Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-08-16 21:00:50
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Version 1.0 of the RUn guide has been published. It's still not complete, however it's formatted better than the old post and includes more sets and information.

Things to be added and adjusted:
-Guidance on how and when to use RUN and its abilities
-More gear sets I guess? Not many I'm missing.
-More weapon options, maybe.
-Adjust some of the gearsets, they may not all be optimal.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 31
By Leviathan.Darkcloudx 2013-08-16 21:19:10
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Looks like Weatherspoon Souliers doesnt have mab on it :/ http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxi/threads/36630-Weatherspoon-Souliers-don-t-give-any-MAB
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By Phoenix.Thorbean 2013-08-16 22:44:00
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Uk'uxcaj should be better for PDT no?
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-08-16 22:46:00
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I should have whirlpool there. Like I said, not everything is tuned yet, so I do appreciate those sorts of things being pointed out. If there's any more errors let me know
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By Cerberus.Diabolique 2013-08-17 02:12:04
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No mab on Weatherspoon is pretty disappointing. Hoping it's just an error since it would really suck to lose such nice shoes for nearly all the jobs that can equip it.

I had always just used embolden for protect4 and never considered it for shell for whatever reason(solo). Had no idea the effect was that strong.
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By Siren.Kyte 2013-08-17 03:05:10
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Prothescar said:
dw won't change the applicability of requiescat as it's already a very useful WS for several NMs, however subbing DNC or NIN just to use a second

sword would be a waste.

I wasn't really referring to delve, or even necessarily current content (although /DNC with swords might be decent for dicking around in Dynamis, somewhat depending on GS availability).

Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Requiescat set is basically identical for blu and run. and the blu one is fully updated, you're just looking at the wrong one.

You say that and yet write an additional note in the RUN guide about Whirlpool Mask (which is one of the slots I was questioning) xD

Nahtirah Trousers are another item that should be considered for capped ratio/accuracy. Aqua Sachet should also win for capped ratio (although you do include this in the lesser sets).
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2013-08-19 01:12:01
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Not really sure if this would be the place for this, but I'm not inclined to make a new thread over it.

So, a repost of some tests I did over on BG
Martel said:
Parrying, Battuta, and Swordplay. + some misc.

I've been sitting on some of this for awhile now, intending to post when I had more complete testing. But it's starting to seem unlikely that I'll ever get around to it, so I'll just post what I've got.

Level 109 mobs.
Wep	Skill	Parry%	#hits
Terra's	432	13.62%	257
Beorc	545	13.76%	110
Senbaak	647	32.41%	1187

The first two samples are tiny so don't rely on those values.

Duration 1:30. Recast 5:00. For some reason those haven't made it onto BGwiki.

With 4/5 Battuta Merits.
Battuta Data
These samples are tiny so keep that in mind when considering the parry rates. But until I un-lazy/have more time, they're what we've got.
Wep	Skill	Parry%	Gain    #hits
Terra's	432	62.91%	+49.29%	151
Senbaak	647	80.18%	+47.77%	217

Battuta is, rather badass.

So, if I get +4% parry per additional merit, and got +47.77%(let's call it 48% for simplicity) at 4/5 merits then battuta's base increase should be +36% parry. Assuming it's a flat increase and not based on skill or anything. Don't think there's really enough data to say.

Too bad the duration/recast suck. You're almost untouchable while Battuta's up, even super tanking. Then once it's off you get shredded for the next 3:30. There's swordplay to use after battuta is down, but it's really not all that potent.

Note:I never tried using battuta with only 1~2 runes up. No idea if that has any effect on parry rates.

Battuta "counters"
Or more accurately, Battuta spikes. Seeing as that's how they appear in the log. And that's a far better way of thinking of them. Counters are physical dmg(barring formless/Twilight, etc) Battuta Spikes are magic damage of a rune dependent element.

So, some misc notes on battuta spikes, but nothing in depth.

-Magic DMG, Element based on runes.
-Affected by Day/weather, Affinity/ele staves, and MAB(calc'd on hit, not cast. Much like spikes spells.)
-Subject to resists. M.ACC may depend either on mainhand combat skill or parry skill. I got notably more resists when using a terra's staff(unda runes). But not floored resist rate, despite RUN's lack of any staff skill. This may point towards parry skill being the active skill.

I couldn't find anything that seemed to affect base spikes dmg. Changing base attributes(both on cast and on hit), and using weps of differing base dmg had no effect on base spikes dmg.

I did not try using 1~2 runes. All tests were with 3 runes. I suspect that may affect base spikes dmg.

I was going to post the parse data for spikes dmg, but for some reason the offense details section shows nothing. I think the total #spikes and avg dmg is pretty worthless for actually figuring anything out about this.

Swordplay Evasion

I had to go test this on 107 mobs, since the 109's were flooring my evasion. <,<;;

base	swordplay difference
23.81	35.73      11.92

So, about +12% evade rate from using swordplay. Or +24 evasion. But +24 is a kinda weird number, so I'd be inclined to think it's actually +25.

