Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10299
By Asura.Sechs 2019-09-25 12:44:35
Yes, temper. Just think of temper like this. 500 skill is 20% double attack rate. Every 10 after that is 1% Alright.
Is 544 the maximum amount of Enha skill you can get on RUN atm? Excluding Main and Sub slots.
Forgot Manasa Chasuble >.> but I'm not too fond of midcasting in a non-ilevel item.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2019-09-25 14:04:44
Think I'm gonna go for a compromise using the cape and waist slots to gain ~9% DT and ~250 HP.
That will make so my HP doesn't go down and will give me some additional DT, not capped but better than my initial situation.
Would still leave me at 471 Skill. If I recall 470 is when you get -1 reduction, then 480, then 490 and so on every 10, correct?
Uhm, might be remembering things wrong :x
If not too concerned about HP or DT/PDT- during phalanx, you can also use things like Stikini +1/Merciful Cape/Augment. Earring for skill+ to hit that 472 tier.
By Fayona 2019-09-26 12:50:28
In regards to whether or not to cast Phalanx, I honestly can't see a time when I wouldn't unless I knew a tank buster was about to hit and I didn't want to get hit while in Taon. A BIS phalanx set on rune is what makes the rest of Rune soo much fun! I love being able to go full DPS with Lion for most content.
By Fayona 2019-09-29 11:20:45
Two Questions:
1. Can Rune Solo Kei? I want to pick up an Amurrapi Shield for my Alt and I don't really do Omen with an LS anymore, just farm Astrals and do random bosses here and there when people need help.
2. Any tips on trusts / Strategies for Mid Bosses? I just tried twice and Glassy Gorger seems to give me problems at about 20%. I was using a Rank 15 Lion and when Battuta was up swapping from Hybrid set to full DPS and then back to hybrid when it was down. I was just Making Radiance or Light and Having King of Hearts Firaga III MB it. While keeping Phalanx and Foil up in between
The First run I had my Alt on Bard and Gave my Trust healer triple Ballad and March so MP wasn't an issue. The Second run I swapped him to Geo and Was using Indi Haste and Geo Frailty, but MP became and Issue for my Trusts. I normally have Sylvie but I could swap to Yoran on my main which might alleviate that.
My Alt only has Master GEO and BARD available to it right now. My Bard has a DPS set but I wasn't using it. When on Bard I just had him spamming Finale.
Thanks again!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-29 11:27:48
No. I have tried many times, I can't think of any way to multi-step the shield and do enough damage.
Any tips on trusts / Strategies for Mid Bosses?
Use Yoran/Apu and Selh'teus for all midbosses. That helps keep WHM with mp and is a backup healer.
If you have an alt available, use GEO. Play defensive, it's the best way. If you have to entrust refresh, do it.
If you have Epeo, it allows more offensive play during Gorger, but Lionheart is fine, just don't use any attack buffs like Hasso/Last Resort.
By Fayona 2019-09-29 11:32:45
Thanks for the reply Shiraj, I was hoping you might. I was trying to find your videos on YouTube, but I think I only found Gin. Does Hasso really affect it that much? I was playing it pretty fast and loose with DPS. I emboldened Temper right from the start. Both times I got Glassy Gorger. He wasn't really a problem until 20% when he started hitting for 1400+ randomly while I was in Hybrid Set.
It was definitely a lot faster with Geo than Bard for the fodder floors. I had close to 20 Mins when I got to Glassy Gorger with my Geo and only about 14 with my Bard.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-29 11:36:13
So I didn't post any midboss fights as I thought they weren't as hard for a RUN, but I can definitely do so to show.
Basically any attack buff will effect Gorger a lot, so without Battuta as a big safety net, play defensive. I only went offensive when Battuta was up, and stay in hybrid set until then. When i popped Battuta, i used Last resort too since I prefer /drk tbh.
If you go /drk, use last resort in a hybrid set tbh.
Don't use temper for Gorger and use Ignis runes.
By Fayona 2019-09-29 11:42:47
This is my Hybrid Set:
Let me know if there is anything I can change.
