance anyway!
ItemSet 321063
Old news, but I wanted to reinforce this post with an experience of my own.
I've had great success tanking Marjami(for now as well haha) with this set:
ItemSet 321897
Path C Kbiroj
Path B Mitaines
Path C Tights
Things to note:
Food used was tavnazian taco, Gellus for T3+T5(Received scherzo from brd for T5), Tenebrae + VP for T4; back tanked and spammed flash/foil/jettatura, Tellus for MB, reapplied random buffs as I could, shock spikes, barspells, etc.
Buffs received were minimal; other than scherzo and an occasional haste, I was on my own. I aplied barspells freely and did not have any issues with mp.
Battuta was a tremendous help with adds, usually they stayed on me until the rng decided to kill them.
Honorable mentions - aquaveil, jettatura, blank gaze, lunge/swipe/gambit, lockstyle(>_>)
Have fun :D
I went full out turtle, and felt comfortable with this. I believe a more offense oriented set could work just fine as well~
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-04-04 12:28:37
Stolen from a GEO thread (specifically from Presidentmerman), but GEO has both a bell AND a club, and it appears that both of the pictured great swords from the concept art are being implemented ( scroll to the bottom).
I find myself hoping the white and silver one is better, because the big red one is fugly as all get out.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2014-04-04 12:32:46
Well the Georgia O'Keeffe one will be the mythic, so it will almost certainly be better.
As for GEO- it looks like the new line of JSE weapons includes a bell (and maybe just a bell), but that club is the mythic/mythic-equivalent. Personally, I'm more interested in the new WS that should go along with the mythic weapons (and maybe JSE as well?) than the weapons themselves.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-04-04 12:36:45
Meh. Will just have to make both and set blinkmenot with the nice one.
Edit: assuming the "mythic" isn't just added to the actual Mythic quest line. If it is, that's going to have to go unmade, as I'm already quest-line done with Death Penalty and 1/3 of the way through Alex and I'm not turning back.
Edit2: I can see the Mythic weaponskill being along the lines of Leaden Salute and Trueflight. Maybe slightly stronger in modifiers along the lines of Wildfire.
They could also go the route of an Atonement clone given the tanking nature of Runefencer. I really don't know. I'm intrigued, for sure.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-04-04 12:41:16
Well the Georgia O'Keeffe one...
Why did you say this!? Now I can only see one thing on the bottom of that sword...
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Bahamut.Alkk 2014-04-04 15:50:42
I've never been allowed to main tank anything on RUN, can you go into detail how well you can hold hate from DDs? How much time do you need to build hate before they start unleashing everything and do you ever have any hate spikes at all?
Thanks in advance
By Fasaga 2014-04-04 16:13:40
I've never been allowed to main tank anything on RUN, can you go into detail how well you can hold hate from DDs? How much time do you need to build hate before they start unleashing everything and do you ever have any hate spikes at all?
Thanks in advance
I've never been allowed to main tank anything on RUN, can you go into detail how well you can hold hate from DDs? How much time do you need to build hate before they start unleashing everything and do you ever have any hate spikes at all?
Thanks in advance Try subbing Blu. Martel posted the most useful /Blu emnity spells two pages back.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-04 16:43:00
Jettatura is the only one I'd ever use. When I used to tank on BLU, my hate tools were Jettatura, Diffusion+Exuviation, and Poison Breath. For /BLU in today's day and age, Jettatura and Poison Breath would still be the only useful hate tools that you get from the sub, especially considering RUN already has Foil and Flash.
If you're trying to hold more than one thing at once (don't see why, but anyway) you can toss in Geist Wall and Sheep Song.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-04 19:44:58
Why poison breath? Does it have some enmity mechanic that was never listed on kanican? It's just listed as DMG enmity. And I can't imagine that it hits all that hard. Especially when /BLU.
Also, I'd venture that Blank gaze is still useful as an enmity spell. The slower(3 sec) cast speed is a non-issue on RUN. And with a 10 sec base recast you can literally spam it as fast as spells can be cast in a row. It doesn't have a high VE spike, but it gives a good amount of CE, with matching VE. 320/320.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-04 19:46:56
Poison Breath was the most efficient long term enmity tool at BLU's disposal prior to Fantod. Readily spammable, decent damage that wasn't resisted by anything at 75, however breath resistances these days would make it harder to use. I hadn't taken into account Inspiration, though, so Blank Gaze is good too.
Still, I'd have a hard time not being /SAM or /NIN for basically any of the content where RUN can actually be useful.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-04 19:56:13
Actually, SE has been easing off the breath dmg- on mobs since some time before SoA irrc.
