iiPunch - Monk Guide
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2023-02-08 15:04:19
You do know about ask sash and boost right? Its very easy to start with full or close to full tp in almost any scenario.
You could also like make friends join a ls and stuff and then the aeonic weapon is free, the dynamis jeuno w3 clear free and the augment is kind of optional anyways since you don't use godhands primarily for shijin spiral, the +dmg is nice but I wouldn't stress it that much.
Do you actually play the game at some point after all this mercing? How do you decide when content is actually worth playing vs mercing?
By Rinuko 2023-02-08 15:37:46
For an extremely casual player you can keep the Karambit no problem.
Literally me lol
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2023-02-08 15:44:25
Just get kaja/karambit then, you can complete every content you'd bring MNK to with those
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1856
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2023-02-08 15:59:01
If you’re really casual then the best options are Kaja knuckles or paying for v0 Kalunga and getting sakpata’s fists. Kaja gives a good weapon to more than just mnk. Which is going to appeal to the casual nature. Sakpata’s fists are 90% of an endgame item, and would only cost about 5m to get
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 520
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-02-08 17:09:44
GodHands in asura is worth 50M the full clear with the "mercenaries" and you must wait several hours until the group is complete, plus farm the beads is "Tedious".
Form a group or join a LS... there are plenty of people willing to get this done. I can't begin to tell you how many "up and coming" or returnee friendly LS's I've seen with this specific goal in mind. It's the one thing most players who are on the grind to competetive gear want to do, and its really not that difficult with a few veterans assistance. That said, 50m is a relatively cheap pricetag and would outperform Sagitta at base, even without the Dyna D clear that isnt necessary.
Verethragna these are the prices the mercenaries handle in asura. Two-Leaf Chloris Budx50 75M de gil. Ulhuadshi's Fangx50 65M and Dragua's Scale x75 50M. On big servers like asura, it's semi-impossible to farm this and even more so if you're not dual, trio boxing.
I cant disagree more. While yes, Empy's are the most tedious of choices and YES, Tahrongi NMs in particular (Chloris.. uhg) are notoriously horrible to grind, you're vastly overstating the competition here. I've farmed it plenty of times and it's not like being on Asura is a death sentence or similar to camping Fafnir circa 2005. You can easily cleave cointeaches for gold boxes, or work your way into camps on rotation to other players, and often its actually empty... Theres no reason to pay RMT those steep prices when you can play the game and get the work done at a casual pace. I see this weapon as a "I already have the previous best options, and I love MNK so I'm gonna go out of my way to get the optional BiS".
Spharai goes without saying, the damage is mediocre, plus those trials of x100, x200, x300, x400 killing blows are horrendous.
Yup, hate magian trials too
Glanzfaust with all the Triple Attack gear MNK has available is not worth it in my eyes. The pure stage of the alexandrites is already very expensive and the items that you must buy from the mercenaries etc.
One of the worst Mythics, dont do it. Agreed
Karambit is an excellent weapon, I love it but the Sagitta Path A> Karambit in the parse, you must also buy the pulse weapon. For an extremely casual player you can keep the Karambit no problem.
Definitely the best easy access option, and what players should use from the Sakpata Fists/Kaja Knuckles path of progression. Still dont think the DPS difference between this and Sagitta warrants the price tag... at all
Sagitta Path A. Yes, it costs you 60M, myself playing "Casual" I make 12M-16M gil weekly without trying.
If you're making this kind of money, why waste it? At that point, if you're so sold on the damn thing, get the SU4 then ride that until you can get Aeonic or Empy. On other posts you also mentioned it only being 25m for Hero Crystals... Why even do that? It's a massive waste of money. If you're on Asura AND not in a LS that actively does activities that would allow you to get afformentioned better options, theres literally a merc shout selling RP 6000-7000 dyna d (usually Jeuno) runs for 3m. That's like 1/4th the price, and will cap out any SU5 or neck in just over 3 runs.
If you are going to do the legit the Job-Points then do the Karambit and the matter is settled
If you are going to use the "Mecenaries" in 3 nights you are job master and you buy the Sagitta which parse slightly below the Godhands/Verethragna and is better than the Karambit.
I am not interested in wasting 500M gil on the Verethragna for 1% more dps in the parse. "Sorry" I already went through the stage of "Masturbation" and "Drugs" Lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 520
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-02-08 18:33:01
You're actually insane if you paid 40m for a pulse. It's NEVER been 40m in my 3 years of playing this game. 20m is generally peak and Rarely do people not come down to 15, 10, or even 5 if you're patient. I honestly have no idea where you're coming from here, barring shouting I NEED IT THIS SECOND and offering that price. on top of that, you're Paying for Ambu v1. You can easily just do D or N difficulty, or work your way up via v2. It's there for a reason. Not everything needs to happen with instant gratification. It's an MMO where you work your way up over time.
