Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-02-26 18:15:45
Well, I have. Without Battuta up, Hurkan's managed to one shot me a number of times with his pecking flurry ***that he does as a melee attack, or if not one shot close enough to where if I don't have a cure in queue already I have a good chance of being killed by whatever happens afterward.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2014-02-26 18:16:29
(I actually meant to say Kumhau- I can't remember Hurkan well enough to say one way or the other) Hurkan has that aura up pretty often anyways though, so PLD and RUN are in a similar boat.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-02-26 18:18:36
Kumhau only gives me issues if he uses Glassy Nova or Biting Abrogation and then follows up immediately with a melee attack.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-02-26 18:27:07
Idk what's up with Kumhau, first he pokes me with the paw a few times for 100ish damage, then suddenly bites me for 3k+ damage on a normal attack, wtf!
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-02-27 02:33:39
I have never had any issues with Kumhau's physical attack, and I tanked it on RUN pre-update.
Kumhau's physical attack is kind of a joke. I've tanked it for long periods of time on COR idling in a not even that great PDT- set and standing there with a WHM tossing some cures. Eventually I end up dying (and resetting all my built up Quick Draw hate, yay!) to a big bite/lunge/whatever that move is. But I'm on CORSAIR and I manage to sit there with Kumhau trying to eat me for 10+ minutes.
By amadis 2014-02-27 05:01:11
Quote: only one of the AA swords has magic damage and its not the one RUN is on
Talk about not reading
Quote: SE needs to release a GS with 242 skill and +mdmg. Also needs to put RUN on a 119 sword to better enable the magic damage angle.
I was pointing out what that single AA sword does to BLU/RUN. Imagine what a Sword/GS with 90~120 MDMG would do to RUN itself.
My bad, Never have I even thought about using /RUN on BLU for offensive reasons when you could /WAR, for me personaly it has replaced /RDM since RUN has been available and I have used it occasionaly for defenceive purposes but never has the thought entered my mind to use it for a 3 min JA and swipe has only been around for just over a week, I forgot all about it and it being available at lvl 25 (had to look it up lol) and I am yet to see what it can do on BLU allthough i imagine yeah its probably alot better on BLU due to the fact we have a huge chunk of MAB available these days aswell as magic damage+ being available in a couple of slots but as far as Lunge goes yeah on BLU you can skillchain it and its probably great but you dont have Gambit which is what gives you better numbers on RUN and if your using it your lowering your elemental resistance from runes for a few seconds which is probably the whole reason your using /RUN on BLU since there are much better subs on BLU for offense.
Back to my ealyer statment
I have capped pdt and mdt in pretty decent ilevel gear and get smashed while my buddies pld barely breaks a sweat it seems.
Yeah when it comes to physical damage but go tank something like Hurkan with a Aegis PLD beside a RUN and the RUN will live longer/take less damage, no doubt about that.
Yes, PLD is far far better overall in very many situations but what I was trying to point out is the fact that when it comes to single element magic damage the benefits of RUN far outway PLD, a RUN will allways take less magic damage then a Aegis PLD if played correctly. RUN has 22 MDB at 99, MDB does not cap and that gives something like 15%~ MDT (cant be bothered to work it out atm) on top of the 50% MDT cap, so RUN is allready at around 75% MDT before runes, barspells, whatever MDB and magic evasion gear they have and all the defensive magic JA's it has. If you think a PLD is going to take less magic damage than a RUN because it has Aegis you need to take all these things into account and think again. Sure if the PLD is receiving barspells or is /RUN that might start to change but I have seen RUN and PLD get hit by the same moves and the PLD has took far more damage.
Besides I even use /NIN on PLD these days (AA's/DM and the 2 new BC's when using RNG strats) just for extra surviveability. RUN can cap fast cast easily with JA's aswell as capping gear haste making keeping up shadows no problem with utsu on such small timers. Situations in the future may make RUN/NIN best possible choice for tank but they dont exist atm.
