Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Yso 2019-03-26 17:08:15
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Asura.Meliorah said: »
I'm looking to dive deep into RUN and jam my wardrobe full of gear.. is Taeon gear with phalanx + augments worth the investment or should I aim to boost my enhancing magic skill as close to 500 as I can and then fill in the other slots with Phalanx +?

Phalanx gear is incredibly useful. A must get.
Server: Asura
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user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-03-26 17:09:25
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Cool thanks for the quick info :)
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-29 15:57:57
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So it's finally here. Rune Fencer solo Vir'ava - one of the impossible challenges for the job. As I stated in the description - it's almost never going to be 100% win soloing this NM. Charm is always a factor, but I've resisted charmed 40-50+ times without ever being charmed by it so the chances are slim-to-none I'd say.

Fast reactions are definitely needed to swap sets fast no doubt, but maybe you get lucky and resist without.

I use 1 hour SPs here out of panic, but they really aren't needed at all.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2019-03-30 14:42:57
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Asura.Yso said: »
Asura.Meliorah said: »
I'm looking to dive deep into RUN and jam my wardrobe full of gear.. is Taeon gear with phalanx + augments worth the investment or should I aim to boost my enhancing magic skill as close to 500 as I can and then fill in the other slots with Phalanx +?

Phalanx gear is incredibly useful. A must get.

This. I can't believe how poorly this is understood. Phalanx sets is one of your most critical sets on RUN. Let me run through something with you. Two concepts to bring up about Phalanx's role in tanking. For one thing, it lasts 3 minutes, which means you'll often need to cast it during battle. Beyond that, we need to take a look at how Enhancing vs Phalanx+ actually works.

So lets get started...

1) You will be getting hit during casting Phalanx often times, do you really want to risk being killed while doing so? If not, where do we give up spell potency?

Phalanx potency each reduces incoming damage by one per point. In contrast it takes 28.5 skill to reach one more point of reduction through skill. What this means is, each point of Taeon w/ Phalanx +3 is the evuivalent of 85.5 skill for EACH piece. Having the 4/5 Phalanx +3 and then +3 relic head for the additional +7 adds more than you coud possibly get through skill. What's more is, it allows you to start sacrificing other skill pieces to make the set safer to use mid battle. So, there's the fact that Taeon gear each can get 10% SIRD in it per piece, then you can swap things out like rings, back earrings, ammo, and belt to offset the temporary loss in DT in the midcast. This will likely drop you one point threshold in skill, but it's worth it considering it makes you less likely to get killed while recasting.

2) Reducing the damage you take with phalanx works in tandem with DT gear, since it is added after all of those terms. So one example is, lets say your phalanx reduces 35 damage right now. Lets say you aren't too focused on capping out DT, and you think as long as you have around 50 PDT, you're fine. (So we're saying, hypothetically you either don't have epeo, or don't use it often). Imagine you have a hit coming in that would deal 150~180 damage to you as you are. In that case putting up phalanx would reduce that to about 115~145 on average, and if the monster has triple attack, and any strong TP moves, that could take a good chunk out of your HP. On the other hand, lets say you have Epeo equipped and you have 4/5 Taeon w/ Phalanx +3 and +3 head for +7 Phalanx. There's 19 extra damage, in addition to halving the initial damage. So now we take 75~90 damage and it gets knocked down to about 21~51. After Cocoon, this will be hitting you for 0~14 damage or so, at which point you can put up stoneskin, and as long as you keep this buff rotation up, you can't be interrupted. If the rotation gets messed up, you can just cast Aquaveil with SIRD gear, put up Phalanx/Cocoon/SS, and you're good all over again.

Now, even if you are already using epeo on a regular basis, that 19 Damage difference in phalanx reduction, coupled with the fact that your Phalanx set now has some rigidity to it, actually makes Stoneskin more useful to you. When you're getting hit for 20~45 damage, stoneskin will last half as long (if not less) as it would if you're getting hit for 0~25 damage.

All of this is only exacerbated further when you are tanking multiple targets, as generally the incoming damage per hit is less, with more instances, which is exactly where phalanx does the most work.

