IiPunch - Monk Guide

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iiPunch - Monk Guide
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Posts: 1056
By Yandaime 2013-04-29 19:26:12
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Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
What were the actual DPS numbers you were getting from the spreadsheet? I haven't taken the time to do the math comparison.

Back, and I did a full DPS run through including buffs from Light to Medium to Heavy and the results were all consistent.

***Dia 3 was applied (Defense Down -15% in the Spread Sheet) to all of the mobs because I figure a RDM might be present in any situation low-man or HNM, and it shouldn't make a big deal towards the results.***

***All situations were counted as NOT in Abyssea***

Tlalpoloani_____***Haste Only***_____Verethragna99
351.844~~~~~~~~~~~~DC Nightmare~~~~~~~~~~339.457
334.670~~~~~~~~~~~~EM Bluffalo~~~~~~~~~~~316.501
316.684~~~~~~~~~~~~Bukhis (lv.101)~~~~~~~313.359
217.448~~~~~~~~~~~~Qilin (lv.110)~~~~~~~~228.372
29.979~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ig-Alima (lv.120)~~~~~~39.526

____________***Haste/WAR+DRK Rolls***____________
386.057~~~~~~~~~~~~DC Nightmare~~~~~~~~~~371.725
367.380~~~~~~~~~~~~EM Bluffalo~~~~~~~~~~~346.428
359.030~~~~~~~~~~~~Bukhis (lv.101)~~~~~~~351.568
249.119~~~~~~~~~~~~Qilin (lv.110)~~~~~~~~257.892
54.856~~~~~~~~~~~~Ig-Alima (lv.120)~~~~~~65.880

_____***Haste/WAR+DRK Rolls/Double-Minuet+Double-March***_____
685.897~~~~~~~~~~~~DC Nightmare~~~~~~~~~~648.023
653.462~~~~~~~~~~~~EM Bluffalo~~~~~~~~~~~612.744
637.913~~~~~~~~~~~~Bukhis (lv.101)~~~~~~~618.009
455.292~~~~~~~~~~~~Qilin (lv.110)~~~~~~~~471.047
138.689~~~~~~~~~~~~Ig-Alima (lv.120)~~~~~156.653

So yea, The Two weapons are pretty off-sided until you get to Higher Level NMs and thats only because of how Critical Hit Mechanics work. So against anything less than NM/HNM? Tlalpoloani Win vs 99 Vereth, So 95 and 90 aren't even in the picture unless your working in Abyssea I'm sad to say :( If this thing is easier to get than Farming Chloris/Ulhuadshi, DO EET lol
Server: Cerberus
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user: stalkster
Posts: 71
By Cerberus.Stalkster 2013-04-29 19:31:28
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Eh, not like that matters in w/e the dev's where smoking.
DMG:+146 Delay:+96 Accuracy+35 Attack+25 Guard skill +4 Physical damage taken -3%

It would be interesting if it was some pre-legendary weapon that required all 3 h2h e/r/m to make into one, but then we notice AH katana 125dmg, 247dmg AH GS, 260dmg GA etc..

I really feel sick atm and don't even wanna log in.
Going from say 99vere 42dmg.. To 74dmg then 146dmg in the same month.
Posts: 1056
By Yandaime 2013-04-29 19:33:01
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Cerberus.Stalkster said: »
Eh, not like that matters in w/e the dev's where smoking.
DMG:+146 Delay:+96 Accuracy+35 Attack+25 Guard skill +4 Physical damage taken -3%

Woah woah woah... Theres a 146 DMG H2H now? O.o;

*Brain Exploads*
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 193
By Phoenix.Neosutrax 2013-04-29 20:04:42
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I for one am happy to get better stuff.

I used all my relics/empyreans/mythics for a long time, and relish always getting stronger. I'm also sure they'll eventually upgrade the R/E/Ms. Until then? I'll strap on some 146 damage h2h and go to town.
Server: Cerberus
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user: stalkster
Posts: 71
By Cerberus.Stalkster 2013-04-29 20:38:20
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Well in a way i guess it could be time for the next jump, but not a leap into a double axle roll with a twist>_>

I guess i just have a hard time with there progression scale.
Where running to the dunes to xp lv.10-20, to get owned by goblins. To 1 day dreaming of a relic, then to be proud owner of a relic. With 3hr camps just to see a nq faf to obtaining those items like e.body, ridill, dalmy etc.. When toau came we got a few new hnm but also things like Nyzul/assult, a upgrade in obtaining xp small steps. wotg sandworm/ixion camping.