I am not trying to fight RUN's corner or anything, I have been main PLD since i hit lvl 30 and unlocked it and its one of my favorit jobs. I am just saying that both have there benefits.
But yeah like i said earlier the situations where your fighting something that's only going to cast a single element of magic damage and very little physical damage is very rare atm making other options better. Hopefully this will change in future and RUN will be on the front line we'll see...
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Zuidar 2014-02-27 05:35:39
Would be really nice to see what stats the RUN mythic GS would look like. I imagine some with a big boost to rune enchantment enspell that would do 3x-5x more dmg, Reduce magic dmg, either occasionally annulls/absorbs magic dmg with a high rate, significant boost to parry that breaks cap. As for the weaponskill, it would be sweet if it was non-elemental
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-02-27 14:42:45
Yes, PLD is far far better overall in very many situations but what I was trying to point out is the fact that when it comes to single element magic damage the benefits of RUN far outway PLD, a RUN will allways take less magic damage then a Aegis PLD if played correctly. RUN has 22 MDB at 99, MDB does not cap and that gives something like 15%~ MDT (cant be bothered to work it out atm) on top of the 50% MDT cap, so RUN is allready at around 75% MDT before runes, barspells, whatever MDB and magic evasion gear they have and all the defensive magic JA's it has. If you think a PLD is going to take less magic damage than a RUN because it has Aegis you need to take all these things into account and think again. Sure if the PLD is receiving barspells or is /RUN that might start to change but I have seen RUN and PLD get hit by the same moves and the PLD has took far more damage.
Can't forget the other big defensive benefit of RUN, party buffs. Valiance with 3 runes of the same element is a base -45% elemental damage taken, not counting MDT. Can keep it up for 3:15 (with AF body +15sec) of every 5 minutes too. That's a pretty big deal on stuff where you have melees up close and actually care about defending against a particular element. Not completely foolproof since there's a significant amount of time where Valiance will be down, but pretty good! And you can use One for All either to mitigate the Valiance downtime, or to counter specific telegraphed nasty AoE.
However, in practice RUN's party buffs aren't that much of a game changer because:
1) They don't help reduce physical AoE damage, and
2) The current trend is to just use some mix of:
(a) For mobs that don't use AoE (or where AoE can be absorbed by shadows), just use DDs that can better avoid pulling hate: RNG, DRG, PUP, to some extent THF or NIN w/ Innin
(b) DDs who can stay out of AoE damage altogether by not being in proximity. RNG again, potentially also useful with BLM, SMN, etc.
I could see RUN Valiance being a big help on something like Marjami Delve mega boss though, with other strong melee DDs up close.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-02-27 18:06:25
Quote: My bad, Never have I even thought about using /RUN on BLU for offensive reasons when you could /WAR, for me personaly it has replaced /RDM since RUN has been available and I have used it occasionaly for defenceive purposes but never has the thought entered my mind to use it for a 3 min JA and swipe has only been around for just over a week, I forgot all about it and it being available at lvl 25 (had to look it up lol) and I am yet to see what it can do on BLU allthough i imagine yeah its probably alot better on BLU due to the fact we have a huge chunk of MAB available these days aswell as magic damage+ being available in a couple of slots but as far as Lunge goes yeah on BLU you can skillchain it and its probably great but you dont have Gambit which is what gives you better numbers on RUN and if your using it your lowering your elemental resistance from runes for a few seconds which is probably the whole reason your using /RUN on BLU since there are much better subs on BLU for offense.
It's used on BLU because there are many situations where you need someone to deal non-physical damage. BLU's best WS is usually requiescat which is non-elemental magic damage and BLU has access to a metric f*ck ton of MAB, MDMG and a 242 skill weapon for base DMG. It pairs up really nicely with /RUN for specializing in hybrid damage. I mentioned Swipe and Lunge because of how ridiculous BLU/RUN can make them with the AA Sword. It's super useful in Shark, Bee and recent Skirmish III. I'm suspecting it'll also be useful in the upcoming Bird delve, not sure about Tree.
