IiPunch - Monk Guide

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iiPunch - Monk Guide
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-25 12:08:03
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I actually don't think you can upgrade a unity item (even if you have the items) if you don't have the boss clear? is that accurate?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 124
By Siren.Robthunder 2019-10-25 12:09:27
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So I have a confession. I had already done this back in 2017 before I took my break. I capped Impetus effect first with my job points. Looking a few pages back I see how that was a terrible idea, but I didn't understand at the time what it did. I thought woo great, more impetus effect. There... now that's off my chest.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-25 12:13:28
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Meh, no point being hard on yourself the whole list of job points is pretty mediocre/mundane anyway. The order you got them in is almost irrelevant.

Not to mention the way things are worded and/or translated it's not unforgivable to think it worked the way you thought it worked, other people did too.
Posts: 15253
By Pantafernando 2019-10-25 12:17:37
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Siren.Robthunder said: »
So I have a confession. I had already done this back in 2017 before I took my break. I capped Impetus effect first with my job points. Looking a few pages back I see how that was a terrible idea, but I didn't understand at the time what it did. I thought woo great, more impetus effect. There... now that's off my chest.

Go back to mine
Posts: 9215
By SimonSes 2019-10-25 12:38:13
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Pantafernando said: »
Siren.Robthunder said: »
So I have a confession. I had already done this back in 2017 before I took my break. I capped Impetus effect first with my job points. Looking a few pages back I see how that was a terrible idea, but I didn't understand at the time what it did. I thought woo great, more impetus effect. There... now that's off my chest.

Go back to mine

Thats a lost opportunity! You could wrote something more funny, like "Why you need Impetus in mines anyway. Also mnk not really a good job for galka, have no skill in pickaxe" :D
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 124
By Siren.Robthunder 2019-10-25 12:43:39
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It's funny you say that, that's all I did when I first started playing. I lived up to my galka's stereotype without realizing it for the first few years.

But, it did fund my goldsmithing in the beginning. So it was worth it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-25 12:53:50
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Easy with the galka jokes guys.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3727
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-25 13:15:23
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I actually don't think you can upgrade a unity item (even if you have the items) if you don't have the boss clear? is that accurate?

False, you can upgrade them. I got several items from Unity Dial coffers for UNMs I never defeated and upgraded them - including NQ Comeuppances before I had ever even fought Tumult Curator. Bought the items and upgraded them. The real issue today is going to be more about supply of the items, they're going to be rarely sold on AH on any server. If the unity dial shows up again soon though, that sometimes helps.

In any case, NQ Comeuppances are a fine choice for a MNK getting back in the game, and I would definitely suggest using them until getting a hold of Ambuscade H2H or RMEA.

In general, order of non-RMEA H2H is: Karambit > Kaja Knuckles > Comeuppances +1 > NQ Comeuppances > any other non-RMEA H2H

Jolt Counters/+1, Denouements, and Chastisers are all fairly close behind Comeuppances (with some possibility of changing order based on buffs/targets), so any of those are perfectly valid options to hold you over until Kaja or better. Condemners are also in the mix with appropriate augments, but personally I wouldn't even bother with the Oseem headaches for what will ultimately just be a stopgap weapon, unless you already have the H2H and are just swimming in extra stones.
Posts: 9215
By SimonSes 2019-10-25 13:28:06
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Easy with the galka jokes guys.

Ah yeah you posted that counter set eariler. Whats the point tho? Its not like those walls in mines will hit you anyway.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3727
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-25 14:34:12
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SimonSes said: »
Ah yeah you posted that counter set eariler. Whats the point tho? Its not like those walls in mines will hit you anyway.

Mining can be dangerous, sometimes the rocks come flying right back at you so I would absolutely suggest using a counter set to deal with flying gravel.
Posts: 9215
By SimonSes 2019-10-25 15:33:26
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
In general, order of non-RMEA H2H is: Karambit > Kaja Knuckles > Comeuppances +1 > NQ Comeuppances > any other non-RMEA H2H

Jolt Counters/+1, Denouements, and Chastisers are all fairly close behind Comeuppances (with some possibility of changing order based on buffs/targets), so any of those are perfectly valid options to hold you over until Kaja or better. Condemners are also in the mix with appropriate augments, but personally I wouldn't even bother with the Oseem headaches for what will ultimately just be a stopgap weapon, unless you already have the H2H and are just swimming in extra stones.

