For The Shinies! A Guide For Thief

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For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
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By 2022-10-16 07:50:46
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Server: Asura
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user: xXSagaXx
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By Asura.Sagaxi 2022-10-16 07:59:25
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@Jyubeii Thanks a lot! I guess I had the wrong link!
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
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By Asura.Melliny 2022-10-21 12:14:56
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Hello! Is there a guide up-to-date-or-so somwhere I could see? BGwiki guide is still under work it seems. Wondering about sets, and if I should R15 Aenas, or go with another weapon? I don't plan on making a Twash anytime soon! <3 Edit: also offhand? Gleti?

Aeneas/gleti's is fine, but honestly I think Tauret/gleti's works even better. Don't underestimate that evisceration bonus. It's a very strong weapon.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2022-10-21 12:46:44
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Asura.Melliny said: »
Hello! Is there a guide up-to-date-or-so somwhere I could see? BGwiki guide is still under work it seems. Wondering about sets, and if I should R15 Aenas, or go with another weapon? I don't plan on making a Twash anytime soon! <3 Edit: also offhand? Gleti?

Aeneas/gleti's is fine, but honestly I think Tauret/gleti's works even better. Don't underestimate that evisceration bonus. It's a very strong weapon.

Agree 100%.
I have r15 Aeneas, vajra, twash, and mandau. I almost never use tauret, but each of those daggers is situational to be the best.

Right out of the box and in every situation tauret is top notch, though. Really dummy-proof.
Server: Asura
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user: xXSagaXx
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By Asura.Sagaxi 2022-10-21 13:28:14
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Thanks for the input everyone! I get that like "most" any other jobs, weapons and gear is situational; I'm just not a career thf, and was looking for a general go-to weapons combo.
By 2022-10-21 13:57:31
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Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-10-21 14:16:12
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It really shouldn't. 17 higher dex.

(But) The difference will be unnoticeable.
Posts: 9208
By SimonSes 2022-10-21 14:27:19
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Asura.Jyubeii said: »
need a math wiz to confirm, is gleti's cuirass really beating skulker's vest +3 for capped attack unstacked rudra's? i find that hard to believe but may be underestimating the value of pdl

Skulker+3 body is better. +3 head is much bigger upgrade at attack cap tho. Gleti legs are very small upgrade over Nyame at this point (less than 1%), not worth to switch to imo.
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2022-10-21 16:58:35
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need a math wiz to confirm, is gleti's cuirass really beating skulker's vest +3 for capped attack unstacked rudra's? i find that hard to believe but may be underestimating the value of pdl

Skulker's vest +3 is just flat out BiS rudra's body regardless of situation. Attack capped or no, it just wins every time. The gap is much smaller when attack is capped, but it's still ahead. It has the same WSD as R25 nyame, more dex than any other body (by a notable amount), and the highest attack of any body. It's really powerful.
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-10-21 17:04:28
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Salty has gleti's in the "guide" that's why he asked (capped unstacked)
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2022-10-21 17:11:03
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I don't think the guide has been updated with empyrean +3 pieces yet. If it was still the +2 variant then gletis would have been better for attack capped scenarios, but the +3 version swings things in the other direction. Basically if attack is capped then

Empyrean body +3 >> R25 Gleti's body >> Empyrean body +2 --> R25 Nyame body ---> Relic body +3 or Meghanada +2 ----------> everything else
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-10-21 17:22:40
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Yes, it's "up to date" with +3
12:06, 16 October 2022‎
Server: Cerberus
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user: Kylos
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2022-10-21 21:24:16
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Seems that some of the sets are updated with +3, but most have not.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-02 05:38:29
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I don't have a THF spreadsheet.
Did anybody ever compare Nyame Mail R25 to Plunderer's Vest +3?
We should define two different situations: Stacked (TA/SA) and unstacked.

When stacked that Crit Dmg +5% converts to something similar to WSD+5%

When unstacked the major difference is +22 DEX for Plunderer.
If I recall for Rudra's storm 1WSD should correspond very very roughly to something around ~4DEX, right?
So at best that 22 DEX should be in no way better than ~6% WSD.
Considering Nyame has 12% WSD that should make it the best choice among the two for unstacked, right?
For stacked they're probably very close but on a hunch I would bet on Nyame being slightly better.

Anybody has some numbers to corroborate or deny what I wrote so far?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-11-02 05:40:21
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It's 3 posts up brah
Asura.Melliny said: »
Empyrean body +3 >> R25 Gleti's body >> Empyrean body +2 --> R25 Nyame body ---> Relic body +3 or Meghanada +2 ----------> everything else
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-02 05:48:52
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Yeah that was about a specific situation (capped att unstacked) but I don't see "R25 Nyame > Relic+3" changing if uncapped and/or stacked.
Which is what I was inquiring about.

