Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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By Taint 2019-02-21 17:49:45
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Asura.Trumpet said: »

But now you're talking about a high acc hybrid tanking set? That's even more niche, given that meg +2 pants exist for free!

I don't want to get into it too much because this forum gets butthurt fast, but I don't use Emp+1 legs while engaged, only in my turtle sets.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-02-21 17:56:40
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That... doesn't really change that Meg+2 legs are usually a better hybrid engaged piece than AF+3. Better offense, slightly better PDT. Can't see why you wouldn't go with those over AF+3, outside of some super-niche case where you really need to both maximize Meva AND get slightly higher Acc. Emp+1 still better for pure tank/turtle purposes, Turms still better for pure Meva/resist purposes.

AF+3 legs might have small niches, but it's pretty obvious that they are a rather low priority given that other great (arguably superior) options exist for every common situation. Hardly the most bang for your RUN buck, they're really more of a piece for hardcore completionists.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-21 18:27:16
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30 m.eva and 10% resist status is far from negligible on much of the game's content. 1 PDT is almost always negligible, especially if you're already using epeo(which also devalues TA a bit).. so little content actually has meaningful physical damage.

I don't doubt that meghanada calculate a couple % higher in dps, but they obviously have much less defensive use.. that's not even up for debate. 30 m.eva is ~15% chance to resist debuffs when off floor and below ceiling, which you are likely to be in your hybrid gear.. before factoring in the flat rate resist boost.

From my perspective, both pieces have uses in a hybrid set.
Server: Asura
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user: Trumpet
By Asura.Trumpet 2019-02-21 18:59:02
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I can see the use now that yall spell it out, but at that point we're talking a hybrid, highacc tanking set where you also need high meva. There's a spot for that, but this started off of which pieces to prioritize, so I'd def put that lower on the list :P
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-21 19:00:28
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I wouldn't really say you 'need' high meva or highacc to make them useful. Anytime you're getting that 15% + 5-10% swing in resists, the avoided debuffs are likely to outweigh the minimal difference in damage. If not in pure dps, certainly in convenience.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-02-21 19:14:51
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So guys, I was wondering, I just re-worked on my entire rune fencer guide and I have shown the videos how to do which NM and how.

So my question is this:
Would you find a recorded video of each Dynamis Wave 2 and 3 be tanked and each Master Trial individually to be helpful or not?. If so, the video would be edited to show and help understand what is going on to help newer Runes get a slight understanding.

Also, I would appreciate any feedback on ways to improve my guide in anyway. Thanks.
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2019-02-21 22:22:06
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I keep missing entire conversations on here... that said:

Asura.Shiraj said: »
So guys, I was wondering, I just re-worked on my entire rune fencer guide and I have shown the videos how to do which NM and how.

So my question is this:
Would you find a recorded video of each Dynamis Wave 2 and 3 be tanked and each Master Trial individually to be helpful or not?. If so, the video would be edited to show and help understand what is going on to help newer Runes get a slight understanding.

Also, I would appreciate any feedback on ways to improve my guide in anyway. Thanks.

Honestly, I would say do the videos just because you want to. I'm fairly critical of most people's guides (and far from a new Rune Fencer at that) so I'm not completely sure I'm equipped to comment... but I'm one solitary voice on here and I'm typically a weirdo about these sorts of things anyway.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-02-22 00:14:48
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So I was fighting Warder of Courage today and I resisted charm from both WoC and was able to resist a lot of charms from both WoC himself and his adds, it took 2 rotations of Virelai to eventually land charm. BG states it cannot be resisted.

Soul Voice - Begins using Maiden's Virelai to charm it's current target. This will result in enmity becoming unstable and a wipe becoming very probable if people are not ready for it.
There are two ways to negate Soul Voice.
The use of a Charm Buffer.
Having a Red Mage use Stymie Elemental Seal Silence immediately at the very moment when Soul Voice goes off.
Fealty will fail to stop charm from Virelai.
Tenebrae x3 with Pflug and a charm resist set will also fail to stop Virelai.
RUN SP abilities have no effect on Virelai.

But I took some pictures of it being resisted on both times Virelai was used and it eventually landed on me on the 2nd rotation.

The first rotation I resisted all.

The 2nd rotation where I resisted some, but eventually got charmed.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-02-22 01:09:13
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I've had the same experience with resisting Virelai on RUN, likewise for the other RUNs in my LS. Not sure why BG says it cannot be resisted.