Honestly if RUN had a hasso like JA that turned it's melee damage into whatever element it last had used, that alone would guarantee it a slot in many runs.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-02-27 18:34:15
or base it off of currently harbored runes. either way it's added utility that would be useful. still, could use more than that. more party-centric buffs to reduce magic damage/status ailments would be great
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-02-28 05:47:04
Make pflug work like valiance or something. That and give RUN Temper, Gain-STAT spells and something like Composure. It's already melee RDM v3.0 might as well go all the way and do it proper.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-03-01 11:00:54
Just got my Crobaci +2 made. I swear SE's RNG is programmed to give you worse augments each time. Ultimately I got DMG +23 Store TP +2 Crit +1 which I felt was good enough. Delay 501 makes it interested for working 5-hit's.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-03-01 11:03:02
Nice, didn't know it could get stp too :o
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-03-01 11:32:07
Me neither, that's why I was O.o! when I saw it get 2. I'd still prefer a DMG+26/27 augment, but it's pretty decent atm. You can 6-hit with as little as 22/7 total sTP and 4 hits landing on reso. 5-hit is a bit harder and honestly not sure if it's worth it overall. 48/22 total sTP with 4 hits landing on reso. Might be best to do an easy 6-hit and focus on equipping MA.
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-03-03 08:57:27
Make pflug work like valiance or something. That and give RUN Temper, Gain-STAT spells and something like Composure. It's already melee RDM v3.0 might as well go all the way and do it proper.
I was thinking they ought to give Lunge and Swipe a TP bonus like Jump and Quick Draw, and reduce the timers on them as well. I really wish they'd add something similar to Formless Strikes too.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-03 09:15:28
I think pretty much every melee in the game, cept MNK, would like something like formless strikes. -.-;
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-03-05 11:26:45
I think pretty much every melee in the game, cept MNK, would like something like formless strikes. -.-;
Yeah but RUN is in more desperate need of a niche than other melees, and it would really fit the job well. It even fits lore-wise, fencer who uses the power of the elements (elemental damage as opposed to Formless being non-elemental magic damage, but close enough).
And so, Delve round 2 is indeed on the way... will be VERY interesting to see if Marjami gives a RUN-friendly GS. Saevel has convinced me that I want to see skill+242 and then hope for magic dmg+. If we lose the Triple Attack from WKR GS that's too bad, but a sacrifice I could probably live with in exchange for magic damage. And I'd be totally fine with that pretty cool GS model. Here's hoping I don't get disappointed now that wishful stats are bouncing around my head...
At any rate, not bothering with a Crobaci+2 until I see those stats. I've got plenty of other weapons (that likely won't get new 119 Delve drops) in line for an update if I can ever get upgrade KIs...
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-03-05 12:53:30
That was my thought, sticking with the idea that RUN is similar to Mystic Knight type jobs from previous FF games.
Comparing a few other 115 Reive weapons to their Delve counterparts:
Atoyac: 97 DMG DEX+12 AGI+12 Element: Water+20 Evasion+17 Dagger skill +188 Parrying skill +188 Magic Accuracy skill +146 "Subtle Blow"+7
Iziikoh: 108 DMG DEX+15 Accuracy+10 Attack+8 Evasion+22 Dagger skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Triple Attack"+2%
+11% DMG from 115 to 119
Kuakuakait (115): 239 DMG STR+12 VIT+12 Element: Wind+20 Polearm skill +188 Parrying skill +188 Magic Accuracy skill +146 Haste+2%
Upukirex (119): 266 DMG STR+13 Accuracy+20 Attack+10 Polearm skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 Critical hit rate +2%
+11% DMG from 115 to 119
Great Katanas:
Azukinagamitsu (115): 218 DMG STR+12 DEX+12 Element: Water+20 Great Katana skill +188 Parrying skill +188 Magic Accuracy skill +146 Enhances "Skillchain Bonus" effect
Tsurumaru (119): 243 DMG Accuracy+15 Attack+10 Great Katana skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Save TP"+25
+11% DMG from 115 to 119
Ok, that's only 3 of the weapons, but still pretty consistent (granted I rounded the percentages, but still gives you a good idea). I figure the closest things to compare a greatsword to would be other 2 handed weapons. Also, for the most part, the extra bonuses and stats on the weapons are generally better at 119 (though triple attack is pretty alluring).