All of this before mentioning Turms/Parry+ on top of all that, which if you reduce incoming damage per hit enough, effectively makes you immortal.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-03-30 15:28:44
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That all sounds nice, but the truth is that you really shouldn't ever be casting stoneskin, and phalanx is marginal vs a single target

It's a good set to have if you're aoe pulling or dealing with large amounts of adds, or are doing cool solos like Shiraj, but you will literally never notice the difference vs a single NM with a healer present.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-30 16:08:50
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While both are right, having Phalanx on for single target while a healer is present can make healing slightly easier if the mob does annoying stuff like spam debuffs. But yeah it's not a big difference with a whm using Cureskin.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2019-03-30 16:09:13
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I can do plenty of single target NM's without a healer present. That's the ticket.

One good example is, this is par for the course for this month's ambuscade V1 VD.

You say it doesn't make a difference. I beg to differ.

I mean sure, it's value will be inflated on the few things that do skillchains to players, and I'll concede it's not necessary, but saying it's not useful I think is a bit of a stretch.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-30 16:32:30
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Never meant a difference like that, but with a Whm present with Cureskin isn't a difference which is big.

A whm using Empy body +1 for additional cureskin is really good.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-03-30 17:15:20
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I'm not saying it's a bad set to have or you shouldn't make it, but the reality of the situation is the people asking if it's worthwhile are probably weighing it against a different set they're missing either for RUN or another job. Someone who has everything else will be making it regardless.

I think it's pretty hard to say it should be a priority, since it has minimal impact on a majority of what most RUNs are doing(tanking with a WHM present). The times where it's good, it can be really good, they just aren't overly typical.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2019-03-30 20:35:28
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I'd phrase it as, If you don't have epeo yet, I wouldn't consider it super important, as it will be a % difference that wont save your life. And it probably won't make the difference in being able to go without a healer or not. If you do have it, it makes stoneskin disproportionately stronger, just one usage for instance, it allows you to clear a whole Aeonic run without bringing a WHM if you're doing SMN burn. Sure, that my not apply to everyone, but I'm sure it applies to some. Often times on Onchy and Erynis if you don't use conduit, a difference in X damage per hit can make the difference between Regen IV and Viv pulse being enough to cover the difference in parry healing. (i.e. boobries clipping you for 30~40 damage, or just not damaging you at all)

Anyway sorry if I made it sound super critical, if you are indeed weighing it against another set I would say, if you also play Solo RDM alot, do it... if not, maybe put it off. If it's a "I don't have enough space" thing, that changes things a bit, but if it's "I'm afraid it's expensive" thing, it costs like 5~6m to get Phalanx 3 on the whole set along with some SIRD. And since the OP's question was whether to get that set or just go full enhancing skill, I'd say they probably were just wondering what was the most effective.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-30 20:53:02
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Yeah dude for sure man, like Phalanx is amazing, it helps so much, but if you have Epeo and a whm you can be a bit lenient and not worry too much about it.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2019-03-30 21:48:13
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Asura.Byrne said: »
I'd phrase it as, If you don't have epeo yet, I wouldn't consider it super important, as it will be a % difference that wont save your life. And it probably won't make the difference in being able to go without a healer or not. If you do have it, it makes stoneskin disproportionately stronger, just one usage for instance, it allows you to clear a whole Aeonic run without bringing a WHM if you're doing SMN burn. Sure, that my not apply to everyone, but I'm sure it applies to some. Often times on Onchy and Erynis if you don't use conduit, a difference in X damage per hit can make the difference between Regen IV and Viv pulse being enough to cover the difference in parry healing. (i.e. boobries clipping you for 30~40 damage, or just not damaging you at all)

Anyway sorry if I made it sound super critical, if you are indeed weighing it against another set I would say, if you also play Solo RDM alot, do it... if not, maybe put it off. If it's a "I don't have enough space" thing, that changes things a bit, but if it's "I'm afraid it's expensive" thing, it costs like 5~6m to get Phalanx 3 on the whole set along with some SIRD. And since the OP's question was whether to get that set or just go full enhancing skill, I'd say they probably were just wondering what was the most effective.

Geo can main cure a non-epeo Rune Fencer for Onchy and Erinys just fine
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-30 22:05:44
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This is true, King. But a Rune Fencer with and without Epeo can tank Erinys without a Whm for 10+ minutes by using Phalanx and Cocoon. Which shows the potency of the spell.

