For The Shinies! A Guide For Thief

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For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
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Posts: 4
By Agraxnish 2024-10-02 14:20:42
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Personally, I find this to be quite insane. No offense.

Yes, Gav is a deviant, and is aggressively french. I just assumed you knew that. I still appreciate him.

But in all seriousness you can do this on any jobs that can swing a decent dagger and multitask swarts and cards, and there's other aoe methods that work as well, for instance cataclysm.

Yes thf does it best, but if you're like me you got more thf cards than you need for sure.
Server: Phoenix
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user: gavroches
Posts: 216
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-10-02 15:28:10
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I have so many cards… I don’t bother with cards events… but yeah I do omen for swarts nothing else, log in, spend 10 min in omen and go for a nap. I would have never farm all those without that SU5, the easiest solo Gil/time imo
By K123 2024-10-02 18:23:58
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Nariont said: »
K123 said: »
If you're not super elite or not so confident then there's the aoe greatsword ws that sleeps mobs too. Works on all mobs in omen?

If you wanna go super slow, sure. Shockwaves dmg is pretty poor compared to everything else
Very slow but very safe!
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-02 18:51:15
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SimonSes said: »
For Swarts farming, Earth crusher would only have advantage on Panopts.

If it's versus Fell Cleave, I'll take Earth Crusher so I don't have to worry about positioning and again defender up.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2024-10-03 01:17:00
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
SimonSes said: »
For Swarts farming, Earth crusher would only have advantage on Panopts.

If it's versus Fell Cleave, I'll take Earth Crusher so I don't have to worry about positioning and again defender up.

Not sure how you came up with Fell Cleave, when I was answering your post and there was nothing about Fell Cleave there :) Earth Crusher will only have an advantage over Cataclysm on Panopts.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
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By Asura.Shiraj 2024-10-03 07:04:34
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So I'm thinking of picking up THF for gil farming in segments and general TH stuff(picking chests + killing mimic with some relatively low geared alts I'm making), If I were to evasion tank Sheol A is it doable without outside sources like Mambos etc?

And secondly, what daggers are viable? I would prefer not to make Twashtar or Vajra if that matters. Last time I played THF was SA/TA killing Erinys with Aeneas lol
By Shichishito 2024-10-03 07:30:44
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I'm not sure trying to solo eva tank on THF (as in mass pulling for TP from SU5) is a good idea in any shoel.
Even if you manage to cap eva without mambos afaik eva is capped at 80%, meaning 20% go thru eva check and since everything in there hits like a truck I can see your trusts/heal bots pulling hate quickly with cure bombs.

With the right equipment you should be able to eva pull as long as there is some sort of AoE crowd control ready at camp.
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
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By Asura.Melliny 2024-10-03 09:25:53
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Even if you manage to cap eva without mambos afaik eva is capped at 80%, meaning 20%

It is. Accuracy cap is 99% with 1 handed weapons, 95% for 2 handed and ranged weapons, and evasion caps at 80%. No matter what you do you're getting hit 1 out of every 5 swings. That's perfectly fine in omen, but not in odyssey.

For the record, I'm pretty sure I determined the evasion cap on sweetwater mobs to be somewhere in the 1250 range. You can get around 1270 evasion with empyrean head, gleti's body hands and legs, and empyrean feet and regular accessories. That'll give you almost 200 more defense than malignance. And that's with twashtar and gleti's knife. If you added in evasion accessories or threw gandring into the mix you could easily cap your evasion and add a ton of physical defense to your set. Omen swart cleaving is easy nowadays. Mind numbingly repetitive.... but easy.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-03 10:09:54
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Sheol A mobs, depending on floor, definitely do not hit like trucks. I used to pull 5 of them at a time and regen would keep me capped up. Not saying pull 30 at once, but you won't be taking hundreds per hit, at least on the first few floors.

Their accuracy is also trash. I was being missed constantly on brd, cor, and other non-evasion jobs in engaged sets with no consideration for evasion.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-03 10:35:00
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
SimonSes said: »
For Swarts farming, Earth crusher would only have advantage on Panopts.

If it's versus Fell Cleave, I'll take Earth Crusher so I don't have to worry about positioning and again defender up.

Not sure how you came up with Fell Cleave, when I was answering your post and there was nothing about Fell Cleave there :) Earth Crusher will only have an advantage over Cataclysm on Panopts.