But I could expand that question for other slots though:

Stacked: AF+3 >= NyameR25
Unstacked: NyameR25 > AF+3

Nyame R25 > Meghanada+2

Stacked: Nyame R25 >= Relic+3 >= AF+3
Unstacked: Nyame R25 >= Relic+3 >= AF+3
Posts: 9208
By SimonSes 2022-11-02 06:23:55
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What's the point of debating which one is better when Skulker+2 body is better than both and +3 obviously is miles ahead.

Beside that legs and hands are close to what you wrote.

Head is more complicated, because there is also Empy+3 there that is way ahead for unstacked at attack cap (~7.8%), its better than AF+3 and worse than Nyame for unstacked uncapped attack.
For stacked capped attack, empy+3 is again ahead (2%)
and for stacked uncapped Nyame is not that far behind AF+3 (1.1% behind).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-02 06:28:49
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SimonSes said: »
What's the point
I'm trying to update my Lua and I want to see which of the options I currently have available is better.
Posts: 9208
By SimonSes 2022-11-02 06:46:13
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Asura.Sechs said: »
SimonSes said: »
What's the point
I'm trying to update my Lua and I want to see which of the options I currently have available is better.

Just use Nyame and get empy+2 :)

To answer your question tho, Relic+3 catches up and marginally pulls ahead for stacked Rudra.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [31 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 377
By luckycharms1877 2022-12-03 00:55:24
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Hey Sechs are you willing to share your Lua please?
Posts: 6
By Pookibear 2022-12-12 20:15:48
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
This is the new updated BiS squishy tp set. I don't expect FFXIah's database to be updated with the new stuff for a little bit, but I'll include the +2 empyrean hat and earring to the build when they get added. It's honestly kind of ridiculous. We have a native 19% triple attack rate with merits and gifts, and the set adds 48% more. The earring is really juicy.

ItemSet 342123

I feel like adhemar is outdated, I'm using malig gloves in that set (don't have earring yet) to up the baseline DT level I'm using especially with master levels
Server: Bismarck
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user: Tyconus
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By Bismarck.Tyconus 2022-12-13 09:04:45
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Would Gleti's Breeches r30 beat Pillager's Culottes +3?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-13 09:07:46
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("at attack cap")

Critical hit damage +5%


Physical damage limit +8%
Critical hit rate +7%
Posts: 6
By Pookibear 2022-12-30 00:44:05
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I saw earlier people talking about thf/mnk for raging fists access, what h2h WS would you use with karambit if you're not /mnk?
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2022-12-30 02:14:29
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Asuran fists

Think even when raging is available if youre firing off below round 1500 TP asurans better
Posts: 6
By Pookibear 2023-01-02 15:20:07
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What does your WS set for asuran fists look like?
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-02 15:43:24
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Likely just 4/5 Gleti's, Emp+3 head and any STR accessories you have (gorget, belt)

High acc att and all the pdl you can pile on
Posts: 320
By Izanami 2023-01-02 16:38:12
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Pookibear said: »
What does your WS set for asuran fists look like?
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Likely just 4/5 Gleti's, Emp+3 head and any STR accessories you have (gorget, belt)

High acc att and all the pdl you can pile on

This checks out on my end at least.

Asuran Fists: 1000-1300 TP
ItemSet 389308 ItemSet 389309

• Toutatis: STR+WSD

Sneak Attack
Yetshila +1
• Nyame Helm R25B
Skulker's Vest +3
• Nyame Boots R25B
• Skulker's Earring +2
• Sherida Earring

Trick Attack
Yetshila +1
• Nyame Helm R25B
Skulker's Vest +3
Pillager's Armlets +3
• Nyame Boots R25B
• Skulker's Earring +2
• Ishvara Earring

• Toutatis: STR+WSD

Sneak Attack
• No change.

Trick Attack
• No change.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2023-01-02 16:44:27
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You wanna use Odnowa Earring +1 in place of both telos and ishvara. Everything else looks correct.
Posts: 320
By Izanami 2023-01-02 16:54:24
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Asura.Melliny said: »
You wanna use Odnowa Earring +1 in place of both telos and ishvara. Everything else looks correct.

Thanks. I just added Odnowa Earring +1 R15 to my code. It's showing about about 15 damage (+0.1%) more than Telos with mid buffs and 67 damage (+0.2%) higher than Ishvara in high buffs. Plus the extra 3% DT and 2% MDT.

I've replaced Telos and Ishvara in the above sets.
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