Wonder if Pflug helps with that, or if it's just a matter of Meva though.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2019-02-22 03:11:04
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Most likely when WoC was first released we couldn't reach the Meva necessary to resist it, and now we can almost reach max resistance of it.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-02-22 03:31:29
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
I wouldn't really say you 'need' high meva or highacc to make them useful. Anytime you're getting that 15% + 5-10% swing in resists, the avoided debuffs are likely to outweigh the minimal difference in damage. If not in pure dps, certainly in convenience.

Fair enough, I guess there's some legitimacy in that kind of hybrid build... but as a practical matter, AF+3 don't really do a ton for your offense either outside of good Acc, so when you aren't Acc starved they aren't that great of a "hybrid" piece either.

And there's already another piece that pairs relatively high Acc with MUCH better Meva/resist: Turms Subligar/+1.

Turms NQ: Meva+137, Acc+41, Crit rate +6%
Turms +1: Meva+147, Acc+51, Crit Rate +8%
Runeist+3: Meva+99/Resist all+10, Acc+49 (+15 more Acc if using multiple AF+3 pieces or a Regal Ring for set bonus)
(in addition, 3% more haste on Turms/+1, which might be relevant for some hybrid builds to stay haste capped)

If I was really concerned about the need to resist status effects that could be truly debilitating, but also needing a piece with some strong Acc... I'd prob lean toward Turms in most situations. Yeah, you lose the PDT- from all of the other main legs options, but that may not matter a lot in a given situation - especially when, as you said, "so little content actually has meaningful physical damage". So AF+3's niche gets even smaller, to the point where you simultaneously need all three of (1) good but not great Meva, (2) strong Acc, AND (3) PDT-.

Asura.Trumpet said: »
I can see the use now that yall spell it out, but at that point we're talking a hybrid, highacc tanking set where you also need high meva. There's a spot for that, but this started off of which pieces to prioritize, so I'd def put that lower on the list :P

I totally agree with Trumpet - I can see that there are possible niches for AF+3 legs, but it's pretty situational and hard to justify making AF+3 legs a huge priority when you can already handle so much of what you're likely to encounter between Empy+1/Meg+2/Turms. Not to mention the not insignificant need to farm 54 RUN cards and pay for upgrade mats to do AF upgrade, when the alternatives include cheap AH Turms, Ambuscade legs, and Empy+1 that you want anyway.

YMMV if you are really doing a lot of stuff where you feel you would get a lot out of a Acc/Meva/PDT piece.

Regardless of differing opinions on the value of the legs, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Runeist+3 body is definitely the priority in the set, with frequent practical use for a "typical" RUN tank. The other 4 pieces in the set are situational at best (legs), or modest/incremental improvements to macro gear (head/hands/feet).
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-22 08:14:05
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Turms NQ: Meva+137, Acc+41, Crit rate +6%
Turms +1: Meva+147, Acc+51, Crit Rate +8%
Runeist+3: Meva+99/Resist all+10, Acc+49 (+15 more Acc if using multiple AF+3 pieces or a Regal Ring for set bonus)
(in addition, 3% more haste on Turms/+1, which might be relevant for some hybrid builds to stay haste capped)

If I was really concerned about the need to resist status effects that could be truly debilitating, but also needing a piece with some strong Acc... I'd prob lean toward Turms in most situations. Yeah, you lose the PDT- from all of the other main legs options, but that may not matter a lot in a given situation - especially when, as you said, "so little content actually has meaningful physical damage". So AF+3's niche gets even smaller, to the point where you simultaneously need all three of (1) good but not great Meva, (2) strong Acc, AND (3) PDT-.

1 PDT vs 30 m.eva and 10% resist everything
5 PDT and 10% resist everything vs 48 m.eva

It really isn't rocket science, they're an all around solid piece. They have less offensive value than Megh, but more defensive value than anything else and top tier acc to go with it. Most offensive hybrid would use Megh, physical turtle would use emp+1, anything else would use AF1+3(not just hybrid, they're a solid piece in a defensive set for the same reasons unless you really need to turtle against physical for some reason).

I don't know why you want to hate the legs so badly(maybe because you don't have them upgraded?), but nobody's forcing you to upgrade or use them if you feel that way. The other options aren't exactly outstanding besides body.

AF head+3 is a much more tedious carmine mask +1(gain a few HP, woooo?).

AF hands+3 are 2 seconds on gambit and potentially 1 point of phalanx(if you don't have taeon or DM augs.. and only 20% chance of that in those conditions).

AF Feet+3 are 1% on pflug. Hurray.

