Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-04-19 15:02:30
Ragnarok.Zeromega said: »One word "Reflect" as a merit-able spell would make me happy as hell lol.
RUN really needs some sort of PDT down ability or spell better than phalanx and some manner of fast cast without it it's hard for me to fine a serious spot for it. Other than a niche fight or support atm in my book. Still fun at 99 to fight umbrils with tho... reflect would only work if it made the spell non elemental when returned, too much absorbing elements in this game
all the real testing has been done, run isnt going to be much till they bring in af3, anyone do further testing on foil?
Only thing I've really noticed on Foil is that it makes enemy TP moves miss, and it's very good at it...assuming you can time it right and the mob uses said tp move within 45 secs.
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-04-19 15:07:02
I like the idea of counter, riposte, and some kind of reflect.
I think a simple solution that wouldn't be that broken would be some sort of increased parry rate for RUN...you could calculate it out as the same amount of mitigation a NIN typical gets with its shadows
as it stands now, it really seems like they need to flesh RUN out more on the tank side if they expect it to be an efficient tank
...which just made me think, I hope they don't consider giving RUN cure spells...let PLD have that, they need to think of something new
At first I wanted RUN to get cures, but now...no, I don't think so, RUN is something different. What I WOULD like to see happen is see RUN added to chainmails, Haubergeon, Hauberk, Perle set, etc, and add more new Chain and Scale mails. I'd also like to see RUN get Ogier's as a special case, also removed from Orvail, as no sane RUN would use it, and added to Kariyeh.
By kenshynofshiva 2013-04-19 15:13:35
Add put on Rag while we dreaming >.>....
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-04-19 15:18:26
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-19 15:20:57
I use orvail body on run.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2013-04-19 15:30:11
Orvail body is a pretty good refresh idle piece for RUN right now. Looks fugly as hell, but the perks are worth it.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 76
By Shiva.Kuraneko 2013-04-19 15:34:29
Orvail legs are worth it for the fast cast too if you don't have w.legs augment at 5% already
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2013-04-19 16:27:18
Not directing this at anyone on the forums, just from what I've heard people say on my server... So many people just act like Rune Fencer is a DD job. Or saying that it can't tank like PLD or NIN. News Flash; it's not PLD nor NIN. It tanks like Rune Fencer. Still, here's some item sets I threw together. I tried to stay clear of Legion items since that's mostly for people in a linkshell that does the event. Salvage I/II is easy enough for anyone to do with a brd sch thf. Meeble Burrows you can shout for people same with Neo-Nyzul Isle. For the +1 stuff, if you can't afford it/none are in stock or you're like me and super cheap, NQ. These are just sets I suggest and not what you should use etc. (Also the TP, Lunge and Resolution/Ruinator sets are the same as Prothescar's sets, except I switched Thaumus pants with Abatteur Subligar in the WS set.) I also left the main/sub weapon blank since some people perfer axe or sword over Great Sword. I didn't bother with a Great Axe set. TP ItemSet 295582 Resolution/Ruinator ItemSet 296863 Requiescat ItemSet 296864 Physical Damage Taken- ItemSet 296850 Magic Damage Taken- ItemSet 296849 Evasion ItemSet 296852 Fast Cast ItemSet 296855 Lunge ItemSet 296866 If I *** up on something, please correct me. :x Your fastcast set is missing: +Veneficium Ring (+1% quickens spellcast/+2% in legion) +Augmented Jeweled collar with +3 fastcast which is easy to get +Siegel sash swapped in since -8% casting time on enhancing spells is pretty damn nice too. +If you are addicted to instacast spells like I am on mage jobs, you can get Occ. quickens spellcasting +3% on a Moonshade earring too (and just have the 2nd aug still be tp bonus), bumping you up to 6% instacast on RUN. 6% procrate might not seem like alot but remember that a proc gives the spell just cast no recast time, so you'd be able to immediately do another flash/foil. Also wiglen gorget is a solid pdt+idle neckpiece
Went ahead and added the ring and Siegel Sash into the itemset. And, for the lulz;
ItemSet 297331
ItemSet 297330
Kinda hoping there'll be some Enhancing Magic+ AF/Relic/Empy for RUN for the Phalanx Set. :/
I'm just going to add this. Holy ***inventory space do you have it?.