I've only tested the evasion+ atm, but I'd suspect that acc+ mirrors it.

some misc. stuff, mostly for the wiki

Valiance AoE range, 8.0
One for All AoE range, 10.0

Runeist Coat - Valiance/Vallation duration + 15 seconds. Likewise increases the inspiration fast cast buff duration. I haven't tested for potency changes.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-08-19 01:29:54
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Battuta info is new to me, didn't think it was quite that high. 20% base + 4% per merit seemed about right

With all of this info, RUN has around a 50% average parrying rate on lv109+/- mobs with Senbaak and 5/5 Battuta assuming Battuta being applied perfectly every 5 mins, so probably more like 48% or so. Say between 43% and 48% in case the small sample size is telling us that Battuta is more potent than it actually is.

That's not too shabby really.
Posts: 970
By Voren 2013-08-19 05:00:48
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This may not be the best thread for this, but I didn't want to start a new one.

I'd like to say thanks to Prothescar for making this guide and to Zuidar for the AF guide.

I decided to come back on until XIV is released and this job just made this game more enjoyable.

I noticed that even using Voay NQ and crap gear (Ocelomeh head, thurandaut hands/feet, aurore legs) I was able to do more solo than I did with a pug. Soloed Turul taking 9-81 dmg from spikes. Almost soloed Carabosse (she gotspam happy in blm form, but trying again), Tunga couldn't petrify me, Eruca's spikes were a joke, and looking now to Itza and Amhuluk.

I did notice that the parrying skill+ from the Beorc Sword shows up in the skill list, but the GS skill+ doesn't. Also, using AF GS, head, and legs the mobs in SoA areas are DC for the most part, some even EP.

Has anyone tried RUN/SAM in NNI? I'm interested in seeing if it performs how I imagine it might. I should be done with AF tomorrow and looking to upgrade my DD set.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-08-19 05:06:04
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Would surely work without problems, only suggestion I would give is to make sure you blink runes so you can apply them while running around without wasting time.
Posts: 970
By Voren 2013-08-19 05:33:10
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Would surely work without problems, only suggestion I would give is to make sure you blink runes so you can apply them while running around without wasting time.

Blink? If that's apart of a program for a comp, I use an Xbox. If not, then I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to.

Thanks for the tip, when I try I'll try to judge the best times to use runes so as not to slow down the run.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-08-19 06:14:31
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When you change gear you blink, as in yor character disappears for a moment, on any platform; doing this makes it so you don't stop running when using a ja, it's a simple trick to never be stuck in ja animation while running.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-08-19 20:27:15
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some sets updated to include skirmish II gear. not going to bother making a set just for nagan+1, will just add some notes under the normal set, can 6hit nagan as long as you WS in rajas, keep rose on instead of pole/duplus, tp in new pants, and land 1 hit of reso after the first. Can't add Crobaci+1 until i've got a definitive pool of augments to work with.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-08-19 23:04:47
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
some sets updated to include skirmish II gear. not going to bother making a set just for nagan+1, will just add some notes under the normal set, can 6hit nagan as long as you WS in rajas, keep rose on instead of pole/duplus, tp in new pants, and land 1 hit of reso after the first. Can't add Crobaci+1 until i've got a definitive pool of augments to work with.
You keep forgetting Evasionists' Cape in the lunge set:(

