Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 397
By Phoenix.Thorbean 2017-05-02 18:04:24
Lunge/swipe don't give the "Magic Burst!" message, you'll just see the damage being higher than normal.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2017-05-02 18:18:47
Lunge/swipe don't give the "Magic Burst!" message, you'll just see the damage being higher than normal.
How much higher ?
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-05-02 18:50:34
30-40k+ against Apex is not out of the question if you have a strong Lunge set and you're getting Acumen/Malaise.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2017-05-02 19:26:09
Lunge/swipe don't give the "Magic Burst!" message, you'll just see the damage being higher than normal.
That's not true.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-05-02 19:50:26
Lunge/swipe don't give the "Magic Burst!" message, you'll just see the damage being higher than normal.
That's not true. If you're using battlemod, then it would be true. Battlemod doesn't display the MB message for swipe/lunge.
Take for example, This screenshot. 99k lunge on kirin, with no MB msg. Right next to a MB nuke. It definitely MB'd, or there's no way it could have hit that hard. But it doesn't say it bursted.
EDIT: Changed to my 99k Screenshot instead! Just cause.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2017-05-03 10:40:27
Even without Battlemod, sometimes it won't say magic burst. I get similar behavior with SMN BPs, sometimes they just don't say magic burst at all even though it's clear from the damage that they did.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23
By Asura.Nilats 2017-05-04 16:12:13
Hey guys just starting to gear out my RUN and I grabbed the RUN gearswap from the font page to start working on my setup but I'm a bit confused perhaps I'm misreading (not LUA expert) but looking it over there are gearsets for DT and MDT but nowhere is the MDT set actually used/toggled.
For other jobs I've played one of the Fkeys was set to toggle DT/MDT/Normal as to which gearset to use. So What am I missing or is there a more up to date sheet I should be using as base?
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 282
By Fenrir.Sathicus 2017-05-04 16:36:46
Another lua question, much more annoying than the above. Snaps explained to me one way this could be done before but I don't feel like scrolling up 10000+ lines in gchat and it was more of a "maybe" solution anyway.
I've set up a toggle for runes, each with information relevant to the rune, example below:
if state.Runes.value == 'Ignis (Fire)' then
Name = 'Ignis'
Element = 'Fire'
ResistEle = 'Ice'
ResistAilment = 'Paralyze'
function display_current_job_state(eventArgs)
if state.Runes.value ~= 'None' then
add_to_chat(8,'--- Rune: '.. state.Runes.value ..': --- Resist Element: ' .. ResistEle ..' --- Resist Ailments: '.. ResistAilment ..' ')
Now, the idea here is based off of the ubiquitous BST lua from Falkirk in which one cycles Jug Pet options with a toggle and whatever Jug you are on with your toggle, it will automatically be equipped and used when you use either CB or Beast Loyalty. It's a slight different execution as that just toggles which gear you equip instead of which JA is used, but similar idea.
What I'd like to have happen is that I make an in-game macro or binding that works essentially as /ja "Rune" <me>, where Rune is the variable set by the toggle.
Is this something that is doable? Is this something that has been done? It seems like such a basic QoL feature that I'd be surprised if it didn't exist, assuming it is something possible within the realm of tools available to us.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2017-05-04 16:38:38
Hey guys just starting to gear out my RUN and I grabbed the RUN gearswap from the font page to start working on my setup but I'm a bit confused perhaps I'm misreading (not LUA expert) but looking it over there are gearsets for DT and MDT but nowhere is the MDT set actually used/toggled.
For other jobs I've played one of the Fkeys was set to toggle DT/MDT/Normal as to which gearset to use. So What am I missing or is there a more up to date sheet I should be using as base?
I use a modified gs in the OP, yes there are some unused bits.
I have macros to explicitly swap to some specific sets like MDT/absorb instead of making them something I need to cycle though pressing a single key.