I thought the Unseelie at the end don't take dark or wind damage, but I could be wrong. I remember them menacing alliance members when Omen was new and Earth Crusher works just fine against them.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2024-10-03 11:00:40
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
I thought the Unseelie at the end don't take dark or wind damage, but I could be wrong. I remember them menacing alliance members when Omen was new and Earth Crusher works just fine against them.

I thought they are Pixies not Unseelie. If they are Unseelie, then you are right and they would have rank 20% against dark, so indeed Earth would have an advantage.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: NynJa
Posts: 4561
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-03 11:07:12
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Why would you intentionally pull multiple sheol mobs solo? I thought they take -99% secondary damage?

I get gandring tp for evades, but theres a point where the risk exceeds the potential reward if something goes wrong, especially with trusts keeping you alive. Different story with a pocket healer that can cast while your weapons are sheathed.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2024-10-03 11:14:41
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Why would you intentionally pull multiple sheol mobs solo? I thought they take -99% secondary damage?

I get gandring tp for evades, but theres a point where the risk exceeds the potential reward if something goes wrong?

I mean there is probably a sweet spot (I mean number of mobs on each floor) that you could find out, where it's not really risky, then check if that sweet spot still gives you enough TP from Gandring proces to beat other main hand options.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
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By Asura.Shiraj 2024-10-03 11:49:48
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Why would you intentionally pull multiple sheol mobs solo? I thought they take -99% secondary damage?
I have been doing it on RUN + COR for my only DDs while multiboxing and I mass pull so I can just auto target burn through them, but I was curious if Eva tanking doing a similar strat would work whilst also adding chest picking to my runs, but yeah I would probably need to adjust some stuff around to make it work.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Reze
Posts: 22
By Ragnarok.Reze 2024-10-18 12:46:28
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Came back to the game this year and trying to pick up on some of this stuff. Followed the conversation about farming Swartz a bit, to finish Omen in 10-15 minutes are you pulling everything and AoEing it down with Aeolian Edge? What gear is needed for this? Is the set in this guide with Herculean enough or something beyond? Wouldn't the damage of entire group make this risky? What Trusts are used?

For context I just completed Malignance, have Adhemar +1, Pillager's +2, Plunderer & Empyrean +1, Tauret, Shijo & Crepuscular, Sherida/Odr/Moonshade. M.Level 27.

Just trying to get geared up enough for group content, and the extra gil would help. I suppose Gleti's and Plunderer's is not something I can solo? Just trying to figure out where to focus my energy to finish getting geared for content.
Posts: 187
By Atrox78 2024-10-18 13:00:44
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Ragnarok.Reze said: »
Came back to the game this year and trying to pick up on some of this stuff. Followed the conversation about farming Swartz a bit, to finish Omen in 10-15 minutes are you pulling everything and AoEing it down with Aeolian Edge? What gear is needed for this? Is the set in this guide with Herculean enough or something beyond? Wouldn't the damage of entire group make this risky? What Trusts are used?

For context I just completed Malignance, have Adhemar +1, Pillager's +2, Plunderer & Empyrean +1, Tauret, Shijo & Crepuscular, Sherida/Odr/Moonshade. M.Level 27.

Just trying to get geared up enough for group content, and the extra gil would help. I suppose Gleti's and Plunderer's is not something I can solo? Just trying to figure out where to focus my energy to finish getting geared for content.

I use empy 3 head and feet, Malignance legs and body and gletis or nyame hands. Standard tp accessories. This has more then enough dt and evasion to pull in omen. I'd imagine full Malignance would be just fine as well.

In my experience, plunders is not needed but I have grinding and empy feet which with traits is th11. Chances of procing above that on a solo omen is slim to none.

As for soling gear, youre not going to be able to solo oddy bosses unfortunately. You can however solo unlock sortie for empy 3. I'd prioritize getting feet to plus 3 asap. Great dt, evasion and caps you on th with thf traits. I also full time these feet in my AE set so I know everything hit has atleast th 8.

P.S i say plunders is not needed having r25 nyame and do not min max my thf for party content. You will definitely want the ws peicez of af a d relic until you get nyame going.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2024-10-18 13:05:32
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Ragnarok.Reze said: »
Came back to the game this year and trying to pick up on some of this stuff. Followed the conversation about farming Swartz a bit, to finish Omen in 10-15 minutes are you pulling everything and AoEing it down with Aeolian Edge?

Start with 1 pack at a time until you're used to it. You want malignance and nyame for WS to keep your DT/evasion high, path C dyna-div dagger speeds things up as you get passive TP very quickly, otherwise you'll need to get your TP off the transcended mobs, still doable just slower.

