Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-10-20 14:41:05
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Night's a bit MIA so I'll be looking at updating this myself again soonish. Keep in mind I'll have to remake all the sets and stuff so it won't be a quick process.

If you want to include some starter/progression sets, that would be great. I restarted the game with a fresh toon, and there's a mighty big gap between the best in slot sets and what's accessible to start.
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2016-10-20 16:44:57
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Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Night's a bit MIA so I'll be looking at updating this myself again soonish. Keep in mind I'll have to remake all the sets and stuff so it won't be a quick process.

If you want to include some starter/progression sets, that would be great. I restarted the game with a fresh toon, and there's a mighty big gap between the best in slot sets and what's accessible to start.

If you're strictly talking about tanking sets, Runeist/Futhark/Erilaz sets should be the first things someone fresh to RUN should be aiming for at Lv.99 since they all start at iLvl 109 to begin with. :/
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-10-21 12:15:55
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Night's a bit MIA so I'll be looking at updating this myself again soonish. Keep in mind I'll have to remake all the sets and stuff so it won't be a quick process.

If you want to include some starter/progression sets, that would be great. I restarted the game with a fresh toon, and there's a mighty big gap between the best in slot sets and what's accessible to start.

If you're strictly talking about tanking sets, Runeist/Futhark/Erilaz sets should be the first things someone fresh to RUN should be aiming for at Lv.99 since they all start at iLvl 109 to begin with. :/

Ya, I'll be working on those. But I'm at a loss for what to do next. Basically just start doing Escha/Reis NMs for augmentable gear for better DD gear and some better DT swaps, basic enhancing magic buffs, fast cast, etc. Just so much and not really sure where to focus priority at the moment.

Will be spamming ambuscade obviously for my cape, and upgrading Aettir.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-10-21 13:39:44
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For tanking/utility pieces, most of what you need will be from AF/Relic/Empy. Aside from those, some useful pieces/sets include:

  • Iuitl: Provides some PDT/MDT in the short term until you can get stronger stuff. MDT augments count as BDT, so I recommend holding onto it.

  • Taeon: Duskdim stones can give Phalanx+ up to 3. I wouldn't recommend carrying this for other purposes unless you're really struggling to get DD gear.

  • Rawhide: You might like that the pants have Refresh+1/FC+5 augment, and the head has Refresh+1 naturally. Body, hands, and feet make good TP/WS options.

  • Adhemar: Abjurations can be hard to get, but this set is great for TPing in (and some pieces for WSs). HQ pieces are generally hundreds of mil. NQ pieces can be beaten by Herculean augments easily for DD stuff, while HQ is very hard to beat.

  • Carmine: Crimson 119 abj, can be tricky to get some of them. The NQ pieces are super cheap. The HQ pieces aren't particularly expensive either. Head (FC/acc) and legs (movement+18%/extremely high acc) are useful if you don't have anything else. I recommend this if you have other jobs you intend to use it on, but if not, it's no big deal.

  • Herculean: Extremely versatile set, you'll probably want multiples of each piece if you're into maximizing stuff. Lots of jobs on this set too. Primarily for DDing, but you can also get augments like DT, FC, or (with Dark Matter) Phalanx up to 5. Also great for MAB.

  • Meghanada +1: Good for WSs and PDT, but meleeing in it might be problematic since it has very little haste. Available this month (and every from now on?) in Ambuscade using the vouchers.

  • Sinister Reign stuff: Requires beating Adoulin missions. dampening tam is outstanding for TP, samnuha coat for Lunge/FC, samnuha tights for TP/Resolution, leyline gloves for Lunge/FC, and a lot of other useful things.

  • AHables: mensch strap and staunch tathlum. No need to get +1 since you can cap DT with NQ. flume belt NQ is also fine.

  • Miscellaneous: evasionist's cape with DT augment is very useful, particularly for moments when you can't parry. defending ring is essential. dark rings are still hip and practical (MDT augment also counts as BDT). Twilight torque is also fine. Skadi's jambeaux +1 are still good and not hard to get (Salvage can be spammed now with Rhapsodies KIs).

Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-10-21 14:15:45
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Super helpful, thank you.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-21 17:30:17
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I recorded some of the cutscenes that come with the Epeolatry upgrade process if people want to see them. Best viewed in full screen and 1080p HD, as that's the resolution I recorded in. Spoilers obviously.
By Afania 2016-10-21 18:57:21
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Wow nice. What's everyones opinion about ilv 121 Epeo?Any input from epeo owners would be greatly appreciated.

