Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-10-30 12:10:26
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I honestly think that WAR works great WITH a RUN or two in zergs purely because Warcry's additional TP Bonus reduces the threshold at which your RUN fire off Resolution, and the WAR gets Valiance / OFA into the bargain. Said WAR might be pigeon-holed into spamming Scourge as to not break Light/Radience spam however.

With Lionheart, you should be going as soon as possible regardless.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 60
By Bismarck.Cloudxi 2016-10-30 20:33:58
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in responce to Ruaumoko

its been a while since i did the math. i think i was thinking, WS then 4 hits, and all hits had to land on reso to get the extra tp per hit. i could be very wrong though just cause i did that so long ago
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
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By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-10-31 11:46:00
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So I'm working through getting my AF/Relic/Empy. What are some good ways to get the REMs chapters needed to upgrade these? Are there specific high tier mission battlefields that are easy to solo (with trusts) as a RUN (that's basically in Eminence gear..). Or are there decent ones that are doable as a party without too much trouble you recommend spamming?
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2016-10-31 13:18:03
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Avatars are exceptionally easy. Especially on RUN.
AAs demand slightly more thought to them (as they can get trigger happy and SC randomly "1shotting" a person; or they have a gimmick like MR and TT).

So I'd recommend going for the Avatars, they all are coded for one slot of pages direct drop, but they'll drop any of them to the pool.

Plus they are only 10 merits v 15 for AAs.
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-10-31 15:02:05
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Nifty thanx :).
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2016-11-01 10:47:08
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For the avatars, make sure you proc them for a faster kill (same 3 procs as Dynamis: magic, JA, WS, for maximum proc chances use them while the avatar is readying a TP move).

Also, while the magic damage is the brunt of the risk in those fights (making RUN quite safe), their physical BPs also hurt quite a lot so you may want to consider trying to run away from them. They ready slow enough that if you're fast, you can avoid them all and it'll only be the magic damage you suffer.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Zerowone
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2016-11-01 10:54:27
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Battuta, Foil are your friends in the Avatar fights you can also /nin if you aren't confident the first couple of tries before switching over to /sam etc
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-11-01 15:01:53
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What are most RUNs doing for Ambuscade? Kiting? /nin?

Any decent solo strats?

My gear still sucks, but I really need to start working on the cape/etc.
By Afania 2016-11-01 15:10:17
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Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
What are most RUNs doing for Ambuscade? Kiting? /nin?

Any decent solo strats?

My gear still sucks, but I really need to start working on the cape/etc.

For this months ambuscade vol 1 I usually sub cor for extra DD roll since none of the tanking sj are relevant when kiting.

For most vol 2 sub sam is good enough tbh, but if you are still working on gears maybe sub blu is better.

Don't solo in ambuscade, it's the worst thing ever, you'll just get yourself server hate for doing that.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-01 16:36:10
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I always tell tanks to sub BLM for Stun ('cause why not) and Warp II for KI farming.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-11-01 17:01:27
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/PLD is generally the best for this month's, but how necessary it is depends on your group and how good your enmity set is.
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-11-05 13:56:41
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What spells are Runs setting for Blu SJ?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-11-05 15:21:44
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Blank Gaze, Soporific, Sheep Song, Geist Wall, Jettatura (hate spells, although they don't necessarily all get cast. I don't always equip all of these)

Refueling (in case you don't get hasted)

Sometimes MAB (Sound Blast+Cursed Sphere)

Sometimes Grand Slam (a quick AoE just to get on the hate list so that Foil/JAs can start generating hate on all targets)

A Killer trait if applicable (Beast Killer, Lizard Killer, Undead Killer, and Plantoid Killer are all available)

Sometimes Pollen+Wild Carrot for Resist Sleep if applicable and a lulzy Cure that occasionally gets used

Then if I have any remaining points I fill them with +HP stuff. Sometimes I also equip Terror touch with Grand Slam for Defense Bonus.
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-11-08 11:56:20
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Edit: I like Wild Carrot too because it lets you wake sleeping mages. Slackers.

Blank Gaze lands on more than it should (reliable on Yakshi) so it's never bad to try to dispel something, even if you're not spamming it.