I think it works better this way imo if you like pressing a macro to react to a telegraphed move (something casting meteor on you),
or you need to go from any current set to turtle/DT mode instantly.
e.g. : my ffxi Ctrl+1 macro book entry just has this line: Code
/console gs equip Idle.MDT
which references this set in my gs file, used to mitigate magic damage when I press that Ctrl+1 macro Code
sets.Idle.MDT = {
ammo="Staunch Tathlum",
head={ name="Herculean Helm", augments={'Accuracy+25','INT+3','Damage taken-4%','Mag. Acc.+12 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+12',}},
body="Erilaz Surcoat +1",
hands={ name="Herculean Gloves", augments={'Accuracy+17','Damage taken-3%','STR+10',}},
legs="Eri. Leg Guards +1",
feet={ name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Accuracy+28','Magic dmg. taken -5%','DEX+10','Attack+14',}},
neck="Warder's Charm +1",
waist="Engraved Belt",
left_ear="Etiolation Earring",
right_ear="Sanare Earring",
left_ring="Vocane Ring",
right_ring="Lunette Ring +1",
back="Moonbeam Cape",
--back={ name="Evasionist's Cape", augments={'Enmity+2','"Embolden"+5','"Dbl.Atk."+3','Damage taken-5%',}},
I have additional one to switch to turtle set, and also a carmine legs+1 DT set.
The only mode cycling I use is for 3 diff TP sets Solo/Hybrid/Dt which I still need so I pop back into one of those desired set after cast/Ja
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Fenrir.Sathicus 2017-05-04 16:47:47
Hey guys just starting to gear out my RUN and I grabbed the RUN gearswap from the font page to start working on my setup but I'm a bit confused perhaps I'm misreading (not LUA expert) but looking it over there are gearsets for DT and MDT but nowhere is the MDT set actually used/toggled.
For other jobs I've played one of the Fkeys was set to toggle DT/MDT/Normal as to which gearset to use. So What am I missing or is there a more up to date sheet I should be using as base?
I do the following:
state.MaxDTMode:options('Normal', 'MaxDT') --, 'MagicEvasion') add this in if I ever end up making a good MEVA Set
state.EleResistMode:options('Normal', 'GeneralResist') --, 'Charm', 'Terror') Same as above if I really need charm / terror specific stuff. Easier to toggle like this.
-- Additional local binds
send_command('bind !f9 gs c cycle HybridMode')
send_command('bind !- gs c cycle MaxDTMode')
send_command('bind != gs c cycle EleResistMode')
With the following change to the mote-include file:
state.MaxDTMode = M{['description'] = 'MaxDT Mode'}
state.EleResistMode = M{['description'] = 'EleResist Mode'}
And sets are built like (ignore that I have shitty gear):
sets.MaxDT = {
ammo="Staunch Tathlum",
head={ name="Herculean Helm", augments={'Rng.Acc.+1','Damage taken-3%','STR+8','Accuracy+12',}},
body="Ayanmo Corazza +1",
hands={ name="Herculean Gloves", augments={'Accuracy+15','Damage taken-3%','DEX+8',}},
legs="Aya. Cosciales +1",
feet={ name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Accuracy+25 Attack+25','Phys. dmg. taken -5%','Accuracy+6','Attack+15',}},
neck="Twilight Torque",
waist="Flume Belt",
left_ear="Telos Earring",
right_ear="Mache Earring +1",
left_ring="Patricius Ring",
right_ring="Defending Ring",
back="Agema Cape",
So when I toggle the set on, it takes higher priority over the other state:options. Toggle off after spell lands. Not perfect but it works.
Edit: Fair warning, I haven't tested this extensively. I haven't played RUN enough to put everything I have written through the wringer.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2017-05-05 10:07:16
I've got something kind of similar on my non-Mote LUA as well.
It has an "IdleMode" which can be any of the following: 'Refresh','DT','MEva','TP','Hybrid','Kite','Sword','MidAcc'
Accessed by "/console gs c <IdleMode>"
I've also got a command "/console gs c ToggleTP" which goes back and forth between TP and Hybrid gear on the same macro. And then there are various commands for toggling ailment resistance which will swap a few pieces over top of whatever my current idle set is.
It's pretty customized but if you're savvy enough to write your own LUAs there may be some things you can use in there.
