For The Shinies! A Guide For Thief

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For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
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Server: Cerberus
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user: aerandir
Posts: 82
By Cerberus.Aerandir 2022-07-06 22:47:02
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Fingers crossed on them adjusting the interaction with Conspirator during the upgrade process! (Who am I kidding...)
Posts: 2759
By Nariont 2022-07-06 23:07:22
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it was a known issue back in january, did it never get fixed?
Server: Fenrir
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user: melphina
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By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-07-06 23:22:32
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They said they were aware of the issue and that they were going to fix it so I'd take them at their word that the conspirator effect will be working correctly now. We'll know one way or another come the release. It's not like it's hard to test after all. But my guess is it'll be fixed.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-07-07 01:29:35
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The +3 stats will probably be something like:

Skulker's Vest +3 (THF)
DEF:156 HP+93 STR+49 DEX+51 VIT+34 AGI+48 INT+31 MND+31 CHR+31 Accuracy+64 Attack+64 Magic Accuracy+64 Evasion+105 Magic Evasion+119 "Magic Def. Bonus"+10 Dagger skill +38 Haste+6% Augments "Conspirator" Weapon Skill Damage+10% Set: Augments "Triple Attack"

Compared to Nyame B V30
DEF:189 HP+136 MP+88 STR+35 DEX+24 VIT+35 AGI+33 INT+42 MND+37 CHR+35 Accuracy+40 Attack+60 Ranged Accuracy+40 Ranged Attack+60 Magic Accuracy+40 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+30 Evasion+102 Magic Evasion+139 "Magic Def. Bonus"+8 Haste+3% Magic burst damage +7 "Skillchain Bonus"+7 Damage taken -9% WSD +12%, DA+5%
Pet: Acc.+50 Ranged Acc.+50 Magic Acc.+50

Nyame offers somewhat low main stats, lotsa WSD and DA, which is barely useful on Rudra, be it stacked or unstacked.
Skulker+3 offers way more acc and att and 27 more DEX.
If we go by our old generic formula of 1WSD=5DEX for Rudra (which is not an absolute truth, just an approximation) than that alone is worth more than >5% WSD.
If you add a basic default value of 10% WSD on the body, then of course there's no comparison between that and even R30 Nyame.
+2 body should be somewhat close to R30 though.
By 2022-07-07 01:57:47
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2022-07-07 02:04:48
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Relic and AF followed the model of 5%/10% WSD respectively on +2 and +3 pieces.
So having +8 on the +2 could potentially mean something like +12/+13 on the +3.
We'll find out in November I guess.
Until then I'd like to assume the worst case scenario, and even with that scenario the +3 body trumps over even Nyame R30.
Supposing the R30 augs are what we assume they will be (from the data mine).
SE mentioned "a 4th augment slot" which could mean a series of things
1) R25>R30 augs will be different from what we expect for all pieces
2) R25>R30 augs will indeed add a 4th aug slot but just for accessories (they specifically mentioned those)
3) We will get the R25>R30 augs we expect AND we're gonna get a 4th slot too.

Putting that aside, SE themselves said that the new 5 levels of Odyssey Vengeance and consequentially 5 more Ranks for gear, would've come together with the first Empy reforge patch.
Then again they also said it would've been released in july whereas we know that the Empy+2 content is coming in august so... heh, let's not take what they said for granted.
But if we are to believe their words, then we can assume new Odyssey stuff being released in august as well.
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2022-07-07 02:52:02
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Currently Skulker +2 beats even R30. Nyame would need 14.5%WSD to match it. Also accuracy difference is huge, like around 60 accuracy more on Skulker. This can mean a lot in future to land additional hits or even currently to land offhand hit with Centovente. Those hits aren't huge part of overall damage, but still add more damage than few % of WSD. Attack is also much higher on Skulker +2 (27 more), which is important in uncapped scenario. If skulker +3 will be like 12%WSD and 56DEX, it will beat even Gleti's for capped attack.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-07-07 07:21:22
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Relic and AF followed the model of 5%/10% WSD respectively on +2 and +3 pieces.
So having +8 on the +2 could potentially mean something like +12/+13 on the +3.
We'll find out in November I guess.
Until then I'd like to assume the worst case scenario, and even with that scenario the +3 body trumps over even Nyame R30.
Supposing the R30 augs are what we assume they will be (from the data mine).
SE mentioned "a 4th augment slot" which could mean a series of things
1) R25>R30 augs will be different from what we expect for all pieces
2) R25>R30 augs will indeed add a 4th aug slot but just for accessories (they specifically mentioned those)
3) We will get the R25>R30 augs we expect AND we're gonna get a 4th slot too.

Putting that aside, SE themselves said that the new 5 levels of Odyssey Vengeance and consequentially 5 more Ranks for gear, would've come together with the first Empy reforge patch.
Then again they also said it would've been released in july whereas we know that the Empy+2 content is coming in august so... heh, let's not take what they said for granted.
But if we are to believe their words, then we can assume new Odyssey stuff being released in august as well.