Also, are those pants really better overall than runeist trousers which give you more Resistance as well as the PDT/haste/other stats? Im sure if you are coming RUN to something alliance based theres going to be huge enfeebs :<
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-08-19 23:51:42
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It's an unquantified, probably not very potent, effect that would only really be relevant for enstun. Any other "huge enfeebs" are either avoided entirely, Pflug'd, or can be removed almost immediately via meds or a mage. Those pants are better in almost every other way (hybrid offense ability, pdt, etc.)
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-08-19 23:59:33
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
It's an unquantified, probably not very potent, effect that would only really be relevant for enstun. Any other "huge enfeebs" are either avoided entirely, Pflug'd, or can be removed almost immediately via meds or a mage. Those pants are better in almost every other way (hybrid offense ability, pdt, etc.)
Okay, was just looking for clarification :<
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-08-20 00:12:49
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also by request changed some of the colors of weapons. not changing the merit cat2 to include recast/duration/etc. as that's what the job ability section is for.
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2013-08-20 09:39:23
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Anyone ever use run at tojil I wonder if a Run can with stand the spikes?
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-08-20 09:42:24
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It's not such a great idea to use run in Morimar, offers really nothing there, especially considering dropping Tojil aura might even be detrimental paradoxically. Also nobody should die from spikes...
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ranthozyk
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By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2013-08-20 16:46:32
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I've taken it to a few Foret De Hennetiel runs, and it performs pretty spectacularly as it'd been pointed out before. And the AF pants I'd say are somewhat useful for resisting enfeebling effects. Being able to highly resist paralyze from the zone buff of ice spikes, and resisting slow/plague from the Orobon's belch spam is somewhat of a case for using them, at least in that zone (though with new skirmish pants it's going to be difficult to pick anything else). Outright resisting the poison of Venom Shower and reducing it's damage to double digits for the party is pretty amazing as well from Krabakarpo. Rune Fencer can also, as mentioned, use Requiescat very effectively on Faded Cracklaw and Krabakarpo. Most of what Dakuwaqa can dish out is also highly negated through Valianced Sulpors. If you can convince your group to take a small dps hit (still pumps out decently strong resolutions with buffs and food with Senbaak) in favor of much greater survivability, this job is very useful in this zone particularly. I don't see it being nearly as useful for the other two zones, but its popularity may increase when the Hurkan and Yumcax delve zones come out.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-08-20 16:56:05
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Bismarck.Ranthozyk said: »
I've taken it to a few Foret De Hennetiel runs, and it performs pretty spectacularly as it'd been pointed out before. And the AF pants I'd say are somewhat useful for resisting enfeebling effects. Being able to highly resist paralyze from the zone buff of ice spikes, and resisting slow/plague from the Orobon's belch spam is somewhat of a case for using them, at least in that zone (though with new skirmish pants it's going to be difficult to pick anything else). Outright resisting the poison of Venom Shower and reducing it's damage to double digits for the party is pretty amazing as well from Krabakarpo. Rune Fencer can also, as mentioned, use Requiescat very effectively on Faded Cracklaw and Krabakarpo. Most of what Dakuwaqa can dish out is also highly negated through Valianced Sulpors. If you can convince your group to take a small dps hit (still pumps out decently strong resolutions with buffs and food with Senbaak) in favor of much greater survivability, this job is very useful in this zone particularly. I don't see it being nearly as useful for the other two zones, but its popularity may increase when the Hurkan and Yumcax delve zones come out.
Yea, RUN will be key for Crackhead Hurkan. That aura is a *** on Hurkan if you are a melee or tank. I sadly havent gone RUN to anything Delve because people are all like "LOLRUN get a real DD job!" :( but you seem to besaying the same thing everyone else is and i'd say its right just on the amount of testimonials.
Posts: 970
By Voren 2013-08-23 06:35:04
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I went with LS to a Yorcia skirmish as RUN/SAM last night. I wasn't putting up numbers like the SAM, but I also wasn't taking near the damage or needing near the cures. Regen 4 doesn't do a whole lot, but it does what's needed.

I was doing a fairly consistent 2k with some 3k spikes and 1.5k low. I was using solid RUN af and nothing else really special as I'm lacking some key gear.

It's nice to be able to use flash as well at the end of the skirmish Those mobs get a fat boost to movement speed during the 2nd objective.

I'm hoping to try some Delve soon, but seeing as skirmish armor is pretty easy to obtain (until SE "fixes" that), I'll be sticking with skirmish for a bit.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-08-23 23:10:36
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Theres a cape that enhances the duration of refresh/regen casted on you but i cant remember for the life of me what its called....can RUN use it?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 31
By Leviathan.Darkcloudx 2013-08-23 23:13:18
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Enuyasha said: »
Theres a cape that enhances the duration of refresh/regen casted on you but i cant remember for the life of me what its called....can RUN use it?
do you mean Grapevine Cape? run can't use it.
Posts: 3206
By Enuyasha 2013-08-23 23:14:09
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Leviathan.Darkcloudx said: »
Enuyasha said: »
Theres a cape that enhances the duration of refresh/regen casted on you but i cant remember for the life of me what its called....can RUN use it?
Grapevine Cape and no run can't use it
Yea, i just burst my wn bubble by cheking power search :(

Would've been so awesome :| (net really, but for me it might've)
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ranthozyk
Posts: 63
By Bismarck.Ranthozyk 2013-08-30 19:00:05
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Do Nomkahpa Mittens beat out Manibozho for TP (obviously) with the haste benefits Ionis provides, or are the STR, attack, and other bonuses more worthwhile?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Bloodrose
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By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2013-08-30 19:15:44
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Nomkhapa Mitts don't seem all that worthwhile to me, considering you can get DA on Iuitl gloves.

ItemSet 295908

This is currently the set I'm looking at (since I don't have a senbaak yet). Assume that the manibozho brais are rank 15 str path.

I've seen people with DMG+24 VIT+7 DA+2 on their crobaci +1 already, although mine I currently have DMG+10 STR+3 MDB+1
Posts: 235
By amadis 2013-09-20 07:13:46
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Has anybody worked out what the best magic defence set is with the the MDT/MDB/magic eva/INT gear available?
This is the best I can think of
ItemSet 313398
Personally I don't have defending or shadow ring but im just trying to get some idea of what is best.
How much extra MDT does Embolden add to Shell V?
Posts: 235
By amadis 2013-09-20 08:12:16
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Just had a look Embolden adds 50% potency and it works on protect no reason why it wouldn't work on shell so only 12.5% MDT would be needed (10.5 with sheltered ring) it looks like Engulfer cape and inquisitor bead necklace can be used instead of mollusca and twilight
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2013-09-27 07:14:24
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How would embolden compare with a fully buffed and geared stoneskin?
Would it add 50% bonus to that to, cos then ss will be even stronger, or with phalanx?
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