What I'd like to have happen is that I make an in-game macro or binding that works essentially as /ja "Rune" <me>, where Rune is the variable set by the toggle.
My LUA above has this as well.
"/console gs c Rune" will activate the current rune. You set the current rune with "/console gs c RuneFire" or "/console gs c RuneWater". So my main macro set just has "Rune", but if I go one macro set up from my main one, I have 8 macros to change into any of the 8 modes.
Code elseif string.sub(command,1,4)=="Rune" then
is_valid = true
if (string.len(command) > 4) then
Rune = string.sub(command,5,string.len(command))
send_command('console_echo "Rune Mode: ['..Rune..']"')
Don't forget to grab the "rune()" function from the bottom of the LUA if you try to use this.
This also lets me announce in party chat when I use Rayke/Gambit and what element they're for:
Code if Announcements then
if spell.name=="Gambit" then
send_command('input /p Gambit['..Rune..'] >> <t>')
elseif spell.name=="Rayke" then
send_command('input /p Rayke['..Rune..'] >> <t>')
It's been on my "to do" list for a while to allow it to mix elements, like say "/console gs c RuneFireFireDark" but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 50
By Asura.Kogasho 2017-05-06 18:21:58
What are people meriting now a days on RUN? What to Max an why? Any feedback would be nice!
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2017-05-06 18:32:21
What are people meriting now a days on RUN? What to Max an why? Any feedback would be nice!
5/5 Vallation Effect, 5/5 Pflug Effect
5/5 Battuta, 4/5 Rayke, 1/5 Inspiration.
1/5 Inspirtation will probably stay that route for me till we can hit 80% normal FC. I know some people at this point don't put anything into Inspiration since you can hit 80% for enhancing precast.
Also, I would say depending on your setup, removing 5/5 out of pflug and putting into Gambit recast can increase your groups overall damage on an encounter (obviously not the ones that can die under one gambit).
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 307
By Sylph.Ice 2017-05-06 19:01:24
What are people meriting now a days on RUN? What to Max an why? Any feedback would be nice!
5/5 Vallation Effect, 5/5 Pflug Effect
5/5 Battuta, 4/5 Rayke, 1/5 Inspiration.
1/5 Inspirtation will probably stay that route for me till we can hit 80% normal FC. I know some people at this point don't put anything into Inspiration since you can hit 80% for enhancing precast.
Also, I would say depending on your setup, removing 5/5 out of pflug and putting into Gambit recast can increase your groups overall damage on an encounter (obviously not the ones that can die under one gambit).
I use the same for group 1. For group 2 I go 3/5 Battuta, 5/5 Rayke and 2/5 on Inspiration. In fast cast, I have ~64% I think. 1/5 inspiration should cap me with the relic legs for enhancing magic, but not for casting other spells such as blue magic, which is why I go 2/5 for inspiration. Just another option for others to use.
By Ruaumoko 2017-05-06 19:23:24
What are people meriting now a days on RUN? What to Max an why? Any feedback would be nice! I go over this a little bit in my video a few pages back but here it is.
I'm personally fond of 5/5 Rune Enchantment Effect and 5/5 Pflug Effect for Group One. Being able to push Light/Dark resistance from Tenebrae/Lux high is really useful and, used with the enhanced Pflug, makes you really resistant to Charm and Doom; two ailments which can really ruin a fight. I can understand 5/5 Vallation Effect though, so go with that if you feel like it.
Group Two is tricky, or rather somewhat contentious. If you go 5/5 Inspiration you can pretty much cast spells in your tanking build, with some minor adjustments to compensate the remaining 20% casting reduction needed. Inspiration can, and often is, Dispelled at the worst of times so some don't like putting their chips on it. If you go 1/5 in Inspiration you need to use Fast Cast gear which doesn't always have tanking stats on it; so if you take a hit in midcast it might be a big hit. I'm currently 5/5 in Inspiration but it's actually not for my own benefit, it's for my group's benefit. I got so tired of coming across mages in pickup groups that do not have Fast Cast sets so I poured merits back into Inspiration for everyone's sake.