Odyssey accessories only have two augment slots.

To my knowledge they have never given a timeframe for release of v25 odyssey

What they said was
  1. we’re thinking about releasing v25

  2. it’ll open extra augment slot

  3. jp players are very upset about current difficulty

I think that last bit is why we won’t see it for a while yet.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-07-07 08:23:01
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It makes me wonder just how good the other pieces in the empyrean sets will be on other jobs. If our +2 body is this impressive then some of the other pieces have stupid potential. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the dancer head.
Posts: 174
By IGDC 2022-07-07 09:02:04
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
It makes me wonder just how good the other pieces in the empyrean sets will be on other jobs. If our +2 body is this impressive then some of the other pieces have stupid potential. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the dancer head.

that's the first piece i'm getting haha
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2022-07-07 09:07:37
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
jp players are very upset about current difficulty

AFAIK this was corrected by two people rewatching stream to be some confusion in live translation.
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2022-07-07 09:28:34
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
It makes me wonder just how good the other pieces in the empyrean sets will be on other jobs. If our +2 body is this impressive then some of the other pieces have stupid potential. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the dancer head.

We can already see some patter I think. DPS jobs and probably RDM and BLU will probably have one piece with 13%DT and one with 8%WSD. If DNC will hvae that WSD on head, then it's gonna be kinda a huge upgrade for Climactic. I also expect this head to have Critical hit +2 and Critical Hit Damage +27% at +2 and +3/+30% at +3.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-07-07 09:44:14
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SimonSes said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
jp players are very upset about current difficulty

AFAIK this was corrected by two people rewatching stream to be some confusion in live translation.

Meaning JP players aren't upset at the difficulty of some of the V20 fights?
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2022-07-07 10:14:57
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
SimonSes said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
jp players are very upset about current difficulty

AFAIK this was corrected by two people rewatching stream to be some confusion in live translation.

Meaning JP players aren't upset at the difficulty of some of the V20 fights?

Yeah, afaik there is none huge complaints about this.


I found the link
By 2022-07-07 11:26:55
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Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2022-07-07 11:41:36
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Yeah, but that is what? YouTube comments? Its almost always complaints about everything in chat. Several people complaining and 80% of them saying they haven't even tried it yet.

If you looks closely, you will also notice it's like one guy spamming most almost half (14 out of 32?) of this comments.
By 2022-07-07 11:53:18
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-07-07 12:27:40
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The JP I do Ody with have the same complains as a number of people posting here, can be hard to find groups, lockout etc.

But none of them really think the fights are hard.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-07-07 12:45:55
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It's all relative. Personally I have a bigger issue with the game right now than what most of the complaints are about in the dev discussion. Difficulty in this game can be classified as either "V20 Oddysey NM's" or "everything else". The challenge of the highest vengeance tiers is like nothing else in the game, so much so that it's frustratingly stressful to get clears on with even elite players half the time. But outside of that content is so basic that the biggest challenge in events is targeting the mob before someone else one shots it, and that's wholly unsatisfying.

Power creep has scaled so hard that you can't even self-skillchain non-NM's without overkilling the ***out of them. Floor 3 and 4 of seg farms and apex mobs are the only trash in the game that doesn't die to a single savage, rudra's, etc. All these gear upgrades feel empty without decent content to use them against. But in stark contrast, vengence 20 Nms are so absurdly deadly that unless you're riding maximum -dt at all times you just get one shotted out of the blue over and over and over.

Most of the revealed empyrean +2 don't have additional -dt on them, so I'm expecting the new "sortie" event to be a middlegrounds between the two extremes. And it almost needs to be. If the mobs are so strong that 30-50% dt at all times is mandatory then any non-hybrid set could be a liability because of the 6D's principle... "dead damage dealer's don't do damage", but anything short of trash fodder that can withstand 125-150k+ worth of punishment will be hard to feel good fighting because it would feel too easy. And the extra damage the empyrean sets themselves are going to provide us only furthers that divide.
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2022-07-07 13:24:48
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Idk about it, seems like at least one piece will have 13%DT at +2 and possibly much higher at +3. Also meva and mdb seems to be really high too (again it's only +2 too).
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-10 09:48:06
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So I just got a chance to go over the thief empyrean +2's. I figured it would be nice to have all the pieces consolidated into one post for reference, so here you go.