Silly question about Rayke.

I know the great part about what it does and how it works (combats the building resistance that NMs get from being assaulted over a short term with the same debuff.

Does this affect general magic evasion [for that element]? Has anyone tested this? I was lowmanning Maju (melee) a few weeks ago and Rayked for the second Blind because I could, but it still took a few more casts (I don't know how many honestly) even with idris focus/languor and well-geared macc sets.

Outside of a melee burn, you're not gonna use Rayke that often just to land an enfeeble, lol. And we only fight Maju on Blind because it's the key to the fight.

I switched to PLD after that.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-11-08 12:00:18
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Thanx. Slowly getting my RUN geared up (very slowly), but making progress at least. It's nice that most stuff in the game can be low manned now. Feels good to just be able to go kill some stuff with some LS friends, even if we're not all pimped out.

With that being said, while I like RUN, I'm not feeling like that useful of a tank just yet. I know I need a lot of gear and job points, but:

The big point of RUN is the runes/elemental resistance right? So I keep my runes up for whatever element I want to resist, then keep up my Vallation/Valliance (and pop Pflug/One for All/Liement as needed).

However every NM I fight doesn't just stick to one element, they cast whatever they hell they want. So my resistance runes are doing crap for me most of the time.

Then I get to physical damage and I'm paper most of the time. Battuta feels like it's never up. Foil is cool, when it's up. But other than that I'm dependent on my SJ for either Utsu or cocoon/third eye.

My damage output also mostly sucks. My Resolutions are mediocre. I'm doing 2-5k resolutions (***gear I know), while the Thfs/Blues/dancers/etc are all doing 5 figure WSs/lights.

I don't feel like I'm contributing very much in any department, beyond a bonus to some MB for the short time that Gambet is up :/.
Posts: 250
By oyama 2016-11-08 12:16:39
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The multi-element thing is mostly solved with JP gifts and fully upgraded Aettir. The Magic Evasion and Magic Defense bonuses make a huge difference against all elements, so it becomes more that you are basically invincible against one element and highly resistant to all the others. There are also barspells, mixing runes when it makes sense to do so, and OFA for things like chainspell.

Regarding physical damage, it's really just a matter of hitting 55% PDT/DT in 119 gear, having a decent phalanx set, and using your abilities wisely. Someone somewhere once said that tanking on RUN is like tanking in layers, and it's absolutely true. Whether you're blood tanking on /blu or blink tanking on /nin or /sam, RUN survives by maintaining a wall of defensive buffs with its insane Fast Cast.
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-11-08 12:28:14
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I had the same problem with RUN at first (within the past year).

I came to the conclusion that, without Ergon (I'm not far from it), PLD is the superior tank. It handles phsycial hits better, it handles nukes more reliably.

With gear*, the gap did close but when I want to take a hit, I still like PLD.

Another nice thing about RUN is that much of its best gear is JSE.

With fulltime fast cast, RUN subs ninja very well (in single target situations). Flash is always ready to be recast (10s~) and Foil is a gift, especially coupled with the enmity. Battuta is amazing.

PLD's level of sturdiness is not frequently needed. I have Burtgang but there's not a lot of times I've thought "Burtgang saved my life!!!", though what burt helps me do is suppress more phalanxed hits to 0, which is always good.

RUN shines because it's a very sturdy tank, even if not PLD levels, and for the utility it offers. Valiance is really nice and Gambit/Rayke are wonderful, especially when used at specific points (generally lower health) and can be reapplied after they wear with a Super Revitalizer.

If an enfeeble is the real problem, RUN of-course handles it better than PLD.

In short, in my opinion. Sometimes tank choice doesn't matter, and RUN is the better option because of that. Sometimes it does, and RUN is the better option. And I'm saying that with just Aettir vs Burtgang/Aegis/Ochain/Souv+1.

I'd almost be bard VS geo sad, but PLD gets plenty of use.
Server: Asura
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user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2016-11-08 12:29:39
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Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
Thanx. Slowly getting my RUN geared up (very slowly), but making progress at least. It's nice that most stuff in the game can be low manned now. Feels good to just be able to go kill some stuff with some LS friends, even if we're not all pimped out.