You can use other WS gear aside from nyame but its a lot more dangerous for that brief window you're without all the eva/DT, and those hits pile up quick when its 8+ swinging
By Shichishito 2024-10-18 13:06:25
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you'll want to make sure to use healer trusts that don't run like yoran as they can pull hate with cure bombs and the mobs will run out of AE range.
If you don't use the SU5 weapon or a lower tier of it you can probably also add valaineral tank for extra safety, just make sure you summon him first and the trust healer right after so they stay as close to you as possible.

You'll pull in a eva set mostly containing malignance. I think what makes it a lot safer is nyame set. If you try a full pull relying on herculean (WS set) it can get sketchy because both the absence of safety layers like eva and -DT and the lower DMG output which means enemies stay alive for longer.
I think it has been done befor nyame but I'd personly would split a camp up into ~3 pulls to be on the saver side, then again this takes longer to the point your not wasting a lot more time going one by one I guess.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2024-10-18 13:16:05
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/rdm and a phalanx+ kit go a long way as well, can also try to time the phalanx+ swaps for when koru or kings casts it but i was never able to get that consistent
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 208
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2024-10-18 13:20:58
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Ragnarok.Reze said: »
Came back to the game this year and trying to pick up on some of this stuff. Followed the conversation about farming Swartz a bit, to finish Omen in 10-15 minutes are you pulling everything and AoEing it down with Aeolian Edge? What gear is needed for this? Is the set in this guide with Herculean enough or something beyond? Wouldn't the damage of entire group make this risky? What Trusts are used?

For context I just completed Malignance, have Adhemar +1, Pillager's +2, Plunderer & Empyrean +1, Tauret, Shijo & Crepuscular, Sherida/Odr/Moonshade. M.Level 27.

Just trying to get geared up enough for group content, and the extra gil would help. I suppose Gleti's and Plunderer's is not something I can solo? Just trying to figure out where to focus my energy to finish getting geared for content.

So as was said, a hybrid of malignance and empy +3 will give you all the evasion you need for those 5 slots, you will have to mix and match if you want to min/max to also have 50% dt. pack as much evasion in accessory slots as you can, but bear in mine the evasion cap is 80%, so you will reach a max(not sure what that value is though)

herc gear lacks both the evasion and DT to really be functional for an evasion build. i'll post my evasion set when I get home, I don't yet have it in the item sets section.

regarding TH, thief nativly gets th3, so with the addition of the empy +3 feet, that's all you need to prob the base of th8 on every mob you hit. Ideally, you'll want to keep those feet on full time for omen since they have -11% dt, and are also the best evasion feet you can get.

If you can get your hands on a gandring, that's ideal, but takes dynamis to augment it, or a substantial amount of gil to buy the crystals to augment. The reason this is so nice is both because of the massive boost to evasion, and the tp gain when evading attacks. You can absolutely get by without it though, or even if you choose to get the tier 1/2 daggers instead.

Looking over the gear you posted, give it a try with full malignance and adding any evasion you can find. sadly the adhemar +1, plunderer's and pillagers lack the evasion and DT to truly be functional in an evasion cleave.

until you get gleti knife, I'd go crepuscular/shijo, then with gleti, take that main hand over crep.

you can find a substantial amount of evasion gear on the AH from my recollection.
Posts: 41
By spicychai 2024-10-22 17:33:57
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Does trick attack or sneak attack being done wrong still trigger the TH proc?

i.e. say I use sneak attack but hit from the front.
Server: Phoenix
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user: gavroches
Posts: 216
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-10-23 05:12:17
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Never saw a "wrong" SA/TA proc, I do farm omen daily with multiple SA/TA per run
Posts: 706
By Drayco 2024-10-23 05:23:06
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You definitely don't get the added chance from SA or TA if it's not used correctly. That doesn't mean you can't just get a normal melee swing TH proc while doing SA from the front.

I would love to see SE cut SA/TA timers down to 15seconds. Fights used to be drastically slower paced and 60s recast barely made sense then.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 208
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2024-10-23 08:23:16
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spicychai said: »
Does trick attack or sneak attack being done wrong still trigger the TH proc?

i.e. say I use sneak attack but hit from the front.

So as far as I 'm aware, the only way it wouldn't "proc" is if the attack physically missed, like during perfect dodge or if it's absorbed by a shadow. I don't believe dealing damage is a requirement, so invincible shouldn't prevent it from functioning normally. I believe, since the buff is consumed even if performed incorrectly, all the terminology suggests it's the application of the condition, not whether the parameters are met that adds to the proc chance.

