For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
By Slowforever 2023-02-03 21:39:26
This is the new updated BiS squishy tp set. I don't expect FFXIah's database to be updated with the new stuff for a little bit, but I'll include the +2 empyrean hat and earring to the build when they get added. It's honestly kind of ridiculous. We have a native 19% triple attack rate with merits and gifts, and the set adds 48% more. The earring is really juicy.
ItemSet 342123
I feel like adhemar is outdated, I'm using malig gloves in that set (don't have earring yet) to up the baseline DT level I'm using especially with master levels
I use gleti glove and empy legs for my squishy (sorta) set. Primarily being used for the push to max master level. Twashtar seems to be the dps monster that will get me there. Also I don't like having double attack in my set. I prefer the crit 5% earring and ammo slot is the Yetshila +1. Oh and Gerde belt. Yotai is nice but the attack delay with TA procs is already bonkers. I swap out Hetairoi ring for D ring if I want to cap DT. I'm curious does battle mod addon consolidate your triple attacks dmg? I kinda like it but sometimes I don't. Currently my best attack was around 9k with minimal buffs. I use 2 piece empy and probably got a proc from that.
edit: - question about empy +3 hands- are they bis for ws? Or only when you use SA? The attack(also add big str), and dex seem insane and maybe beat nyame?
double edit:- how much crit does that aurgelmir orb + 1 add? Maybe I'll go with that, although I am liking min maxing my crit damage. The scoreboard is a lot more fun to look at :D
Server: Asura
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Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2023-02-11 11:34:21
Quote: I use gleti glove and empy legs for my squishy (sorta) set.
Gleti's Breeches is a better option than skulker's culottes +3 imo. Gleti's has the same crit rate and at R30 it also gets 5% triple attack, and even R25 still has 3% TA. This does come with the caveat that you need gleti's knife offhand to fully cap haste. This is a situation where the 2% haste on gleti's knife is actually relevant, since gleti's legs and gloves are lacking compared to alternatives.
I agree with Gleti's gloves over adhemar +1, especially with Rank 30 augs. You get 8 STP on top of the damage stats. The accessory choices are personal preference. Yetshila +1 odr ear and crit cape versus orb sherida and sTP cape have been discussed before. I think they're equally viable. Swapping in the two gleti's pieces also brings the physical -dt up to 25, so it's not quite as squishy as it used to be. It's still not a full hybrid, and the empyrean legs would push it up to 30% physical, but this is a dps build so I'd rather opt for the gletis given the purpose here.
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By Asura.Eiryl 2023-04-13 14:25:02
Close enough. A piece here and there are probably second bests but it's a non noticeable difference.
I don't know if I'd still use adhemar in the evisceration set but everything else looks fine.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2023-04-13 16:32:08
Adhemar is outdated. There is no notable difference in killspeed using it over the more defensive hybrid options we've got. This is what I recommend for an evisceration build. It nearly caps -pdt without sacrificing dps output. Gleti's mask works just fine too. You lose some crit rate but gain a big chunk of attack. I'd use either of those over adhemar bonnet in the current era.
ItemSet 390936
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Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2023-05-24 11:13:15
Looks like we've all got some decisions to make....
Cornelia's seemed obvious to me but Lehko's may offer more mileage (tp and evis) and in current meta may actually be a better fit....but for the loss of TA on tp.
But fully buffed? Ephram I would think may be the winner?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2023-05-24 12:53:31
It's personal preference and you can't go wrong with any of those options. Pick what you want the most. The dialogue accompanying the choice eludes to that mentality anyway heh.
I picked Lehko's Ring and I have no regrets. BiS TP ring, BIS Evisceration piece, wonderful synergy with twashter's white damage build. The store TP does impact weaponskill damage too, so it's not like you aren't getting better weaponskill numbers by building TP better, especially with the way rudra's tp scaling works. I play a lot of dancer and ranger too and I built gandiva recently so there's a lot of cross overlap for me, and I'll be using it on monk for victory smite. All the choices are great. Just choose one and be happy with it. Don't let yourself get caught up in the paradox of choice. Any of those options will serve you exceptionally well.
By DaneBlood 2023-05-27 15:36:37
havent really focussed on my own character ver the last 5 months.
I'm still rocking 5/5 malignance for thif TP phase. is this still the Goto for a hybrid TP set ?
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By Blazed1979 2023-07-08 04:21:11
what's the TH cap for jobs subbing /THF and does TH+ augments on gear stack up?
Example: Is BLU with TH+6 from gear augments applying TH6 when tagging a mob?
By Blazed1979 2023-07-08 08:20:48
so then there's no real need for /THF if I can tag things as BLU with 4x TH+1 augments on gear?
Thanks for the reply, appreciated.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-07-08 08:28:01
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2023-08-18 15:10:16
I (might be) back, what'd I miss?
New WS looks...pretty sexy, cause exenterator is trash and it's a frag WS. Last I played I unlocked some Odyssey gear (Nyame and Gleti) but don't even have augments. What should I be focusing on?
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-08-18 15:17:33
Focus on not wasting your time, missed nothing, missing nothing.
Get your augments. They've added nothing of any relevance since you've been gone except empyrean+3 which you already know you want. Zero new anything.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2023-08-18 15:19:30
Glad to see after so many years you haven't changed.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-08-18 15:21:41
I keep it one hundred. No reason to ever alter that.
