For the Shinies! A Guide for Thief
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-10 08:10:14
It's 35 PDL of course it's going to have a ton of deeps
It's mummu + malignance + meghanada
By SimonSes 2021-02-10 08:25:55
It's 35 PDL of course it's going to have a ton of deeps
It's mummu + malignance + meghanada
Yeah and unlike Malignance it provides tons of attack to support that PDL and since THFs pDIF without PDL is very small compared to most other jobs/2h weapons etc. Getting to that ~4.52 pDIF isnt unrealistic with standard buffs and +275 attack in just 5 main slots.
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-10 08:30:20
Kinda makes you wish you didn't spend a year of your life spamming lillith VE a thousand times only to get this new gear for free. That's a ***, I guess.
(no one in particular, just people in general who did do that)
(Malignance is still good, spare me the "but this")
By SimonSes 2021-02-10 09:12:03
(Malignance is still good, spare me the "but this")
Malignance is for hybrid/turtle TP and this new set is for WS. Completely different use case.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-02-10 10:18:26
Quote: Malignance is for hybrid/turtle TP and this new set is for WS. Completely different use case.
It was mentioned this morning that the store TP on malignance makes it a much better hybrid build set, and I agree with that assessment. What malignance loses out on to Gleti's in white damage it makes up for in spades with weaponskil frequency and power. The fact that it's also the better defensive set makes it a shoe in. Farming lillith for 5/5 malignance is still very much a thing.
Quote: Lol I had a good feeling lol...
5/5 Gleti is bis for Evisceration if you are att capped and it actually make THF damage skyrocket in Tauret set >.> Im getting 9.4k dps without SATA (just spamming Evis). That beats even Twashtar/Cento. Thats also without 3rd augment. I think it can have even more potential on DNC with building flourish >.>
The attack capped scenario makes sense. Since evisceration spam is most effective on lower to mid tier content and rudra's spam is more efficient against high tier content it makes sense that 5/5 gleti's would push evisceration's damage output in its favored environment. Tauret just got reeeeealy nasty. And I agree with the building flourish applications. That's a lot of damage cap increase.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2021-02-10 22:49:33
Kinda makes you wish you didn't spend a year of your life spamming lillith VE a thousand times only to get this new gear for free. You don't understand how the reward system works, do you? Not surprising given how bad the lag makes things You still have to buy the gear after you get the win.
By Lobivopsis 2021-02-11 21:04:28
Kinda makes you wish you didn't spend a year of your life spamming lillith VE a thousand times only to get this new gear for free. That's a ***, I guess.
(no one in particular, just people in general who did do that)
(Malignance is still good, spare me the "but this")
Yeah it's great DPS set best ever even but you're still going to be DPSing in malignance on anything serious because a dead THF deals no damage. That's the curse of the malignance.
By DaneBlood 2021-02-11 21:09:00
Putting loss of DPS asside
Is there a maximum effect for Stacking TH in regards to proccing TH upgrades from TH+ gear?
I am assuming here (let me know if im incorrect) that going from TH 8 to TH9 is faster (better proc rate) with TH 12 vs TH 10 in gear
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Andret 2021-02-11 21:12:00
Putting loss of DPS asside
Is there a maximum effect for Stacking TH in regards to proccing TH upgrades from TH+ gear?
I am assuming here (let me know if im incorrect) thath going from TH 8-9 is faster (better proc rate) with TH 12 vs TH 10
If I was reading SE official statement right then there is a "constant" rate of TH proc after you reach your max TH and TH rank from gear and trait you can get is capped at 8. So I am going to assume that any equipment beyond TH8 is going to waste.
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-11 21:13:17
It's of some contention. While wearing more TH and meleeing is better than no TH and meleeing, still no real good answer on what the limit is.
Is it better to wear TH20 or does it stay capped at TH8. (For the purpose of procing, not tagging.)
If you don't care about the damage and you're unsure you may as well just wear all the TH+ you have. Provided that doesn't get you killed or lose the battle.
By DaneBlood 2021-02-11 21:14:54
If I was reading SE official statement right then there is a "constant" rate of TH proc after you reach your max TH and TH rank you can get is capped at 8. So I am going to assume that any equipment beyond TH8 is going to waste.