Without a dedicated healer, rather. Not just a Whm.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2019-03-31 04:25:44
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I would like to respond to Comeatmebro about the usefulness of stoneskin. The value of stoneskin is less about the "amount" of damage it is blocking, as that part is inconsequential. What makes it good is that you can't get interrupted when you are getting hit for 0, even with no SIRD.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2019-03-31 07:50:53
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
This is true, King. But a Rune Fencer with and without Epeo can tank Erinys without a Whm for 10+ minutes by using Phalanx and Cocoon. Which shows the potency of the spell.

Without a dedicated healer, rather. Not just a Whm.

Not disagreeing with the value of phalanx+ sets, just don't think it is a huge priority. You'll still have a geo for smn burns, so why not utilize the slot for more than 2 spells.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2019-03-31 11:45:30
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Um... y'all are arguing apples over oranges of the benefits of Phalanx (and Stoneskin) use and gear... If you don't like using Phalanx (and/or Stoneskin) that's your prerogative, but I believe the OP said:

Asura.Meliorah said: »
I'm looking to dive deep into RUN and jam my wardrobe full of gear...

If you have the inventory space for it: Get it, Set it, and Forget it. Anyone with the resources (inventory space being the most important one) that wants to deep dive into Rune Fencer should attain the gear regardless.

How you choose to play with that gear is another question entirely.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-03-31 16:27:20
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I'm all too familiar with how active the job can be, my only confusion was because RUN has access to so much enhancing magic skill if it was worth giving up slots for Phalanx+ and you all answered at the most basic level which is all I honestly needed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-31 17:51:57
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Apologies about that. Most of us on the forums are weird people who like to go into as much detail as possible and forget the original purpose and serves little help to the OP who actually was unsure.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Asura.Robinthehood 2019-04-01 16:50:23
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Question regarding Resolution sets.

The community Rune Fencer guide on BG Wiki states that +WSD applies on the first hit then lists several items that have that stat on it for the set.

If that's the case, would augmented Herculean pants be a good/better alternative to the Meg. pants +2 or Samnuha tights?
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-01 17:25:36
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Pretty sure Knobkierrie is the only WSD piece that guide lists (outside lustratio set bonus) and that's simply because it competes vs another underwhelming piece (seething bomblet+1, which is actually great because you do need accuracy on resolution more often than not)

As for your leg question, while STR/ACC/ATK/TA4 herc legs would be usable, since meg+2 exists and is simple/free its pretty much Perfect tights > Meg+2 > non perfect tights.

Unless you need an acc swap then Meg+2 are a great option over perfect tights, imo.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-04-02 08:50:47
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So from receiving many questions regarding some things like how does Rune Fencer maintain MP, or "I'm losing hate, what am I doing wrong" type of questions Or even the very common Rune Fencer can't supertank stereotype statement.

I decided to add them to my Rune Fencer guide I explained each briefly and hope they do help anyone and everyone who reads it and follows.

I also recorded a short video showing how little damage Rune Fencer takes while supertanking with minimal buffs. Showcasing Epeolatry and Aettir.

Also as far as gear sets are concerned for my DD side of Rune Fencer the ones on my guide are mainly for soloing or uncapped buffs. (I prefer lowman/solo just to get things done.)
If you are interested in my capped buffs sets send me a Pm.

Again, any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-03 11:45:26
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It should be noted, that Phalanx+ gives exponential returns. The more you have, the more valuable it is, like Haste.

Stoneskin is pretty pointless to discuss, all Stoneskin really is is an HP Buffer. Having 200 points of stoneskin is almost the same as +200 max hp. You do get into small stuff like enemies effects only working if they do 1+ dmg.

Parry/block also is orthogonal for tanks.

The important discussion we want here is 'eHP', effective HP.

Let's say you have 3K life, monsters hit you for 500 damage before dmg reductions (but after pDif of course)

If you have Epeo, that 500 is reduced down to 125.

This alternatively can simply just be viewed as 75% PDT increasing your 3K 'true' HP up to 12K eHP.

At 12K eHP, you can survive 25 hits for 500 dmg.

Which is the same as at 3K HP you can survive 25 hits of 125 dmg, see?

Now, Phalanx+ gives exponential increases to eHP. How come?

Well lets say Phalanx at rest is giving us, lets just say 50 points of reduction to keep things even. It reduces that 125 down to 75 dmg. Thats a 40% dmg reduction, and increases our eHP from 12K to 20K! Thats a lot!

But it gets better.

Lets say we add on a +5 phalanx. Now we take 70 dmg instead of 75.

