Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2018-04-05 20:49:13
Yeah it is definitely a balancing act Ive found.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2018-04-06 00:24:49
When tanking in ideal end game situations (more than 6 people), I do full gear swaps to maximize my gear efficiency. This is what I use for a precast set. While it doesn't cap fast cast, it's still a fair amount of it and keeps a high HP ceiling. I also don't do the hybrid tanking/DPS thing much myself, so 9x out of 10 I'm doing full gear swaps.
ItemSet 355623
Zulq- FC +7
Adehemar Path D
Carmine Legs Path A *Edit
Carmine Feet Path D
Ogmas's- HP +80/FC + 10
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-04-06 00:37:43
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »When tanking in ideal end game situations (more than 6 people), I do full gear swaps to maximize my gear efficiency. This is what I use for a precast set. While it doesn't cap fast cast, it's still a fair amount of it and keeps a high HP ceiling. I also don't do the hybrid tanking/DPS thing much myself, so 9x out of 10 I'm doing full gear swaps.
ItemSet 355623
Zulq- FC +7
Adehemar Path D
Carmine Legs/Feet Path D
Ogmas's- HP +80/FC + 10
It's minor but I like this old belt: https://www.ffxiah.com/item/28456/kasiri-belt
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2018-04-06 00:43:00
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »When tanking in ideal end game situations (more than 6 people), I do full gear swaps to maximize my gear efficiency. This is what I use for a precast set. While it doesn't cap fast cast, it's still a fair amount of it and keeps a high HP ceiling. I also don't do the hybrid tanking/DPS thing much myself, so 9x out of 10 I'm doing full gear swaps.
ItemSet 355623
Zulq- FC +7
Adehemar Path D
Carmine Legs/Feet Path D
Ogmas's- HP +80/FC + 10
It's minor but I like this old belt: https://www.ffxiah.com/item/28456/kasiri-belt
Honestly not even a bad choice, I often overlook older gear because I quit for some period of time and then forgot about it or never got it when I did play the first time around.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-04-06 00:44:12
I assume you don't mean Carmine legs D
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2018-04-06 00:49:23
I assume you don't mean Carmine legs D
Might be right, whichever is +80 HP on both. I'm in bed not falling asleep
Edit: Path A. Making me look up ***, lol. Good catch, appreciate it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-04-06 01:53:41
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »
Honestly not even a bad choice, I often overlook older gear because I quit for some period of time and then forgot about it or never got it when I did play the first time around.
It was suggested many pages ago in this thread for the +enmity I believe. So it's good for flash/foil midcast with the +HP/Enmity. I had no idea it existed before because of the exact reason you cited.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2018-04-06 02:31:08
I remember a discussion (was it in this thread?) about "Magic Evasion", "Elemental Defense+" and "Resist Status +".
Was a conclusion reached wether they all add up to the same term or if they get checked at different stages/steps of the formulas?
I always assumed Elemental to be the same as Magic Evasion, but element-specific.
I also assumed Resist Status+ to be on a separate term/check from Magic Evasion.
I think this is important to know, supposing we can reliably test it, because of Meva+10 vs ResistStatus+10 on the new 5th augment for capes, supposing someone will ever want to go that route for RUN or any other job.
My point is:
If they're exactely the same added to the same final container and checked at the same time, then clearly Meva should be superior because it provides the same status evasion but it also provides evasion to other magic-related stuff, whereas status would work exclusively on debuffs.
So, yeah, it would be good to get a more accurate view on this topic to know which is better.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 02:32:36
The first two are the same (minus the 2nd not working on non-elemental stuff like mob Meteor), while the 3rd is different.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2018-04-06 02:56:54
The first two are the same (minus the 2nd not working on non-elemental stuff like mob Meteor), while the 3rd is different. So it was thoroughfully tested that Status Resist is on a separate term/check?
How was that tested and where?
If that's true I would say that, given a job who already has a very high amount of Meva (as is the case of RUN) then Status Resist+10 would probably be more beneficial than Meva+10.