I don't. I really don't. I just carry my TP, EVA, Fast Cast, Lunge and WS gear on me. That still eats up a lot of space. I end up having to send 8 items to myself, then have those load in dbox, then send another 8 to myself to have room. :/ cause what is it...
Great Sword
feetx6 (hermes yay...)
That's 67/80 right there. Not counting meds and such. Nor enhancing+ for Phalanx. They -really- need to either let us macro in gear from satchel/sack or increase inventory space
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-19 16:30:45
I carry tp, ws, lunge, fastcast, pdt and mdt. No space for enhancing gear(not in bag, rather in general..), and can't see a use for evasion set for what I do now.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-19 17:16:42
On a different note, anyone has tried to solo Isgebind? Thought about giving it a shot some time in the near future.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2013-04-19 18:53:04
I carry tp, ws, lunge, fastcast, pdt and mdt. No space for enhancing gear(not in bag, rather in general..), and can't see a use for evasion set for what I do now.
Same thing I'm doing right now. Wish I could cram some other stuff in, though. ;
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2013-04-20 10:32:34
I like the idea of counter, riposte, and some kind of reflect.
I think a simple solution that wouldn't be that broken would be some sort of increased parry rate for RUN...you could calculate it out as the same amount of mitigation a NIN typical gets with its shadows
as it stands now, it really seems like they need to flesh RUN out more on the tank side if they expect it to be an efficient tank
...which just made me think, I hope they don't consider giving RUN cure spells...let PLD have that, they need to think of something new
At first I wanted RUN to get cures, but now...no, I don't think so, RUN is something different. What I WOULD like to see happen is see RUN added to chainmails, Haubergeon, Hauberk, Perle set, etc, and add more new Chain and Scale mails. I'd also like to see RUN get Ogier's as a special case, also removed from Orvail, as no sane RUN would use it, and added to Kariyeh.
Orvail body has refresh 2mp/tic on it. The pants have 5% fast cast. I use those for fast cast/idle set... :<
Server: Odin
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Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2013-04-20 11:27:01
I like the idea of counter, riposte, and some kind of reflect.
I think a simple solution that wouldn't be that broken would be some sort of increased parry rate for RUN...you could calculate it out as the same amount of mitigation a NIN typical gets with its shadows
as it stands now, it really seems like they need to flesh RUN out more on the tank side if they expect it to be an efficient tank
...which just made me think, I hope they don't consider giving RUN cure spells...let PLD have that, they need to think of something new
At first I wanted RUN to get cures, but now...no, I don't think so, RUN is something different. What I WOULD like to see happen is see RUN added to chainmails, Haubergeon, Hauberk, Perle set, etc, and add more new Chain and Scale mails. I'd also like to see RUN get Ogier's as a special case, also removed from Orvail, as no sane RUN would use it, and added to Kariyeh.
Orvail body has refresh 2mp/tic on it. The pants have 5% fast cast. I use those for fast cast/idle set... :<
I was gonna say the same thing when I saw the thread pop up on the main page, but you beat me lol.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 550
By Cerberus.Firinia 2013-04-20 11:28:06
I dunno if anyone else mentioned it since I'm too lazy to read through all pages of stuff for the findings but... did anyone else notice that there's an extra, unusable rune on the wheel when you use a Rune Enhancement? One of my friends pointed out that there was an extra rune on the wheel, and sure enough, there's 1 rune on there that we can't use.
In my friend's words, it's the rune that looks like a 2 with a line through it. Maybe they get the ability to use it in a later update/quest similar to how SCH got Klimaform?
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-20 11:29:12
Actually, 4 people beat you.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2013-04-20 11:34:46
Totally missed the other replies ~.~ Sorry. I'll remember to have my coffee before I read the forums.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Eikechi 2013-04-20 11:55:20
Actually, 4 people beat you.
