Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2019-05-01 23:08:44
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soralin said: »
What Dark Matter augments does Run chase after on its gear?

Im presuming first and foremost, Phalanx+6 on Herc gear aside from head, right?

This is the first time I've heard of Phalanx+6. I always thought +5 was the cap.

Otherwise only other augment RUN-relevant would he WSD10 for some Dimi's.
Posts: 798
By Staleyx 2019-05-01 23:28:40
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Can get some sweet hybrid herc like me. /grin
Posts: 3654
By Taint 2019-05-02 11:17:48
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WSdmg 6+

In that order for me.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-05-02 11:32:25
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TH doesnt seem like a huge deal to me honestly, since we already have Chaac belt and the Bunny hat, you only need one more TH+1 on a piece to cap out.

Id definitely take Phalanx over TH.

What is "Hybrid" btw?
Posts: 3654
By Taint 2019-05-02 12:01:11
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soralin said: »
TH doesnt seem like a huge deal to me honestly, since we already have Chaac belt and the Bunny hat, you only need one more TH+1 on a piece to cap out.

Id definitely take Phalanx over TH.

What is "Hybrid" btw?

DT gear with good offensive augments.

Like i have herc mitts with -DT2 QA2 which are great for hybrid builds. (They already have ta2 pdt2)

And you need TH2 to cap. So one or two pieces. DM TH can come with other stats that can be useful as well.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2019-05-02 12:38:00
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soralin said: »
Id definitely take Phalanx over TH.

You say that like they're mutually exclusive. Chances are, you're going to see some TH augments that are worth keeping before getting +5 Phalanx.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-05-06 10:37:27
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What are people's thoughts on the Ambu weapons for rune fencer? Seems like Naegling is a strong choice since RUN has an A sword skill and access to lots of WSD gear, but not that many strong sword options elsewhere?

What about Lycurgos for the break WS?
Posts: 2759
By Nariont 2019-05-06 10:45:02
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sword/axe are pretty solid for run dmg wise, GS might be okay depending on the potency of the def down, no word on that so far, the gaxe is your best macc skill weapon for break WS yeah, though hepa+1 still has a place for full break
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-06-02 22:35:09
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How achievable/reasonable is a Rune Fencer 6 step?

I see that Crescent Moon <> Freezebite can be spammed indefinitely for an easy 6 step, but with capped haste can a Run/Sam pull that off easily?

What kind of gear do you wear to get there, and what Great Sword would you use?

Id presume I would Embolden Temper, and I would want as much Save TP Gear in my WS set right?

Basically setup a '6step' mode in my gearswap that just seeks to WS in Save TP, and TP in as close to capped Double Attack I can get?

Edit: Oh nevermind Run doesnt... get... any save tp gear.
Server: Asura
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user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-06-02 23:10:36
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I get tp about as fast as I do on my sam with AM3 up on epeo. The risk then becomes you kill whatever it is you are trying to 6 step on. I don't think TP gain is the concern with a high multi-strike set, add in sam roll and it becomes an even bigger joke.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-06-02 23:13:58
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Asura.Meliorah said: »
I get tp about as fast as I do on my sam with AM3 up on epeo. The risk then becomes you kill whatever it is you are trying to 6 step on. I don't think TP gain is the concern with a high multi-strike set, add in sam roll and it becomes an even bigger joke.

Yeah I don't think Epeo will work, for Vagary and Omen you will undoubtedly kill whatever you are fighting before the 6 step is done.

It looks like maybe Eminent Greatsword or Beryllium+1 are good options? They have extremely low delay but still enough ilvl to get he acc boost.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-06-02 23:17:59
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There's enough iGarbage on gear that you don't need an iWeapon

Can't go wrong with one of the oat swords. blurred or wkr aug
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-06-02 23:21:34
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I'm not convinced that it would ever be completely reliable on RUN, but with buffs you could probably have some luck doing it with Fortitude Axe and Fell Cleave spam.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-06-03 00:15:04
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You will probably need some baseline level of dmg though in order to still do > 0 dmg I presume.

Cobra Claymore's 63 damage looks promising, especially if combined with Sword Strap

Which puts us at 393 delay I think? Pretty solid.

Doing 1 hit WSes, assuming just 15 store tp on the WS set due to /sam, we would need 93 store tp, or 78 store tp after /sam, to achieve a 4-hit build.

Without Sword Strap we only need 88 store tp total to pull off a 4 step, or if we bumped up to 73 store tp total in both TPing and WS sets, we would have a 4 step!

That is actually quite achievable.

ItemSet 366990

This set I believe is sitting at

  • 61 store tp, 76 as /sam

  • 34% Double Attack, aprox 64~66% with Embolden'd Temper

  • 12% Triple Attack

Seems like a solid set I think? and not terribly hard to pull off. With a Geo and Cor in the party we could make this even easier.

With even just a +5 cor and summoning a Sam trust (that works right? I actually dunno, but I will assume it can) we can get another +70 store tp from Sam Roll, and 25% Double Attack from Fighter's Roll.

That will bump us all the way up into 146 store tp with /sam and the set listed above, and just a bit over 90% double attack rate.

To truly pull off a 1 hit build though, we need 188 store tp in the WS and the TPing Build, as well as close to 100% DA as we can manage.

Here are the X hit breakpoints for store TP on Cobra Claymore, assuming the same Store TP is used in both the WS and TPing sets:

  • 2 hit: 188

  • 3 hit: 116

  • 4 hit: 73

And of course, +15 store tp /sam, +70 from a +5 Sam Roll, and +25% Double Attack from War Roll.

3 Hit is kind of awkward with our massive Double Attack, since its not different than the 4 step mostly.

Now... with a +8 cor however thats another 12 store TP.