That +5 there was another 6.66% reduction.

And if you throw ANOTHER +5 on, we go from 70 to 65, which is a 7.1% reduction.

If you keep doing that, you will see each +5 phalanx you slap on gives exponentially more damage reduction.

Thats why tank's go to such extreme lengths to get every point of Phalanx they can get. Each point of Phalanx+ is worth exponentially more than the last one you go!

Now... capping SIRD at the same time as maxxing out your Phalanx+... thats the real challenge. Getting your Phalanx interrupted mid combat sucks hard. But with capped fast cast and 103% SIRD, you should be able to easily pop off a phalanx mid fight and only miss 1~2 beats.

See the discussion here for more context:
Posts: 3653
By Taint 2019-04-03 12:05:04
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Not really....if a mob hits me for 1 or 10 or 100 I'm never going to die thanks to other functions of the job. So Phalanx like haste is useless at a certain point depending on other factors. (haste caps at 80 so 81 is useless)

HP pingpong is a bigger deal than getting those last few points of phalanx. I personally just squeeze as much as a i can and still stay at 2700hp+. (all my gear changes keep me above 2700)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2019-04-03 12:13:29
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soralin said: »
It should be noted, that Phalanx+ gives exponential returns. The more you have, the more valuable it is, like Haste.

Stoneskin is pretty pointless to discuss, all Stoneskin really is is an HP Buffer. Having 200 points of stoneskin is almost the same as +200 max hp. You do get into small stuff like enemies effects only working if they do 1+ dmg.

Parry/block also is orthogonal for tanks.

The important discussion we want here is 'eHP', effective HP.

Let's say you have 3K life, monsters hit you for 500 damage before dmg reductions (but after pDif of course)

If you have Epeo, that 500 is reduced down to 125.

This alternatively can simply just be viewed as 75% PDT increasing your 3K 'true' HP up to 12K eHP.

At 12K eHP, you can survive 25 hits for 500 dmg.

Which is the same as at 3K HP you can survive 25 hits of 125 dmg, see?

Now, Phalanx+ gives exponential increases to eHP. How come?

Well lets say Phalanx at rest is giving us, lets just say 50 points of reduction to keep things even. It reduces that 125 down to 75 dmg. Thats a 40% dmg reduction, and increases our eHP from 12K to 20K! Thats a lot!

But it gets better.

Lets say we add on a +5 phalanx. Now we take 70 dmg instead of 75.

That +5 there was another 6.66% reduction.

And if you throw ANOTHER +5 on, we go from 70 to 65, which is a 7.1% reduction.

If you keep doing that, you will see each +5 phalanx you slap on gives exponentially more damage reduction.

Thats why tank's go to such extreme lengths to get every point of Phalanx they can get. Each point of Phalanx+ is worth exponentially more than the last one you go!

Now... capping SIRD at the same time as maxxing out your Phalanx+... thats the real challenge. Getting your Phalanx interrupted mid combat sucks hard. But with capped fast cast and 103% SIRD, you should be able to easily pop off a phalanx mid fight and only miss 1~2 beats.

See the discussion here for more context:

The amount of times I've seen people who insist on not turtle tanking blows my mind. You have to have pretty good gear for doing Hybrid DD RUN to pull it off, yet tons of people try and fail, often times so concerned about trying to deal damage that they don't keep up rotations, take way more damage, and lose hate more often.

As for not using Phalanx, you may think that because you're unlikely to die it's not a big deal in any way... but the less time the WHM spends babysitting you is time they can remove debuffs from other party members, provided you aren't playing with Yag WHM.

You can argue that parry with Turms makes it "not worth it", but what you ignore is that strategy of using that to keep HP topped off works on higher level content the less damage per hit your tanking... which should be obvious, but somehow it's not to some people.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-03 12:19:06
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Taint said: »
Not really....if a mob hits me for 1 or 10 or 100 I'm never going to die thanks to other functions of the job. So Phalanx like haste is useless at a certain point depending on other factors. (haste caps at 80 so 81 is useless)

HP pingpong is a bigger deal than getting those last few points of phalanx. I personally just squeeze as much as a i can and still stay at 2700hp+. (all my gear changes keep me above 2700)

This is why having an Engaged Phalanx set vs a Pre-buff Phalanx set is crucial.