Comparing Kaquljaan (Hurkan's sword) to the other high level swords:
Crobaci +1 (113): 206 (pre-augment) DMG, +153 skill
Kaquljaan (115): 233 DMG, +188 skill
Emiment Sword (117): 199 (209) DMG, +215 skill
Senbaak Nagan +1 (118): 247 DMG, +228 skill
Tunglmyrkvi (119): 264 DMG, +228 skill
Mes'yohi Sword (119): 247 DMG, +242 skill
Crobaci +2 (119): 245 (pre-augment) DMG, +228 skill
Calculating that ~11% DMG boost, I'll estimate a Delve greatsword will probably be about 258-260 base DMG, with +242 skill, +10-15 or so to a single stat, +10-20ish to accuracy and attack, and some kind of extra bonus (which could be anything I guess, but probably an offensive boost). Overall, it'd probably be close enough to Crobaci +2 and Tunglmyrkvi that you can just pick a favorite.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Bepe 2014-03-05 13:06:21
Its going to thrash tungl and crobaci +2 imo if it has 260 base damage and 242 skill. The biggest problem I'm seeing on Run fencer was the lack of a 242 skill weapon (well except mes'yohi) on evasive content. For example, (i know this is a different job so it may be different, correct me if i'm wrong) I went on corsair to ark angels difficult and I couldn't hit at all with eminent weapon. This was with 11 hunters, food, and preludes in every ranged accuracy piece I could muster. My ranged accuracy set isn't end all be all but i thought it was pretty decent, but nope, whiffing for days! That extra skill on the weapon is going to make a huge difference imo.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-03-05 13:10:25
A+ vs B, there is a different between run and cor.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-03-05 16:01:15
Its going to thrash tungl and crobaci +2 imo if it has 260 base damage and 242 skill. The biggest problem I'm seeing on Run fencer was the lack of a 242 skill weapon (well except mes'yohi) on evasive content.
I think you're vastly overrating the importance of additional Acc from +14 skill (x0.9 = 12.6 Acc). No need to even discuss Atk, since Tungl has Atk+26 as its own stat. I mean, yeah, more skill is better and is certainly welcome. But lacking ~12 acc for a weapon you already have A+ skill on shouldn't be a make or break issue (A lot of jobs don't even HAVE an A+ skill weapon, or use one in the case of something like DRK with A+ in Scythe only). 14 more skill also isn't going to change why people do/don't use RUN for certain situations - 12 more acc isn't going to get you AA invites.
Suck it up and swap in a heavier Acc set when you run into a situation where you really need it, we have lots of excellent Acc gear options: Honed Tathlum (the only 2h-using job that can equip it, by the way), Whirlpool Mask, Mani body/legs/feet, Aetosaur hands, Iuitl stuff, Tzacab grip, Letalis/Evasionist back, Anguinus Belt, etc.
The more interesting thing to me for Delve 119 GS is that "other" stat. DA/TA/QA? Store TP? Magic DMG+? Acc+? Something defensive? That will probably be more of a differentiating feature.
Wouldn't really shock me if Tungl's DMG:264/Dly:489/Atk+26/MAB+10 is enough to still make it the best choice at least situationally though when you don't need max Acc, even with 14 less skill. And that's thinking offensively only (i.e. ignoring HP+50/Enmity+5). But we'll have to see what else we get, and it seems like a given that Delve 119 GS will at least be way up there as one of the best options. And it looks pretty cool.
Server: Remora
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By Remora.Brain 2014-03-07 20:15:13
What's a decent set for RUN looking to DW?
