Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
By Afania 2018-08-04 12:00:31
I've been using Hepatizon Axe quite a bit recently, so I figured I'd ask what were people's opinions on a RUN Upheaval build?
Useful for fusion.
By Asura.Byrne 2018-08-04 18:48:53
On RUN, the only enhancing spells that really benefit from skill are:
- Barspells up to 500,
- Temper potency breaks the 500-cap, so you want as much skill as you can get,
- Phalanx is also variable, but you'll mostly be chasing Phalanx+ instead of skill gains there.
The one exception to this is to use duration gear when using Embolden for temper, as the added duration to the spell will outweigh losing 1 or 2 double attack. It's straightforward enough to add such an argument into a lua.
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By Bahamut.Badstreak 2018-08-05 07:45:59
So the original guide lists Carmine Mask +1 as a good piece. I see it as BiS for accuracy but that's hardly ever used for RUN. It also has enhancing magic which is good but only for a few spells. Finally it has a high amount of FC, but other pieces can achieve the same thing.
So is this worth it in 2018? It's still like 8M :P
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-08-05 09:27:18
is slightly better(more hp, which is the only other relevant stat on a FC piece). However, it also costs ~6m and is only good for one job. Many, many jobs can equip Carmine Mask +1 for FC. As a result, it may be worthwhile to upgrade the mask and forego the bandeau if you play several of the jobs on carmine.
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By Asura.Geriond 2018-08-05 10:27:31
Carmine Mask +1 is also excellent for magic accuracy + accuracy, if you ever use Armor/Full Break on Rune Fencer.
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By Asura.Tydis 2018-08-15 18:31:53
Do you guys put enhancing duration in your casts when you have Embolden up? I was trying to work out how to do it but I'm no good with lua, any help?
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2018-08-15 20:02:44
Do you guys put enhancing duration in your casts when you have Embolden up? I was trying to work out how to do it but I'm no good with lua, any help?
If it's a spell that isn't skill based then yes, however temper/phalanx I do not unless the gear slot has no skill piece and offers duration in its place.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-08-15 22:45:17
Do you guys put enhancing duration in your casts when you have Embolden up? I was trying to work out how to do it but I'm no good with lua, any help?
Yes, by all means yes. Which spells people prioritize for Embolden is going to be subjective but when I do use it, I use my duration+ gear to get the best duration out of the spell.
Edit: There's only 3 (4 with Evasionist's cape's Embolden+ augment) pieces of enhancing duration+ to add: Futhark Trousers, Erilaz Galea, and Regal Gauntlets.
By Boshi 2018-08-16 09:22:56
function job_post_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' and state.Buff.Embolden then
equip({back="Evasionist's Cape"})
You can just add the duration gear to where the back is, I like to keep duration gear on in general.
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By Cerberus.Hokuten 2018-08-25 22:50:46
Is there any consensus on which run.lua template to start out using? Any recommended ones?
Does Ruaumoko have his posted anywhere?
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By Shiva.Hiep 2018-08-26 07:58:22
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-08-31 12:58:38
Anyone have a Phalanx + set that doesnt include DM augs? So far I've only seen relic head +3 and I apologize if it's somewhere in the thread just got tired of digging.
By Nariont 2018-08-31 13:01:13
Taeon sets as good as it gets til dm augs, +3 a piece
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-08-31 13:04:38
Awesome thank you, didnt see it on the skirmish augment page but that prob means I didnt look hard enough haha
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By Sylph.Oraen 2018-08-31 13:08:13
I'd also suggest deacon sword for pre-fight casting or if you don't care about TP loss. Other than that, Taeon and stack skill.
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-08-31 13:13:49
Yeah I actually have a completely different macro for prefight w/ that in it, when I cast mid fight I normally just /ma phalanx <me
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By Carbuncle.Rajang 2018-08-31 13:16:54
deacon sword Phalanx +4
futhark bandeau +3 Phalanx +7
taeon tabard Phalanx +3
taeon gloves Phalanx +3
taeon tights Phalanx +3
taeon boots Phalanx +3
incanter's torque
olympus sash
andoaa earring
augmenting earring
stikini ring +1 2 of these
merciful cape
This is probably the best you can do without DM augments. This puts met at 484 skill, which is a base of 34 damage reduction. There's no reasonable way to exceed 500 skill on RUN without losing the Phalanx +x slots, so we can't reach the 35 base tier. Since skill 472~499 (I think) should all be a base of 34 damage reduction, you are allowed to lose a few skill points from the above set and maybe toss in some HP or DT gear. The combined total should be 57 damage reduction using this.
I think it should be duskdim for Phalanx on Taeon. The login points have the sweet Skirmish stone pouches this month, so now is the time!