{ammo="Staunch Tathlum",
head="Futhark bandeau +3",
body="Futhark Coat +3",
hands="Turms Mittens +1",
legs="Futhark Trousers +3",
feet="Turms Leggings +1",
neck="Anu Torque",
waist="Ioskeha Belt +1",
left_ear="Odnowa Earring +1",
right_ear="Sherida Earring",
left_ring="Moonbeam Ring",
right_ring="Niqmaddu Ring",
back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'DEX+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','DEX+5','"Dbl.Atk."+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-29 12:43:49
This is my Hybrid Set:
Let me know if there is anything I can change.
{ammo="Staunch Tathlum",
head="Futhark bandeau +3",
body="Futhark Coat +3",
hands="Turms Mittens +1",
legs="Futhark Trousers +3",
feet="Turms Leggings +1",
neck="Anu Torque",
waist="Ioskeha Belt +1",
left_ear="Odnowa Earring +1",
right_ear="Sherida Earring",
left_ring="Moonbeam Ring",
right_ring="Niqmaddu Ring",
back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'DEX+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','DEX+5','"Dbl.Atk."+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},
I'd recommend adding some offensive stats to it.
This is my hybrid set for solo play:
sets.engaged.Hybrid = {
ammo="Staunch Tathlum +1",
head="Aya. Zucchetto +2",
body="Ayanmo Corazza +2",
hands="Turms Mittens +1",
legs="Meg. Chausses +2",
feet="Meg. Jam. +2",
neck="Anu Torque",
waist="Kentarch Belt +1",
left_ear="Telos Earring",
right_ear="Sherida Earring",
left_ring="Defending Ring",
right_ring="Moonlight Ring",
back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','STR+10','"Dbl.Atk."+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},}
By Fayona 2019-09-29 13:03:36
Yeah I added in some Ayanmo, but im iffy on the Meghan stuff because its got zero Eva/Meva
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2019-09-29 13:15:17
It has a relatively normal amount for light 119 armor (69 on the legs). I wouldn't really recommend the boots.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-29 13:36:38
Yeah I added in some Ayanmo, but im iffy on the Meghan stuff because its got zero Eva/Meva
I wouldn't worry too much if i'm honest. I carry meds around with me, but normally trusts remove them faster than I can react sometimes, so It doesn't bother me too much.
You do still have a high chance of resisting ailments and stuff, and magic damage doesn't hit hard at all.
By Fayona 2019-09-29 14:05:05
I opted for Herc Boots with +10 Dex +30 ACC + 4 TA for feet instead. Meg Boots +1 Didn't seems to offer much in the way of offensive stats outside of some ACC and PDT - 3?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-29 14:08:53
Yeah. So my hybrid set is based around my playstyle.
My playstyle is basically having 0 form of healer, so I try maximize pdt/DT over anything, which is why Turms mittens are included.
I don't really have any mules to use so having to rely on trusts isn't good which is why I do it.
You can swap out whatever you feel like is not needed for you if you feel.
By Fayona 2019-09-29 17:45:18
Thanks for all your help, I think the big difference at the moment is that I'm not using an Epeo. I've got enough Imps saved to finish it off so I'll go work on that.
Just a thought on the Meg Feet, the Herc Feet have -2% PDT you'd be giving up 1 pdt for more offense and with your Epeo wouldn't you be overcapped on PDT for that hybrid set, as it is?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-29 18:03:43
Just a thought on the Meg Feet, the Herc Feet have -2% PDT you'd be giving up 1 pdt for more offense and with your Epeo wouldn't you be overcapped on PDT for that hybrid set, as it is?
No. My hybrid set puts me at exactly 50% DT, 75% with Epeo. Although It's not exactly capped, the 1% isn't worth swapping something out imo.
And don't worry if you don't have Epeo. All nms which I've soloed can be done without Epeo, either with Aettir only or Lionheart.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-30 18:36:56
So I thought I'd share my solo Yakshi attempts. Since a few people have asked me if I have done it or is it possible.
I've tried to solo this guy about 60 times total and It's even more RNG based than Genbu with Invincible spam. So I just don't think it's even remotely possible to try anymore.
