IiPunch - Monk Guide

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iiPunch - Monk Guide
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Posts: 71
By dontclickme 2022-12-30 11:05:25
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with -5% DT on cape, he's capped PDT and capped MDT with shell iv using that set.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2022-12-30 11:07:27
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dontclickme said: »
with -5% DT on cape, he's capped PDT and capped MDT with shell iv using that set.

Ahh yes, bad habit of assuming 10 pDT. Thank you.
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2022-12-30 11:19:30
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dontclickme said: »
with -5% DT on cape, he's capped PDT and capped MDT with shell iv using that set.
Regardless of PDT or DT on the cape, with Shell4+ MDT would be capped.

Set has:
31% DT
14% PDT
This is without the cape which can be either PDT/DT to get the last 5 PDT needed to cap.

Edit: To be clear this set:
ItemSet 389269
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2022-12-30 11:44:38
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Asura.Otomis said: »
Simons's set is better for a small DPS boost while NOT capping both DT and mDT.

The set I posted has more DT than yours.
Your is:

The set I posted assuming 5%DT cape is:

You still can switch feet and hands to Nyame and then its 50%DT with much higher meva
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Peabody 2023-01-07 19:55:01
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Sorry, I'm not very knowledgeable about these things - is there a reason to use a Bhikku earring over a Brutal earring for TPing?
Posts: 2730
By Nariont 2023-01-07 20:21:30
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Nq bhikku probably a wash, +1 and up assuming all 3 aug lines its 5 da vs 4~7 stp, +1~2 base dmg, 25~ acc 11~ atk and then the counter and some 15~ macc
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2023-01-08 11:32:37
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Hey monks question for you, My bard can finally retire since my wife got her rema brd. I want to play a solid DD job (only considering a few) (sam/drg/mnk) Which one would you put effort into- mainly max master it. My drg is already master 20 but I am jonseing to try out sam or mnk. Between the 3 which do you guys enjoy playing the most and which gets to see the most action for you?

also side note- I am r25 nyame and gleti but never rp arebati, will I be missing out on mpaca gear for mnk/sam? I don't really want to do odyssey now or for a long while.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Nickeny
Posts: 2282
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2023-01-08 13:01:04
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Slowforever said: »
will I be missing out on mpaca gear for mnk/sam?

Yes. Mind you it's not just for TP but for WSs as well. You will be using a Mix of Oddy/Empy +3 - Few people posted sets a couple of pages back to similar sets I use.
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2023-01-08 17:18:30
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Slowforever said: »
Hey monks question for you, My bard can finally retire since my wife got her rema brd. I want to play a solid DD job (only considering a few) (sam/drg/mnk) Which one would you put effort into- mainly max master it. My drg is already master 20 but I am jonseing to try out sam or mnk. Between the 3 which do you guys enjoy playing the most and which gets to see the most action for you?

also side note- I am r25 nyame and gleti but never rp arebati, will I be missing out on mpaca gear for mnk/sam? I don't really want to do odyssey now or for a long while.

All 3 are great DD jobs, but MNK biggest weakness is lack of versatility. You only really have blunt damage and mostly light aligned Skillchains. That's why I think it's good to have MNK, because it's great when you need blunt or low tp feed, but it's not a job that can DD efficiently everywhere.
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2023-01-08 21:02:24
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Can sam fulfill the role of low tp feed dd if dmg type isn't a requirement for victory? WIth the omen body they can cap sb1&2 but curious how a 2 hander translates to tp feed when compared with h2h. Doesn't h2h apply a virus that inhibits tp feed? Maybe I just answered my question. Monk superior by a lot or just a little?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-08 21:06:16
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There's a sizable difference but both do it sufficiently. (every job can cap subtle blow)

It's the tp drainer that matters, smn/blu/bst
Posts: 2730
By Nariont 2023-01-08 21:15:43
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Slowforever said: »
Doesn't h2h apply a virus that inhibits tp feed? Maybe I just answered my question. Monk superior by a lot or just a little?

h2h gives a short term plague via shijin spiral, then mnk can inhibit TP another 35% for 1:40 on a 3 min recast(This stacks ontop of everything else). That along with the fact while every job can cap SB, mnk does it without really impacting itself in any way as most of it's good accessories are also its strong SBII sources(moonbow belt, sherida, Niqmaddu)
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2023-01-09 04:56:35
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Slowforever said: »
Can sam fulfill the role of low tp feed dd if dmg type isn't a requirement for victory? WIth the omen body they can cap sb1&2 but curious how a 2 hander translates to tp feed when compared with h2h. Doesn't h2h apply a virus that inhibits tp feed? Maybe I just answered my question. Monk superior by a lot or just a little?