I would go body+2 > body +3 > hands+2 > feet+2 > legs+2 > legs+3 personally(hands and feet have some gain at +2 and its much cheaper in cards and gil than committing to +3.. which legs and body require to be useful). Finish hands/feet after that if you really care about the minimal changes, what they get from going +2 to +3 is next to nothing compared to a piece that'll sit in longer than a JA activation. Head is for completionists or one-job wonders, most people need Carmine+1 anyway and nobody cares about RUN regen.
By 2019-02-22 11:49:19
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Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-02-22 12:38:32
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Bippin said: »
Is there a list somewhere of blu spells that I need to learn for RUN/BLU? Didn't see anything in the guide about it.


I have a list of blu spells you can get and the main ones you need. Included all traits as combos too.
By 2019-02-22 12:51:42
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3707
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-02-22 13:35:29
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
5 PDT and 10% resist everything vs 48 m.eva

I think this is where we differ: I'd almost always choose the latter (Turms) for a defensive-leaning set that isn't full-on turtle.

I'm honestly not terribly excited about PDT-5% and what's effectively only 5% resist all on anything of consequence (since it's halved on NMs), when I could instead get a bigger chunk of Meva that will help much more on resists. If I'm worried about the threat of physical damage AND simultaneously resisting status, I'm gonna be in Emp+1 anyway. I'm so rarely concerned about all of Acc/Meva/PDT at the same time that I just wouldn't use the AF+3 legs much.

I don't know why you want to hate the legs so badly(maybe because you don't have them upgraded?), but nobody's forcing you to upgrade or use them if you feel that way.

Didn't upgrade them past +2, because why would I do that when I don't find them useful for what I do on RUN? But you're right that nobody's forcing me to upgrade em, so I didn't.

I would go body+2 > body +3 > hands+2 > feet+2 > legs+2 > legs+3 personally(hands and feet have some gain at +2 and its much cheaper in cards and gil than committing to +3.. which legs and body require to be useful). Finish hands/feet after that if you really care about the minimal changes, what they get from going +2 to +3 is next to nothing compared to a piece that'll sit in longer than a JA activation. Head is for completionists or one-job wonders, most people need Carmine+1 anyway and nobody cares about RUN regen.

Big picture, we DO pretty much agree on AF upgrade order... so that answers the initial question of how to prioritize this stuff.

My only MINOR difference (which certainly isn't worth excessive discussion) is that maybe I'd throw +2 head in there at similar priority to where you included +2 hands/feet. Head does have some practical benefit over Carmine in a FC set, by keeping your FC set's HP closer to your tanking gear (and even though head +2 has 2 less FC than Carmine+1, you're probably FC capped anyway in either one... especially with Inspiration merits)

It just comes down to an individual player decision of where in that list you're comfortable stopping and saying the further upgrades aren't worth the money. For me, I'd say do the AF body+3 ASAP, and then maybe knock out the fairly cheap/quick AF+2s... After that, most people wanting to invest resources into improving their RUN would probably be best served focusing on other non-AF stuff. Plenty of other useful items out there that are worthy of spending gil on: Epeo, Relic head, Turms +1 hands/feet, JSE neck, Moonlight rings, etc... All of those have much more practical value to me than the non-body AF+3 pieces. Have all that stuff already? Then sure, do the non-body AF+3 stuff for incremental improvement or for completion's sake.
Server: Asura
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user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-02-25 21:24:15
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Does Status resistance to Aliments have a cap?

Was thinking something like this for my resist set.

ItemSet 365316

Not sure If I should put 10 resist on cape for it or -5% DT
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-02-25 21:44:18
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It likely caps at 90% (+180 on NMs, as potency is halved) based on results of my earlier testing. It procs before resist check as well, so you are able to effectively bypass resist rate cap by using it.

Realistically though, you wouldn't want a set stacking it that heavily. You're giving up almost 150 m.eva between body, legs, and feet, and almost all of your HP as well.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-02-28 00:32:31
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This is absolutely crazy what I was messing around with.
Ever since seeing Ejiin try melee Black and White Master trial I decided to try it myself and give that challenge a go.

Rune Fencer needs nerfed. That's all I gotta say. Look at my Damage while supertanking!


