For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
By K123 2025-01-15 04:55:18
Don't the weak mobs have 17k hp? How do you hit 17k ae with no buffs? Always took me two ws
By Atrox78 2025-01-15 06:00:23
Don't the weak mobs have 17k hp? How do you hit 17k ae with no buffs? Always took me two ws
Agreed. Even peircing weak stuff like flies on floor one (omen) are 2 ws for me.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-01-15 12:35:21
Who says a THF AoEing Omen always has no buffs?
I usually go with my alt on GEO. With Indi-Acumen and the minor buff from Star Sibyl, I am able to one-shot Omen mobs. Some just barely die though - just did a test on floors 1&2 and some mobs died in one WS, but some had a little HP left and needed two.
So, definitely feels close enough that an offhand that provides some offense (Malevolence, Centovente, etc.) is beneficial to get enough power to 1-shot stuff, more Macc to reduce resists, etc. Acrontica would have resulted in more mobs living until the 2nd WS. Or, what if you WS twice and a stubborn mob gets a couple consecutive partial resists, or if you WS at different amounts of TP (I don't usually WS *only* at 3000tp)? Some mobs might barely survive the second WS if you're using Acrontica, but die if using Malev or Cento. I personally find it a little hard to justify taking the sub weapon slot for 8 DT and a relatively minor increase in Eva/Meva/DEF (which is outweighed by the increase from Null back/waist), when I could just get that DT by adjusting a ring and earring slot in my idle gear.
Another example of when I use buffed THF in Omen: if I go with other people and we're doing a boss, I'll usually THF and speed up the floors by AoEing them down. And I'll often have a COR and/or GEO around who can help give me buffs.
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-15 12:48:26
If you're 2boxing omen, you're doing it wrong. 2 solo runs is twice the swart!
The whole point is defeated by taking both at once (or 3 or 4 or 6 boxes etc)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-01-15 12:52:10
If you're 2boxing omen, you're doing it wrong. 2 solo runs is twice the swart!
The whole point is defeated by taking both at once (or 3 or 4 or 6 boxes etc)
I'm not gonna run it once on each character (or bother building a THF on my second character). But sure, if you were hardcore maximizing swarts.
Besides, point remains. Feels like even with a truly solo+trust THF, it's not that uncommon to see situations where using an offhand that provides some offense is going to reduce your # of WS to kill to x-1. I don't see the point of Acrontica outside of stuff where you are strictly focused on absolutely maximum defense - Buukkhi's example of Sheol mimics, maybe evasion tanking something like Halphas, holding a pack of wave 3 fetter mobs, a Gaol add, whatever...
Or, what about when you kill a pack of sweetwater mobs and then just the Transcended is left? I like having Centovente offhand on final Omen floor, to help with stronger Rudra's for those kind of killshots.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 225
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2025-01-16 11:29:11
Don't the weak mobs have 17k hp? How do you hit 17k ae with no buffs? Always took me two ws
Agreed. Even peircing weak stuff like flies on floor one (omen) are 2 ws for me.
For me it's always 2 ws. 1 in TH to be sure I've applied it and the next with my full ws set. I could (maybe) make a set that accomplishes both at once but I'm lazy and I'm out of /equipsets anyway. And it only takes like 15m/run.
By Atrox78 2025-01-16 12:46:51
If you're 2boxing omen, you're doing it wrong. 2 solo runs is twice the swart!
The whole point is defeated by taking both at once (or 3 or 4 or 6 boxes etc)
I'm not gonna run it once on each character (or bother building a THF on my second character). But sure, if you were hardcore maximizing swarts.
Besides, point remains. Feels like even with a truly solo+trust THF, it's not that uncommon to see situations where using an offhand that provides some offense is going to reduce your # of WS to kill to x-1. I don't see the point of Acrontica outside of stuff where you are strictly focused on absolutely maximum defense - Buukkhi's example of Sheol mimics, maybe evasion tanking something like Halphas, holding a pack of wave 3 fetter mobs, a Gaol add, whatever...
Or, what about when you kill a pack of sweetwater mobs and then just the Transcended is left? I like having Centovente offhand on final Omen floor, to help with stronger Rudra's for those kind of killshots.
Yea, my comment definitely wasn't taking buffs into consideration. Agree, geo would make it a one shot.
By SimonSes 2025-01-16 14:55:26
Don't the weak mobs have 17k hp? How do you hit 17k ae with no buffs? Always took me two ws
Agreed. Even peircing weak stuff like flies on floor one (omen) are 2 ws for me.
For me it's always 2 ws. 1 in TH to be sure I've applied it and the next with my full ws set. I could (maybe) make a set that accomplishes both at once but I'm lazy and I'm out of /equipsets anyway. And it only takes like 15m/run.
Imo 1 shot doesn't make sense anyway, because 2 shot lets you self SC on Transcendence mob.
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Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 184
By Bismarck.Johnb 2025-02-22 05:37:14
Current TP set:
ItemSet 398511
I only have Twashtar and Vajra for REMA. Should I make Centovente with Twashtar in off-hand? Someone said I didn't need Dedition Earring either but I should use Suppanomimi for more Dual Wield? Maybe my Dual Wield is not capped with this set?
Hetairoi Ring vs. Epona's Ring too?
By buttplug 2025-02-22 05:45:00
Face down
*** up
That's the way i like to play
What year is it?
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-02-22 06:12:13
Centovente is like 3x better than Tauret so...yes? I assume by "with Twashtar in the off-hand" you mean "in the off-hand with Twashtar (in the main hand)"? In which case yes. Twash/Cento is very, very good for THF.
I would definitely wear Pillager's over Plunderer's vest.
I think Epona's is better than Hetairoi, white damage on THF is ***.
Whether or not you need more DW depends how much magic haste you have. If you have capped magic haste, you are already capped on DW.