That was probably accurate before update, but now it mostly isnt.
First of all I fixed/added few things in sheet:
1. Fixed damage/delay for several non rema weapons (Jolt NQ/HQ, Come NQ/HQ, Chastisers, Denouements, Reisenjima h2h). Rest of the non rema weapons have probably invalid stats.
2. I added automatic store TP to Karambit, but it's still not accurate, because it adds sTP to kicks too and afaik Karambit stp doesnt work with kicks right? So Karambit numbers are slightly too high. I will keep trying to figure it out how to fix that further. I guess I will add that note to Sheet itself too.
3. Fixed Ryuo Tekko NQ

This is what I got with this TP set:
Kendatsuba +1 5/5
Monk's Neck +2
Gere Ring
Segomo (DEX+ DA)
Moonbow +1

Bhikku body +1 for Impetus
Anchorite +3 feet for Footwork

Those are DPS values:

* All weapons with AM3 assumes AM3 active
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3727
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-25 16:40:32
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
In general, order of non-RMEA H2H is: Karambit > Kaja Knuckles > Comeuppances +1 > NQ Comeuppances > any other non-RMEA H2H

Jolt Counters/+1, Denouements, and Chastisers are all fairly close behind Comeuppances (with some possibility of changing order based on buffs/targets), so any of those are perfectly valid options to hold you over until Kaja or better. Condemners are also in the mix with appropriate augments, but personally I wouldn't even bother with the Oseem headaches for what will ultimately just be a stopgap weapon, unless you already have the H2H and are just swimming in extra stones.

That was probably accurate before update, but now it mostly isnt.

Your numbers are... not that different from what I said?

For purposes of what I was discussing, we can throw out all of the RMEA you listed since I was specifically talking about what's the best choice other than RMEA/Ambu for people building up their MNKs. I'll throw Sagitta in that category too, since I can't imagine most sane people are going to want buy and upgrade an expensive path A Divergence weapon that basically gives you a slight edge over a relatively easily/cheaply obtained Ambuscade weapon.

So... you're getting Comeuppances +1, Chastisers, and Jolt+1 (which are unrealistic for most people due to low availability) as sidegrades for all all practical purposes. They are within a few percent DPS with a flawless TP set and likely assuming buffs that are stronger than the majority of realistic situations where people are playing with pre-RMEA MNKs. Any of the three are in the same ballpark, even the one (Jolt+1) that is consistently slightly behind the other two. I'm sure that in the real world, any of these three could win a parse versus the others solely based on imperfect player timing (nobody is WSing perfectly at a stated TP point), small variance in actual buffs or gear, etc.

Perhaps Chastisers are slightly better than I gave them credit for when using optimal WS selection/timing (not just spamming Victory Smite). I thought they were close behind Comeuppances (which still seems accurate using your numbers for the more simple situation of spamming VS at or near 1000tp), but fair enough, perhaps tweaking things to optimize WS usage makes some difference. Even so, they're close. And if we're unnecessarily splitting hairs, your numbers also ignore SC damage so there's a good chance Victory Smite spam results in more light SCs in a real situation, which would give some additional advantage to the stronger Victory Smite weapon...

Point remains, we're talking about people wanting to know what non-RMEA H2H to pick to hold them over until finishing Ambuscade weapon. There's no need to get too crazy in depth with theoretical optimal spreadsheet numbers. The practical advice is pretty straightforward:

1. Once you have Ambuscade H2H, either Karambit or Kaja, you can use those. Until that point...

2. If you have the fairly rare Comeuppances or Chastisers, use those. For people who have both, pick the one you think looks prettier? Or perhaps give the nod to Comeuppances due to the Subtle Blow if you're doing a low TP feed strategy and not capping SB without them (as a newer MNK might not without Su3 gear).

3. If you have neither, grab a pair of NQ Jolt Counters from the AH, they aren't far behind. There is a very good chance you won't be able to find a +1: none have EVER sold in the history of my server's AH - same story for more than half of the servers. Even Asura has only seen one sale in the past year and a half. Plus they are relatively expensive for a stopgap piece that might be difficult to find a buyer for when you're done with them. I wouldn't recommend anyone bother putting significant effort into seeking them out.

4. If you have none of the above (i.e., NQ Jolts are out of stock on your server), Denouements aren't bad and will serve you fine until getting Kaja/Karambit, which shouldn't take long to at least get to Kaja stage. We're talking about a temporary piece, there's really little need to stress so much here.

5. If you don't have ANY of the above (don't want to do high tier for Denouments, etc.) just grab whatever ilevel 119 thing you can and work on getting Kaja ASAP.
Posts: 9215
By SimonSes 2019-10-25 17:12:58
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Yeah sorry I worded it badly by saying that it's mostly inaccurate. I just meant that Chastisers are on par or better than Come+1 and can rival even some R0 REMA and Kaja Knuckles are actually behind everything I posted above.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-25 18:31:22
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Siren.Sandraa said: »
During our "Important" events we only allow people with R15 weapons, extremely good gear and players are consistent on the parse play DD. "Everyone wants to play DD is the most competitive spot on an ally" So yeah my LS put a filter if your LS allow the average-joe play DD is your problem.

