IiPunch - Monk Guide

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iiPunch - Monk Guide
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-09-14 10:33:58
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Spreadsheet it, str still adds to fstr.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 71
By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2013-09-14 12:59:37
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Carbuncle.Xenhas said: »
Kyler said: »
Because of the current state of the game earring
Combos are kind of meh. Personally I usually use Vulcan/ Terras pearls due to typically being attack/acc capped. Tati earrings would be the best on the other end of the spectrum but seeing as they have limited use/inventory space plays a roll, in low buff situations bladeborn + mermans because I have them on me.

Other situational alternatives,
Whirlpool mask
Vespid mantle from bee
Pyrosoul rings
Tjurk. Medal (6str/6vit)

Improvements on asurans are pretty lack luster though once you are acc/attack capped but its still decent

Asura.Backstab said: »
But there are better options then merman's ofc and bladeborn but it saves inv and is situationally better then fulltiming blade+steel.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-09-15 02:49:25
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Ragnarok.Shred said: »

Looking at the shijin sets on the first page and I have a couple of questions...

Firstly, regarding Feet slot.
Otronif over Manibozho in all sets. I can see this when acc isn't an issue, but for higher ACC sets, they're still there.
for the waist slot, 8dex is being swapped out for 15acc/atk/1DA, but on the feet slot, 4dex isn't being swapped out for 22atk/10acc/2DA

If you have crit augments on Otronif, would manibozho be better regardless? (not sure of dex vs DA tradeoff)

Secondly, body:
If acc/attack is a non-issue, would Toci's be better? 3DA vs 2 DEX
is STR relevant to shijin? I know it's not really for melee...

if STR isn't very important for shijin, would Asperity Neck be better than justicar? (2DA vs 4str/7str)

Totalled up, you get: 7DA for the price of 6dex, 13str and some acc/attack...

I have manibozho better even if you get DA on otronif. I assume he used capped attack or something dumb like this to make his sets.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: backstab
Posts: 256
By Asura.Backstab 2013-09-15 04:00:36
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pchan said: »
Ragnarok.Shred said: »

Looking at the shijin sets on the first page and I have a couple of questions...

Firstly, regarding Feet slot.
Otronif over Manibozho in all sets. I can see this when acc isn't an issue, but for higher ACC sets, they're still there.
for the waist slot, 8dex is being swapped out for 15acc/atk/1DA, but on the feet slot, 4dex isn't being swapped out for 22atk/10acc/2DA

If you have crit augments on Otronif, would manibozho be better regardless? (not sure of dex vs DA tradeoff)

Secondly, body:
If acc/attack is a non-issue, would Toci's be better? 3DA vs 2 DEX
is STR relevant to shijin? I know it's not really for melee...

if STR isn't very important for shijin, would Asperity Neck be better than justicar? (2DA vs 4str/7str)

Totalled up, you get: 7DA for the price of 6dex, 13str and some acc/attack...

I have manibozho better even if you get DA on otronif. I assume he used capped attack or something dumb like this to make his sets.

people should read whats written under the sets he posted.

About the whole crit+2 beating DA+2 in uncaped/low buff situations is irrelevant because then mani legs/feet beat otronif anyway? Comparing crit+2 and da+2 in tp sets where crit+2 pulls ahead by 0.2% is nice and all but feet/hands also funktion as WS pieces where the crit+2 does nada so compare crit/da in WS sets aswell and then add up your results.

This might be irrelevant to the mnk thread but isnt for most players who also use otronif feet/hands(or more) for sam where again DA+2 beats crit+2.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-09-15 08:32:54
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crit +2 beat DA+2 ALWAYS. Seriously...And your argument about abut gear being used for WS is also dumb because the comparison between +2 DA and +crit does take this into account. Crit+2 build with crit+2 otronif hands beat DA+2 build with DA+2 hands yeah.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: avengerx
Posts: 11
By Asura.Sorseis 2013-09-15 09:45:10
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Crit+2 will not beat DA+2 for mnk weaponskill because any relevant ws a mnk is going to use would utilize the DA over crit any day
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: backstab
Posts: 256
By Asura.Backstab 2013-09-15 10:06:09
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Was actually directed towards the post in the spoiler above but w/e. It shows minimal increase of like 0.2% over the DA sets in a low buff situation, he labeled the sets as "melee DPS" so i assume he didnt factor in the DA+2 for WS, if he would have done it i am sure DA+4 on WS would be a increase of atleast 0.2% which would let the DA+2 set catch up.

