IiPunch - Monk Guide

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iiPunch - Monk Guide
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Server: Cerberus
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user: daNpwr
Posts: 64
By Cerberus.Krispy 2014-07-23 08:20:10
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Anyone have an ideal TP&VS set for Kamihr? Buff situtation BRD(4) and COR. Thanks in advanced!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: valli
Posts: 1420
By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2014-07-23 09:21:32
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So uh, Dread Jupon smite body impetus up and down? Spreadsheet results I got show it beating everything I could find.

Sound about right? tojil or better, appropriate buffs etc.
Posts: 3
By Bruice 2014-07-25 18:42:33
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So I quit back in last November and recently came back this week. Been looking around and skimming posts, while trying to find up to date sets for TP/WS's since main page isn't being updated.

I'm seeing that the new AF2+2 reforge AF is best in none Acc. settings for the +Kick Atts. Does that much +Kick Trait/Att outdue the Otro gear with Stp+, Dbl Att, and Crit+ Augs?

I'm currently trying to work on getting the Af2+2 new gear and Skimrish gear+1 currently to catch up obviously but right now, I had all the best gear before the updates happening in Decemeber. Just wondering what's still worth holding onto etc.

Thanks in advance and hope nothing was to confusing.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2014-07-25 19:00:46
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Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
So uh, Dread Jupon smite body impetus up and down? Spreadsheet results I got show it beating everything I could find.

Sound about right? tojil or better, appropriate buffs etc.
Down, yes. Up, no. You probably have uncapped acc when comparing Tantra +2. Obv if you need acc then Dread would be better.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: valli
Posts: 1420
By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2014-07-25 19:16:09
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
So uh, Dread Jupon smite body impetus up and down? Spreadsheet results I got show it beating everything I could find.

Sound about right? tojil or better, appropriate buffs etc.
Down, yes. Up, no. You probably have uncapped acc when comparing Tantra +2. Obv if you need acc then Dread would be better.

The question becomes, how many hits does it take in succession for that to become true? Obviously if you missed in the last set of hits the jupon should still win, right? So where is the line, it was 6 for Qaaxo, so still 6, 7? I know it's gimp but I kinda get tired of having an impetus up set just for one piece of gear, and the famous 1% improvement. I sometimes screw up hitting the impetus up macro after impetus fell off, since I don't use gearswap.

I suppose this would be more of a question for montenten. Since Dread is a good bit ahead of qaaxo A and it already could take up to 12 hits to make tantra better, i'd love to hear his take on it.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2014-07-26 03:28:43
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Well, have to look through a few things to get an answer here.

First, without Impetus, I'm not seeing the Dread Jupon as significantly ahead.

Vs DC Dynamis, Dread Jupon at 6306, Qaaxo A at 6292
Vs Delve Fodder, Dread Jupon at 5488, Qaaxo A at 5512
Vs Kamihr Raaz, Dread Jupon at 4639, Qaaxo A at 4663

Basically, as the mobs get tougher, Qaaxo is getting further ahead.

Why is this? Well, looking at the item stats (and factoring out acc/att conversions), we have Qaaxo with 9 att and 2% TA, vs 8 str, 13 dex and 19 acc.

Vs low mobs, the acc is irrelevant, dDex is probably capped, and att might be close to capped. Thus it becomes a showdown between 2% TA and the WSC of 8 Str. From the numbers above, WSC slightly wins.

As att comes uncapped, the edge shifts slightly towards Qaaxo. Looks like 24 points of damage in both cases.

Then you move to Tojil, and accuracy comes uncapped in the unbuffed setup, so suddenly the Dread Jupon leaps ahead: 1929 to 1746. dDex is also significantly under cap, so that becomes significant too.

Given that for the weak mobs, it doesn't really matter which one you use, we'll focus on the Tojil scenario since that's where the difference becomes interesting. We'll also make sure we have a Madrigal going, for accuracy, else we'll have to completely reconfigure the gear set for an acc build.

If we look at the Data page, we find that using the bog-standard equip setup with no consideration given to accuracy, the Dread Jupon puts us just above the acc cap, at 96.5%, while the Qaaxo A is at 86.5% -- 10% hit rate difference, or 20 accuracy (of which only 17 was strictly necessary). At that point we have 2086 damage from the Qaaxo harness and 2252 from the Dread Jupon.