Then came abyssea.. Which took the whole team effort into dual-boxing if you wanted to get stuff done. Where pretty much everything was handed to everyone. Where atmas could make u a -god- nothing became hard.(I left the game for over a yr at this point).

Where it was looking like SoA was the next hard step, to rally us hardcore gamers up. Then we see non abyssea buffs, but with atmas on weapons/armor not rly but ya(if you know what i mean) lol.

Overall it just seems like the time spent to obtain <insert stuff here> Just becomes inventory+100, to move onto the next grind for updated items that became inventory+100, for the next update that will also become inventory+100, lol. Er sorry for ranting..
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2013-04-30 11:56:06
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Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
I for one am happy to get better stuff.

I used all my relics/empyreans/mythics for a long time, and relish always getting stronger. I'm also sure they'll eventually upgrade the R/E/Ms. Until then? I'll strap on some 146 damage h2h and go to town.
I rarely disagree with you Neo, but on this...

50 chloris buds, 50 ulhuadshi fangs, 75 Dragua fangs, and then 1,500 HMPs and the dros at the end to serve as a used condom being tossed in your face after the rape has taken place!

That's a sh!ton of work to be tossed aside. And its not like SE has released side grades for everyone to obtain, or even a slightly better upgrade to vere99... they have shat on all the effort anyone has ever put into their characters. Why the hell would anyone invest any more time into anything? It hasn't even been a month since they trashed Vere/Spha99... and now they're already sh!tting all over what they just released...
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Rorrick
Posts: 316
By Ragnarok.Lowen 2013-04-30 15:15:28
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Are NQ Tekko worth getting now that they're augmentable? Or does that set still only work with HQ?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Nylin
Posts: 2
By Bismarck.Nylin 2013-04-30 16:08:53
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I enjoyed your MNK guide. I saw some things I will try on my MNK when I get home.
Server: Siren
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user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2013-04-30 19:19:50
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I did some quick testing with the nq Tenryu (the only augment I saw for it was DA+1) vs Miodio.
Qilin---Dot(with Impetus)
Tenryu: 54.748 (56.899)
Miodio: 52.760 (54.496)

Tenryu: 187.094(205.801)
Miodio: 189.009(207.430)
Server: Leviathan
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-04-30 19:36:40
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Blazed1979 said: »
Phoenix.Neosutrax said: »
I for one am happy to get better stuff.

I used all my relics/empyreans/mythics for a long time, and relish always getting stronger. I'm also sure they'll eventually upgrade the R/E/Ms. Until then? I'll strap on some 146 damage h2h and go to town.
I rarely disagree with you Neo, but on this...

50 chloris buds, 50 ulhuadshi fangs, 75 Dragua fangs, and then 1,500 HMPs and the dros at the end to serve as a used condom being tossed in your face after the rape has taken place!

That's a sh!ton of work to be tossed aside. And its not like SE has released side grades for everyone to obtain, or even a slightly better upgrade to vere99... they have shat on all the effort anyone has ever put into their characters. Why the hell would anyone invest any more time into anything? It hasn't even been a month since they trashed Vere/Spha99... and now they're already sh!tting all over what they just released...

The first three are <week's worth the work for a competent player, and the latter two are ~2-3 month's worth the work playing for a few hours a day
Server: Leviathan
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 949
By Leviathan.Kaparu 2013-04-30 19:49:46
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Honestly, the only real investment is made in the 90->99 trial, which we already know is going to be brought up to par at some point

I think it's interesting that most of the mythic owners don't seem to be bothered by this, while the bulk of the Doomsdayers are worried about their (mostly) 90 Empyreans being outclassed
Posts: 1056
By Yandaime 2013-05-01 18:40:13
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Fenrir.Jinjo said: »
Unless you are not receiving Haste buffs, it will most likely be detrimental to use Boost.