Since I rarely use RUN for magic burst setups anymore, given the recent SMN craze, I've de-merited Rayke to 1/5 and pretty much use it as an Enmity tool (it's a good one too). Omen MB's wipe Rayke/Gambit quickly so maximizing Rayke duration just seems a moot point to me.
As such, my current load-out is this.
5/5 Rune Enchantment
5/5 Pflug Effect
4/5 Battuta
5/5 Inspiration
1/5 Rayke
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-05-06 19:28:49
5 Vallation 5 Pflug seems pretty set nowadays. Gambit merits aren't super important even for manaburns since you usually stack it with Rayke and may have revits/COR available.
I bounce between 5 Battuta 4 Inspiration 1 Rayke and 3 Battuta 2 Inspiration 5 Rayke depending on how we're killing things that day. Two Inspiration merits is enough to cap my FC while maintaining high max HP, so that works out neatly.
By Ruaumoko 2017-05-06 19:29:30
Lunge/swipe don't give the "Magic Burst!" message, you'll just see the damage being higher than normal. Small correction, but you do see the 'Magic Burst!' message when you burst Lunge.
(12:21 and pause).
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2017-05-06 19:35:50
The only thing I ever manaburn these days is Zerde, so I usually keep at 1/5 Rayke 4/5 Inspiration for minimizing recast.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Fenrir.Sathicus 2017-05-07 22:45:49
I've been trying to read through the thread to answer this question but I haven't seen anything outright:
A lot of Ogma's Cape augs seem to go HP+60 / MEVA 20 / FC10. If used as an idle piece, wouldn't ENM+10 be better for enmity retention on taking damage? Or are there better combos people like for idle cape?
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-05-07 22:59:50
depends on how much hp you have excluding the cape, but most likely it will. It isn't going to be a major difference, though. the HP allows you to maintain a higher HP total for precast/midcast when you swap out other pieces.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2017-05-08 00:50:43
I've been trying to read through the thread to answer this question but I haven't seen anything outright:
A lot of Ogma's Cape augs seem to go HP+60 / MEVA 20 / FC10. If used as an idle piece, wouldn't ENM+10 be better for enmity retention on taking damage? Or are there better combos people like for idle cape?
Absolutely, but if you are someone who is trying to minimize the amount of capes you need people will just do the first choice. I personally have both capes. In terms of idling I actually rather idle in moonbeam cape. Well really depends on situation but since we are talking about meva / hp moonbeam cape should be your best piece since you can swap out let's say fuma belt for more resist than ogma Eva provides and have more hp and defense.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-05-08 01:31:26
Enm+ is better as an idle piece and is BIS for enmity, but there are other high enm+ capes available. Ogma's is your only option for Inquartata+ no matter what augs you throw on it, and HP+60 meva+20 is a decent addition regardless of the third augment slot. The HP is also beneficial for maintaining max HP during precast.
I'm generally not a fan of Moonbeam as a RUN tanking idle piece. If you absolutely need to pump your max HP in order to survive a specific TP move then it's worth considering, but generally speaking I'd rather slot it into sets where other defensive stats (Inquartata, meva) are likely less beneficial (midcasting certain buffs, PDT/+resist set, etc). Better to build multiple sets around RUN's various defensive stats and then boost max HP further once you've established that foundation.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-05-08 01:41:51
Enm+ is better as an idle piece and is BIS for enmity, but there are other high enm+ capes available. Ogma's is your only option for Inquartata+ no matter what augs you throw on it, and HP+60 meva+20 is a decent addition regardless of the third augment slot. The HP is also beneficial for maintaining max HP during precast.
I'm generally not a fan of Moonbeam as a RUN tanking idle piece. If you absolutely need to pump your max HP in order to survive a specific TP move then it's worth considering, but generally speaking I'd rather slot it into sets where other defensive stats (Inquartata, meva) are likely less beneficial (midcasting certain buffs, PDT/+resist set, etc). Better to build multiple sets around RUN's various defensive stats and then boost max HP further once you've established that foundation.
Agreed, I'm going to have a set for max HP scenarios, but RUN is the one job that can actually still utilize magic evasion.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23
By Asura.Nilats 2017-05-08 11:39:36
Are there any major priorities when mastering the job? I've read and watched Ruaumoko's guides along with the front page and the general consensus is "max out asap" so should I just throw points in and focus hard on simply getting to 2100?