The original Neo from Homingmissiles? Good to see ya back Neo. It's been a long time old friend.. :)

- Naraku
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-11-08 12:30:32
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Ya, I was a Paladin to my core before, so this is taking a bit of learning. Guess I just need to work through my gear upgrades and job points. Thanx for the help everyone. Kind of nice (and annoying) to be a noob again lol.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-11-08 12:48:34
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Asura.Syto said: »
Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
Thanx. Slowly getting my RUN geared up (very slowly), but making progress at least. It's nice that most stuff in the game can be low manned now. Feels good to just be able to go kill some stuff with some LS friends, even if we're not all pimped out.

The original Neo from Homingmissiles? Good to see ya back Neo. It's been a long time old friend.. :)

- Naraku

That's me ^^. Feels weird/nice playing again. I used to know everything about this game..., and everything about tanking. Now the game has changed so much, literally everything I do is a learning process. Excited to try a new tanking job (though I may pick pld back up again after a while).

Starting on a fresh character is pretty great (though annoying going back through the missions and such).

edit: I started back up on Asura btw.
Posts: 250
By oyama 2016-11-08 13:30:56
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Something also unique to RUN compared to pld is that parrying is actually useful on it. Not as reliable as a shield, but with gifts and gear you can get a parrying rate in the mid 30s without battuta, and that doesn't change as mob level goes up. Ogma's cape and Empy legs 119 should be priorities, since they give considerable Inquartata+ and are excellent tanking pieces even beyond the parrying boost.
By Afania 2016-11-08 14:26:00
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Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
Thanx. Slowly getting my RUN geared up (very slowly), but making progress at least. It's nice that most stuff in the game can be low manned now. Feels good to just be able to go kill some stuff with some LS friends, even if we're not all pimped out.

With that being said, while I like RUN, I'm not feeling like that useful of a tank just yet. I know I need a lot of gear and job points, but:

The big point of RUN is the runes/elemental resistance right? So I keep my runes up for whatever element I want to resist, then keep up my Vallation/Valliance (and pop Pflug/One for All/Liement as needed).

However every NM I fight doesn't just stick to one element, they cast whatever they hell they want. So my resistance runes are doing crap for me most of the time.

Then I get to physical damage and I'm paper most of the time. Battuta feels like it's never up. Foil is cool, when it's up. But other than that I'm dependent on my SJ for either Utsu or cocoon/third eye.

My damage output also mostly sucks. My Resolutions are mediocre. I'm doing 2-5k resolutions (***gear I know), while the Thfs/Blues/dancers/etc are all doing 5 figure WSs/lights.

I don't feel like I'm contributing very much in any department, beyond a bonus to some MB for the short time that Gambet is up :/.

I had exact same feeling when I just started playing this job years ago(before inquartata gear and jp exist), however as I gain more JP, this job became A LOT more durable, even without ergon.

RUN has 4 tier of inquartata from JP, plus inquartata back and legs. Thats roughly one third of attack can be parried . A fully JP and geared RUN can parry a lot more often than RUN without.

In escha you can also reset battuta through super revit, I do that a lot with shorter but semi dangerous fight such as woc and it's wyverns.

RUN has very high innate meva and mdef(again, through JP), even in wrong rune element it can still take very little magic dmg.

One of the biggest advantage of RUN is strong ability to resist status ailments without having to rely on JA such as fealty, thanks to massive meva. Against things like to stun, amnesia, charm etc it's less risky with RUN.

Also with RUNs innate fast cast, RUN can take advantage of Stoneskin(and maybe blink) spam and just keep SS up and 0 dmg taken fulltime.

Overall I think it's really the JP that you are lacking. Once you gain more JP and 119 gears you will notice RUN gets noticeably more durable, especially if you developed a habit of relying on Stoneskin spam.

I got a lot of friends who used to play pld had hard time adjust for RUN due to the lack of cure IV, unable to afk tanking, and lower HP pool. IMO the more important part is to change the mindset and acknowledge that pld and run are 2 very different tank job with different strength and weakness. Can't really focus on the strength of pld then expect RUN to be the same.

