iiPunch - Monk Guide
By pchan 2013-10-18 16:11:11
That's where we don't agree, it has been debated countless times, but /war is useless on drk atm : the DA + 10% sounds sexy but store tp +15 overweigh it by too much.
Plus Hasso is worn 100% of the time.
Actually, no. It's well known that WAR is the most damaging (also most suicidal) sub for DRK. +10% DA, Berserk, Agressor. Due to JA Haste capping at 25% Hasso is only useful for DRK when Last Resort is down which is only 2 minutes of the day. One must also remember that when fighting current content, DDs will be given SAM roll which is at least 15 STP removing most of the usefulness from SAM sub. You gain Sekkanoki and Meditate, that's pretty much all you gain in a group setting, which is not enough to override Bergressor and 10% DA. But you don't have to take my word for it. It's all covered in DRK forums (Again I am not a DRK but I am indeed a nerd and I read many things) that WAR sub is the more powerful of the two, and it shows in SS as well that SAM sub is usually 100 DPS behind WAR sub :/ I would say SAM sub might be useful in low-man situations but not in mainstream content.
Sadly you'll be capped att and accuracy on all contents so berserk will be an unneeded way to die plus as soon as last resort is down your DRK will be exceptionally slow. You gain only 10% DA with /war while you gain 10% haste and 15 store tp with /sam not even counting seigan + 3rd eye. You'll also have chaos + fighter's since DA procs on ws which lowers even more the value of /war.
You don't cap attack on tojil and that the only content people do in alliance. In everything else obvisouly you don't cap attack because you don't 18 man skirmish do you so... lulz.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 869
By Cerberus.Detzu 2013-10-18 16:32:14
That's where we don't agree, it has been debated countless times, but /war is useless on drk atm : the DA + 10% sounds sexy but store tp +15 overweigh it by too much.
Plus Hasso is worn 100% of the time.
Actually, no. It's well known that WAR is the most damaging (also most suicidal) sub for DRK. +10% DA, Berserk, Agressor. Due to JA Haste capping at 25% Hasso is only useful for DRK when Last Resort is down which is only 2 minutes of the day. One must also remember that when fighting current content, DDs will be given SAM roll which is at least 15 STP removing most of the usefulness from SAM sub. You gain Sekkanoki and Meditate, that's pretty much all you gain in a group setting, which is not enough to override Bergressor and 10% DA. But you don't have to take my word for it. It's all covered in DRK forums (Again I am not a DRK but I am indeed a nerd and I read many things) that WAR sub is the more powerful of the two, and it shows in SS as well that SAM sub is usually 100 DPS behind WAR sub :/ I would say SAM sub might be useful in low-man situations but not in mainstream content.
Sadly you'll be capped att and accuracy on all contents so berserk will be an unneeded way to die plus as soon as last resort is down your DRK will be exceptionally slow. You gain only 10% DA with /war while you gain 10% haste and 15 store tp with /sam not even counting seigan + 3rd eye. You'll also have chaos + fighter's since DA procs on ws which lowers even more the value of /war.
You don't cap attack on tojil and that the only content people do in alliance. In everything else obvisouly you don't cap attack because you don't 18 man skirmish do you so... lulz.
Tojil isn't hard, it doesn't justify to /war on two handers except SAM unless you want to unnecessarily die or gimp your alliance.
By pchan 2013-10-19 06:35:58
The mobs is stun locked, /war or gimp.
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Bukadan 2013-10-19 07:52:53
good one, bro
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-10-19 08:29:01
/sam is more damage you idiot. Properly buffed people will cap attack on tojil as well.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2013-10-19 09:47:11
/drk. Souleater/Hundred Fist that *** to the ground.
j/k though. I know on all the mobs, i cap ranged attack on RNG when fully buffed as /drg and /sam, so i dont see why tou wouldn't as any other job.
By Yandaime 2013-10-19 11:08:48
Phoenix.Dramatica said: »/sam is more damage you idiot. Properly buffed people will cap attack on tojil as well.
Not taking any sides here but for Dark Knight, WAR sub deals more damage but has severe penalties to your survivability. So if you can /WAR and have a Mage *WATCH* you, you'll destroy the world but that's usually a pretty big if.