So, assuming Impetus was active, how many sequential hits would be necessary to match that amount of damage while using Tantra Cyclas +2? And at what point would you really consider Tantra+2 the superior choice? +50 damage? +100 damage? I'm going to go with a roughly 1% DPS improvement (which is in the 2-3 DPS range for this).

Tantra+2 @ 5 hits = 2197
Qaaxo @ 5 hits = 2195

Tantra+2 @ 6 hits = 268.101 DPS
Qaaxo @ 6 hits = 266.027 DPS
+0.78% DPS

Tantra+2 @ 11 hits = 2500
Dread @ 11 hits = 2509

Tantra+2 @ 12 hits = 2541
Dread @ 12 hits = 2533

Tantra+2 @ 14 hits = 290.919 DPS
Dread @ 14 hits = 288.208 DPS
+0.94% DPS

So in an accuracy starved situation, you'd want a good 14 hits in a row before switching from the Dread Jupon to Tantra Cyclas +2, although just 6 hits is still sufficient to start beating the Qaaxo Harness.

Of course even that's not the entire story. The Tantra body only needed 10 hits to cap accuracy, and during that entire time it was gaining crit damage as well. Given that Qaaxo and Dread were so close on lower level mobs, why do we need to add more hits beyond that in order for the Tantra to beat the Dread, even though it would have already beaten the Qaaxo?

Well, that starts digging into the dDex crit rate. In this particular case, the Dread Jupon was at a +3% crit rate from its 26 dDex, relative to the baseline 5% crit rate (which is all that Tantra gets). Qaaxo only had enough to put it at +1% crit rate, so that's a notable advantage the Dread has over the others. What would have happened if the whm had given Boost-Dex?

Well, Tantra+2 goes into the positive with +2% crit rate. Qaaxo is up to +4% (so 2% ahead of Tantra+2 instead of the 1% it had been at). And Dread goes up to the +15% cap, gaining a massive edge against the other two.

How massive? Well, at the 14 hit mark where the Tantra body started to pass it before, it's now 2682 for the Tantra to 2836 for the Dread. You need to go up to 21 hits in a row before the Tantra even ties, now, and 23 hits for it to be 1% ahead in DPS.

So what conclusions can be drawn?

If you're giving any consideration to accuracy, expect to want a fairly large margin of hits before you even consider switching from Dread to Tantra. Given that you probably aren't going to hit the dDex sweet spot as cleanly as this example did, I'd probably aim for over 20 consecutive hits before switching bodies.

If accuracy is not a problem, you still have dDex to account for. It's fairly easy to cap even up to the Kamihr Raaz, but once you hit targets where you seriously need buffs (eg: Serac Rabbit level mobs, delve bosses, etc), you probably need to consider it. Of course those are the same mobs where accuracy is going to be an issue, so you can probably treat it as going hand-in-hand.

Thus, if acc matters, dDex matters, and if acc doesn't matter, dDex is likely capped. In a capped situation, Tantra ties with Dread at about the same point as it ties with Qaaxo (~5-6 hits). In an uncapped situation, both Qaaxo and Dread have a chance to gain a fair bit from dDex, but Dread has a much higher chance, and I'd consider the odds of it for Qaaxo at a slightly lower weight.

I would thus probably define target points of:

No acc needed: Tantra at >6 hits
Acc needed, Qaaxo: Tantra at >10 hits
Acc needed, Dread: Tantra at >20 hits
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2014-07-27 00:15:24
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Just coming back after a 2 month break, what are worthwhile WKR augs for MNK (assuming I already have Spharai, Qaaxo, 119 reforges, DM gear, and everything from Delve sans Ighwa Trousers)? I already made a Fast Cast Ejekemal Mask for /NIN and put STR on my Uk'uxkuj Cap.

Also, anything good for MNK drop in any of the high-level battlefields since Tenzen?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: valli
Posts: 1420
By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2014-07-27 04:02:06
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Always insightful montenten, and I appreciate the run down.

Though I do have just one more question, say, you Smite, with impetus up. And the first/second/any hit miss, it resets impetus mid ws, correct? So that the rest of the hits receive zero bonus (starting from 1 again). Or does it technically wait until the ws is completed, providing the impetus bonus to all hits, even after misses in said ws?