I just cannot proc white to remove Aura from Cordon of Apathy.
I did learn and knew this for a while actually; Flabra -> Vallation/Valiance negates Canopierce similar to how Aegis does.
I do feel like the only job which can solo this guy is actually SMN using the method Papesse did a while ago with mewing/claws rotation.
This was my best ever attempt at killing Yakshi, I did get it to 26% at the time, but died and he regened a little.
I have never been able to replicate this since it is heavily RNG based upon TP moves used.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-09-30 20:51:40
I do feel like the only job which can solo this guy is actually SMN using the method Papesse did a while ago with mewing/claws rotation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-09-30 20:53:55
I do feel like the only job which can solo this guy is actually SMN using the method Papesse did a while ago with mewing/claws rotation.
I should've stated without 1 hours lol. But yeah, I still stand by it without 1 hours.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-09-30 21:03:24
I wouldn't be surprised if an amazingly geared SCH could do the same mewing strat using /SMN.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Butmunch 2019-09-30 23:32:13
I wouldn't be surprised if an amazingly geared SCH could do the same mewing strat using /SMN.
all it takes is one Cordon to go off then SCH will not be able to hit at all.
I have tryed a Few time and rly rly close to max MB/nukeing sets
and as soon as conrdon gos off its a wipe you helix gos from 7~8k to 1~2k it cuts your dmg hard
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-01 06:37:27
Were you using blood pact delay- gear for Mewing? SCH can get up to -14.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2019-10-03 21:22:08
What are people using for BDT set?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-03 22:27:46
What are people using for BDT set?
Regular DT, not really worth wasting inventory space over Breath damage which less than 5 mobs which CAN be threatening use.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2019-10-03 22:31:10
Yeah wondering what the sets for 50DT people use
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-03 23:13:20
This is my personal full DT set, which as you can tell by name, focuses Parrying rate.
But M.eva and Shell also count towards Breath damage cap so you're pretty much capped anyway.
Mobs like Kouryu and Seiryu hit for under 100-200 wearing this set against moves like Hurricane Breath/Radiant Breath and Geotic Breath.
Also use the correct runes. I'm sure rune enchantment's MDT effect count towards BDT too, not sure, but I have noticed a difference in damage. However, that could just be because of elemental resistances, not sure. I'm too lazy to test.
Code sets.engaged.DTParry = {
ammo="Staunch Tathlum +1",
head={ name="Fu. Bandeau +3", augments={'Enhances "Battuta" effect',}},
body={ name="Futhark Coat +3", augments={'Enhances "Elemental Sforzo" effect',}},
hands="Turms Mittens +1",
legs="Eri. Leg Guards +1",
feet="Turms Leggings +1",
neck="Futhark Torque +2",
waist="Flume Belt",
left_ear="Etiolation Earring",
right_ear="Odnowa Earring +1",
left_ring="Defending Ring",
right_ring="Moonlight Ring",
back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','Enmity+10','Parrying rate+5%',}},}
By Fayona 2019-10-04 00:12:11
My set looks pretty much identical to this, I mess around with the earring and I can’t remeber if my cape has pdt or status resist though.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2019-10-04 03:24:40
Runes provide SDT, not MDT, so yes they do contribute towards overall breath damage reduction.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2019-10-04 07:05:27
I usually use this set, which gives slightly higher m.eva at the cost of some DT-, but still hit's 50% PDT. Code sets.engaged.Tank = {
ammo="Staunch Tathlum +1", -- DT -3%
head="Fu. Bandeau +3", --PDT -6%
neck="Futhark Torque +1", --DT -6%
ear1="Cryptic Earring", --Counter 3%
ear2=gear.OdEar16, --MDT -2%
body="Runeist's Coat +3",
hands="Turms Mittens +1",
ring1=gear.MoonRing14, --DT-5%
ring2="Defending ring", --DT -10%
--back=RunStpCape, --PDT-10%
back=RunFcCape, --PDT-10%
waist="Flume Belt", --PDT -4%
legs="Eri. Leg Guards +1", --DT -7%
feet="Turms Leggings +1"