I currently have a bit of gil saved just from doing everyday casual stuff, and I'm looking into investing gil into another REMA to expand job flexibility.

Since DD RUN is something I'm interested in playing and Epeo 3 is 2nd best DD weapon, it's one of REM Im currently considering. The ability to maintain 25 PDT- in full DD gear seems nice too. Not to mention it's great tanking weapon. Basically it seems like 1 weapon that can improve the offensive and defensive aspect of the job.

The downside is that the price is extremely steep. It's 288m just for v1, and another 100m to upgrade. That's the price of 2.5 relics, or 1 relic and 1 HQ.

Asides from epeo, other REM that Im considering are:

1)Ragnarok for my WAR.

2)Yagrush for my WHM.

3)Almace for my blu and rdm.

4)Excalibur for my rdm.

Out if every rem that I'm considering, epeo is the most expensive one and I'm not sure if the boost to the job is big enough to justify the price tag.

It seems like it can open up new ways of playing the job, such as tank DD hybrid playstyle, or alternate between tank mode and DD mode. But I'm not sure if I understand it wrong or not.

Due to rl priorities I currently have difficulties maintaining raid schedule and unable to commit in endgame for lionheart. I wonder if that makes epeo a bigger boost than other REM that I'm considering. RUN is also my MOST played job, despite being COR main I found myself play RUN way more often due to ppl need it more often than COR.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-10-21 19:12:22
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Afania said: »
What's everyones opinion about ilv 121 Epeo?Any input from epeo owners would be greatly appreciated.
I've been able to use it to simultaneously tank and DD on major fights, keeping up with other DDs.
By Afania 2016-10-21 19:14:16
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Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
Afania said: »
What's everyones opinion about ilv 121 Epeo?Any input from epeo owners would be greatly appreciated.
I've been able to use it to simultaneously tank and DD on major fights, keeping up with other DDs.

Thanks for the input, do you feel the job would be played very differently without one? Or if epeo is a very job changing weapon?
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-21 19:25:50
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I've not had it for very long but I can see Epeolatry with +269 skill being a strong contender. Lionheart will most likely punch out higher numbers but Lionheart is not a tanking weapon whereas Epeolatry doubles as one, and a very nice one at that.

AM3 being active gives you a lot of experimenting space with your TP sets as you have 40% DA and 20% TA to suddenly work with. Losing the Light property on Resolution hurts but Dimidiation isn't bad to be honest, it's certainly accurate.

I wouldn't go as far to say that it's as game changing as Idris is, and many LS's will push you into making Idris over it, but it lets you tank pretty much everything in the game with minimal support.
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-10-21 19:45:33
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It definitely opens up a lot of options for you, which I think is the mark of a good weapon/investment. In any situation, you'll ask yourself "How defensive do I have to play? Can I sacrifice some defense for offense?", and adjust your gear accordingly. With Epeolatry, you can both increase your overall defensive potential, or just swap out some PDT for more acc/STP/whatever.

I'll use WoC as an example cuz we all talk about him a lot: I can go fairly offensive most of the time, especially pre-bracelets. When he uses dangerous 1hrs (ie: Call Wyvern), I can just put on defensive stuff and weather it out. Were I using Lionheart, I'd have to be more cautious.

I tend to lowman stuff, so being able to combine the role of DD and tank is a game changer.
By Afania 2016-10-21 21:40:55
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Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
It definitely opens up a lot of options for you, which I think is the mark of a good weapon/investment.

Yeah no doubt, that's how I see it as well, it's really the price that's intimidating. Just checked the price for rag and full set of argosy hq, it's around 380-390m, v.s epeo is just 1 weapon but cost 388m by itself.

If epeo isn't THAT expensive I would totally do it without asking for opinions.

Thanks for all the input though! Guess I'll make decision after playing with WAR MS melee zerg in current content a bit more and evaluate the effectiveness.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-10-21 22:25:34
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honestly the gil price doesnt bother me as much as the other requirements
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2016-10-25 17:53:48
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Most RUNs here go with the tanking ring from Adoulin missions? Or is there another that's just far superior for misc. uses?
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Rydal
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-10-25 18:23:25
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I started my Epeolatry quest yesterday. On Stage 3... Hope I don't regret choosing it over Idris....
Server: Sylph
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user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2016-10-25 18:34:47
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The way I look at it is Epeolatry solidified my tanking position as a RUN, especially in BLM setups where gambit/rayke give huge benefits. Not saying a RUN couldn't be used before having it, but definitely has helped. Overall Idris is probably better when you look at what will benefit a LS. I guess this could be subjective depending on how many Idris' a LS already has? Such thing as too many Idris? I definitely haven't regretted making Epeolatry.