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-08-31 13:45:22
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-08-31 15:04:42
Added benefit of the Taeon vs Herc DM route... Taeon you can get spell interruption -10% in the leafdim slot, and MEva +25 in the snowdim slot of each piece -- makes recasting Phalanx while tanking something like this month's Vol 1 a bit easier.
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-08-31 15:55:28
Added benefit of the Taeon vs Herc DM route... Taeon you can get spell interruption -10% in the leafdim slot, and MEva +25 in the snowdim slot of each piece -- makes recasting Phalanx while tanking something like this month's Vol 1 a bit easier.
Good point.
Another good option for a multi-use piece: Taeon body can be BiS Fast Cast gear for RUN and most other jobs that can wear it. That's what I have on mine: FC+5% from Leafdim (FC+9% total), Phalanx+3, and Meva+20something.
By Afania 2018-08-31 16:32:44
Another good option for a multi-use piece: Taeon body can be BiS Fast Cast gear for RUN and most other jobs that can wear it.
Adhemar HQ has fc 10.
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-08-31 16:37:24
There ya go, I forgot that one.
Still, Taeon is near the top of your options on a piece where people are probably more focused on the Phalanx as their main priority anyway. Personally, I'm not really interested in spending HQ abj money on FC+1% - but if someone has an Adhemar Jacket +1 for that purpose, then I guess use your Taeon leaf slot for SIRD like Arislan mentioned.
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Wardeniv 2018-09-10 18:28:59
Alrighty, so Futhark Torque gives us an extra -5% to -7% DT in what seems to be accepted as the "best" idle tanking set.
Which changes are people feeling will most likely be switched around? The crazy high magic evasion on Turms +1 has me looking to Turms head/legs initially. The magic evasion on Erilaz leg guards +1 is already pretty respectable, and I'm hesitant to give up Inquartata +2, so head seems like the better choice.
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By Asura.Warusha 2018-09-15 16:44:43
Small nuance and not to pick too much here, but considering I know a RUN that doesn't engage and therefor doesn't use Battuta or Inquartata gear, when you say ' "best" idle tanking set. ' you mean engaged and full defense, right? Personally, as a taru I want more HP in my sets, even if it results in higher enmity for mages curing me. They never take hate over me, although DD certainly can in a longer fight. I'm just about to start getting ready to tank this upcoming Monday so I'm still considering this myself.
ItemSet 361349
Edit: My HP with rank 1 neck is currently at 3209. Eventually I'll be sitting at 3258.
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-09-15 16:51:13
I honestly don't get the tanks that don't engage. Certainly not on RUN. Mob tp gain will be lower from our parries than the few hits we land. Or at least super close while DT is heavily reduced.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sirtaint 2018-09-15 17:12:34
Small nuance and not to pick too much here, but considering I know a RUN that doesn't engage and therefor doesn't use Battuta or Inquartata gear, when you say ' "best" idle tanking set. ' you mean engaged and full defense, right? Personally, as a taru I want more HP in my sets, even if it results in higher enmity for mages curing me. They never take hate over me, although DD certainly can in a longer fight. I'm just about to start getting ready to tank this upcoming Monday so I'm still considering this myself.
ItemSet 361349
Edit: My HP with rank 1 neck is currently at 3209. Eventually I'll be sitting at 3258.
Are you minimizing ACC on purpose with that set?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Warusha 2018-09-15 18:00:57
Are you minimizing ACC on purpose with that set?
No. I thought we were discussing full DT sets. I'll pop off a dimidiation or resolution depending on buffs if I have TP and won't interrupt a skillchain, but if I'm in this tanking set it's to minimize enmity loss and stay alive.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sirtaint 2018-09-15 18:19:14
My current set, but to be honest i never take off Utu. RUN has enough DPS potential you can almost always find a way to contribute. Neck+2 would allow some shifting but i don’t have one yet.
ItemSet 357828
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Wardeniv 2018-09-16 14:22:06
when you say ' "best" idle tanking set. ' you mean engaged and full defense, right?
Yes. Engaged and full defense.
With the extra -7% DT, I'm currently switching to this. My torque is only rank 20 at the moment, so still need to get the final DT before I can swap out Genmei Earring for Eabani and still be capped PDT. I've been very pleased with all of the magic evasion off of Turms +1 and the other slots. 24 HP/tick natural regen is also a nice bonus.
ItemSet 358753
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By Phoenix.Gerrott 2018-09-21 00:46:51
Overwhelmed with trying to retool my Resolution set to heavier WSD, wish RUN had 10% WSD Relic/AF like DD jobs haha. My world is upside down, HQ Adhemar has so much att/str, how high of a wsd augment is worth swapping over? Have an 8% Herc Body, and like to keep my sets well rounded rather than gear for just ATT capped. Don't want to spend days throwing stones at Oseem just for it to get patched back to first hit only.. Besides Meg. Hands, WSD Ambu Cape, and Knob are there any other good non Herc options I'm overlooking?