Updated video link. Beat Black and White melee method in 3 tries, every try we either got to Odin and timed out or we forgot RR...
But Odin is sooo hard for melee method without a doubt.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 8
By Asura.Tewfpick 2019-02-28 10:12:34
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Yes, totally your fault, for getting me caught in WSD gear during TP moves!
Posts: 109
By Treizekordero 2019-03-07 20:11:30
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I was wondering if anyone tried Kaja Axe on RUN and got any good numbers with it and Decimation?
Server: Cerberus
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user: Kylos
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-03-09 14:04:40
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Valefor.Gorns said: »

Any tips on Runes & Barspells used for the more tricky NMs from Zitah and Ru'Aun ?

Also, what's your gearsets to allow such challenge to be done (TP/WS/Hybrid/other)?

Escha Zi'tah:

Skipping T1s as they are pretty simple.

Ionos - Flabra x3 and Barstone/petrify - pretty self explanatory, to resist Petrify from landing.

Sensual Sandy - Any Rune - Sandy is not magic based, she reacts to weapon skill by using a conal terror breath.

Nosoi - Ignis x3 -> Sulpor x3 after Vallation/Valiance - Ignis helps reduce blizzard nuke damage, sulpor helps chances of resisting poison by spell. However you cannot resist the poison aura.

Brittlis - Ignis x2 Flabra x1 + Barparalyze and barstone - chainspell will spam enfeebles on you, Paralyze and slow are biggest concern.

Kamohoalii - Tenebrae x3 - To resist Charm

Umdhlebi - Tenebrae x3 - To resist Charm, although she is unlikely to use Charm, she can use Beautiful Death below 25% if she is alive long enough.

Fleetstalker - Unda x3 + Barfire - This NM nukes hard fire damage, aim to proc it when it is casting to lower its Evasion, i recommend /drk to nuke water 1/2 after using a WS.

Shockwave - Lux x3 - Dreadspikes is nasty. Stand behind or on the side of it. Conal instant death from the front.

Urmahlulu - Tellus x3 + Barthunder - Mostly to resist Stun spam and lower Thunderbolt's damage.

Pixies - Lux x3 - Bucca uses Dread spikes, Lux lowers the damage and Lux can give you a chance to resist the full dispel.

Blazewing - Unda x3 + Barfire + Amnesia - This nm can often use a move which inflicts slow + a long duration amnesia.

Pazuzu - Lux x3 - To lower the damage from Comet/Impact. Meteor is non-elemental, only One for All can lower the damage, and SP.

Wrathare - Lux x3 + Barblind - Lux is mostly to resist Blind, En-death can't really be resisted aside from gear.

Escha Ru'aun:
I'll skip T1s and T2s lemme know if you need any of them individually.

Duke Vepar: Ignis x2 Flabra x1 + Barparalyze and Barstone - Aside from this 200 hp/tick Bio aura this nm is pretty easy. The runes + spells help resist slow and paralyze. Roughly 1350-1400 acc recommended.

Pakecet Lux x3 + Barfire + Amnesia - Aetheric Pull gives Pakecet dread spikes. it also has access to amnesia. This NM is honestly quite hard to solo if you get unlucky, you need a decent shockwave + turtle set when Angry Seas comes.

Vir'ava - Tenebrae x3 + Barfire + Amnesia - Charms quite frequent, Tenebrae resisted it a lot for me. I recommend a trust tank on pop then pull adds away and shockwave -> Bio or wake the black adds up and let vir'ava eat them then zerg. I use my max acc set for this fight which gives me roughly 1700 acc with food and vorseal and a high M.eva to help resist charm as well.

Ark Angels:
AAEV - Tenebrae x3 - Although you can't solo this with trusts you can duo it with a real tank or whm.

AAGK - Ignis x3 + Barpara + Blizzard - resist Paralyze. Kill add every time it pops to allow you to parry.

AAHM - Flabra x1 Ignis x2 + Barparalyze + stone - resist Paralyze and Slow. Nothing else except Mijin Gakur or WS spam.

AAMR - Tenebrae x3 - AAMR gains access to charm at 50%, but can use it before it you take too long to kill. Can charm many times.
I'd recommend 1550-1600 acc, she is a thf and very evasive.

AATT - Ignis x2 Flabra x1 + Barparalyze and stone - Same as AAHM, just resist paralyze and petrify. Meteor is non-elemental

Byakko - Tenebrae x3 + Barfire + amnesia - Byakko hits very hard, and his En-light hits hard as well, Tenebrae not only reduces his damage, but can also proc white from additional effect dark damage. I'd recommend 1550-1600 acc requirement

Genbu - Sulpor x3 - Although Rune cannot ideally solo Genbu without insane luck, it can be duoed with a Geo with fairly little difficulty i'd say.