Considering you pchan, always? No you are 100% wrong.
Posts: 1053
By Yandaime 2013-09-18 07:33:59
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Anyone know exactly how strong Tojil's Attack down Aura is? We have no problems with Tojil or anything like that, just curious for spreadsheet purposes. I tried to check last night but I got hit with a Warcry from one of the MNKs right before Cloak so results are skewed.

Was at 1426 after songs and rolls, wanted to hold off on using Berserk til after I checked the After-Attack but I got hit by Warcry from someone, dunno if it was the WAR or one other MNKs putting my attack to 16-something :( Couldn't take a careful look due to needing to fight. After Aura, attack was 1007. So the aura is looking like Attack -30~37.5% (maybe Attack -40%?)

If anyone knows for sure, I'd appreciate it. I tried looking for the answer but all it says on BGwiki is "Powerful Attack Down" lol

Otherwise, Ill just have to wait til next run to find out xD
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 113
By Asura.Alucardr 2013-09-26 21:18:18
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Fenrir.Boomslang said: »

Optical hat and Destroyers!!!!
Posts: 257
By Kyler 2013-09-26 22:23:32
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Sounds like a war warcry, /war only gives you 49 attack
Posts: 1053
By Yandaime 2013-09-30 18:26:18
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yea, was probably a WAR's Warcry. But anyway, went with LS and after all was said and done on buffs I had an attack of 2103 vs Tojil before Flame Cloak and 1615 Attack after so it's looking like a clean 30% Attack Down. So anyone who might be curious about a piece of Manibozho vs Otro while purposefully leaving Cloak on, for example, can plug that into spreadsheets (Defense -15% instead of -45% assuming heavy/full debuffs)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 1299
By Sylph.Krsone 2013-09-30 20:25:30
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Asura.Alucardr said: »
Fenrir.Boomslang said: »

Optical hat and Destroyers!!!!

I remember back when people would spend millions on those rings for Asuran yet they wouldn't swap out brutal on ws for a second 50k spike earring. But yeah that set is awful if you're talking about the ToAU era (and gear released up to chiv chain) and would of performed pretty badly at colibri. But im sure you just put that togethor as a joke ^^
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Chrius2
Posts: 17
By Bahamut.Chrius 2013-10-03 14:34:11
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Messing around with Mote's spreadsheet - does it take Tantra body +2 into account with Impetus up? Still shows Thaumas as better TP body. I'm new to this MNK thing so maybe there are situations where you don't even want to use Tantra with Impetus?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2013-10-03 20:58:20
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Ragnarok.Shred said: »
On the front page, high end impetus down sets use Hurch'lan Sash for accuracy, and by my count, the haste is doing nothing. (32% haste total)

Surely Anguinus Belt would be better?
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
if you're outside adoulin or don't have ionis, you need 26% gear haste to cap so hurch'lan is adding the last bit, otherwise anguinus is fine

1) What could you possibly be fighting outside of Adoulin content (where there's no reason you should be without Ionis) where you'd actually need an Acc set? [EDIT: OK, I thought of one... maybe these upcoming high level remakes of past battles could apply here, otherwise I can't imagine when you wouldn't have Ionis for difficult content that would call for extra Acc]

2) I totally agree with Shred if you do need Acc: MNKs would likely be better off using Anguinus over Hurch'lan. Identical accuracy, but Anguinus adds DA+1% and Atk+15 (the DA is at least something even if you're attack capped) and the haste on Hurch'lan is likely doing absolutely nothing for you. IMHO, Hurch'lan is more of a piece geared toward pet jobs (and I love it on my PUP). I feel like some people on non-pet jobs are just using it because of "ooh Delve boss drop, shiny!" syndrome compared to an old Abyssea belt that's actually better, but doesn't feel as sexy because they've had it for years and got used to thinking of as not a TP piece.