I guess after a while you reach a point where Meva might give diminishing returns for current content, no?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-04-06 03:00:25
The first two are the same (minus the 2nd not working on non-elemental stuff like mob Meteor), while the 3rd is different.
I guess after a while you reach a point where Meva might give diminishing returns for current content, no?
If this is the case, it means you're going to resist 95% of the time, or some such thing. I actually don't know if min/max caps exist on that effect.
I would wager status resist and meva are entirely separate checks just looking at the Su3 set that has zero magic evasion but massive status ailment resistance. I know SE has done some dumb stuff, but it would be incredibly stupid of them to counter the only real benefit to that set by having it be the same check as meva.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 03:08:02
No, that's the opposite of how MEVA:MACC works; it's a step function, with more resist rate increases per MEVA when you're closer to maxing out resist rate.
Conversely, Status Resist +X is most useful when the mob's MACC is far above your MEVA, as it'll give a fixed percentage chance to resist even when MEVA wouldn't bring you above floored rate.
Two examples, using a 1 state enfeeble:
Example 1: let's say you have 75% resist rate, with 0 Resist Status. Adding 10 MEVA will bring that to 85% resist rate, while adding 10 Resist Status will make you resist 10% of the 25% it lands, so you will resist 77.5% of the time.
Example 2: let's say you have floored resist rate (let's say 1%), and your MEVA is very far from the mob's MACC. Adding 10 MEVA will not change your resist rate at all, as it's still floored, while adding 10 Resist Status will bring your resist rate to 10.9%.
It's a bit more complicated with multiple state spells, since MEVA can do partial resists while Status Resist cannot. We also don't have much data on all the particulars of Resist Status, like how they stack with Resist Traits/Tenacity, whether there's a cap, and whether all gear that says "Resist (Status)" works the same.
By geigei 2018-04-06 03:24:08
Adding 10 MEVA will bring that to 85% resist rate No.
And 10% resist is exactly what it says, 10%, not a % of what you have.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 03:37:17
Adding 10 MEVA will bring that to 85% resist rate No.
And 10% resist is exactly what it says, 10%, not a % of what you have. According to the BG wiki page on magic evasion, it would. Do you know of testing that contradicts that?
Yes, but that 10% is only checked after your normal MACC/MEVA resist rate fails a resist. +10 is 10% of the spells that would have landed, not 10% of all spells.
By geigei 2018-04-06 03:46:49
So what you saying i can resist everything with 100meva?
Assuming nm cast slow on me:
-His macc vs my meva
-His mnd vs my mnd
-My resist trait/% <- there's no resist killer trait for mob to counter my resist %.
If 1 meva=1% resist like wiki says than it doesnt matter how much macc nm have, we resist everything always but is not the case.¨
I have no idea if resist+ is checked before or after meva and dstat.
Strike all that cause now it doesnt make sense anymore.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 03:53:02
Go reread my post; 1 MEVA is only 1% resist is your MEVA is close to the mob's MACC; if it's far away, it's 0.5% resist rate per MEVA, and if it's very far away, your resist rats is floored and adding MEVA won't do anything at all until you get close enough.
By geigei 2018-04-06 03:57:07
Yea, i derp.
So, i allready did resist on tanking cape but...
-if my resists are allready high i benefit more from 15meva?
-if my resists are floored i benefit more from resist 10?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 04:06:11
Yeah. I'm making both, myself.
There's some status effects that Status Resist doesn't affect at all, though: Death (other than specific Resist Death), Terror (other than Resist Terror), Encumbrance, Muddle, Subjob Restriction, and misc "non-standard" enfeebles like attribute down or Dispel. I'm not sure whether it works on song enfeebles, like elegy.
MEVA works on everything but Death, certain Terrors, Encumbrance, Muddle, Subjob Restriction, and probably a couple other rare status effects I've forgotten that are just plain unresistable.
Neither have any effect on aura enfeebles, of course.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2018-04-06 04:06:42
Does anybody know if Charm is considered a Debuff and, as such, benefits from Status resist+ gear?