Seiryu - Gelus x1 Tenebrae x2 + Baraero - Runes mainly help reduce the damage from hurricane and Radial breath, they can hit very hard. I'd recommend 1600+ acc as this NM can give itself evasion boosts.

Suzaku - Unda x3 + Barfire - Unda reduces damage from chainspell nukes. This nm is pretty easy tbh, just very evasive. I'd recommend 1600+ acc needed.

Kirin/Kouryu - Flabra x3 + Barstone + Petrify - Runes to reduce damage from spells and tp moves and resist petrify.Although this NM can't be soloed, It can be trioed with Run, geo and bard. I'd not recommend trioing this however, it is absolutely a nightmare having to main DD while supertank all adds when they come, it is hard. I'd recommend 1700 acc requirement. I'd not recommend Low manning without Epeolatry, it is hard enough as it is.

This was one of my original and first attempts at low manning Kirin. We recovered and won that attempt. I eventually got more successful and was able to 3 man it. Will record when possible.

Warder of Courage - Tenebrae x3 + Barpetrify and Stone - Resist charm from WoC himself, you cannot resist charm from Wyverns though. Only from charm buffer. I'd say roughly 1750-1800 acc is needed to cap.

Also I want to apologise for this long *** post, but I do hope it helps.

Edit: I will include sets into my rune guide and link that once done, i don't know how to do it on ffxiah.

Near the bottom I included some of the DD sets I use which are orientated with solo and low man set ups.

Hi Shiraj. Would it be ok if I added this to the Rune choice guide I made? Condensed a little?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-09 14:16:57
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Go for it. It helps everyone so why not.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-11 21:00:53
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So I managed to do Sealed Fate again tonight and help some friends beat it. If any Runes out there were wondering what the hardest and by far, most annoying fight in the game is like here it is with newer gear and stuff. This was rather surprising for me as there were very minimal mistakes made by me, and being overwhelmed on this fight is very easy.

This was most people's first ever attempt and went 1/1.
I decided to use 2 cors instead of Blm like the old strat. It turned out quite well.

If people were experienced with the fight we could easily hit under 40min clear time.

edit - Once I get another Iroha win I will definitely be putting together a guide on how to tank each Master trial with points and pauses to explain why stuff has been used. I just have to edit SF and Iroha into what I have so far then I will upload.
Posts: 346
By Cronnus 2019-03-15 07:48:50
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I'm not a RUN, but maybe someone might be able to answer my question. This months Ambu, we run in and engage the summoner tonberry. I use Mantra immediately (30% increase to everyone's HP) and following that our RUN uses One for All. Does anyone know if Mantra actually helps One for all? Or are we doing it in vain?
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-03-15 08:21:25
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Yes mantra helps one for all.

One for all is a magic shield which provides a shield proportional to 20% of everyone's max hp in range. So example, my one for all ser has something like 3400 hp so it gives me a shield to block out 649 damage.

The effect lasts for 30 seconds, 50 if rune has 20/20 job points in one for all.
Posts: 346
By Cronnus 2019-03-15 08:35:15
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Yes mantra helps one for all.

One for all is a magic shield which provides a shield proportional to 20% of everyone's max hp in range. So example, my one for all ser has something like 3400 hp so it gives me a shield to block out 649 damage.

The effect lasts for 30 seconds, 50 if rune has 20/20 job points in one for all.

Thank you, sir.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-03-15 08:35:32
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Yes mantra helps one for all.

One for all is a magic shield which provides a shield proportional to 20% of everyone's max hp in range. So example, my one for all ser has something like 3400 hp so it gives me a shield to block out 649 damage.

The effect lasts for 30 seconds, 50 if rune has 20/20 job points in one for all.

Pretty sure he knew that, because otherwise he wouldn't be trying use those abilities like that. What he was asking is confirmation that HP buff like Mantra is calculated into One for all mechanic, or is ignored. It was lazy question anyway, because just go fight something with static aoe magic damage like Chariot with Discoid and check it yourself.
Server: Asura
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user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2019-03-26 16:59:52
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I'm looking to dive deep into RUN and jam my wardrobe full of gear.. is Taeon gear with phalanx + augments worth the investment or should I aim to boost my enhancing magic skill as close to 500 as I can and then fill in the other slots with Phalanx +?
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-03-26 17:07:47
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Taeon body, hands, legs and feet are all your best options (ignoring dark matter aug herc in those slots), with relic +1/2/3 head as your main sources of +phalanx

+phalanx will always be much much more potent than +enhancing skill so those slots are pretty much locked to +phalanx gear.
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