I'm not sure i understand. It sounds to me like you are contradicting yourself
"there is a "constant" rate of TH proc after you reach your max TH"
this would mean the possibility of a higher proce rate if you have not hit it you max TH
which would mean proc rate from is increase chances
aka going from 8 to nine with TH8 is harder than with TH12
also going from 11 to 12 is harder with TH10 than TH12
or to put it different. onces the appliee TH equals your TH effect. then it slow downs to a constant rate
or alternatively the higher your TH effect is above the applied the higher the proc rate. if not higher. you hit the "Constant rate"
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-11 21:24:48
If anyone ever gets the chance to actually ask a non cheese sandwich question, that would be a good one.
Phrasing is important. If you ask wrong, they'll just say the same thing they always do.
"is it more beneficial for the purposes of increasing TH beyond the initial contact to wear higher than TH8" or "Is wearing TH15 while meleeing better than wearing TH8 while meleeing for the purpose of increasing TH" And NOT "does TH10 increase TH" you'll just get the no, TH8 is max, and it doesn't answer the actual question. You guys always do that, classic leaving a question too ambiguous.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-02-12 09:58:23
You know, with all the initial hype I gave the Gleti's attire set, I completely overlooked the dagger. There was so much to look at with the initial stat dump that it escaped my eye, but I got a chance to look it over today and it's.... reeeeeeally good!
Quote: Gleti's Knife
DMG:133 Delay:200
DEX+15 AGI+15 Accuracy+40 Attack+30 Magic Accuracy+40 Evasion+20 Dagger skill +255 Parrying skill +255 Magic Accuracy skill +242 Haste+2% "Triple Attack"+6% "Waltz" potency +10% Critical hit rate +5%
According to BGwiki its rank 20 augments are damage +8, attack + 30, and the final augment as well as the max stats at rank 30 are currently unknown.
I'm not a big fan of slow daggers, but 200 delay isn't terrible, and it has a crazy high DPS rating. Throw on top of that all those stat mods and you have an amazing offhand. This hands down trumps shijo offhand for tauret evisceration spam, and it also looks like it'll dethrone ternion +1 for all of our "needs accuracy" offhand situations too. If you slot it into the max dps build from a few pages back that'll bump our triple attack rate to an astounding 61% in the tp phase, and probably over 50% crit rate as well. I'm extremely impressed with the odyssey rewards this time around. That dagger looks like a definite "must have".
By SimonSes 2021-02-12 11:02:03
I haven't overlooked the dagger tbh and already checked it in sheet. Without augments it's slightly better then Ternion. With known augments it's slightly more than slightly better :)
I plan to make a video about whole sets and how I see it, but I haven't ever done video with me speaking english, so I need more time lol. I wish I could produce videos as fast as Logical XD
By Lobivopsis 2021-02-12 22:18:24
Rank 30 augments for Gleti is ATT+30 ACC+15 and two other stats that change depending on the piece.
And DRG can wear it so Shining One just got even more OP.
EDIT: Didn't notice that that was from DAT mining and that the actual cap isn't known yet oops. DRG and Shining One still gonna be op AF with the Gleti set though. So glad I upgraded WAR stuff first and didn't waste gil and materials upgrading AF/Relic+3 on DRG yet.
Question, is there a situation when the +10% critical hit rate on the Blistering Sallet +1 would be better than the Gleti mask for Tauret + Evisceration?
By BeckerThorne 2021-02-22 00:48:12
Is Gleti's knife,with stats we know of,a better offhand for r15 Twashtar then tp bonus?
By SimonSes 2021-02-22 00:51:30
Is Gleti's knife,with stats we know of,a better offhand for r15 Twashtar then tp bonus?
No (assuming you cap acc with Centovente). Gonna release video about it today (long time coming but I have sic kid :/).
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kelg 2021-02-26 21:13:52
What's the best main hand to shoot for? Using Tauret currently.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 190
By Asura.Kusare 2021-02-26 23:29:20
r15 twashtar is a beast and is our best mainhand, but honestly with the right evisceration build if you don't need to sc tauret isn't far behind.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 42
By Asura.Nyarlko 2021-02-28 13:55:54
Putting loss of DPS asside
Is there a maximum effect for Stacking TH in regards to proccing TH upgrades from TH+ gear?
I am assuming here (let me know if im incorrect) thath going from TH 8-9 is faster (better proc rate) with TH 12 vs TH 10
If I was reading SE official statement right then there is a "constant" rate of TH proc after you reach your max TH and TH rank from gear and trait you can get is capped at 8. So I am going to assume that any equipment beyond TH8 is going to waste.