SAM has no native Subtle blow, so even with +3 WHM Auspice, you also need +21% Subtle blow I and +25% Subtle blow II in gear.
IMO the only way to really do it efficiently on SAM is using Fusenaikyo path B, or Sakonji-no-tachi path B with Niqmaddu. Getting 25% SBII is impossible at all without this weapons. You can only get to 20% with Omen+Mpaca+Niqmaddu, but you need to remember you want to keep 75%SB during WS too. It's the part that many people forget. Ideally you would want Fusenaikyo path B with Dignitary+Chirich+RyuoFeet(pathC) which would cap you for TP (also with +2 Auspice). Then I would probably use Peiste belt +1 and Chirich+1 for WS. Without Auspice.. I don't even want to talk about it, it sounds super painful and DPS loss would be horrible, especially for WS.

MNK with Auspice on the other hand doesn't need to do anything beside keeping mostly bis accessories to cap SBII during both TP and WS. Also you not only doesn't need +2/3 for WHM Auspice, but it can even be Auspice from WHM sub (assuming you have ML30 to access it). Penance is also huge because afaik it not only pushes tp gain from getting hit by MNK to effectively 83.75% subtle blow, but also reduce TP from monster hitting his target. MNK without Auspice wont lose much also. You can just use like Shere and Bhikku+3 head (which is part of DT set at the same time) or just use some 2 pieces from Kenda+1 set. For WS you can use Mpaca legs+kendaFeet to reach 73% and KendaBody+Mpacalegs for Impetus down to reach 75%.

Ignoring dAGI Veret MNK with Penance up should feed like 8TP per hit. Assuming capped haste and like 4.6hits per round, that's around 20TP feed per second (around 30 without Penance). 50sec of hitting to push target to 1000TP (assuming target wouldn't get TP from hitting it's target). If you can land Plague from Shijin you will negate 50TP out of 60TP you feed during one tic. If you consider WSing and WS delay, you will probably almost even out tp feed and tp reset from plague.

SAM who keeps 75%SB during TP and WS feeds around 27TP per hit, so assuming capped haste and like 1.8hits per round (Hassozanshin build. I assume Follow-up attack can proc alongside Hassozanshin) it would be around 33TP feed per sec. Not bad, but keep in mind white damage dps would be very low compered to MNK and WSs would also be lower damage compered to MNK, so overall DPS to TP feet ratio would be way worse.
Posts: 112
By Trillium 2023-01-11 13:53:17
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SimonSes said: »
Slowforever said: »
Hey monks question for you, My bard can finally retire since my wife got her rema brd. I want to play a solid DD job (only considering a few) (sam/drg/mnk) Which one would you put effort into- mainly max master it. My drg is already master 20 but I am jonseing to try out sam or mnk. Between the 3 which do you guys enjoy playing the most and which gets to see the most action for you?

also side note- I am r25 nyame and gleti but never rp arebati, will I be missing out on mpaca gear for mnk/sam? I don't really want to do odyssey now or for a long while.

All 3 are great DD jobs, but MNK biggest weakness is lack of versatility. You only really have blunt damage and mostly light aligned Skillchains. That's why I think it's good to have MNK, because it's great when you need blunt or low tp feed, but it's not a job that can DD efficiently everywhere.

Mnk and Brd pair very well. If you need slashing or piercing, brd has thst covered. Mnk can also power through many things... thinking ofnthose vagary/delve resistant mobs lol. Thst being said, I have a low ML drg and with just r1 aeonic and ok gear slapped together in a one hit wonder set it was dojg very well. The amount of work to get mnk just to thst level is so much more. Thst being said three are lots of great defensive things mnk brings. Subtle blow isn't appreciated until you go to mnk for a while and then back to another job. No joke I have done odins with no planning to tp suppress where he just doesn't do a ws move on easier settings. Mnk was my first to master and run was my second and I was shocked by how many more bs moves I had to deal with. I mean run does just fine, but getting attack down every time just prior to ws pre monberaux was a bit annoying especially since run has attack issues.