So in theory, you could possibly justify not using it on even on fodder ***(tantra)? Since as fickle as ffxi is, landing 6 consecutive hits is likely, but missing 1 of the hits in a ws happens more times than we like to admit, especially when we ws in things like eponas to gain additional hits.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2014-07-27 15:16:14
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Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
Though I do have just one more question, say, you Smite, with impetus up. And the first/second/any hit miss, it resets impetus mid ws, correct? So that the rest of the hits receive zero bonus (starting from 1 again). Or does it technically wait until the ws is completed, providing the impetus bonus to all hits, even after misses in said ws?

That, I'm not sure of, and I'm not even sure if it's testable. Perhaps with Ascetic's Fury, since it's just a 2-hit weaponskill, though even that would be a bit tricky. It could really go either way.

So in theory, you could possibly justify not using it on even on fodder ***(tantra)? Since as fickle as ffxi is, landing 6 consecutive hits is likely, but missing 1 of the hits in a ws happens more times than we like to admit, especially when we ws in things like eponas to gain additional hits.

No, that's not a proper way of looking at it. That kind of argument harkens back to the TAU era of math.

If acc isn't an issue (thus looking at the baseline comparison), even if Impetus reset after the very first hit, but the first hit was a crit, then Tantra is already the better option. Since there's only a 5% chance of missing the second hit, but a 40% chance of critting the first hit, clearly it's heavily weighted in Tantra's favor.

If acc -is- an issue, and the Impetus bonus gets reset mid-weaponskill, then there's likely arguments in favor of the acc option (particularly the Dread Jupon). In that case, it's not the loss of the crit damage bonus, but the loss of the acc bonus that matters.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: hyunkyl
Posts: 558
By Sylph.Hyunkyl 2014-07-29 16:32:52
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Been trying to catch up, probably just gonna use monk for skirmish and Delve 1, Qaaxo path A or B best for body/hands/legs/feet? Already have otronif+1 body acc+8 pdt 4% and hands +1 acc+7 pdt 4%
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: maldini
Posts: 303
By Quetzalcoatl.Maldini 2014-08-01 09:16:10
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Question for the knowledgeable MNKs out there:
I recently returned to game (XIV bottleneck system killed it for me) and have updated and caught up on all my jobs. One of my main jobs has always been MNK. I eyeballed the updates to the mythic/relic/empyrean mnk weapons and invested my resources and time into getting the Tins delve weapon and unlocked victory smite. Its rank 15 now and I enjoy the the 7-12k Victory smites.

I do however miss using my verethragnas. They're @95 in my storage with 20 cinders into the trial.

It seems like such a waste of my time to get them to i119 and cough up the gil and time for the remaining 40 items to complete the trial to get them to 99, and then further invest to get them to i119, only to have them be some 20 base dmg below the weapons I am currently using.

Having said that, I am considering making a HUGE commitment to getting my first mythic, and am considering getting Liberator now that SE are changing the Abs spell casting time to 0.5 seconds. But, I love Apoc.. so maybe galzenfaust?

Yeah I'm not hiding it, im confused as hell. Any value in doing spharai i119 or vere i119? or should I just be happy with these fugly wallmart tins?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2014-08-01 09:25:51
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I finish my Vereth today, but don't rly have any info on them since I haven't used them since the lv 90 version was still good.

I have Spharai and Glanz 119 and they are both worth it if you're a career mnk. I find myself using both fairly often, but any situation you can fulltime AM3, Glanz are going to destroy everything in their path. They are HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE broken
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Cerberus.Stereo 2014-08-01 09:30:55
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
I finish my Vereth today, but don't rly have any info on them since I haven't used them since the lv 90 version was still good.

I have Spharai and Glanz 119 and they are both worth it if you're a career mnk. I find myself using both fairly often, but any situation you can fulltime AM3, Glanz are going to destroy everything in their path. They are HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE broken

Hey Tiger. I noticed you were back and happy to see it. Also Glad to see someone who has been playing MNK for so long responded.
Grats on the Glazenfaust. (I remember you me and your friend testing victory smite on bugards in Aby-misareux when you first unlocked them from WoE)

MNK is pretty much my zerg job since its sitting at the top at the moment with SAM. If they destroy the vere119 and spharai i119 I guess the choice is clear. Well ***, guess I gotta invest a shiton of time into doing those damn assaults and getting the ichor.