Nvm, I guess General Thread is a better place to be discussing this.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 04:08:57
It does; I've seen a few Resist! messages on Charm during this month's Ambu.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 04:33:37
On another note, I just thought of a good mob for Status Resist testing; Broxa. He mimics spells cast on him, so you can make him enfeeble you on command, and he's level 110, giving him plenty of MACC to land stuff if you minimize your MEVA.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2018-04-06 04:38:49
I seem to recall he doesn't reflect some spells, but it is indeed a very good way to be testing stuff.
Good one Geriond!
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2018-04-06 08:36:29
Resist Status works on standard terror like hippos, it's just an upgraded petrify effect. There is a line of crazy terrors that seem to ignore this like absolute terror. The important part is to remember terror is just upgraded petrify. Death is just a *** you move.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-04-06 09:15:15
On another note, I just thought of a good mob for Status Resist testing; Broxa. He mimics spells cast on him, so you can make him enfeeble you on command, and he's level 110, giving him plenty of MACC to land stuff if you minimize your MEVA.
Broxa only reflects elemental magic. On a similar note, there is a room full of colibri in Incursion, which can be leveled as high as you have the patience for and reflect all magic. Instanced time limit may be a hassle though.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-04-06 09:40:39
Resist Status works on standard terror like hippos, it's just an upgraded petrify effect. There is a line of crazy terrors that seem to ignore this like absolute terror. The important part is to remember terror is just upgraded petrify. Death is just a *** you move. So we basically have terror and super terror. -.-;
This thought made me curious, and I checked the resources, but unlike sleep and curse there's only one terror buff. I suppose this makes sense. The properties of the actual buff once it's applied don't differ. It's just how it's applied and what checks occur that does differ.
It would have been really nice to have such a simple check for which terror behaved in which manner, but alas. <,<;
So I suppose we need a lot more info on the terror page on BG wiki, including these differing mechanics, and a list of which Terror attacks follow which rules. Ugh.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2018-04-06 09:51:27
So we basically have terror and super terror. -.-;
Pretty much, and what makes it worse is people get confused with what exactly it is. You have regular terror like Hippos, Quirin, Meebles, and then you have Dragon Terror and other super NM terrors. Then because SE used a different word and icon people don't get that it's just an upgraded petrify. It's impossible to be petrified and terrored at the same time, the terror overwrites and blocks the petrify. It's like regular sleep and nightmare.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-04-06 09:59:50
The difference there is that regular sleep and nightmare sleep at least have different buff IDs. Same for Curse and super curse. But there's only a single terror buff. I would have liked some consistency SE...
Anyway, what this seems to come down to is that the terrors we really need to resist.. we can't. Absolute terror, Eleventh Dimension(which is at least preventable, but still)... Can you think of any other unresistable *** terror moves?
I recall getting terror'd a ton in the Black and white master trial... Both form Odin and Alex. But I dunno if I would have had the meva to be resisting those if they could be.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 10:08:37
I'm fairly sure that years and years ago, all mob terrors used to be unresistible, but they ninja-patched it at some point. For example, before that patch, Khimaira Dreadstorm used to apply its maximum duration (30 seconds, I think) every single time, but nowadays it has to bypass MEVA first.
They might have all had the same ID because they originally all worked the same, unlike those other statuses which were delineated from the start.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-04-06 10:14:39
I'm fairly sure that years and years ago, all mob terrors used to be unresistible, but they ninja-patched it at some point. For example, before that patch, Khimaira Dreadstorm used to apply its maximum duration (30 seconds, I think) every single time, but nowadays it has to bypass MEVA first.
They might have all had the same ID because they original worked the same, unlike those other statuses which were delineated from the start. I'm not sure how long ago this would have been, but Qiqirn's Faze has been capable of missing(that's what the resist message looks like) for a very long time now. I think I have a old screen shot somewhere. I might be able to get the date from that.
Can't speak for any other terror sources though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-04-06 10:24:21
Hmm, I guess the terror change wasn't as widespread as I thought.
I've got no idea about the ID thing, then.