Oh you should probably do/finish TVR, it comes with a new scenario ring.
https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Lehko%27s_Ring Probably the one you want but the other link has em all.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Nickeny 2023-08-18 15:25:53
He isnt wrong tho... Welcome back
By Nariont 2023-08-18 15:32:03
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »What should I be focusing on?
Pretty much the 1 event you had been working on(ody) and the 1 event you havent done yet(sortie) that's all you missed along with TVR storyline finishing so you get your 1 ring, that's really about it
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2023-08-18 15:41:31
Any of the Odyssey bosses that are THF-friendly? Looking at the two piercing weak ones and I recall the ice lion does fat AOE dispels and that bee has always been a bit annoying to fight. They mostly considered "Just do COR+RNG, THF sucks"?
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-18 15:50:08
I think you can squeeze a THF into some weird niche Ongo setups, or some 3-phone setups, but I have never used THF on any single-phone setup for any boss in Ody
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Demetor 2023-08-18 15:52:18
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »Any of the Odyssey bosses that are THF-friendly? Looking at the two piercing weak ones and I recall the ice lion does fat AOE dispels and that bee has always been a bit annoying to fight. They mostly considered "Just do COR+RNG, THF sucks"?
THF could fit in a ranged strategy for Lion using Ambuscade bow, you can also melee him with a TP suppression strategy (probably solo DD pre-V20, TP on add with other DDs for V20+). Ranger strategy is generally more popular. I don't think ranger works well on bee due to hate resets so most everyone just melees him. You could work as an SC person on Ongo but you're not the star in that case. Naegling + SB spam on the Slashing guys.
In general from a pug perspective it's probably not very popular outside of bee, but if you have friends you could reasonably make it work for anything while you clear Veng levels until 25 where the strategies are much more specialized.
By Nariont 2023-08-18 15:52:27
Wasn't there some arrebati strats using basically anyone who could use tp bonus weapons and pulse bow to fire off 3k empyreal arrows to do damage without being in danger?
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-08-18 15:53:06
(T3 if that needs to be said)
V15 maybe V20 you can do whatever you want. THF also isn't limited to pierce. You got Naegling you got Karambit. THF has bows too.
25 Prolly ain't happening. But 25 ain't really happening in general, so it's kind of a moot point.
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-18 15:56:21
Yeah you can Naegling + SB if you want to do worse than like...7 other jobs which can do the same thing. Or you can use Karambit if you want to do worse than like...6 jobs which can do the same thing better. I mean...maybe it's the 5th best job at shooting from range?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Demetor 2023-08-18 15:58:03
Cool, but they want to play THF.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Tomasello 2023-08-18 16:02:02
Wasn't there some arrebati strats using basically anyone who could use tp bonus weapons and pulse bow to fire off 3k empyreal arrows to do damage without being in danger?
Our group killed V15 using a thf with centovente spamming last stand instead of a GEO lol.
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-18 16:20:58
Cool, but they want to play THF.
I mean, they asked:
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »Any of the Odyssey bosses that are THF-friendly?
To which my answer would be: no. None of the bosses in Odyssey are THF-friendly. Nobody will ever ask you to come on THF, and (essentially) no guides, strategies, or recommendations ask you to bring a THF.
You can probably get by with a THF on a lot of the V15 and maybe some of the V20, as others have demonstrated above. Your group may be strong enough that you can even struggle through some of the V25 (T1-2) with a THF if you want. That doesn't make them THF-friendly, it makes them easy enough that you can jerry-rig a THF into the fight without losing. DNC is better than THF every time you want to do piercing damage (except with a bow). Nobody cares about Collaborator or Conspirator, or anything else THF has to offer.
I'm a big fan of THF, I have all the REMAs and many of them are R15, I have the Su5 dagger, tons of THF JSE, and I play it on a fairly regular basis. Doesn't make it any better for odyssey, and I've never used it in Odyssey.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 33
By Bismarck.Demetor 2023-08-18 16:48:45
Fair enough. I think they could clear through V20 just slotting in THF instead of another generic DD slot without adding any struggles or pushing the clock or anything and I felt that fit the definition of "friendly", despite being non-optimal. Ongo strategy seems dumb, and single-phone V25 strategies obviously need all the optimized DPS they can get, so those are situations I'd consider unfriendly. I for sure wouldn't expect PUGs to play along though at any Veng+15 or higher.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2023-08-18 16:52:34
THF is the job that'll come back to me the quickest, but if nothing is overly friendly there I'll probably COR or RUN if I see a chance. Just need to figure out how Odyssey works and the best thing for me to do if I end up multi-boxing it, having access to some people in an LS, or pure pugging it. Cause I have seen these bosses maybe once or twice years ago, so I don't really remember much, know the metas, know how much power creep has changed what works, etc.
Any good place to farm the new job mastery thing as THF? Probably gonna fire up the quint-box for the free time (my 3/4/5's need no wardrobes so they're 'full power' during this login, not paying for them long term though) but I don't remember how to do all that so maybe a place with just THF+GEO with trusts is the good play.
By AegParm 2023-08-18 20:14:26
Depending on your gear and support, apex bats in dho and outerrakaznar, locus bats in KRT or locus colibri in the old colibri camp in the thickets are good places for piercing weak, in order of acc requirements.