Skulker's Bonnet +2
DEF:120 HP+61 STR+26 DEX+38 VIT+24 AGI+34 INT+18 MND+18 CHR+18 Accuracy+51 Attack+51 Magic Accuracy+51 Evasion+89 Magic Evasion+99 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+8% "Triple Attack"+5% "Accomplice"+18% "Collaborator"+18% Physical damage limit +7% Set: Augments "Triple Attack"

Skulker's Vest +2
DEF:151 HP+83 STR+35 DEX+46 VIT+29 AGI+43 INT+26 MND+26 CHR+26 Accuracy+54 Attack+54 Magic Accuracy+54 Evasion+95 Magic Evasion+109 "Magic Def. Bonus"+9 Dagger skill +33 Haste+6% Augments "Conspirator" Weapon skill damage +8% Set: Augments "Triple Attack"

Skulker's Armlets +2
DEF:111 HP+47 STR+22 DEX+48 VIT+34 AGI+22 INT+17 MND+35 CHR+22 Accuracy+52 Attack+62 Magic Accuracy+52 Evasion+76 Magic Evasion+83 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+5% "Sneak Attack"+28 Damage taken -10% Set: Augments "Triple Attack"

Skulker's Culottes +2
DEF:132 HP+70 STR+39 DEX+13 VIT+21 AGI+25 INT+35 MND+22 CHR+16 Accuracy+53 Attack+53 Magic Accuracy+53 Evasion+87 Magic Evasion+115 "Magic Def. Bonus"+8 Haste+6% "Despoil"+11 Critical hit rate +6% Damage taken -12% Set: Augments "Triple Attack"

Skulker's Poulaines +2
DEF:93 HP+35 STR+22 DEX+34 VIT+17 AGI+52 MND+17 CHR+35 Accuracy+50 Attack+50 Magic Accuracy+50 Evasion+120 Magic Evasion+115 "Magic Def. Bonus"+8 Haste+4% "Treasure Hunter"+4 "Despoil" effect +7 Damage taken -10% Set: Augments "Triple Attack"

Skulk. Earring /+1/+2
Triple Attack 3/4/5, Subtle Blow 5/6/7

The only notable pieces are the head, body, legs, and earring. The hands are pretty much unusable IMO, and the feet are an alternate treasure hunter piece you can use in place of the hands until we get the +3. Probably worth for the 10DT but not a super high priority if you already have +3 relic hands.

The hat has triple attack +5 and quite a lot of accuracy, which makes it flat out better than adhemar +1. The extra 3 % enmity stolen from accompolator is....something I guess. It's just a really strong tp option.

The body is BiS rudra's storm piece. No question. We've already touched upon this.

The legs are an evisceration piece, and they do beat out our current options. That's a lower priority upgrade for me but still something to persue.

The earring is ridiculous. Five triple attack in the ear slot? Oh yes please! And subtle blow to boot. Mandatory tp piece for the earring. Probably replaces telos. I'm pretty sure you still want sherida alongside it.

Fun fact... we can now reach a total of 67% triple attack rate in our squishy tp set. That's pretty ridiculous.
By 2022-08-10 09:50:29
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-10 09:51:13
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Does the body beat an R25 path B Nyame for Rudra?

Yes, quite comfortably.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-08-10 09:52:07
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You think legs beat AF+3 legs for evisceration? Legit asking. +5 TA and crit damage seems good there, or is the +6% crit rate just that much more consistent.

Edit: also Zoar Subligar +1?
By 2022-08-10 09:52:42
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-10 09:56:44
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This is the new updated BiS squishy tp set. I don't expect FFXIah's database to be updated with the new stuff for a little bit, but I'll include the +2 empyrean hat and earring to the build when they get added. It's honestly kind of ridiculous. We have a native 19% triple attack rate with merits and gifts, and the set adds 48% more. The earring is really juicy.

ItemSet 342123
By 2022-08-10 10:00:46
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Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2022-08-10 10:03:31
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
This is the new updated BiS squishy tp set. I don't expect FFXIah's database to be updated with the new stuff for a little bit, but I'll include the +2 empyrean hat and earring to the build when they get added. It's honestly kind of ridiculous. We have a native 19% triple attack rate with merits and gifts, and the set adds 48% more. The earring is really juicy.

ItemSet 342123
What if you don't have Twash?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-10 10:06:00
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You think legs beat AF+3 legs for evisceration? Legit asking. +5 TA and crit damage seems good there, or is the +6% crit rate just that much more consistent.

Edit: also Zoar Subligar +1?

They're really close. It's more of a side grade than a real upgrade. But the empyrean have -12% damage taken, and the +3 empyrean will improve upon the stats at some point down the road. That's more than enough reason for me to switch over.

As far as actual damage goes, empyrean has 23 more attack and 4 more dex than the artifact, and 6% crit rate is going to add consistency. The difference between 6% crit rate and 5% crit damage is kind of fuzzy, but you can't argue with the sturdiness you get from an extra -12% DT. So yes, I'll be swapping when I get a chance. It is lower priority though. I'll definately be getting other stuff first. Body and head, dancer's tiara.... etc.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-10 10:09:18
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What if you don't have Twash?

Nothing changes. The rest of the set is still BiS regardless what your mainhand is. It doesn't matter if you're using tauret/gleti's or gleti's ternion or any other combo. That's still the BiS "squishy" tp set. Well.... technically Vajra mainhand is an exception. But that's only because of how mythic aftermath works. For everything else that set is what you'd wanna aim for.
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