This is interesting though because I 've never tested this specifically, and I'm not sure others have either. the TH upgrading system is already fairly inconsistent, but I'm not sure there's a viable way to accurately test this besides lots of grinding. also Th increases do not post during a weaponskill, or during a multi attack, making it more difficult to confirm what action caused the upgrade. I suppose you could strip down all additional multi attack gear, but you will still have at least 6% from thf natively, so it's still not a perfect system.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-23 10:16:56
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Sylph.Timepassesbye said: »
also Th increases do not post during a weaponskill, or during a multi attack, making it more difficult to confirm what action caused the upgrade. I suppose you could strip down all additional multi attack gear, but you will still have at least 6% from thf natively, so it's still not a perfect system.

TH doesn't post in the chatlog when upgraded by a WS and cannot be proc'd on multi attacks or offhand attacks which is an important distinction. I don't think there's any need or benefit from taking off MA gear (except making the log easier to read/count).
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [84 days between previous and next post]
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-01-15 00:36:30
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So, thoughts on evasion sets with the new Null gear?

I was using Platinum Moogle Belt and Ambu back before this week for my Gandring eva set, which was also a perfect DT-50% (with DT-5% on cape):
ItemSet 397856

Now gathered up the Null accessories (no masque, unsurprisingly) and kinda want to work in the Null Shawl and Null Belt... but that makes me want to make up for the loss of 8% DT.

Best swaps? Was thinking I could go D.Ring and swap out the Infused Earring for Odnowa +1... but IDK, is this already overkill for most practical purposes? Maybe better to add more Meva/MDT/DEF or something?

Even if I had the Null Masque, don't think I'd want to lose Turms +1, better Meva/Eva (don't forget Turms +1 has 15 more AGI), better regen/regain, and nearly the same DEF/HP/MDB... the DT-10% is the only real advantage for Null. I see that more as a not-THF piece for a nice all jobs (that aren't THF DNC RUN) idle piece.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2025-01-15 01:29:45
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Gelat+1/D.Ring? Only thing that comes to mind that doesnt remove evasion, you'd lose bout 100~ HP though along with the STP but i think thad put you at a perfect 50 PDT/43 DT
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-15 01:54:41
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Acrontica offhand will give you exactly 8% DT. If you've put RP into it, it adds a ton to your defensive stats with Meva/HP/DT/Defense/MDB/AGI/VIT and there's no defensive weapon like it. You'd lose Malevolence and a lot of damage from your AE (I assume its for this, only reason for that offhand), so you'd have to decide if the additional defensive stats are worth the huge loss in damage. It also depends on how many AEs you require to kill whatever you're cleaving. I would also assume it's for Omen fodder, since that's really the only cleave-worthy thing that THF Evasion tanks with Gandring (I suppose also Dynamis-D).

Omen fodder can be killed in one WS most of the time, no more than two. If you're already using 2 AEs to cleave a group, then Malevolence isn't necessary at all and you can make the swap. If everything dies in one WS, then the swap isn't worth it. In any case, if it is indeed a set for Omen fodder, more evasion/def/dt/mdb/meva doesn't really matter much anyways, since they're trash and die quickly. Its minmaxing just for the sake of minmaxing, whether practical or not. There's not too much anymore that requires a max evasion set on THF, unless it's something like pulling Seg Farm groups, in which case Malevolence isn't what you'd OH.

I have a couple sets that use Acrontica, but it's a niche use like THF Key Farming in Sheol B when I need survival to get away from a Mimic and die, or running into a Halo group to open a chest and survive as long as possible while getting out of range to Reraise after the inevitable death.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-01-15 03:08:00
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Yeah, that makes sense. But overall, offhand is definitely the least locked-in piece there. Maybe full on defense is the right way sometimes. Though I'll still want to make as good of a defensive set as I can for any situations where I might want a different offhand for whatever reason, whether Malevolence for AE farming (but good point about whether it reliably reduces # of WS), maybe Centovente for weird but fun stuff like solo/lowman Omen bosses, Gleti's for... idk whatever.

Still feels a little unnecessary to me to give up that much offense to lock in a defensive sub-weapon slot, when you could just make more minor concessions with a couple armor pieces in your idle evasion/DT set.

You're probably right that it's more minmaxing for trash. But that's part of the fun of this game sometimes.
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