It has also been fantastic for what has already been mentioned in the tank/dps at same time role.
Server: Valefor
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user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2016-10-25 18:37:28
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Idris is the most overpowered item ever created in a MMORPG and should always take priority over anything.
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-10-25 18:52:27
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Except when the role's already covered.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Scwall
Posts: 341
By Quetzalcoatl.Commencal 2016-10-25 18:56:57
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Yeah, most shells already run with a couple Idris GEOs.

Edit - Wait wtf lol, this is the Rune Mage forum, please quit ***posting.
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-10-25 20:48:05
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Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
Most RUNs here go with the tanking ring from Adoulin missions? Or is there another that's just far superior for misc. uses?
I personally don't see a use for that ring since you can get similar stats on stuff like Dark Rings. Things to consider:
  • Adoulin ring: Doesn't really do a whole lot for RUN (or most jobs, for that matter) except maybe magic WSs and Lunge.

  • Weatherspoon ring: FC and Quick Cast are always useful. The Light damage bonus can be nice for Lunge if you're using gearswap to register it. Probably the best ring in terms of multi-job use.

  • Karieyh ring: I use this primarily for THF, but also it's ideal for Dimidiation, Ground Strike, Savage Blade, and a few other WSs.

  • Shneddick ring: We already get several sources of movement speed, so I don't really recommend this unless you're planning to use it for other jobs.

  • The Rest: Really don't have much, if anything, a RUN would care about.

None of the rings are really game changers for RUN, and 300k bayld isn't all that hard to get if you spam some WKRs.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2016-10-26 01:33:26
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I have Weatherspoon simply because it had the biggest benefit of all possible rings at the time. Was nice for midcast macc, for light based spells/WS and for precast, which I pretty much use on any of my jobs.

I wouldn't rule out Vocane Ring so fast though. Aside from the cure received and knockback (which are a nice icing on the cake) the 2% additional DT allows for slightly different builds that are not possible without it.
No big difference, but it's nice, and it's all jobs too.
If I could take a second ring, I think I'd probably get Vocane.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2016-10-26 01:37:24
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Sylph.Dravidian said: »
The way I look at it is Epeolatry solidified my tanking position as a RUN, especially in BLM setups where gambit/rayke give huge benefits. Not saying a RUN couldn't be used before having it, but definitely has helped. Overall Idris is probably better when you look at what will benefit a LS. I guess this could be subjective depending on how many Idris' a LS already has? Such thing as too many Idris? I definitely haven't regretted making Epeolatry.

It has also been fantastic for what has already been mentioned in the tank/dps at same time role.
I have mixed feelings on Epe.

I mean Epeolatry is absolutely awesome and game changing for RUN, but losing the small benefits of Aettir (Acc+70, Meva+50) leaves a really sour taste in your mouth.
Not sure if I can explain what I mean.
You don't get that feeling, say, on GEO and Idris for instance.

Each and every one of the 9 Aeonic NMs can be perfectly tanked without Epeolatry, but a couple of them are kinda risky without it, especially if you go with a single Tank.

Epe is bloody awesome, but the difference between NoIdris and Idris is gonna be larger for your group than RunWithEpe vs RunWithout.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-27 06:26:51
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I know it's been stated a bunch of times but the sheer amount of damage the Lionheart puts out is insane. You can win parses on Lv145-150 content against career BLU with it. There is a very good reason WAR and DRK are not on the Lionheart... People would be screaming NERF day-in-day-out.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Bismarck.Cloudxi 2016-10-29 21:20:43
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does anyone have a set to cap temper? was wondering if there was one out there before i started searching through gear myself.
Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-10-30 01:12:58
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rua, compared to RAG war/drk do you think the dmg potential is higher or lower? I am considering to make a Lionheart, but only if it can take my rag. Do you think you would have done more as a RAG user?
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-10-30 01:30:34
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Even if it is a tad lower when theoretically fighting against an enemy that didn't fight back, RUN has the advantage of building large resistance against ailments that would otherwise hinder DPS resulting in it outputting more of its potential than other DDs. For example, RUN can triple Tellus on WoC to resist Stun from Impact Stream and Explosive Impulse more often than other DD, triple Unda to resist Amnesia from Albumen's Petalback Spin or Schah's Malign Invocation, and even triple Tenebrae to resist Charm from Teles' Entice, and numerous other scenarios. These advantages, of course, assume you aren't already capped on magic evasion against these ailments anyway.