Just a quick question about this:

So if I tag Boost into a WS Macro its still hurting DPS? I would figure it would either help / not hurt much since it gives a nice Attack Bonus and using this Macro...

Boost > Wait 1 > WS

should not slow things down much but every time I input that I'm using boost in the Spreadsheet, the DPS drops :( Is it really hurting or does the Spreadsheet think Im using boost every recast or something?
Im ok with just WSing only but I would like to keep the free attack bonus from boost if possible
Server: Bismarck
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user: Rooks
Posts: 509
By Bismarck.Kelhor 2013-05-01 18:45:40
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Yandaime said: »
Is it really hurting or does the Spreadsheet think Im using boost every recast or something?

The time you spend boosting, you could be punching the target. Generally, the extra damage you'd receive from boosting a WS is smaller than the extra damage you'd do in the time it takes to boost (job abilities cause delays, etc).

There's more to it, which is why Jinjo mentions haste buffs, but the short answer is, yes.
Posts: 1056
By Yandaime 2013-05-01 19:42:47
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hrmm well I didnt see the small delay from boosting as harmful but I'll take your word for it. Thanks for the input
Server: Siren
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user: Barber
Posts: 289
By Siren.Barber 2013-05-01 19:56:56
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With hth and other weapons getting a huge boost did monk damage scale evenly with other jobs or get better/worse relatively?
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-05-02 08:22:31
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Increasing the DMG has more influence on monk than any other jobs because they are sitting @ like 60% melee dot.

I did a simulation with gears from 3 months ago on weak targets (keep in mind that delve NMs systematically require acc gear so those weapons are all the better in practice) :

spharai : 798 DPS -> oatixur : 1136 DPS ; about 42% boost overall
details :
WS dmg average : 3804.779866 -> 5021 => 32% increase.
Melee average : 358.351556 -> 561.467832 => 56% increase.
melee / ws split : spharai=[59%,41%] oatixur=[65%,35%]

comparison ragnarok vs senbaak+1

rag : 717 DPS (no souleater etc not sure if stp is ok for senbaak) -> senbaak+1 : 931 DPS ; about 30% boost overall
details :
WS dmg average : 3818 -> 4990 => 30% increase.
Melee average : 522 -> 703 => 34.6% increase.
melee / ws split : rag=[46%,54%] senbaak+1=[42%,58%]
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 59
By Fenrir.Luckycharmss 2013-05-02 09:50:34
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I know I could never afford HQ so I'm happy with this.
Posts: 348
By Angeljcar 2013-05-03 14:54:33
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pchan said: »
Increasing the DMG has more influence on monk than any other jobs because they are sitting @ like 60% melee dot.

I did a simulation with gears from 3 months ago on weak targets (keep in mind that delve NMs systematically require acc gear so those weapons are all the better in practice) :

spharai : 798 DPS -> oatixur : 1136 DPS ; about 42% boost overall
details :
WS dmg average : 3804.779866 -> 5021 => 32% increase.
Melee average : 358.351556 -> 561.467832 => 56% increase.
melee / ws split : spharai=[59%,41%] oatixur=[65%,35%]

comparison ragnarok vs senbaak+1

rag : 717 DPS (no souleater etc not sure if stp is ok for senbaak) -> senbaak+1 : 931 DPS ; about 30% boost overall
details :
WS dmg average : 3818 -> 4990 => 30% increase.
Melee average : 522 -> 703 => 34.6% increase.
melee / ws split : rag=[46%,54%] senbaak+1=[42%,58%]
How does a War with the new +1 260DMG weapon compare to MNK with oatixure DPS wise ?
Server: Valefor
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user: Madranta
Posts: 89
By Valefor.Madranta 2013-05-04 06:31:40
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With ACC becoming a valuable stat again in Delve I just went through the spreadsheet to find the best ACC focused TP set when you need obscene amounts of ACC. I don't expect this to be a set for people to actually aim for but more of a slot-by-slot reference that happens to work as a set and cap haste.