Listen dude, we dont see eye to eye. You want to come to the game and instantly be endgame ready, I get it. If you played this game back in the day, the grind was much longer and more tedious than Anything you can do solo these days. Even if you treat getting an empyrean (just for arguement sake) as a side project you work on here and there, you can grind out the pieces yourself. The competition isnt as bad as you make it, and if you swapped servers to a dead one, even better, albeit unecessary.
Ultimately if you just slap a credit card at this game, buy gil (not claiming you did one way or another), and buy everything you need to play a job with competetive DPS.... you're still playing MNK, which in 90% of endgame content is a Fringe DD that has select uses. On top of that, you didnt work the progression ladder, so you likely didnt learn anything or develop any skill in it to utilize it properly.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 124
By Asura.Seizan 2023-02-09 04:01:16
You're actually insane if you paid 40m for a pulse.
Why not farm it and have fun playing at same time?
Just lashing out a thought here, dont hate me plz ~
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-02-09 08:15:53
You're actually insane if you paid 40m for a pulse.
Why not farm it and have fun playing at same time?
Just lashing out a thought here, dont hate me plz ~
Logic. If it would take you 5 hours to earn one, but 2 hours to buy one. It's common sense.
Spend 5 hours doing an annoying chore, or two hours doing an annoying chore and the remaining 3 playing the game.
(...or one hour working, "buy" one, and get all 5 hours to play)
The pulse costs money, no matter how you obtain it (random chance gobbie box withstanding)
"I find spending the 5 hours farming the drop fun, that is playing" I'm sorry you feel that way.
(But if we're being honest FFXI in 202X is just going from chore to chore anyway, there is no fun, so...)
By Rinuko 2023-02-09 09:44:04
So I have a pretty anti-merc stance and one reason I no longer play on Asura but it's a difference buying pulse weapon vs paying someone for getting you your JPs or MLs.
Some might disagree though.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3692
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-02-09 16:55:30
On top of that, you didnt work the progression ladder, so you likely didnt learn anything or develop any skill in it to utilize it properly.
Please, no. Not THIS again.
Regardless of your opinion on using mercs for Ambuscade points (and the thought of paying 20M for an Ambuscade VD win is just WILD to me), acting like someone can't figure out how to play MNK properly unless they started with a worse weapon and grinded for exp and gear drops is so monumentally dumb.
So I have a pretty anti-merc stance and one reason I no longer play on Asura but it's a difference buying pulse weapon vs paying someone for getting you your JPs or MLs.
Some might disagree though.
It's literally by design that players can purchase pulse weapons. Converting pulse weapons into pulse cells to be able to sell them on the AH or in Bazaar is an intentional part of the game. Anyone who disagrees and feels you must farm pulse weapons yourself for it to be "legit" should also not be using any crafted gear or food they didn't synth themselves.
Now, paying mercs to go farm the actual item drop instead of just walking to the AH and paying 4-5mil x5 for pulse cells... that's different. And a terrible idea since anyone with 25mil gil can immediately get a pulse weapon by buying 5 cells and trading to NPC.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 520
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-02-09 19:46:15
You're actually insane if you paid 40m for a pulse.
Why not farm it and have fun playing at same time?
Just lashing out a thought here, dont hate me plz ~
I mean, you could, but as Eiryl says its definitely a matter of time investment -> return. If you NEED a pulse, for say maybe your 2nd ambu upgrade, because frankly you can ride a Kaja comfortably until you get the free one from deeds... sure. But passively playing the game and jumping on an AMAN trove shout is far more practical and likely, but theres no reason to spring at an insane price or overvalue it. That's all I meant to point out.
On top of that, you didnt work the progression ladder, so you likely didnt learn anything or develop any skill in it to utilize it properly.
Please, no. Not THIS again.
Regardless of your opinion on using mercs for Ambuscade points (and the thought of paying 20M for an Ambuscade VD win is just WILD to me), acting like someone can't figure out how to play MNK properly unless they started with a worse weapon and grinded for exp and gear drops is so monumentally dumb.
I mean... yeah it's certainly one of the simplest jobs. I've barely put any time into it myself, but it's not unreasonable to think that someone who's just buying everything for a job wholesale wouldn't bother to do any research on a job either. Separating JA timers or what WS's to use etc. While simple theres still nuance. That being said, Sure it's a reach, but to some extent not starting ground up robs you of some experience or understanding, as minor as that may be. Certainly varies by job.
All in all, the dude seems to be universally disagreed with. Don't mean to derail this thread any further.
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By Asura.Eiryl 2023-04-06 12:00:06
Better is better. Are you zealous enough to be one of the ten that actually swap weapons every three minutes. (no one does that ***)
Wait 1 month, see what the Prime Spharai look like, then make the vere r15 if it's still best.
By Taint 2023-04-06 12:56:45
Vere with Impetus up is extremely strong. Swapping is best. I just use a Weapon macro.
/equip main "Verethragna"
Put it right next to Impetus Macro. Do the same with Godhands.
Vere marco - Impetus - GH macro - Footwork on the bar.