Dude. R15 ain't needed for jack ***.
People cleared Wave 3 back when Geo had no potency and no roll potency when that was a bug.

This game ain't that hard that you should only allow top tier players.
Just let people have fun and chill.

Instead of restricting them on playing DD, help them improve on it. Give them feedback and help them.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-25 18:39:29
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Did they? I remember everyone getting brick walled on W3 clears during the Geo bug.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33
By Asura.Evilddstroyer 2019-10-25 18:41:10
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the new tp sets a few pages back show Bhikku body +1 , is that only for impetus up or fulltime because of the martial arts???
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-25 18:44:43
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Did they? I remember everyone getting brick walled on W3 clears during the Geo bug.

Yeah, I heard a few people tell me they barely cleared it using alternatives, I can believe it tbh. Bst pet for DEF down spam is more potent than Idris Frailty without BoG/Bolster. I remember 1 group apparently using 3 bards for 2 sets of Soul Voice Minuet.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-25 18:58:19
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Asura.Evilddstroyer said: »
the new tp sets a few pages back show Bhikku body +1 , is that only for impetus up or fulltime because of the martial arts???

Impetus up. I believe Kendatsuba Samue +1 is best without Impetus, but may need clarification.
Posts: 9215
By SimonSes 2019-10-25 19:22:20
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Siren.Sandraa said: »
SimonSes said: »
Siren.Sandraa said: »
On my group leaders use the parse to determine who play DD and who go on support-healer.

So you telling me that everyone in your LS are aware that you win parses because you do virtual damage (by that I mean damage done over targets hp) and still you choose who play DD based on parse? Thats the funniest thing I heard this week :)

So if someone in your LS would actually kill mobs faster on lets say mnk but would be lower on parse because stardiver damage would be limited by mobs hp, then he cant play DD in your runs? Thats golden :)

Im starting to appriciate my LS even more now :)

EDIT: also bonus question. Do you have ws macro with "/p look at me, im wsing now!" Im asking because I cant understand why you keep making half of your post bolded every time? Its almost as bad as using caps lock. You can use it occasionally when you want to highlight something important, but doing it every time for half of the post just make it harder to read and lose its meaning completely.

Is respetable if you dislike the way my LS work not problem with that. During our "Important" events we only allow people with R15 weapons, extremely good gear and players are consistent on the parse play DD. "Everyone wants to play DD is the most competitive spot on an ally" So yeah my LS put a filter if your LS allow the average-joe play DD is your problem.

I hope this is not another of your lolscenarios "Where you break usain-bolt leg then you make an theory based on that". Remember on WAR forums about ukon talk?. "Hold tp 2500, ask for certain buffs to the supports, i can keep AM3 forever on any situation" No?. The scenarios i gave to you my preference godhands over vere were realistic trying to keep up on the parse. Ending with you here. You dont even toss a single idea-argument about the stuff i explain on my post. "Oh winning parse meme"

To the other guys saying "You win parses based on luck" "Leaders allow any Pug-DD go to wave 3 dynamis with 800 accuracy"

Most of the serious EGLS on important events go with their main DDS, if is farming run, a mercenary easy target. Ok you can allow go ur people go in "x job".

So if you go with ur NQ Sulevia gear + x AH weapon. You will end beating Eijin's SAM or Saevel's WAR right? Cuz RnG jesus is strong on you. If you are winning a parse vs other Top players, R15 DDS is because you have good gear + you are skilled + you know what are you doing. A random "Pug DD" dont a have place on a Serious end-game LS.

If you have a fun winning a parse there is nothing wrong with it, but when your LS choose who can come DD based on parses when everyone tries to win parse with tricks then you its just sad. When both WSs kill the mob, but first is doing 40k because its multithit limited by target HP and 2nd is doing 60k because its single hit or 2 hits with high fTP, then where is the logic in this? If player who is losing parses can actually kill faster than person who wins parses by overkilling mobs and he is not allowed to come as practically better DPS,then you simply have shitty system in your LS.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-25 19:29:37
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That's an incredibly stupid system, you'd hate it if the other players were smart enough to exploit it so you got locked out of your dd spot.

But really, if no one subject to that system cares, then no one else has a right to care. If the bard geo and whm slaves for life are cool with it then it is what it is.
By Afania 2019-10-25 20:40:25
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Having the best player go DD and rest go support healer is a bad choice to begin with.... why would people let their best player play the least important role?

Even if all your DD do 60% of ejiin/saevel DPS you can still beat the content.