EDIT: If you do test out your new i119 vere and find them to be exceptionally good like glaz's, please let me know.
I would rather get 40 more cinders than 30k Alexes.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2014-08-01 09:40:44
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Didn't recognize the name Stereo, but then looked at user, I remember you, Blazed. How's it been man?

Those were the days haha. WoE Version @.@; Despite Vereth probably not going to be as strong as Glanz or have the utility of Spharai, they were the first ones I did (to 90); dual boxed all the trials; *** Chloris and all. So will be nostalgic to 119 them regardless of usage.

What I've been liking about Glanz rly is the additional procs can fire off on ws and on harder mobs the x2 attack and +30% dmg on AFury make it a viable option.

Was destroying ***in WoH gates compared to Victory Smite numbers on spharai and vereth mnks in comparison.

Also popped off 5 ws in a row on Kurma in the 8-10k range yesterday. Of course that's not the average, but doing that ***5 times in a row lol everyone started checking me
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2014-08-01 09:48:55
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
Didn't recognize the name Stereo, but then looked at user, I remember you, Blazed. How's it been man?

Those were the days haha. WoE Version @.@; Despite Vereth probably not going to be as strong as Glanz or have the utility of Spharai, they were the first ones I did (to 90); dual boxed all the trials; *** Chloris and all. So will be nostalgic to 119 them regardless of usage.

What I've been liking about Glanz rly is the additional procs can fire off on ws and on harder mobs the x2 attack and +30% dmg on AFury make it a viable option.

Was destroying ***in WoH gates compared to Victory Smite numbers on spharai and vereth mnks in comparison.

Also popped off 5 ws in a row on Kurma in the 8-10k range yesterday. Of course that's not the average, but doing that ***5 times in a row lol everyone started checking me

ok, I'm sold. *** it, I'll do Glaz's. I do enjoy wrecking ***and you know I'm not one to sit back and be gimp.

Thanks for input. and *** those WoE coin drop rates back in the day lol.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-08-01 09:59:15
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Malebolge said: »
Just coming back after a 2 month break, what are worthwhile WKR augs for MNK (assuming I already have Spharai, Qaaxo, 119 reforges, DM gear, and everything from Delve sans Ighwa Trousers)? I already made a Fast Cast Ejekemal Mask for /NIN and put STR on my Uk'uxkuj Cap.

Also, anything good for MNK drop in any of the high-level battlefields since Tenzen?

Quiahuiz (sp?) Trousers with STR augment are pretty darn good. You already have STR on Hurkan cap, also a great piece. OAT/Crit Maochinoli are a good option for Salvage farming.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Ice
Posts: 307
By Sylph.Ice 2014-08-01 10:17:01
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Blazed1979 said: »
Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
Didn't recognize the name Stereo, but then looked at user, I remember you, Blazed. How's it been man?

Those were the days haha. WoE Version @.@; Despite Vereth probably not going to be as strong as Glanz or have the utility of Spharai, they were the first ones I did (to 90); dual boxed all the trials; *** Chloris and all. So will be nostalgic to 119 them regardless of usage.

What I've been liking about Glanz rly is the additional procs can fire off on ws and on harder mobs the x2 attack and +30% dmg on AFury make it a viable option.

Was destroying ***in WoH gates compared to Victory Smite numbers on spharai and vereth mnks in comparison.

Also popped off 5 ws in a row on Kurma in the 8-10k range yesterday. Of course that's not the average, but doing that ***5 times in a row lol everyone started checking me

ok, I'm sold. *** it, I'll do Glaz's. I do enjoy wrecking ***and you know I'm not one to sit back and be gimp.

Thanks for input. and *** those WoE coin drop rates back in the day lol.

If you're already 20 Riftcinders deep into Verethragna, I'd finish the Verethragna and make the Liberator. Verethragna is still very nice, even with just AM1. Or, make the Verethragna, Liberator and Glanzfaust like a boss.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: maldini
Posts: 303
By Quetzalcoatl.Maldini 2014-08-01 10:48:25
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Sylph.Ice said: »
Blazed1979 said: »
Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
Didn't recognize the name Stereo, but then looked at user, I remember you, Blazed. How's it been man?