Don't use a lua IMO, plenty of times it makes sense to keep your current weapon outside of the Imp/Footwork ideal situations.
By Trillium 2023-04-06 17:20:14
With just vertical or gh you don't really need to do anything else.yet... our multi steps are similar, verth has small advantage for zeros I would Say and when I am lazy I atick to just thst. I have a macro on different rows thst swap weapons... actually it is one macro on the gh line thsr switches to one and then back if hit again.
Most of my lines relate to to vertical, as it is by far my most used gh is technically r14, as I was just short in my omen forms and I am actually holding off until primes are released. I used to swap in spharai for tanking some things to great hilarity, but I am only r5, so the bonus on counter isn't enough, even for giggles to be bothered more times. I'm told mythic has a place for niche things, however mine is only r1 for lockstyle for now.i actually also used kenkonken for lockstyle too for a time and it is fun to put onto the rotation.
If primes weren't coming, I would say go for veerh for sure, unless you had other goals on other jobs. Even if you only use when impetus up, things like ody where you often get cor resets, you are going to have it up for a good portion of the fight. If you are coming on mnk.
On Lua things, I don't use that, but you can 100 percent manual the weapon swaps. I personally like having the control in my hands. (With that pun, I'm out.)
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By shazbot 2023-05-07 18:33:37
I am seeing two different types of gearset guides, the BG wiki and the All job gear sets. I'm seeing big difference in gear for HF, Tornado kick, & Dragon kicks. Which one up to date on parse or one you recommend I follow!
thank you
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-05-10 00:46:55
Prime Spharai looks fine, probably not replacing vere, unless that PDL is like 50 and/or "new final heaven" is redikulos
DMG+213 Delay+116 STR+35 DEX+35 Accuracy+35 Magic Accuracy+35 Hand-to-Hand skill +277 Guarding skill +277 Critical hit rate +15%
Automaton: Accuracy+35 Ranged Accuracy+35 Magic Accuracy+35 Lv. +3
Maru Kala Aftermath (incl. Automaton): Physical damage limit+
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-10 01:49:29
Prime Spharai looks fine, probably not replacing vere Eeeeeh I don't know about that.
Higher damage, higher delay, more DEX, less STR and a Crit+15%, which is gonna be really nice for Vsmite with Impetus up, despite the lower STR.
New WS could be insane or a fluke, we'll see.
PDL should be nice in place of AM3 for white damage, but of course only in situations where you're overbuffed.
I dunno man, I can see this beating Vere, potentially.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-05-10 01:51:06
You're kinda overlooking the wsd on vere and aftermath. There's no chance.
(*)Unless prime final heaven is broken as *** (it does have damage varies with tp)
It could replace the godhands footwork tornado kick spam. Since it 3 steps
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Carbuncle.Spasm 2023-05-10 09:15:56
Not sure if anyone has noticed the WS’s the fomors have used in sortie, never seen or heard of them but my guess would be potential those can be the new ones for prime weapons or some?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 256
By Leviathan.Antonioklaus 2023-05-16 13:22:35
Is there a guide that has intermediate gear. The BG wiki guide is all the endgame gear. This guide says the sets are from 2016. Just trying to figure out mnk. Always a brd on my main toon
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-05-16 13:24:49
The problem with "intermediate" is that there are 11 billion tiers of intermediacy. You just need to know that finding a piece that as closely as possible resembles the best, is what you should get.
You can't go wrong with Malignance, Mpaca or Nyame (Any R) or Kendatsuba (nq or hq)
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 256
By Leviathan.Antonioklaus 2023-05-16 15:05:48
The problem with "intermediate" is that there are 11 billion tiers of intermediacy. You just need to know that finding a piece that as closely as possible resembles the best, is what you should get.
You can't go wrong with Malignance, Mpaca or Nyame (Any R) or Kendatsuba (nq or hq) Ya, just the high tier stuff all comes from endgame reisenjeima bosses and stuff. Right now I'm using Ambu gear and weapon.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-05-16 15:15:04
Leviathan.Antonioklaus said: »The problem with "intermediate" is that there are 11 billion tiers of intermediacy. You just need to know that finding a piece that as closely as possible resembles the best, is what you should get.
You can't go wrong with Malignance, Mpaca or Nyame (Any R) or Kendatsuba (nq or hq) Ya, just the high tier stuff all comes from endgame reisenjeima bosses and stuff. Right now I'm using Ambu gear and weapon.
Use the Ambu+2 to get 500 jp and some gil (sparkolades)
Buy the 5/5 nq Kenda and get your ABC clears
Buy an Arebati merc and the 5/5 set And/or do lilleth in the kenda for malig
That'll get you into empyrean+2/3
Karambit/Kaja perfectly serviceable for those tasks
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1823
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-06-05 07:58:03
Is Bhikku Earring +2 with minimal rolls going to replace much outside of counter/turtle sets?
Sherida and Schere are pretty solid
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-06-05 08:46:07
If you need a ton of acc