By Ruaumoko 2017-05-08 12:34:35
Are there any major priorities when mastering the job? I've read and watched Ruaumoko's guides along with the front page and the general consensus is "max out asap" so should I just throw points in and focus hard on simply getting to 2100? 2100 is mandatory for endgame tanking in my opinion. There's just far too much you're missing out on that makes tanking a lot easier if you're not 2100. A mastered RUN has +70 Magic Evasion, +56 Magic Def. Bonus, +56 Evasion Bonus and +8% Inquartata over one that is not mastered. Those are some pretty big numbers, especially with the nerf to Vex and Attunement.
In terms of priority. I'd say max out Rune Enchantment Effect first, then max out Vivacious Pulse Effect, then max out One for All Duration and finally max out Vallation/Valiance Duration before moving onto the others.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-05-08 13:33:38
Here's how I would prioritize if you're tanking your way to 2100 and/or want to do some event tanking in the meantime:
1. Rune Enhancement
2. Vivacious Pulse
3. Vallation Duration
4. One for All Duration
5. Embolden Effect
6. Odyllic Subterfuge Effect
7. Gambit Duration
8. Swordplay Effect
9. Elemental Sforzo Effect
10. Swipe Effect
If you find yourself in more mage setups, can prioritize Gambit over Odyllic.
If you're mostly solo CP/solo play, then feel free to move Swordplay and Embolden up the list. Temper + Embolden is too good.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2017-05-08 15:16:40
Are there any major priorities when mastering the job? I've read and watched Ruaumoko's guides along with the front page and the general consensus is "max out asap" so should I just throw points in and focus hard on simply getting to 2100? I'm 18/20 in vallation+valiance duration, I really wanted to max it out 1st. Viv pulse doesnt get constant use from me so I didnt prioritize it personally.
Job points are really great, but I dont really like how alot of people feel the job isnt functional or competent unless it has 500/1200/2100 , that is completely not the case with runefencer.
If endgame means doing alot of escha/reisen, then you want a good amount of work put into vorseals (level them up!). Basic stuff like having super revitalizer and abusing it to get another battuta makes alot of stuff easier if things get sketchy.
For serious tanking things its important to have a good consistent level of quality in all your gearsets, (precast, midcast, spell interrupt, etc.)
The small details like making sure your af/relic/empy is +1 and not the 109 version even if its only swapped in for a second matters imo. What im getting at is that jobpoints are good, but be mindful of all the other factors at play like your equipment, vorseals, food, how competent your backline is, etc.
I only have 250jp but i've tanked everything up to+including t3 reisen , VD intense ambu, and all omen boss without much fuss. There is maybe like 6 monsters in this game you dont really wanna main tank unless you're 2100jp. My server is pretty much dead or id be throwing myself at reisen HELMs just to see if i can do it now.
You might as well do as much content as you can and test the limits of your skill+gear+jobpoints on the road to job master. The job is incredibly strong without all those inquarta gifts already.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2017-05-08 16:43:09
You might as well do as much content as you can and test the limits of your skill+gear+jobpoints on the road to job master. The job is incredibly strong without all those inquarta gifts already. What really makes JPs/Gifts so powerful is the huge amount of Magic Evasion and Magic Defense Bonus we get. Before this, we are very dependant of Vallation/Valiance single-element buffs to defend ourselves against magical damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-05-08 16:45:40
I leveled my mule to farm Gin. It has like 10 JP and I've cleared Gin multiple times. I don't even have max great sword/enhancing skills, but a basic enmity set and DT set and I can mostly hold hate and do fine. Just need better refresh access since I need to spam spells so much, lol.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-05-08 16:57:21
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »I leveled my mule to farm Gin. It has like 10 JP and I've cleared Gin multiple times. I don't even have max great sword/enhancing skills, but a basic enmity set and DT set and I can mostly hold hate and do fine. Just need better refresh access since I need to spam spells so much, lol.
Wow, no shame.