Don't worry about your dps now, it's not the first priority for a tank job IMO.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: digoserra
Posts: 269
By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2016-11-08 14:53:57
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oyama said: »
Something also unique to RUN compared to pld is that parrying is actually useful on it. Not as reliable as a shield, but with gifts and gear you can get a parrying rate in the mid 30s without battuta, and that doesn't change as mob level goes up. Ogma's cape and Empy legs 119 should be priorities, since they give considerable Inquartata+ and are excellent tanking pieces even beyond the parrying boost.
And don't forget parry is a 100% damage reduction.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: elii
Posts: 55
By Lakshmi.Vadian 2016-11-09 09:37:41
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Anyone have an updated lua for run?
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-11-14 13:49:39
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Lakshmi.Vadian said: »
Anyone have an updated lua for run?

I just started with the OP's version (needed a lot of work) and added to that.

Anyone have any advice/info on this month's intense ambuscade and tanking on RUN?

Setups you've used? Thoughts?


Also, what are people doing for job points farming? Every group I'm in sux, and I'm afraid I'm the weak link. I can open some skillchains, but my damage is mediocre.

What's a killer JP/hour setup that includes a RUN?
Server: Odin
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user: Gimpers
Posts: 22
By Odin.Gimpers 2016-11-14 15:14:04
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A standard MB party works fine with RUN and your damage output doesn't matter. Dimidation > Dimidaiton makes light for the BLM/SCH/GEO to burst off. STP roll and Indi-Haste should allow for constants SCs.
Server: Sylph
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user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2016-11-14 15:18:13
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Anyone have any Lunge numbers from helms they don't mind sharing? I have really good sets for this, but haven't actually attempted a lunge on our gambit bursts in fear that it's damage may not warrant the possible resist wall?
Posts: 148
By RolandJ 2016-11-14 15:37:52
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Odin.Gimpers said: »
A standard MB party works fine with RUN and your damage output doesn't matter. Dimidation > Dimidaiton makes light for the BLM/SCH/GEO to burst off. STP roll and Indi-Haste should allow for constants SCs.

I agree, a RUN with a great TP set can contribute just fine to a MagicBurst apex party. Furthermore, they can help by pulling as well as opening. I don't recommend combining pulling and closing since you'll be left sacrificing one duty for another quite frequently - but pulling and opening, on the other hand, gives you lots of flexibility to fulfill both of your duties effectively. I averaged 8-9mil CP/h (up to 11.5mil during highest chain) while CP'n my PLD in full equipment haste, full magic haste, 1200 acc, and demersal degen, as the designated puller, and so these tank jobs can indeed CP efficiently and contribute if they have their TP gearset ducks in a row in time for whenever the upcoming CP campaign rolls around the corner.

Really, though, I didn't start writing this reply to elaborate on your post. I just wanted to say that I love your name, Gimpers! I figured I'd write something productive while I was at it instead of just saying "Your name is awesome. That alone is enough to get a + from me."
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-11-14 15:40:10
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Odin.Gimpers said: »
A standard MB party works fine with RUN and your damage output doesn't matter. Dimidation > Dimidaiton makes light for the BLM/SCH/GEO to burst off. STP roll and Indi-Haste should allow for constants SCs.

So Run Sch Blm Sch Geo Cor?

Who pulls? I've had ***luck so far on JP parties.

Any good SC combos with Run -> Cor ya'll prefer?
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-11-14 15:43:51
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if you intend to be providing the scs, i'd aim for like:

geo blm blm run cor

geo does indi-haste/geo-malaise and hastes you
cor does corsairs/samurai rolls
you skillchain, both blms burst, mob is dead

while the 6th job doesn't terribly matter, obviously some provide more benefit than others, but they should be pulling in addition to anything else they contribute

scholar's primary benefits are storms(+25% magic damage if they have 100JP) and skillchains.. but if you can cap acc on the monsters you can skillchain as fast as they can while tanking and someone can sub sch for t1 storms

crooked corsair's roll should always be at least 30% CP gain, with a crooked 11 worth just under 50%.. so cor is a must have

and most importantly, use apex mobs appropriate to your group, mobs should be dying in 2 skillchains at most.. if they die before both blms double burst in one skillchain you can prob go up to higher level ones
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