Evidence Provided: Spreadsheet
ItemSet 314501
Souleater Fulltime DPS = 1436.846
Same set but changed Senbaak +1 to Senbaak NQ and changed Ammo to Hagneia Stone to gain 55 total STP making it a true 5-hit (need at least 54 STP with a 480 DEL weapon to 5-hit). Changed out 1 of the Pyrosoul Rings to a Rajas Ring so the 5 STP will allow for at least 20 Return TP after WS to make a 5-4. This change increased total DPS by 32 so it's a small loss in WS damage, large gain in total damage.
Resulting DPS DRK/SAM
Souleater Fulltime DPS = 1281.886
Field Results are situational but 154.96 DPS is a very large gap to climb with a simple Meditate + Sekkanoki burst. Which is really the only situation you could pull ahead with SAM sub would be this wave of spike damage but that's really only good for one fight. So an argument could be made that this would be ideal for delve bosses because you could "Prepare" but WAR sub clearly has more muscle
Evidence Provided: LS DRKs
I have spoken with some DRKs in my LS and friends on my server and they all agree that /WAR sub is the best for damage but they also immediately say they never use /WAR because it usually results in death on a biblical scale lol.
I'm not a career DRK, but its looking like WAR sub is the more damaging sub. But I digress, I sincerely apologize to the bystanders of this forum. It was never my intention to bring a DRK, DRG, WAR, any other job discussion into the MNK forums I just wanted to make it clear, that MNK is very strong possibly overpowered right now. DRK is the only job that clearly outdamages MNK at the present moment and they have to go to extremes to do it. They have to sub WAR and ride Souleater where we hardly put ourselves at risk at all. We just sub WAR, eat Red Curry, and smash face lol. Don't even need to berserk usually
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-10-19 11:23:53
Yeah ok, gaining 10% da at the expense of 15STP and 10% haste during LR downtime is a good trade off.
Spoiler: It's not. Your damage goes to ***anytime LR is down and with proper buffers berserk is doing little to nothing for you. Did you seriously use LS DRKs as evidence?
By Yandaime 2013-10-19 11:39:27
Oversight on my part, the damage does indeed fall off the face of the earth when LR wears off.. goes from 1436 to frigg'n 931.. O.o; Well, that's my foot being placed firmly into my mouth. So DRK only destroys the world with WAR Sub + Souleater + LR are up, any other times, it's actually a shitty sub. Glad you pointed that out, Dram.
With that, MNK doesnt appear to have a rival at this current moment. We'll have to see when R/M/E's are fixed and Empy WSs are unlockable lol
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-10-19 11:51:05
It was great in the VW era, but /war became very pointless for almost anything after that. The whole /war thing was only even relevant when fights took a few minutes even too.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 869
By Cerberus.Detzu 2013-10-19 15:17:07
Oversight on my part, the damage does indeed fall off the face of the earth when LR wears off.. goes from 1436 to frigg'n 931.. O.o; Well, that's my foot being placed firmly into my mouth. So DRK only destroys the world with WAR Sub + Souleater + LR are up, any other times, it's actually a shitty sub. Glad you pointed that out, Dram.
With that, MNK doesnt appear to have a rival at this current moment. We'll have to see when R/M/E's are fixed and Empy WSs are unlockable lol
Do you use berserk and impetus together?
To equalize the dmg we usually use impetus then berserk and vice versa.
By pchan 2013-10-19 16:15:30
Obviously you use them at the same time. Not because it's a dps boost - the difference is barely existent- but because it's smarter : no recast headache.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-10-19 18:44:07
You don't cap attack on tojil and that the only content people do in alliance Tonight on Discovery Channel:
"Geomancer: this unknown creature".
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 209
By Cerberus.Neojuggernaut 2013-10-20 14:58:11
So yea.. since the November update is looking like the long awaited RMEC Update, I decided to start playing around with the Spreadsheets and found that we MNKs are about to get ALOT stronger if/when we are granted unlimited access to Victory Smite...
Which, as luck would have it, is great because I have +2% Crit Augments on my Hands, Legs and Feet while I was trying to get DA lmao xD So what I thought was a curse may be a gift! I would love to use a DA set for TP if it were possible for spellcast to read 2 different items that have the same names lol.