Some terms that I've made up for explaining this:
InitialTH: Value applied on first hit / tag
CurrentTH: Your total TH value from traits+gear
CurrentTag: The current value of the TH debuff on the target
InitialTH is capped at a maximum value of 8. This means that regardless of whether you have TH+5 from gear or TH+25 from gear, the impact is the same.
According to SE, CurrentTH affects the proc rate of a CurrentTag increase. The way it was explained before is that as long as your CurrentTH is equal to or greater than CurrentTag, then the proc rate will not be reduced. If your CurrentTH is less than the CurrentTag, then the proc rate will be reduced.
In other words, that absolute maximum amount of TH+ gear that will have any effect is TH+11. There will be absolutely zero benefit to equipping any more TH+ gear beyond reaching a total of TH14, including traits.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Geriond 2021-02-28 14:01:36
The way SE worded it, it's possible that the cap of TH8 also applies to CurrentTH.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2021-02-28 15:45:20
Yeah the way they worded the TH is capped at 8 for both CurentTH and InitialTH.
Any increase beyond that is a constant that decrease over the distance between the CurrentTag vs TH8.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 42
By Asura.Nyarlko 2021-02-28 23:23:10
The way SE worded it, it's possible that the cap of TH8 also applies to CurrentTH.
Honestly, it's pretty clear that the TH8 cap does not apply to the proc system the way you are saying it does from the devpost by Camate. There is no mention of the TH8 InitialTag cap, and nothing in it that would support the assumption that there is effectively a TH8 hard cap.
Camate's TH Devpost: Link here
Camate said: To shed some light of the background before I drop some knowledge bombs, there was a test performed by your fellow adventurers in Japan, and they noticed that after initially hitting the monster with maximum TH+ gear equipped and then switching to non-TH gear, the rate in which the TH value increased was reduced.
Now that you have the background…
Adding Treasure Hunter+ via equipment, or other means, will not increase the rate at which the Treasure Hunter value grows, as this is a set rate. However, when the value of Treasure Hunter placed on a monster and the value of the Treasure Hunter on your character are different, this will cause the growth rate to vary. With that said, if you want to increase the Treasure Hunter value, it is best to utilize equipment that has the Treasure Hunter+ effect. By unequipping Treasure Hunter+ gear, you are essentially creating a gap between the value placed on the monster and your character, which results in an inefficient means for increasing the TH value.
There have been requests to make it so that it's possible to switch out TH+ gear after the TH effect is placed on a monster, but as there is a concern that this would reduce the value of equipment with Treasure Hunter+ and also takes away all the hard work some players have put into maximize their Treasure Hunter, we would like to keep it as it is currently.
Not a peep about any specific values with special meaning/function (ie: no mention of "TH8",) limited specifically to the proc system, and only refers to the comparison between CurrentTag and CurrentTH when determining if the proc rate should be reduced or not reduced.
There was that one FP where they gave like a 40min lecture on "how TH affects drop rates" (with the specific example of D.Ring being used to illustrate that TH affects the rate per drop slot, has no effect on 100% slots like the ring is in, and does not affect which item from the loot table you get in any given drop slot,) but I'm not sure whether or not it ever got a solid/official translation. The much more recent devpost that included the drop rate chart did not mention anything about proc rate, so unless there's a new official source of info that I haven't seen yet that directly supports your assertion, then what you are saying falls into the same category of thinking as all of the other TH-related (and/or crafting related) superstitious mumbo jumbo that's gotten tossed around over the years. If there really is new official info, please share so that I can correct my own understanding of this subject.
BTW, if you are referring to BGwiki's TH page for info, be aware that the page does include out-of-date/debunked info (in a clearly marked "Outdated Information" section at the bottom,) so be careful NOT to care about what's included there. ^^;;
In a related vein, do we have any official info yet on the "set rate" for proc rate increase or how our related Gifts are applied to it? I've got a horrible feeling that there may be specific values for each tier of TH similar to the drop table..
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-03-01 03:51:00
To emphasise what Nyarl said, there is no way to boost the TH proc rate. This is fixed and this information perfectly fits the data that Melphina and other players gathered.
