Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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By geigei 2017-02-02 01:37:22
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Parashu...where from?
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
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By Valefor.Omnys 2017-02-02 02:32:04
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A kcnm fight

On bg-wiki's itm info page there's a miniature of their blue badge. Click that and it gives a list of pages that link to it--for the pages where details are sparse.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2017-02-02 04:34:27
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
A kcnm fight

On bg-wiki's itm info page there's a miniature of their blue badge. Click that and it gives a list of pages that link to it--for the pages where details are sparse.

Took me 5 tries to get it on D but 1 weapon droped every fight. Gonna use this set for aquaveil/utsu ichi.

Also Karasutengu kogake are 15% if you're willing to lose ilv.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Omnys 2017-02-02 04:49:15
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I wouldn't use it for ichi. Or for Ni but I've never liked swapping weapons.

Ichi/Ni casts very fast (with a good fc set or Valiance/Vallation) and I only run/nin on single target fight. In those fights, 'veil is rarely lost and pretty easy to reapply if dispelled. Also it overwrites itself.

I personally never got much use out of run/blu (though loved PLD/BLU) but I could see the value of spell Interrupt gear there, though RUN would have trouble maintaining good defensive stats, enmity, and capping SIRD.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2017-02-02 08:02:24
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SIR involves sacrifices on RUN. Here is the set I use. Hopefully it helps someone!

-102% SIR (cap) without any merits and only Taeon Tabard (-9%).
-20% DT with only Herculean Helm (-4%)

ItemSet 349297
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Omnys 2017-02-02 08:44:40
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Interesting set^^. I kinda wish SIRD was available on JSE capes but I'm also tired of making JSE capes.

The only clarifications your set needs is that it requires choosing Magnetic as Apoc Nigh reward. Personally I might miss ethereal's usefulness.

You're also getting 4% from solemnity cape (you said 'with only HerculeanHelm (-4%)")

You don't mention grip, which would leave it open to Glauco +1 (3% DT) or trade evanescence for magic strap and put vocane/gelatinous on, or Halasz for Odnowa +1 or Genmei. Hehe, or Willpower for Loricate +1 (an option if you didn't choose vocane) or ... the enmity neck that I suddenly can't recall the name of since that set is lacking in enmity.

Going Vocane and JSE Enmity cape is a pretty attractive option. 20 enmity isn't a lot but it's something.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2017-02-02 12:38:47
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I agree, I am also weary of making JSE capes.

I used "only" in terms of any gear with random augments. Instead of needing 4/5 Taeon with perfect augments, my set caps with just one, not perfect piece.
Herculean -dt% augments can be difficult to squeeze out of Oseem, but RUNs should roll for head and hands, anyway. So, here is just another opportunity to make use of it.

And, yes, you can swap some things around to tailor to specific needs or inventories. I left the weapon and grip blank because losing TP isn't always ideal. For example, I use this set in Omen to pull large trains and tank them all while the GEO(s) tag me once to apply bubbles to the whole mess. In such situations, I am also DDing, so I want that TP.
Even without any enmity (my set even has some -enmity), I find it is more important to tag all of the mobs, uninterrupted, and then just Foil for hate.

I had Ethereal and found it offered very little real benefit to me. Three dark runes and my MP can go from 0 (Thanks for the Aspir III, Kin) to high enough I'm back in action.
Magnetic is great for SIR sets and the Conserve MP set I use on my GEO. But that is a choice individual to the player.

Likewise, the Adoulin ring will vary. I use the pet ring for when PUP tanking is of greater benefit (I really like the combination of -dt% and haste). On PLD, I wear Defending + Shadow. On RUN, I wear Defending and Gelatinous +1. The main weakness of Gelatinous +1 is that it does nothing to protect against breath damage, but, over all, I prefer the HP gain to the loss of using a Dark Ring. When breath damage is a concern, said Dark Ring is actually superior to a Vocane.

tl;dr SIR involves sacrifices on RUN.
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2017-02-02 12:52:39
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I feel the same about TP loss on my tanks (it's not fun, lol). Epeo just makes dd-tanking so much silly fun. I've never been much for DD-PLD (as much as I love PLD), but DD-RUN is great.

I wasn't advising switching the grip for casts, I was advisng full-timing for certain periods of content (IE, the trash floors of Omen or tanking a boss with several adds).
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-02-02 13:06:07
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Interesting that the SI wep is a great axe. Fell cleave time?
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Ewellina 2017-02-02 16:16:45
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im curious with all this talk of SIRD, i made a 102% set for my pld and still find i occasionally get interupted specially when a mob performs a TP move, yet ive tested my lua and all my gear equips in my SIRD toggle so, either GS is failing on me when i need it or something else, does anyone else have the issue? i would imagine a set for RUN would be super handy.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-02-02 16:36:20
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I haven't had any issues with my set(on PLD), and I've used it extensively.

You can still be interrupted even in a 102% set by knockback, stun, sleep, terror and petrify. Were any of these involved?

Also, make sure you don't have any situational rules that might be overwriting parts of the set sometimes.

The other possibility that occurs to me is that perhaps there's an error in the gear description for a piece of the set? 3% vs 5% or something of that sort.

If you're of a mind to test the set itself, you could lock in the gear and spam cast vs a group of mobs.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-02-04 01:15:44
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So going over my ambuscade capes and for some reason I have DEX/Acc/DA on a cape. Should I needle that to STP or would there be some use in that cape as is?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-02-04 01:26:10
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DA is ever-so-slightly better for TP in some cases provided there are no x-hit considerations in play (worth some thought given the variety of contexts in which such capes are currently used), and it should also come out slightly ahead of WSD for Dimidiation at low TP values.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-02-04 01:39:35
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
DA is ever-so-slightly better for TP in some cases provided there are no x-hit considerations in play (worth some thought given the variety of contexts in which such capes are currently used), and it should also come out slightly ahead of WSD for Dimidiation at low TP values.