FWIW, if you don't need a really heavy Acc set (say, Muyingwa) but still need some additional Acc, you may be still be better off keeping Windbuffet on your waist and making your Acc swaps elsewhere: Whirlpool mask over Uk'uxkaj, Mani legs or feet over Otronif, Honed Tatlum over Potestas or whatever, etc.
Posts: 1053
By Yandaime 2013-10-10 18:29:26
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So yea.. since the November update is looking like the long awaited RMEC Update, I decided to start playing around with the Spreadsheets and found that we MNKs are about to get ALOT stronger if/when we are granted unlimited access to Victory Smite...

Which, as luck would have it, is great because I have +2% Crit Augments on my Hands, Legs and Feet while I was trying to get DA lmao xD So what I thought was a curse may be a gift! I would love to use a DA set for TP if it were possible for spellcast to read 2 different items that have the same names lol.

From tweaking the spreadsheet as much as possible I found Shijin's WS Damage in typical high buff situations vs Tojil (Tojil is like the modern-day control test lol) Averages at 5416 and... Victory Smite's WS Average was showing 6776 according to spreadsheet. As we all know, the spreadsheet is pretty damn accurate but real results may very. That said, is it time to start updating the V-Smite sets? Or best to wait and see what actually happens?

blah, DPS is still higher with DA Augments :( back to the Augmenting board for me lol
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2013-10-10 19:46:53
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Keep in mind that Victory Smite heavily depends on Impetus. Shijin might still be the better WS when Impetus is down.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: boleslaus
Posts: 136
By Odin.Boleslaus 2013-10-10 20:06:51
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Ragnarok.Shred said: »
On the front page, high end impetus down sets use Hurch'lan Sash for accuracy, and by my count, the haste is doing nothing. (32% haste total)

Surely Anguinus Belt would be better?
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
if you're outside adoulin or don't have ionis, you need 26% gear haste to cap so hurch'lan is adding the last bit, otherwise anguinus is fine

1) What could you possibly be fighting outside of Adoulin content (where there's no reason you should be without Ionis) where you'd actually need an Acc set? [EDIT: OK, I thought of one... maybe these upcoming high level remakes of past battles could apply here, otherwise I can't imagine when you wouldn't have Ionis for difficult content that would call for extra Acc]

2) I totally agree with Shred if you do need Acc: MNKs would likely be better off using Anguinus over Hurch'lan. Identical accuracy, but Anguinus adds DA+1% and Atk+15 (the DA is at least something even if you're attack capped) and the haste on Hurch'lan is likely doing absolutely nothing for you. IMHO, Hurch'lan is more of a piece geared toward pet jobs (and I love it on my PUP). I feel like some people on non-pet jobs are just using it because of "ooh Delve boss drop, shiny!" syndrome compared to an old Abyssea belt that's actually better, but doesn't feel as sexy because they've had it for years and got used to thinking of as not a TP piece.

FWIW, if you don't need a really heavy Acc set (say, Muyingwa) but still need some additional Acc, you may be still be better off keeping Windbuffet on your waist and making your Acc swaps elsewhere: Whirlpool mask over Uk'uxkaj, Mani legs or feet over Otronif, Honed Tatlum over Potestas or whatever, etc.

I would agree with this. the boss belt kinda worthless imo on mnk even if u need acc when r15 mani gives u what u would need for acc. would only use anguinus if u didnt have winbuffet
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: boleslaus
Posts: 136
By Odin.Boleslaus 2013-10-10 20:10:41
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Bahamut.Chrius said: »
Messing around with Mote's spreadsheet - does it take Tantra body +2 into account with Impetus up? Still shows Thaumas as better TP body. I'm new to this MNK thing so maybe there are situations where you don't even want to use Tantra with Impetus?