From tweaking the spreadsheet as much as possible I found Shijin's WS Damage in typical high buff situations vs Tojil (Tojil is like the modern-day control test lol) Averages at 5416 and... Victory Smite's WS Average was showing 6776 according to spreadsheet. As we all know, the spreadsheet is pretty damn accurate but real results may very. That said, is it time to start updating the V-Smite sets? Or best to wait and see what actually happens?
blah, DPS is still higher with DA Augments :( back to the Augmenting board for me lol
Since Victory Smite self skillchains, it will be the best choice regardless of what the SS claims. You can still skillchain in both directions with VS+SS but then you need at most one shijin in the alliance/PT. [other DDs don't matter as everyone knows mnk is the only DDs used for 6 months, and the most used for years, as the next census will show]
Drg and Drk still completely destroy Mnk. The only thing with mnk is that you have useful abilities and 2hours and you can /run without sacrificing too much DPS.
Sorry but knowing you, who you play with, and what you just said...how can you say that when you never beat Mano or Shanian Monks in Legion on DRK? just sayin :P
By pchan 2013-10-20 16:56:52
The job simulation was already made by myself and lead to the conclusion that DRK could beat MNK in their bloody dreams. I'm in an ally now and I see 6 mnks. Even though pre adoulin WAR was still good I think this year MNK should win the census easily. I think the most popular jobs are going to be MNK, WHM. I think the main reason MNK was not brought to legion was those LS were to gimp to bring 2x 4 songs BRD. Not a big loss for mnks lol.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2013-10-20 17:25:46
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ccl 2013-10-20 17:29:16
The job simulation was already made by myself and lead to the conclusion that DRK could beat MNK in their bloody dreams. I'm in an ally now and I see 6 mnks. Even though pre adoulin WAR was still good I think this year MNK should win the census easily. I think the most popular jobs are going to be MNK, WHM. I think the main reason MNK was not brought to legion was those LS were to gimp to bring 2x 4 songs BRD. Not a big loss for mnks lol.
You only needed 1 brd to clear 20mob in hall of mul in legion.
Also weren't you supposed to 6man tojil months ago? why are you in alliance ?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 869
By Cerberus.Detzu 2013-10-21 02:57:08
Cerberus.Neojuggernaut said: »So yea.. since the November update is looking like the long awaited RMEC Update, I decided to start playing around with the Spreadsheets and found that we MNKs are about to get ALOT stronger if/when we are granted unlimited access to Victory Smite...
Which, as luck would have it, is great because I have +2% Crit Augments on my Hands, Legs and Feet while I was trying to get DA lmao xD So what I thought was a curse may be a gift! I would love to use a DA set for TP if it were possible for spellcast to read 2 different items that have the same names lol.
From tweaking the spreadsheet as much as possible I found Shijin's WS Damage in typical high buff situations vs Tojil (Tojil is like the modern-day control test lol) Averages at 5416 and... Victory Smite's WS Average was showing 6776 according to spreadsheet. As we all know, the spreadsheet is pretty damn accurate but real results may very. That said, is it time to start updating the V-Smite sets? Or best to wait and see what actually happens?
blah, DPS is still higher with DA Augments :( back to the Augmenting board for me lol
Since Victory Smite self skillchains, it will be the best choice regardless of what the SS claims. You can still skillchain in both directions with VS+SS but then you need at most one shijin in the alliance/PT. [other DDs don't matter as everyone knows mnk is the only DDs used for 6 months, and the most used for years, as the next census will show]
Drg and Drk still completely destroy Mnk. The only thing with mnk is that you have useful abilities and 2hours and you can /run without sacrificing too much DPS.
Sorry but knowing you, who you play with, and what you just said...how can you say that when you never beat Mano or Shanian Monks in Legion on DRK? just sayin :P
I think legion is not a good example : NMs don't last long enough and I think it favors the 5 hits built senbaak DRKs over the MNK even though it's Mano.
For some reason the last few Legion we did parse showed the 2 drks (regan and me) at the top then mnk at the 3rd place. I think you wanted to talk about Delve or tojil probably. I never had the occasion to come DRK to our LS's run since I have senbaak and shanian was generally PLD cause he can hold all the zone.