I'm gearing my run for low buff situations because I know I'll never get to use it anywhere I'll be getting enough buffs to make Resolution not perform badly, so I was thinking Ruinator is the way to go.
However, being DRK and SAM I don't have much experience with Dual Wielding, attack starved, light armor DDs.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-03-08 15:11:56
The big deal with Skill is that it effects multiple things. 14 skill is 12.6 acc, 14 attack and 14 base damage on Lunge / Swipe. Still not a huge difference between 228 and 242 but it does exist. The 228 weapons can be treated like iLevel 118 for the way their stats scaled. Also remember damage is relational to delay so expect higher delay weapons to have larger DMG which doesn't necessarily make them better. Honestly delay 501 for RUN has become kinda bothersome, you can easily get 6-hit as /WHM or /NIN but due to armor equipment you can't really get a 5-hit as /SAM without sacrificing multi-attack. Kidna gets into the problem DRK had with Rag's 431 delay where a heavy multi attack build ended up being preferable.
MDMG is what I really want, MAB isn't sh!t compared to MDMG. Want 90~100 of to make Lunge / Swipe godly.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-03-08 15:24:16
What's a decent set for RUN looking to DW?
I'm gearing my run for low buff situations because I know I'll never get to use it anywhere I'll be getting enough buffs to make Resolution not perform badly, so I was thinking Ruinator is the way to go.
However, being DRK and SAM I don't have much experience with Dual Wielding, attack starved, light armor DDs.
Essentially the same as BLU. RUN use's the same gear BLU does so you'll be damn near the same. Req will also be mostly the same, Ruin will be different though.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-03-12 08:20:49
Ok just got a new best augment. DMG +23 Acc +10 WS DMG +10%. That puts my Crobaci +2 as a
DMG: 268
Delay 501
Skill +228
Atk +26
Atk +10
WS DMG +10%
Pretty bad a$$ if I do say so.
By kenshynofshiva 2014-03-12 08:25:20
Ok just got a new best augment. DMG +23 Acc +10 WS DMG +10%. That puts my Crobaci +2 as a
DMG: 268
Delay 501
Skill +228
Atk +26
Atk +10
WS DMG +10%
Pretty bad a$$ if I do say so.
Very nice how many tries did that take?
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-03-12 08:26:10
Too bad its potentially going to be outdated in 6 days (if the delve 2.0 is released on time). Which is why I've stopped trying to get Tunglmyrkvi and haven't bothered with Crobaci.
But still pretty sweet.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-03-12 17:00:26
Too bad its potentially going to be outdated in 6 days (if the delve 2.0 is released on time). Which is why I've stopped trying to get Tunglmyrkvi and haven't bothered with Crobaci.
But still pretty sweet.
I wouldn't think that. The augments on it are what make it really hard to beat for physical damage. Also the 119 delve KI will have skill +228 on it unless SE takes a dramatic step away from their current pattern. What they have been doing is reducing the skill by 14 which reduces the attack by 14 and accuracy by 12, then adding a secondary 26 attack on it. The DMG:Delay are then comparative to approximately 32.5 DPS with ancillary stats (STR/VIT/MAB/ect.) of 10~15 thrown in.
I got stupidly lucky on my augment which makes that GS a 32.0 DPS weapon with a total atk of +254 and acc of 215. The WS DMG+10% is pretty sweet when you remember how much damage Resolution puts out.
The only real issue I have is that RUN is kinda forced to chose between MA and sTP. Normal TP gear has 18/7 Store TP when /SAM and your still 10TP over a 6-hit. Going to a 5-hit requires a 32/12 build on a 4 hit WS. I can't find 14 store TP without sacrificing waist / ring slots which is where we get a hefty amount of MA. Maybe there is some gear I don't know of though.
Aeto +1 hands is +4 sTP, Kayers for +5, and Goading for another +5 then Rajas over Epona for Reso set. Seems kinda big sacrifice to me.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ccl 2014-03-12 17:20:35
the ws dmg on skirmish wpn is more than just 1st hit ?