If healer/support fail it'd be wipega. And that waste more time than inviting PUG DD that does 60% DPS of elites.

I almost never care who gets DD spot unless they way undergeared for the content, or if I'm trying to break some speed record. It's tank/healer slot that I care about player quality the most.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-25 21:35:12
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It's clear that person may have some issues, probably best to drop it. Muddying the waters at this point dragging it on.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Inxmonk
Posts: 371
By Ragnarok.Inx 2019-10-25 21:59:04
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If your core group is strong enough, you can carry weak members and still get the win.

Obviously some things are less fault-tolerant than others, but on the whole we allow people to play whatever they please, and its fine.
Posts: 270
By eeternal 2019-10-26 02:08:17
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
In general, order of non-RMEA H2H is: Karambit > Kaja Knuckles > Comeuppances +1 > NQ Comeuppances > any other non-RMEA H2H

Jolt Counters/+1, Denouements, and Chastisers are all fairly close behind Comeuppances (with some possibility of changing order based on buffs/targets), so any of those are perfectly valid options to hold you over until Kaja or better. Condemners are also in the mix with appropriate augments, but personally I wouldn't even bother with the Oseem headaches for what will ultimately just be a stopgap weapon, unless you already have the H2H and are just swimming in extra stones.

That was probably accurate before update, but now it mostly isnt.
First of all I fixed/added few things in sheet:
1. Fixed damage/delay for several non rema weapons (Jolt NQ/HQ, Come NQ/HQ, Chastisers, Denouements, Reisenjima h2h). Rest of the non rema weapons have probably invalid stats.
2. I added automatic store TP to Karambit, but it's still not accurate, because it adds sTP to kicks too and afaik Karambit stp doesnt work with kicks right? So Karambit numbers are slightly too high. I will keep trying to figure it out how to fix that further. I guess I will add that note to Sheet itself too.
3. Fixed Ryuo Tekko NQ

This is what I got with this TP set:
Kendatsuba +1 5/5
Monk's Neck +2
Gere Ring
Segomo (DEX+ DA)
Moonbow +1

Bhikku body +1 for Impetus
Anchorite +3 feet for Footwork

Those are DPS values:

* All weapons with AM3 assumes AM3 active

Thank you Simon for your efforts.. why would be spamming TK @2400tp viable for GHs? isn't it too much tp overflow? you probably want to do it around 2k or something?

Also, have you tested HFs #s? based on apex mobs its super high from what I saw.. wanted to know your thoughts about it...

Much obliged
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-10-26 03:50:41
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SimonSes said: »
Those are DPS values:

* All weapons with AM3 assumes AM3 active

If you don't mind, what's the DPS for R15 Vere spamming VS at 1k with 0.5 round overflow but Impetus down? I'd think it'd be close to RF when using Vere, possibly better simply due to its SC attributes.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-10-26 05:01:53
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My apologies, I know that this must have already been asked and covered but I went back 20 pages already and didn’t see anything..

What are the best WSs to use for general DPS and at what TP Ranges?

For example if you’re a WAR with Chango or a THF with Aeneas, you hold til 1250 so you can get your WS at “2000+”

Does MNK WS have the same outliers?

Thank you
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-10-26 09:36:06
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
In general, order of non-RMEA H2H is: Karambit > Kaja Knuckles > Comeuppances +1 > NQ Comeuppances > any other non-RMEA H2H

Jolt Counters/+1, Denouements, and Chastisers are all fairly close behind Comeuppances (with some possibility of changing order based on buffs/targets), so any of those are perfectly valid options to hold you over until Kaja or better. Condemners are also in the mix with appropriate augments, but personally I wouldn't even bother with the Oseem headaches for what will ultimately just be a stopgap weapon, unless you already have the H2H and are just swimming in extra stones.

That was probably accurate before update, but now it mostly isnt.
First of all I fixed/added few things in sheet:
1. Fixed damage/delay for several non rema weapons (Jolt NQ/HQ, Come NQ/HQ, Chastisers, Denouements, Reisenjima h2h). Rest of the non rema weapons have probably invalid stats.
2. I added automatic store TP to Karambit, but it's still not accurate, because it adds sTP to kicks too and afaik Karambit stp doesnt work with kicks right? So Karambit numbers are slightly too high. I will keep trying to figure it out how to fix that further. I guess I will add that note to Sheet itself too.
3. Fixed Ryuo Tekko NQ

This is what I got with this TP set:
Kendatsuba +1 5/5
Monk's Neck +2
Gere Ring
Segomo (DEX+ DA)
Moonbow +1

Bhikku body +1 for Impetus
Anchorite +3 feet for Footwork

Those are DPS values:

* All weapons with AM3 assumes AM3 active

My Excel spreadsheet numbers are better.
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