ItemSet 299650
Posts: 348
By Angeljcar 2013-05-04 16:56:46
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Valefor.Madranta said: »
With ACC becoming a valuable stat again in Delve I just went through the spreadsheet to find the best ACC focused TP set when you need obscene amounts of ACC. I don't expect this to be a set for people to actually aim for but more of a slot-by-slot reference that happens to work as a set and cap haste.

ItemSet 299650
213 *** acc? REALLY? -_-
Server: Phoenix
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user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2013-05-04 17:07:04
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Valefor.Madranta said: »
With ACC becoming a valuable stat again in Delve I just went through the spreadsheet to find the best ACC focused TP set when you need obscene amounts of ACC. I don't expect this to be a set for people to actually aim for but more of a slot-by-slot reference that happens to work as a set and cap haste.

ItemSet 299650
I think you might be able to go even higher with some of the higher rank augments on the Manibozho set.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-05-04 17:11:59
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A lot higher yeah.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-05-04 17:49:29
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Valefor.Madranta said: »
With ACC becoming a valuable stat again in Delve I just went through the spreadsheet to find the best ACC focused TP set when you need obscene amounts of ACC. I don't expect this to be a set for people to actually aim for but more of a slot-by-slot reference that happens to work as a set and cap haste.

ItemSet 299650

Might want to add maniboza gear to this. Thaumas may sound superior to pre delve piece but the relatively low proc of multi attack doesn't make it really appealing. I'd use usu+1 body instead. Anyway the manibozho jerkin ends up tearing it

[Body] All Races
DEF:68 DEX+15 AGI+15 Accuracy+17 Attack+17 Haste+4%
LV 99

From mdkuser's info, you can upgrade it with acc+15/att10/dex10 ontop of the above stats.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Enceladus
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2013-05-04 17:59:16
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Manibo doesn't get an accuracy path; B is ranged stats. Accuracy can, at best, be secondary trait. Regardless, makes legs slightly more accurate because of the DEX, and the body +27 acc +15 DEX at rank 15.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-05-04 18:32:34
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I tried a melee acc set with manibozho set, upgraded towards acc/att/dex rank 15. You can get very high acc which even on weaker delve NMs/mobs means you can change food to RCB or swap madrigals to minuet so it's certainly worth it. Secondly, motenten SS shows that upgrading to this set (mainly delve grinding) ends up doing +125% damage compared to the best pre delve sets using oatixur so the order is definitely gear > weapon as far as upgrades go. Anyway :

wpn / x / x / honed tathlum
Manibozho/Eij +1/heartseeker/steelflash
manibozho/Melee +2/Mars/Epona

+194 acc +63 dex => 226 acc

Shijin :
WPN/x/x/honed tathlum
Manibozho/Eij +1/steelflash/heartseeker
manibozho/Melee +2/Thundersoul/Mars

+194 acc +70 dex => 224 acc

This gear alllows RCB and capped acc with oatixur on ~800 evasion targets. 80% acc with pre delve weapons.
With squid sushi you can touch 860 eva mobs with capped hit rate and oatixur.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-05-04 18:47:27
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Ragnarok.Flippant said: »
Manibo doesn't get an accuracy path; B is ranged stats. Accuracy can, at best, be secondary trait. Regardless, makes legs slightly more accurate because of the DEX, and the body +27 acc +15 DEX at rank 15.
Server: Valefor
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user: Madranta
Posts: 89
By Valefor.Madranta 2013-05-04 18:50:04
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Both those Manibozho pieces do have potential to beat what I listed if they are properly augmented. I left them out because at the time I was still unsure what the augment paths looked like and at base stats they lose to Thaumas.

As for Thaumas Coat vs Usu +1, Usu will win if you are really low on ACC but I would swap almost any other slot before that to avoid that. On a similar note I had Epona's Ring winning over Toreador's Ring once ACC got to a respectable (but still uncapped) level.
Guide Master
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-05-05 23:00:48
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path A or path B for rigors
Server: Sylph
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user: Vegetto
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By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2013-05-05 23:31:56
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Acc path really (not sure if that's A or B)

Those weps rape any previous content the attack won't make a big impact. Adoulin you want as much acc as possible
Server: Asura
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user: ccl
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By Asura.Ccl 2013-05-05 23:36:44
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and Shinjin is dex based so def path B!
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