Whatever lol
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Organic 2013-04-20 12:02:25
What I think would be great for RUN would be something akin to Flash but for other debuffs...for instance, give them Mute as a short duration silence, something for paralyze (Cripple?), and maybe something like Stop for slow.
Make them all divine magic.
To me, something like Mute would make the most logical sense for what the job is like (expert against casters)
Make it fast casting and generate a good deal of enmity
By Gimp 2013-04-20 12:19:14
The effects would have to be pretty high to justify using them and probably cost quite a bit of mp, even then it may not be used because of the cost to duration to effect issue. Para II for rdm had this problem.
Enfeebling is great for decent length to long fights because of how much damage mitigation and slip damage you generate; shorter fights don't justify enfeebling.
I think more abilities or spells dealing withtop.mmitigation to complement foil would be OK. I'm not sure what exactly off the top of my head besides. Stat boosts, a shikokyo effect from offensivetop moves, etc.
Also androids auto correct is a piece of ***sorry p
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 117
By Fenrir.Soulstealers 2013-04-20 16:09:56
Would a Reprisal type spell for Parrying would help RUN out somewhat.
If RUN had access to Temper and Haste that would be also great.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-20 16:18:22
Don't really care for haste, but do want temper.
By Enuyasha 2013-04-20 16:41:12
Don't really care for haste, but do want temper. Temper would be amazing yes. VERY VERY VERY much so.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-20 16:58:24
Think could get up to 15% DA as run with gear mentioned above. We can dream.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1274
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2013-04-21 07:03:32
Think could get up to 15% DA as run with gear mentioned above. We can dream.
Having haste spell wouldn't be bad honestly, but now Temper is an even better thought.
By Tphantom 2013-04-21 07:28:33
Well!! i dont thik we will ever get a Temper alike spell on Run, SE is Aiming the job as a magic resistant Tank job, so the adjustments are coming that way, Temper and those armor will make it more on the DD side, which as far as now they dont want that, think of this as the 2004-2008 ninja, not ment to be DD but used as.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1274
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2013-04-21 07:46:41
Have you guys ever wonder if RUN was given a couple of existing job traits ( or 1 brand new one)
I'm curious about what JTs would suit RUN in some way
I was thinking either "Auto-Refresh" or FastCast, but maybe not autorefresh because they already have auto-regen.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-21 07:50:14
Evasion bonus would fit.
Attack and defense bonus on the other hand would be needed.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2013-04-21 09:31:15
In order to keep generating enough hate from magic casters, to be an effective magic tank, RUN would need a ton of multi-attack, so Temper would be somewhat ideal. We already have plenty of multi-attack from equipment, ranging from DA to QA. My DA is at +21 TA+8, and QA+3, before subjobs get factored in. I could potentially squeeze in a bit more DA/TA, but for my gearset right now, it's not worth it.
As for the potential Job Traits, i think SE needs to toss in an Evasion and Defence bonus, although i'm skeptical of the DB, since we already got MDB in it's place. Counter I, i think would be somewhat imperative, but again, not likely unless we got a weaker 5% trait, or they named it something else.
I would also like to see stronger Inquartata and Tenacity traits, or atleast merit their effects. If we're going with new traits, something like "Double Lunge" (which would double up the power of the first rune when using lunge, because all 3 would be insane)
Somewhat like DRG, RUN *could* get JA that work opposite of the jump effects, increasing enmity instead of decreasing it. We could also recieve a ws damage bonus trait, because i just don't see SE giving RUN attack Bonus.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 144
By Sylph.Organic 2013-04-21 10:20:15
I would love to see RUN get Temper if only for the tears that would flow from RDMs
Server: Asura
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Posts: 437
By Asura.Baroma 2013-04-21 14:03:00
I had a blast in abbysea worm party lvling it. I did Atma of Beyond VV and MC. the Lunge damage was amazing with the MAB. and also with /sam i did sekka SS >> GS >> Distortion followed by Gelus Lunge for MB 3380 dmg with no added MB gear besides the atma :) Had the biggest grin on my face!