tantra body +2 over thaumus when impetus is up. u can switch to thamaus if u want but once u miss ull have to put tantra body back on to get the crit buff. i usually just fulltime tantra body till impetus wears
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Naten
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2013-10-10 20:18:14
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pchan said: »
crit +2 beat DA+2 ALWAYS. Seriously...And your argument about abut gear being used for WS is also dumb because the comparison between +2 DA and +crit does take this into account. Crit+2 build with crit+2 otronif hands beat DA+2 build with DA+2 hands yeah.

why they don't ban for misinformation will forever be beyond me
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-10-10 20:18:43
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Tantra Cyclas is retroactive, you don't have to full time it for anything.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: boleslaus
Posts: 136
By Odin.Boleslaus 2013-10-10 20:48:45
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Enhances Martial Arts is Delay -5.
Augments Impetus
Grants +1% critical hit damage per successful attack.
Grants +2 Accuracy per successful attack
Retroactively applies to Impetus counter if equipped halfway through building potency, but must be equipped for critical hit damage bonus.
per bg
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-10-10 21:07:02
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The reference link at the bottom shows that the crit damage is retroactive.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: boleslaus
Posts: 136
By Odin.Boleslaus 2013-10-10 21:21:58
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Maybe add a "Post your full AF3+2 set" in media thread. Had one for Salvage Sets, don't see why there can't be one for AF3.

Anyway, went off to test the AF3+2 MNK Body's "Impetus" bonus. For testing I bought a bunch of Tathlum, a MNK throwing ammo. @ 24 DMG rating, this gives 132 normal damage, 165 crit damage.

First I used Impetus /w AF3+2 Body, then removed it. Then did 5 hits in a row for a total of +10 attack as expected. I then threw tathlum's til I got critical hit, which landed for 165 damage as expected. This shows #1 Impetus doesn't give crit dmg+ bonus on it's own, and #2 the bonus requires the body to be equipped.

Second, I used Impetus /w AF3+2 Body, then removed it. Then did 5 hits in a row for a total +10 attack as expected. Then I re-equipped AF3+2 Body and threw tathlum's til I got a critical hit. It landed for 173 damage. (165 * 1.05 = 173 damage.) This 5% increase shows #1 That the body does give impetus a bonus of +1% crit dmg/hit as reported, and #2 the bonus is applied to the pre-existing impetus counter whenever the body is equipped.

EDIT: Forgot to add, while using ranged attacks does not affect the impetus counter (landing a hit doesn't raise attack, missing a hit doesn't reset the counter), they still gain the benefit of the attack and crit dmg+.
this is a post on imptus testing done as u see crit dmg only if bdy equip crit rate is retro crit dmg body must be equiped
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-10-10 21:40:02
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Not sure what you're trying to prove by copy/pasting it, but it's right here

Odin.Boleslaus said: »
Second, I used Impetus /w AF3+2 Body, then removed it. Then did 5 hits in a row for a total +10 attack as expected. Then I re-equipped AF3+2 Body and threw tathlum's til I got a critical hit. It landed for 173 damage. (165 * 1.05 = 173 damage.) This 5% increase shows #1 That the body does give impetus a bonus of +1% crit dmg/hit as reported, and #2 the bonus is applied to the pre-existing impetus counter whenever the body is equipped.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2013-10-10 21:43:35
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Whether or not you have AF3 body equipped, the critical hit damage counter will be building up while Impetus is active. However, you won't be getting the bonus unless you have it equipped. Thus, it's a better idea to TP in Thaumas while your counter is low and then you can swap to AF3 body once you get a good chain going to take advantage of the critical hit damage bonus. When you miss, swap back to Thaumas for a while and then you can go back to AF3 when the chain builds up again.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: boleslaus
Posts: 136
By Odin.Boleslaus 2013-10-11 07:34:22
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
Not sure what you're trying to prove by copy/pasting it, but it's right here

Odin.Boleslaus said: »
Second, I used Impetus /w AF3+2 Body, then removed it. Then did 5 hits in a row for a total +10 attack as expected. Then I re-equipped AF3+2 Body and threw tathlum's til I got a critical hit. It landed for 173 damage. (165 * 1.05 = 173 damage.) This 5% increase shows #1 That the body does give impetus a bonus of +1% crit dmg/hit as reported, and #2 the bonus is applied to the pre-existing impetus counter whenever the body is equipped.