I think Dedition is BiS if you don't need any accuracy, though Sherida is also a good option.
You didn't ask about this specifically, but Aurgelmir Orb+1 is better than Ginsen. In most cases, I'd say Coiste (even unaugmented) is better than Ginsen.
Final note: this set is (obviously) squishy as all hell. Fine for farming trash that can't hurt you, but be careful putting this on anywhere near anything that might look your way and isn't a total pussy.
By Kaffy 2025-02-22 07:10:46
Reiki Yotai is all the dual wield from gear you need (technically 1 over). If you have Malignance, wear it 4/5 with empy head. Note the sets on BG use jugo kukri, this is only because of the insanely low delay it has for WS frequency, Centovente offhand will still stomp it and there aren't many things you can't wear Centovente for.
By buttplug 2025-02-22 07:38:52
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Kaffy 2025-02-22 07:47:38
What is that video intending to show? You're holding TP way too long, and could be doing a 3 step that would kill those instead of just Rudra > Rudra leaving them alive.
By buttplug 2025-02-22 07:59:34
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 184
By Bismarck.Johnb 2025-02-22 09:50:05
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Final note: this set is (obviously) squishy as all hell. Fine for farming trash that can't hurt you, but be careful putting this on anywhere near anything that might look your way and isn't a total pussy.
I was trying to create best DPS set without regards to DT. I know Malignance has a lot of DT. If I was tanking something or in a fight with heavy AoE, I would use Malignance.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 184
By Bismarck.Johnb 2025-02-22 10:43:46
Note the sets on BG use jugo kukri, this is only because of the insanely low delay it has for WS frequency, Centovente offhand will still stomp it and there aren't many things you can't wear Centovente for.
why not just replace Jugo Kukri +1 with Centovente then if it is best?
Also, most of the sets on https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Community_Thief_Guide say Gleti's Knife / Crepuscular Knife for off-hand with Twashtar main, so are you saying Centovente is better than those options?
By Kaffy 2025-02-22 10:58:14
yes, in the case of that bg guide the metric used was time to WS for the TP set. potentially misleading if you aren't familiar with the sim. Centovente is by far the biggest boost to Twashtar dps no matter what else you're wearing. the only time not to use Centovente is if your accuracy in offhand suffers due to lack of ilvl stats.
By Nariont 2025-02-22 11:59:37
I was trying to create best DPS set without regards to DT. I know Malignance has a lot of DT. If I was tanking something or in a fight with heavy AoE, I would use Malignance.
honestly i just use malig/sakpata style armor for everything, the ability to dodge just about every debuff thrown at you on trash is great for the minor DPS loss, taking very little dmg ontop of it is just a bonus
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-22 12:46:06
The only time I've found use in a glass cannon set for THF is when solo farming Sheols A/B lower floors or Swart Farming for mats on non AE mobs, where the mobs can't harm me faster than Ygnas can keep me alive. And with that, it's usually a Crit AM3 Set and the mobs die in a mere few seconds. Other than those two low tier content scenarios, I find no advantage of having a full DPS-focused build for anything. Not that I play THF for much besides those two anyways, but even mildly fighting higher level monsters, my THF gets absolutely wrecked if 1-2 attacks get through. It's just not worth it for any practical situating imo
By Kaffy 2025-02-22 12:54:51
I think empy feet are worth considering for TP too, they're pretty sturdy and if you're playing thf you probably are doing it for TH anyway.
By Nariont 2025-02-22 12:57:36
Minor SB swaps can also be nice, TP feed on THF is absolutely stupid, why they didnt give that job any level of subtle blow confuses me given how many swings in a round it does on average.
Apart from the usual SE hates THF anyway
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-02-22 13:01:26
It got job ability subtle blow with 20% uptime.
SE; "Good enough"
(If it had triple duration, it would almost be)
By Nariont 2025-02-22 13:08:47
It got job ability subtle blow with 20% uptime.
*so long as proper conditions are met
can still get +20 i guess but yeah uptimes still awful
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-02-22 19:50:24
Highest Physical evasion, probably lowest magical evasion... I don't think the subtle blow is the problem.
By Nariont 2025-02-22 20:03:25
considering many TP moves are magical in nature these days and/or have some sort of debuff attached, a job that has native 0 SB and swings 4~5/round with little time inbetween. TP builds up quickly even when just solo.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 225
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2025-02-23 09:36:14
I think empy feet are worth considering for TP too, they're pretty sturdy and if you're playing thf you probably are doing it for TH anyway.
Empy feet are perfect for tanking and stay alive mode as they offer a ton of dt and just a beyond massive amount of eva/meva. To me the TH is just a bonus but most of you will have them already for just that.
However, Id never use them in a full dps or even a hybrid set. The relic feet are just way too good to not wear for tp. There's a ton of other pieces id shift in a hybrid set before touching the boots.
BUT, empy feet are by far the easiest way to hit full 50% dt without compromising every bit of your tp set if you need the full 50.
By Kaffy 2025-02-23 10:09:19
You're right, Relic feet are great and you don't always need to full time TH. Even making a full dps set I'd still consider Malignance Boots over Plunderer's Poulaines though if I needed that 60 meva, although Null equipment can cover some of that loss.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 225
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2025-02-23 14:13:05
Malignance is very nice for lots of spots, but don't neglect the low(ish) defense rating.
ItemSet 396327
This is my total survival/tank set that I can do some really interesting things with. Besides being eva capped on basically anything, it's also 50%dt, shirks 13% of spells, and I can tank with hate control on everything with collaborator if I have another solid dd in my party. If I'm way over eva cap I swap dagger before anything to one of the usual suspects.
I've recently experimented with swapping malignance for nyame in places, though, just for the full-on DEF stats.