RUN also has Battuta to fall back on as a defensive tool instead of resorting to PDT like many other DD may need to stay alive, allowing RUNs to further push themselves ahead of other DD outside of just the pure damage aspect.
By Afania 2016-10-30 01:47:29
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Asura.Azagarth said: »
rua, compared to RAG war/drk do you think the dmg potential is higher or lower? I am considering to make a Lionheart, but only if it can take my rag. Do you think you would have done more as a RAG user?

I don't own those jobs but from the parse data that I gathered from people, in none zerg situations RUN ws doesn't avg as high because pdif isn't capped, v.s war has higher attack from JA JT. In zerg situations where you get bolster frailty to cap pdif WAR still wins because WAR can MS, 2 times if you keep cor in pt and wildcard after 1st MS.

From what I've seen on parse RUN tp incredibly fast, but WAR seems to win parse more often.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Bismarck.Cloudxi 2016-10-30 02:02:45
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should also think about the massive amount of multiunit gear rune can use.

ItemSet 342795

with max TA on herc gear and DA+10 on cape

should be 24 DA, 26 TA, 5 QA.

also 25 stp, with /sam and lionheart should be a 4x build.

add temper spell for another 20 DA (if you can hit 500)

WS's might be weaker, but WS frequency will be crazy high
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-30 06:41:53
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Bismarck.Cloudxi said: »
does anyone have a set to cap temper? was wondering if there was one out there before i started searching through gear myself.
ItemSet 347444
That set is the absolute best for getting the most out of Temper. You can afford to not have HQ Stikini's though, but do get the NQ. If you're using Embolden it'd be better to keep Evasionist's Cape, Erilaz Galea +1 and Futhark Trousers +1 in for the additional duration. Temper doesn't actually have a cap, as RDM will testify.

Asura.Azagarth said: »
rua, compared to RAG war/drk do you think the dmg potential is higher or lower? I am considering to make a Lionheart, but only if it can take my rag. Do you think you would have done more as a RAG user?
The thing that makes Lionheart so nasty, one of the many things, is that it puts Light property on Resolution. Without that property on it you would actually run the risk of reducing overall alliance DPS by constantly breaking Light skillchain spam. This is where Ragnarok actually falls short, DRKs get around it with Torcleaver but WARs outta luck there.

I honestly think that WAR works great WITH a RUN or two in zergs purely because Warcry's additional TP Bonus reduces the threshold at which your RUN fire off Resolution, and the WAR gets Valiance / OFA into the bargain. Said WAR might be pigeon-holed into spamming Scourge as to not break Light/Radience spam however.

Odin.Llewelyn said: »
True stuff. Take note.

Bismarck.Cloudxi said: »
should also think about the massive amount of multiunit gear rune can use.

ItemSet 342795

with max TA on herc gear and DA+10 on cape

should be 24 DA, 26 TA, 5 QA.

also 25 stp, with /sam and lionheart should be a 4x build.

add temper spell for another 20 DA (if you can hit 500)

WS's might be weaker, but WS frequency will be crazy high
50 Store TP makes a 4-hit...? Are you sure about that? I seem to recall people discussing a few pages back that nearly double that was needed to 4-hit. Regardless, I'm content to use a 5-hit build with DA/TA/Acc and let Samurai Roll carry me over into a 4-hit.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2016-10-30 10:08:20
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Ruaumoko said: »
I've not had it for very long but I can see Epeolatry with +269 skill being a strong contender. Lionheart will most likely punch out higher numbers but Lionheart is not a tanking weapon whereas Epeolatry doubles as one, and a very nice one at that.

AM3 being active gives you a lot of experimenting space with your TP sets as you have 40% DA and 20% TA to suddenly work with. Losing the Light property on Resolution hurts but Dimidiation isn't bad to be honest, it's certainly accurate.

I wouldn't go as far to say that it's as game changing as Idris is, and many LS's will push you into making Idris over it, but it lets you tank pretty much everything in the game with minimal support.

This kinda is the reason I lost interest in the game. Made an Epeolatry and had a lot of fun running around surprising people as a pick up tank when I'd see shouts for a Paladin go unanswered. Then I made Idris which basically made me Geo4lyfe. You get bored being that.
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