I'm assuming this is why I opted for it, but I just finished Epeolatry and have quite a bit of multi-attack gear (HQ adhemar), so I'm thinking STP is going to be better on the overall, and going to make a dex/WSD cape this month.
Posts: 28
By Celther 2017-02-05 08:56:04
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Why aren't Meghanada pants +1 mentioned on the Resolution sets? STR+37 ATT+39 ACC+43 TA+4
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2017-02-05 10:48:02
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Celther said: »
Why aren't Meghanada pants +1 mentioned on the Resolution sets? STR+37 ATT+39 ACC+43 TA+4

Because both herculean and samnuha are better.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2017-02-05 10:53:53
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I would still say that they deserve an honorable mention. Very lucky Herculean augments aside, they are one of the more efficient accuracy swaps.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2017-02-05 11:08:56
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They beat samnuha if acc needed and can use until good herc augm pop out.
Server: Sylph
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user: Parshias
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By Sylph.Parshias 2017-02-09 13:38:19
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I'm sure this has come up plenty of times before, but what are you guys' go to blue magic sets when going /BLU?

I have all the really obvious ones like Blank Gaze, Geist Wall, Sheep Song, Jettaura, Cocoon, Wild Carrot, and Soporific. Are there any more enmity spells I should be looking for?

And then what do you fill in the remainder of your slots with? Just poking around with what I have I was able to get HP Bonus and Defense Bonus, but I was wondering what other people usually end up with.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-02-09 13:42:51
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Stinking Gas has the same enmity value as sheepsong/soporificGeist wall. 1 second longer cast time but a much lower recast. Gives you one more AoE spell to cycle.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2017-02-10 10:01:04
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I like having Healing Breeze equipped. It gives you HP+10, Regen+1 assuming you have Sheep Song equipped, and in a pinch can be used to wake up the party from Sleepga.
Posts: 28
By Celther 2017-02-11 21:47:46
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Quick correction on the OP
You still have Evasionist's Cape in the enmity set.(Max 7)
Ogma's cape gets up to 10
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2017-02-11 22:03:00
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
I like having Healing Breeze equipped. It gives you HP+10, Regen+1 assuming you have Sheep Song equipped, and in a pinch can be used to wake up the party from Sleepga.

RUN gets Auto Regen III natively.
Server: Asura
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user: Kenseto
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By Asura.Kensetobyakara 2017-02-15 12:17:11
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If someone could please clarify for me...Pflug...does it resist status effects of your harbored rune's element or the element it's strong against? For example, if Charm is light-based then would I Pflug Lux runes or Tenebrae? I'm usually not at a loss when it comes to seeking out info, but my google and forum-fu has failed me. Have mercy on me oh RUN gods/goddesses.
Server: Bahamut
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user: digoserra
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By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2017-02-15 13:27:52
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Asura.Kensetobyakara said: »
If someone could please clarify for me...Pflug...does it resist status effects of your harbored rune's element or the element it's strong against?
The latter. In your example, Tenebrae helps resisting charm.
Server: Asura
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user: Kenseto
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By Asura.Kensetobyakara 2017-02-15 13:54:01
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Much appreciated! Cheers.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Vashkoda
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By Bismarck.Vashkoda 2017-02-15 17:12:19
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It can be annoying sometimes, having certain ja's affect the element your runes are strong to, while other ja's affect the runes' own element. To summarize:

Properties reflecting rune's own element
-'en-spell' like damage during successful hits
-battuta parry spike damage
-lunge/sweep elemental damage
-rayke/gambit ememental vulnerabilities
-pulse healing/mp modifiers

Properties granting protection against its counter element (the one your rune element is strong against)
-rune element protection
-valliation/valiance element protection
-liement element absorption
-pflug enfeebling resistance

Usually it all works out because mobs tend to be weak against the opposite of whatever elemental damage they like to use against you. But every now and then you need to switch to tenebre (mp restore, charm resist, mages using Death), and you temporarily lose all that element-specific protection.
Server: Bahamut
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user: digoserra
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By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2017-02-15 18:22:35
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It's not too much confusing. All defensive abilities protect against its counter element and everything else uses your runes' own elements where applicable.

Bismarck.Vashkoda said: »
But every now and then you need to switch to umbra (mp restore, charm resist, mages using Death), and you temporarily lose all that element-specific protection.
Not exactly true. All Wards, but Battuta, have their properties set on activation and they won't change even if you change runes. For example, if you use Vallation with 3x Ignis then change to 3x Flabra, you'll keep the damage reduction against ice, not earth.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-02-15 18:45:26
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Is there an updated Reso/Dimi set these days? Been messing with DD Epeo RUN in Omen for cards and I feel my Reso set is quite lacking. Sure sometimes I can hit into the 40k's, but that's more of a rare thing than a regular one, and my Dimi's can very regularly hit the 20-25k range without having to save so much TP. I haven't built a full augmented herc set for Reso though, so maybe it's just my lack of STR focus keeping it down?
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2017-02-15 18:54:11
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Status counters are pretty important to know:

Ignis: Bind, Paralyze,
Gelus: Gravity, Silence,
Flabra: Petrify, Slow,
Tellus: Stun
Sulpor: Poison,
Unda: Addle, Amnesia, Plague,
Lux: Bio, Curse, Doom, Sleep (Blk Magic), Terror, Zombie,
Tenebrae: Charm, Dia, Sleep (Wht Magic),

Probably missed some. Does Encumberance have an elemental property?

RUN is such a technically demanding job where you gotta be able to recall this kind of stuff on the fly -- just one reason why it's so damned fun!
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