Paladin has Moralltach they can leverage to avoid ping-ponging too hard mid fight if they are smart. Run I don't know so much about.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-03 12:22:25
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Asura.Byrne said: »
The amount of times I've seen people who insist on not turtle tanking blows my mind. You have to have pretty good gear for doing Hybrid DD RUN to pull it off, yet tons of people try and fail, often times so concerned about trying to deal damage that they don't keep up rotations, take way more damage, and lose hate more often.

As for not using Phalanx, you may think that because you're unlikely to die it's not a big deal in any way... but the less time the WHM spends babysitting you is time they can remove debuffs from other party members, provided you aren't playing with Yag WHM.

You can argue that parry with Turms makes it "not worth it", but what you ignore is that strategy of using that to keep HP topped off works on higher level content the less damage per hit your tanking... which should be obvious, but somehow it's not to some people.

I recently came into a small mountain of gil due to AMAN trove so I'm currently messing around with the following hybrid set for RUN.

Mostly because I realised Epeo is stupid cheap to make, and I can fully gear an entire Run for the price it'd take to just make my Burtgang for my paladin. Dumb. So dumb. Alexandrite prices are ruining my life.

Anywho, Im thinking the following hybrid set that has a decent amount of DA/TA, but also keeps DT capped, will be solid.

ItemSet 365991

Double attack rolls will be the goal on the Herculean pieces. DT, not PDT, on the JSE Cape.

With a earring boosted Shell V, I will have capped PDT and MDT in that set, while also having a very respectable amount of Acc and Att for end game. Should be able to easily cap acc on HELMs
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2019-04-03 12:28:06
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soralin said: »
Asura.Byrne said: »
The amount of times I've seen people who insist on not turtle tanking blows my mind. You have to have pretty good gear for doing Hybrid DD RUN to pull it off, yet tons of people try and fail, often times so concerned about trying to deal damage that they don't keep up rotations, take way more damage, and lose hate more often.

As for not using Phalanx, you may think that because you're unlikely to die it's not a big deal in any way... but the less time the WHM spends babysitting you is time they can remove debuffs from other party members, provided you aren't playing with Yag WHM.

You can argue that parry with Turms makes it "not worth it", but what you ignore is that strategy of using that to keep HP topped off works on higher level content the less damage per hit your tanking... which should be obvious, but somehow it's not to some people.

I recently came into a small mountain of gil due to AMAN trove so I'm currently messing around with the following hybrid set for RUN.

Mostly because I realised Epeo is stupid cheap to make, and I can fully gear an entire Run for the price it'd take to just make my Burtgang for my paladin. Dumb. So dumb. Alexandrite prices are ruining my life.

Anywho, Im thinking the following hybrid set that has a decent amount of DA/TA, but also keeps DT capped, will be solid.

ItemSet 365991

Double attack rolls will be the goal on the Herculean pieces. DT, not PDT, on the JSE Cape.

With a earring boosted Shell V, I will have capped PDT and MDT in that set, while also having a very respectable amount of Acc and Att for end game. Should be able to easily cap acc on HELMs

Herc gets TA actually... You're probably too used to dealing with WAR/DRK/PLD gear
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-03 12:30:16
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Asura.Byrne said: »
Herc gets TA actually... You're probably too used to dealing with WAR/DRK/PLD gear

Why did I even make an Aegis. Why?

Nah but for reals thanks for the info, I appreciate it. I have like 1 week of Coalitions left to do and I can start making Epeo, so that's exciting!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-03 12:31:13
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soralin said: »
This is why having an Engaged Phalanx set vs a Pre-buff Phalanx set is crucial.

Can you explain the difference, and how that affects Phalanx?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2019-04-03 12:33:34
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
soralin said: »
This is why having an Engaged Phalanx set vs a Pre-buff Phalanx set is crucial.

Can you explain the difference, and how that affects Phalanx?

A prebuff Phalanx set uses Phalanx+ and enhancing exclusively, while an engaged set would have DT, HP, SIRD and Phalanx+ with very little, if any skill gear (since in the grand scheme of things enhancing gear does next to nothing compared to Phalanx+).

The lua will also need to have section to remove Phalanx during recast if you don't want to have to pay attention to whether It's still up or not.

However, I actually just have it set up to use gear with Phalanx+5 (Dark matter) to replace SIRD Phalanx gear when Phalanx is already an active buff... that way I don't need to worry about it if I'm Supertanking without my weapon drawn.
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