Only thing I know is their mnks rock though and see them in action made me improve mine a lot.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Ramzus 2013-10-21 04:55:25
SAM does just as well, if not better than MNK if the right person is playing. Spreadsheets only assume ideal conditions and I assure that is almost never the case.
By pchan 2013-10-21 05:02:04
The job simulation was already made by myself and lead to the conclusion that DRK could beat MNK in their bloody dreams. I'm in an ally now and I see 6 mnks. Even though pre adoulin WAR was still good I think this year MNK should win the census easily. I think the most popular jobs are going to be MNK, WHM. I think the main reason MNK was not brought to legion was those LS were to gimp to bring 2x 4 songs BRD. Not a big loss for mnks lol.
You only needed 1 brd to clear 20mob in hall of mul in legion.
Also weren't you supposed to 6man tojil months ago? why are you in alliance ?
I said I wouldn't do it. Farming a popset from outside NMs is boring. If you read carefully I also predicted in june that an 9-man ally of MNK+buff+support with an extra pt of stunners would kill tojil.
Also quote from several months ago
Bg is currently full of gimps that think delve is hard content. First post on the delve thread is self explanitory : "we are back to PLD tanking and hard content guyz". No really, when Ig-alima tiers were released you all were explaining seriously that SE finally released hard content that your local PUG group would not achieve. I'm telling you seriously that atm almost all if not all delve-pre-boss content is 6-mannable. For boss it's going to be a question of time before it's doable in a pug.
At the time Ccl, Taint, Natenn and Jem were explaining us how WAR would be the best job to bring past august update, or that MNK doesn't win parses against DRK or DRG in delve.
I can predict the future if you want. Noone will do the new delve because oatixur already dropped from tojil. Everyone will move to upgrading RME instead. SE will be forced to do skimish III to keep people playing in adoulin.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 51
By Sylph.Valleth 2013-10-21 05:02:37
YouTube Video Placeholder
Monk Arguements
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2013-10-21 06:35:42
Sup V; you still playing these days?
I'm not even on XIV anymore, just kinda got bored of all of it. May give XIV a second shot though since I'm locked in at $10/month
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-10-21 06:39:05
I can predict the future if you want. Noone will do the new delve because oatixur already dropped from tojil. Everyone will move to upgrading RME instead. SE will be forced to do skimish III to keep people playing in adoulin. One thing is trying to advocate monk is the best dd as you usually do, but pretending there are no other jobs in the game is ridiculous, you alternate good or at least debatable points to complete dumb bs. Not everyone plays only the most op job, hell I main corsair cause I find it fun despite it being the job that no one ever wants to be on.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2013-10-21 08:31:30
Assuming for a second new Delve wouldn't be be worthwhile gear-wise, people will still do it as I'm sure they'll be fun battles. With no friends to enjoy it with though, I can see your displeasure, this game must be a perpetual unpleasant grind you feel compelled to continue, there's no fun to be had, ever. I'm glad literally no one else is like Pchan.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Mattyc 2013-10-21 09:21:45
Is the new trend to be a complete emo retard about this game? almost every thread i read it's people talking about how either this game is dead, or it's dying, if this is your thought's then why do you people post accordingly to about a game you feel isn't worth playing?...save the negativity for people who care.
This was a thread devoted to gearing MNK, not complaining about Delve, and likeliness of people not continuing it.
On another note it should be interesting to see how Victory Smite plays out with Oat's!
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 745
By Valefor.Mattyc 2013-10-21 09:27:20
The job simulation was already made by myself and lead to the conclusion that DRK could beat MNK in their bloody dreams. I'm in an ally now and I see 6 mnks. Even though pre adoulin WAR was still good I think this year MNK should win the census easily. I think the most popular jobs are going to be MNK, WHM. I think the main reason MNK was not brought to legion was those LS were to gimp to bring 2x 4 songs BRD. Not a big loss for mnks lol.
my ls did legion with 4 monks AFTER Adoulin came out, and my SAM destroyed all the MNK's on parse, MNK isn't the best job everywhere...DRK still has a place in the game, as does any other job, you listed "MNK & WHM" as most popular jobs, your right because COR, SCH, BRD, RDM aren't important at all. smfh.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-10-21 09:38:32
It will be worth using with impetus up or if you have crit buffs afaik. Need to run it over spreadsheet again, but the difference between them isn't large outside of impetus.