sorry if u r misunderstanding my point. im kinda shitty explainer

Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »
Whether or not you have AF3 body equipped, the critical hit damage counter will be building up while Impetus is active. However, you won't be getting the bonus unless you have it equipped. Thus, it's a better idea to TP in Thaumas while your counter is low and then you can swap to AF3 body once you get a good chain going to take advantage of the critical hit damage bonus. When you miss, swap back to Thaumas for a while and then you can go back to AF3 when the chain builds up again.

this is what i meant to say.
i was under the imression by ure post that u get crit dmg bonus only equiping the body then switching (why i full time tantra body when impetus is up) but i guess my intereprtation (spelling) of ure quote was misleading and u do use tantra body when impetus is up (if not u shouldnt be on mnk) sorry for the misunderstaning i have caused
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-10-16 02:39:56
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Yandaime said: »
So yea.. since the November update is looking like the long awaited RMEC Update, I decided to start playing around with the Spreadsheets and found that we MNKs are about to get ALOT stronger if/when we are granted unlimited access to Victory Smite...

Which, as luck would have it, is great because I have +2% Crit Augments on my Hands, Legs and Feet while I was trying to get DA lmao xD So what I thought was a curse may be a gift! I would love to use a DA set for TP if it were possible for spellcast to read 2 different items that have the same names lol.

From tweaking the spreadsheet as much as possible I found Shijin's WS Damage in typical high buff situations vs Tojil (Tojil is like the modern-day control test lol) Averages at 5416 and... Victory Smite's WS Average was showing 6776 according to spreadsheet. As we all know, the spreadsheet is pretty damn accurate but real results may very. That said, is it time to start updating the V-Smite sets? Or best to wait and see what actually happens?

blah, DPS is still higher with DA Augments :( back to the Augmenting board for me lol

Since Victory Smite self skillchains, it will be the best choice regardless of what the SS claims. You can still skillchain in both directions with VS+SS but then you need at most one shijin in the alliance/PT. [other DDs don't matter as everyone knows mnk is the only DDs used for 6 months, and the most used for years, as the next census will show]
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Detzu
Posts: 869
By Cerberus.Detzu 2013-10-16 04:10:42
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pchan said: »
Yandaime said: »
So yea.. since the November update is looking like the long awaited RMEC Update, I decided to start playing around with the Spreadsheets and found that we MNKs are about to get ALOT stronger if/when we are granted unlimited access to Victory Smite...

Which, as luck would have it, is great because I have +2% Crit Augments on my Hands, Legs and Feet while I was trying to get DA lmao xD So what I thought was a curse may be a gift! I would love to use a DA set for TP if it were possible for spellcast to read 2 different items that have the same names lol.

From tweaking the spreadsheet as much as possible I found Shijin's WS Damage in typical high buff situations vs Tojil (Tojil is like the modern-day control test lol) Averages at 5416 and... Victory Smite's WS Average was showing 6776 according to spreadsheet. As we all know, the spreadsheet is pretty damn accurate but real results may very. That said, is it time to start updating the V-Smite sets? Or best to wait and see what actually happens?

blah, DPS is still higher with DA Augments :( back to the Augmenting board for me lol

Since Victory Smite self skillchains, it will be the best choice regardless of what the SS claims. You can still skillchain in both directions with VS+SS but then you need at most one shijin in the alliance/PT. [other DDs don't matter as everyone knows mnk is the only DDs used for 6 months, and the most used for years, as the next census will show]

Drg and Drk still completely destroy Mnk. The only thing with mnk is that you have useful abilities and 2hours and you can /run without sacrificing too much DPS.
Posts: 1469
By pchan 2013-10-16 04:23:02
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That's why you see so many drg and drks I suppose.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Detzu
Posts: 869
By Cerberus.Detzu 2013-10-16 05:54:07
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Mnk is easier to be good at.
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