Learned to enjoy every single job in this game mostly. They all have good things and places where you have to work harder for them to work. Mnk plus brd though... not much you can't tackle. Even sortie. Friend and I double 3 boxed a lot of upper floors, not sure how well I would tank lower floors though... could maybe do e boss? We tend to do blm and sch strat though with thr group I tend to go with these days. Regardless, if you are having fun go for it. Both Sam and mnk are a blast. Fudo is just so much fun when it connects...this miss pain is real.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: nekhekh
Posts: 59
By Bismarck.Nekhekh 2023-02-04 12:58:04
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Until I can get my hands on a Gere ring. Which ring would be good to use paired with Niqmaddu?

I have:
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-02-04 13:00:23
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Heteroi Epona's

Difference is negligable
Server: Asura
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Posts: 521
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-02-08 04:34:17
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is there a good reference for gearsets other than the scattered discussions on the last few pages here? The guide on page one is heavily dated, and from what I can tell there isnt a 'community mnk guide' on bg wiki like most other jobs which are kept up to date.

I'm working on having a pocket MNK with godhands, kinda hoping I could reference what things I have to what's the standard. I have all the adhemar, tatenashi, herc, malignance, and mpaca... it's the combos of them, and which JSE I need to get that are in question. Obvious ones like Empy body are 1st in line
Server: Asura
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user: Smegpot
By Asura.Asalith 2023-02-08 04:40:18
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Asura.Dexprozius said: »
is there a good reference for gearsets other than the scattered discussions on the last few pages here? The guide on page one is heavily dated, and from what I can tell there isnt a 'community mnk guide' on bg wiki like most other jobs which are kept up to date.

I'm working on having a pocket MNK with godhands, kinda hoping I could reference what things I have to what's the standard. I have all the adhemar, tatenashi, herc, malignance, and mpaca... it's the combos of them, and which JSE I need to get that are in question. Obvious ones like Empy body are 1st in line

Server: Asura
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Posts: 521
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-02-08 04:41:08
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Odd that google didnt pull it up... thanks for the link
Posts: 250
By Rinuko 2023-02-08 09:37:18
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What is a good H2H weapon progression for those that doesn't have a REMA? All guides seem to just point to REMA's.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-02-08 09:42:40
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Kaja Knuckles practically free and extremely simple for how good they are

/ Karambit if you can get a glow via deeds or merc
Posts: 2730
By Nariont 2023-02-08 10:25:52
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While unlikely, if you did have ody gaol clears opened up, the weapons there are perfectly fine fill ins as well
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-02-08 12:11:42
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.....Except that whole needing to be 2100 jp thing

.....And it costs 60 mil

Absolutely never use sagitta
(never ever) No um actually, no but what about, just don't
Posts: 250
By Rinuko 2023-02-08 12:35:22
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Kaja Knuckles practically free and extremely simple for how good they are

/ Karambit if you can get a glow via deeds or merc

Gotcha, I was under the impression it wasn't a good Kaja weapon but I'll go and make one of those then!

CrAZYVIC said: »
Rinuko said: »
What is a good H2H weapon progression for those that doesn't have a REMA? All guides seem to just point to REMA's.

Personally, I would use the Jolt Counter and when you have the job at master level, the Sagitta Path A.

The Sagitta is close to the DPS of the Vere & Godhands without all the pesky requirements.
Probably be awhile since I have to be su2 to use that but thanks for the suggestion :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-02-08 13:39:10
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Never. Ever.
Posts: 2730
By Nariont 2023-02-08 13:40:13
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Sagitta costs 60 mil, 2100 JP, and then the additional cost of rping it up, whether that be the "free"(time is relative) dyna rp grind or using even more funds to pay it up that way, which if you do thats another large investment, more than the cost of the weapon now iirc

All for a weapon that underperforms comparatively to GH or vere at potentially double/triple the cost in the case of GH

The big draw of sagitta before was an easy DT weapon while also beign strong on its own merit, nowadays DT is pretty easy to cap out on without losing much
Posts: 1449
By fillerbunny9 2023-02-08 13:44:20
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you're forgetting that in addition to the 60 mill pricetag for Sagitta, you have to spend another 25mill+ to get the crystals to rank them up, unless we are making the assumption that they are just avoiding easier, soloable content vs Dynamis D farming. further, since their character seems to be on Bahamut, we can throw all of the 'just Asura problems' out with regards to farming and such. at this point, Kaja/Karambit > merc the Godhands and save yourself either ~35 million gil or weeks of grinding in Dynamis D.
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