Those were the days haha. WoE Version @.@; Despite Vereth probably not going to be as strong as Glanz or have the utility of Spharai, they were the first ones I did (to 90); dual boxed all the trials; *** Chloris and all. So will be nostalgic to 119 them regardless of usage.

What I've been liking about Glanz rly is the additional procs can fire off on ws and on harder mobs the x2 attack and +30% dmg on AFury make it a viable option.

Was destroying ***in WoH gates compared to Victory Smite numbers on spharai and vereth mnks in comparison.

Also popped off 5 ws in a row on Kurma in the 8-10k range yesterday. Of course that's not the average, but doing that ***5 times in a row lol everyone started checking me

ok, I'm sold. *** it, I'll do Glaz's. I do enjoy wrecking ***and you know I'm not one to sit back and be gimp.

Thanks for input. and *** those WoE coin drop rates back in the day lol.

If you're already 20 Riftcinders deep into Verethragna, I'd finish the Verethragna and make the Liberator. Verethragna is still very nice, even with just AM1. Or, make the Verethragna, Liberator and Glanzfaust like a boss.

I would be on that train if I was still 21 y/o and it was 2005. Kids need bedtime stories and wife needs a CC =/, just not enough time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Asura.Acemonkey 2014-08-04 23:08:52
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Does anyone have an updated version of what a VS set would look like today?
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2014-08-05 07:58:23
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So it's quite pathetic that after 12 years no advanced job is good enough to even match RDM or THF. MNK#1 of course ...
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kerron
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2014-08-05 09:28:07
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pchan said: »
So it's quite pathetic that after 12 years no advanced job is good enough to even match RDM or THF. MNK#1 of course ...
What do you mean?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-08-05 10:06:28
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pchan said: »
So it's quite pathetic that after 12 years no advanced job is good enough to even match RDM or THF. MNK#1 of course ...

You are right. Please post this on the official forums. Maybe then SE will finally fix samurai by giving the job tier IV and V of the Skillchain Bonus job trait.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2014-08-05 17:57:25
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Leviathan.Syagin said: »
pchan said: »
So it's quite pathetic that after 12 years no advanced job is good enough to even match RDM or THF. MNK#1 of course ...
What do you mean?

In a village of 100 tarus, 21 are MNKs, 84% are any of the starting 6 jobs (MNK,WAR,THF,WHM,RDM,BLM). 1 is SAM, the job that everyone and their sisters favours on forums but that noone plays in the game ! Replace SAM by every non MNK/WAR DD job that sucks (all).
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2014-08-05 17:59:27
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it's hard to create a level 1 Samurai mule from the start of the game....
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Freazer
Posts: 102
By Shiva.Afliction 2014-08-05 18:02:31
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uk cap vs gessho cap for victory smite?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Ice
Posts: 307
By Sylph.Ice 2014-08-05 18:17:04
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Shiva.Afliction said: »
uk cap vs gessho cap for victory smite?

Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tedril
Posts: 138
By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2014-08-05 18:54:32
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fillerbunny9 said: »
it's hard to create a level 1 Samurai mule from the start of the game....
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tedril
Posts: 138
By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2014-08-05 18:55:41
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Asura.Acemonkey said: »
Does anyone have an updated version of what a VS set would look like today?
How much acc you in search of?
edit: here is both of the ones I have personally:

ItemSet 326897

boots: crit+2, if not then hesy+1 gaiters

ItemSet 298197
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tedril
Posts: 138
By Ragnarok.Drewbles 2014-08-05 20:17:25
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Cerberus.Krispy said: »
Anyone have an ideal TP&VS set for Kamihr? Buff situtation BRD(4) and COR. Thanks in advanced!
ItemSet 322392

if using tinhaspa acc path, can lose some acc, i would say either neck or ring for onieros(sp?). VS acc set is above. Just some ideas btw, I never state my sets as fact so please no arguments they are based off dps spreadsheets.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2014-08-06 00:02:09
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Ragnarok.Drewbles said: »
Asura.Acemonkey said: »
Does anyone have an updated version of what a VS set would look like today?
How much acc you in search of?
edit: here is both of the ones I have personally:

ItemSet 326897

boots: crit+2, if not then hesy+1 gaiters

ItemSet 298197

You use that belt for VS Weapon Skill ?

Million dollar question is : HOW ?

IT is Not for MNK !
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