With that, we only need 91 store TP in gear to pull off the 2 hit build.

Rolling THIS gear however (and Store TP+6 rolls on Herc Gear)

ItemSet 366991

Puts us at 86 store Tp, so 5 short of a 2 hit build...

I am wracking my brain on how we can fit that in. We could I suppose roll +10 Store TP on JSE Cape, and swap to Ioskeha Belt, which will net us +5 store TP and -4% double attack.

I believe this puts us at about 87% Double attack or so? So a 87% chance to be a single attack round, 13% chance at 2?

Its not bad, but maybe you guys can figure out a way to get there?

We could use a higher delay weapon. At 418 delay, 183 Store TP is a 2 hit build. Which is coincidentally Windurstian Sword
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-06-03 00:19:50
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One of the best jobs at doing the 6-step has always been SAM with Soboro (at 40 base damage), so your assessment isn't really accurate
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-06-03 00:26:08
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Ok if that works thats dope, So with Windurstian Sword its pretty easy to hit a 2 hit build with a +8 cor.

It looks like if you only have a +5 cor though, and do indeed do the +10 store TP JSE back, thats a total of 176 store TP.

Which will require a 430+ Delay weapon to 2 hit on.

There's a few options there, any of the +1 Claymores should get there.

Gods though I wish Run could use Mercurial Sword :/
Posts: 2759
By Nariont 2019-06-03 06:11:39
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what kyte said, fort axe does very well and "stacks" with the DA temper gives, hitting for 0 should never be a concern on omen trash, acc is usually the bigger problem but nothing sushi cant solve
Server: Asura
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user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-06-03 06:53:53
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Or double mad w/ honor march which is what I default to I don't have to waste antacids.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-06-03 11:30:54
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I will have a Geo so I can just do Acc up and Eva down, Im not too to worried about that part. And yeah Acc food too.

Didnt realise how incredibly easy virtue stones are to get now, thats crazy, had to go to ffxiclopedia to find out about virtue stone pouches.

Fortitude Axe needs 139 Store TP to pull off a 2hit build with Fell Cleave spam (AoE WSs give same TP Return as a 1 hit right?)

With +5 Cor Sam Roll and /sam, We only need 54 Store Tp in gear.

Thats very reasonable to achieve while also getting 90%+ Double Attack.
Posts: 2759
By Nariont 2019-06-03 12:20:39
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Shouldnt beed to make any specific set for it, natural high ta/da and i think follow up was 25~50?
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-06-03 12:25:08
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Follow up is 55% from what I read.

But you still want to aim for a 1 attack round build.

With 139 Store TP and 90%+ Da, you should pretty much always achieve a 1 attack round build.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: roughwind
By Asura.Roughwind 2019-06-03 13:20:32
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Would like some advice on whats worth using regal gauntlets over taeon hands(+3 phalanx) or regarding whats better for temper enhancing duration or staying above 500 enhance skill.

-Carmine legs+1 (18 skill) vs futhark+3 30% duration .
-Runeist hands+3 (19skill) vs regal gauntlets 20% duration.

Will appreciate if someone posted both bis sets. I know there's no cap to phalanx,but trying to figure the minimum requirements of enhancing skill of each phalanx and temper and keeping potency/duration maxed at the same time. Using embolden shortens duration so i could see using +duration sometimes over potency, but not if it will weaken potency alot. Was lucky to get Herc Vest +5 phalanx n thats when i decided to ask how to balance both.
Posts: 2759
By Nariont 2019-06-03 13:33:51
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Phalanx+1 is roughly 21~ skill. There is not a piece of +skill gear thatll beat that same slot of +phalanx if its available.

As for temper i just get as high as possible while maximizing duation
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-06-03 15:00:21
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Phalanx has a short recast and casting time.

I would use Embolden for Temper for zerging.

Just maximize phalanx potency as much as possible imo. Phakanx gives exponential returns on effective damage reduction.
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2019-06-03 15:31:21
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Personally, prior to this last DM campaign I was using both Futhark+3 and Regal Gauntlets for 5+ minute Phalanx.

Managed to get Phalanx+ on my Herculean hands so swapped those in instead. The drop in duration is annoying... but the extra HP over time it'll save should be worth it.

Honestly, if you are not breaking a tier with the skill+, it isn't doing anything in either of those two slots.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-06-03 18:15:40
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Toggles are my go to. Am I fighting a single target? -> duration. Am I doing a big pull or planning to tank multiple targets? -> Potency.

While sure an extra 6 damage ontop of my current phalanx is neat it doesnt mean a whole lot on a single target boss, but when multiple things are wacking on me then it adds up pretty wuickly to be beneficial. Besides I dont think I'm going to get smacked for 0 or single digit hits anytime soon on Omen or Dyna bosses anytime soon.
Server: Shiva
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user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2019-06-05 16:59:55
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Anyone add Khonsu (ambu strap) to their sets? Thinking just for turtle set because of the -enmity
Server: Leviathan
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user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2019-06-05 17:27:44
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Shiva.Berzerk said: »
Anyone add Khonsu (ambu strap) to their sets? Thinking just for turtle set because of the -enmity

Nope. I'm still using something like this for my turtle set which caps pdt, and mdt with shell5

ItemSet 355625
Posts: 189
By ryukin182 2019-06-05 23:28:43
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Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »
Shiva.Berzerk said: »
Anyone add Khonsu (ambu strap) to their sets? Thinking just for turtle set because of the -enmity

Nope. I'm still using something like this for my turtle set which caps pdt, and mdt with shell5

ItemSet 355625

What are augs on the cape for this?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2019-06-06 00:07:43
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DT -5% if you're using Mensch Strap +1, PDT -10% if you're using Utu Grip.
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