For example, Atonement does full DMG on pretty much all SoA content. Barring special circumstances(like mata mata. When building physical weakness, atonement gets reduced just like magic dmg. and gets boosted when it's magic weak.)
So you might reasonably expect poison breath to work on BLU main. But with all the nerfs to dmg enmity, I dunno how it'll compare to static enmity spells.
(weird thing... BG wiki has poison breath listed as 320/320 CE VE... No source cited.)
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-04 19:58:47
Nah it's not 320/320. These days it'd be worthless for BLU main because of Fantod, infinitely superior and probably the best enmity generator in the game. It's akin to 0 recast Runes except a minor attack bonus to go with it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-04 20:00:58
I figured. It probably got copy/pasted in there with the blu spell formatting or something.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-04 20:03:07
What are fantod's CE/VE values? It's not on Kanican, and BG wiki doesn't say either.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-04 20:05:58
320/320, 0.5s cast time, can be brought down to 2~4s recast. So slightly worse than the effective 1s forced recast of 0 recast runes.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-04 20:14:28
That's pretty much the same as blank gaze on RUN/BLU. with -80% casting time a 3 sec cast time would be 0.6. Should be possible to push recast as low as 2~ seconds.
Dear SE... you sure BLU wasn't the tank job? So many good enmity spells. How 'bout some new spells for PLD? ;_;
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-04-04 20:17:11
Dear SE... you sure BLU wasn't the tank job? So many good enmity spells. How 'bout some new spells for PLD? ;_; By that logic, wouldn't Monk or Warrior be a designated tank job due to the outrageous Enmity gained from pure DPS?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-04-04 20:23:49
Aren't they the "tanks", in most events? -.-(though they would be sharing the role with all DD present) Actual tanks only come in if DD can't survive, or there's too much aoe dispel
Edit: This is getting a bit far off topic. Done till I have something RUN related to say.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2014-04-04 20:34:31
I've never been allowed to main tank anything on RUN, can you go into detail how well you can hold hate from DDs? How much time do you need to build hate before they start unleashing everything and do you ever have any hate spikes at all?
Thanks in advance
I don't tank things on any job unless RNG are present. It's otherwise a fairly pointless endeavor; you're better off as a sturdy DD
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-04-05 13:25:34
Noticed a few of you using Futhark Booties +1 in your damage reduction sets, any reason for that?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2014-04-05 18:32:13
Parrying rate, if I had to hazard a guess. Incredibly doubtful that it's better than any of the PDT/HP options
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2014-04-07 15:41:02
New greatsword for RUN
DMG:263 Delay:480 Great Sword skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 Enmity+10 "Lunge"+10 Physical damage taken -5%
SE also noted that it enhances Swipe too despite lacking the description atm.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-04-07 15:49:55
Shiva.Alistrianna said: »New greatsword for RUN
SE also noted that it enhances Swipe too despite lacking the description atm.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2014-04-07 17:51:13
Cehuetzi Claw, Zweihander, Nagan + 150 pluton or beitetsu or boulder for the GSD.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10288
By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-08 06:59:11
Thoughts on Aettir vs Tung?
The loss of mab might be easily compensated by the enhanced Swipe/Lunge, I think these will actually do better.
More Enmity, less HP, more PDT, less attack, 9 less delay, 1 less base damage.
It looks better for tanking? Maybe the 26 attack would put Tung slightly ahead if you're being a DD... they look kinda close together either way.
If anybody has an in-game pic of Aettir please do share! Really want to see how it looks.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2014-04-08 07:17:47
Thoughts on Aettir vs Tung? The loss of mab might be easily compensated by the enhanced Swipe/Lunge, I think these will actually do better. More Enmity, less HP, more PDT, less attack, 9 less delay, 1 less base damage. It looks better for tanking? Maybe the 26 attack would put Tung slightly ahead if you're being a DD... they look kinda close together either way. If anybody has an in-game pic of Aettir please do share! Really want to see how it looks.
It's the white and silver great sword on the Galka/Elvaan in the promo shots for the update.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10288
By Asura.Sechs 2014-04-08 08:54:26
Yeah I meant kinda a bigger pic.
To Elbii and Xyxx
Weren't you missing accuracy with those sets? Did you manage to hit NMs 1-5? I have a hard time believing you managed to do that on the Megaboss.
Well, not like RUN really needs to hit to be able to keep hate, but accuracy is one of the "checks" on parry rate if I recall?
Which JAs were you keeping up constantly?
Anything else you want to add? How about /NIN?