I think it was found out to be around ~5% chance, and to apply only once per attack turn, unknown if it can happen on any hit or only specific hits (MH? OH? Multihits?)
The only thing you can do is avoiding for this Rate to go below its standard value, which in a way could be seen as a boost I guess, but it's not really the same thing.
In this perspective, to answer Daneblood's question and to follow Nyarl post, if your CurrentTag is 9 then having 9 or 12 as your CurrentTH would make no difference in the proc rate. Both are "equal or higher" to CurrentTag, so both will be exempt from the reduction in the proc rate that you get otherwise.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10310
By Asura.Sechs 2021-03-01 04:04:20
I know I've been doing this multiple times already, but for the nth time I'd love some further opinion on THF AF/Relic gear, to see if any piece still have a role in nowadays' meta, given Gleti exists.
Artifact Head: Good for 1H WS, especially during SATA. Okaysh for Evis but probably inferior to other options like Adhemar Path B
Body: Really nice for TP, okaysh but inferior to relic for Evis. Can be decent for 1hit WS during SATA. Increases Hide duration
Legs: Nice for TP, Nice for Evis, Okaysh for 1hit WS during SATA, probably slightly behind Relic in that regard.
Feet: Movement Speed/Flee/Steal/Idle piece
Relic Head: TP Option, in terms of pure damage probably inferior to Adhemar B, but this offers Accuracy. Not sure how it compares to Perf Dampening Tam. Does the Mug+5 do anything about the healing part of mug? Or does it just increase the chance of Mug (gil) to succeed?
Body: Really good for Evis, arguably for 1hit WS during SATA.
Hands: TP in TH builds
Legs: Nice for 1hit WSs like Rudra etc.
Feet: Interesting TP option. Potentially better than regular agumented Herc, not sure how it does against DM Herc.
Is that it? Anything wrong in the info I compiled? Anything important I forgot about?
In all of this I'm not sure where to put Gleti, instead of a replacement for AF/Relic it seems to me like an alternative to Malignance, with different pros and cons.
And an option for Idle of course, because of the Regain.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2021-03-01 04:05:54
Quote: Adding Treasure Hunter+ via equipment, or other means, will not increase the rate at which the Treasure Hunter value grows, as this is a set rate. However, when the value of Treasure Hunter placed on a monster and the value of the Treasure Hunter on your character are different, this will cause the growth rate to vary.
This is why it's so confusing. That line means that adding TH+ on equipment doesn't raise the rate that TH grows. This by itself doesn't make any sense unless you already capped the TH.
Now the 2nd sentence makes more sense if you assume TH from gear is already capped and you remove the TH gear then your rate of TH grows will re reduced.
By SimonSes 2021-03-01 04:16:52
Is that it? Anything wrong in the info I compiled? Anything important I forgot about?
In all of this I'm not sure where to put Gleti, instead of a replacement for AF/Relic it seems to me like an alternative to Malignance, with different pros and cons.
And an option for Idle of course, because of the Regain.
You can watch my video about Gleti's for THF.
AF+3 body, legs and Relic+3 feet are bis TP options. AF+3 Head is by far bis for SATA Rudra/Mandalic/Mercy. Relic legs +1 are bis not only nice for Rudra. Gleti's is not really a competition for Malignance, its more of a WS set for attack cap or if you want to be tanky during WS (its more of a set that synergize with Malignance TP in that aspect) or both and regain idle.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-03-01 07:32:14
Quote: Adding Treasure Hunter+ via equipment, or other means, will not increase the rate at which the Treasure Hunter value grows, as this is a set rate. However, when the value of Treasure Hunter placed on a monster and the value of the Treasure Hunter on your character are different, this will cause the growth rate to vary.
This is why it's so confusing. That line means that adding TH+ on equipment doesn't raise the rate that TH grows. This by itself doesn't make any sense unless you already capped the TH.
Now the 2nd sentence makes more sense if you assume TH from gear is already capped and you remove the TH gear then your rate of TH grows will re reduced.
It makes sense to me. The "Rate" is only 1 level per proc no matter how much gear you wear. (the first sentence). Adding more gear will still require procing 10>11>12 for example. You cannot wear th19 and go 10>12.
The "Growth Rate" is how often you can get the proc. If your THGear>Currentproc then you will get a proc faster. If you initial proc with THgear and then swap to a fullTP set (that has no th value) then your chance to proc is greatly reduced.