If I ever resub, I'd like to revisit the viability of the Jugo+1.
The one avenue for increasing damage output that no one is using anymore is using a low delay dagger to increase tp gain, hence, ws rate. The reason no one is using it is because the /twashtar really is a fantastic dagger for THFs at the moment. It provides approximately an 8.5% increase to Rudra as well as having very solid DMG and delay.
The Achilles's heel to that dagger is that, as we gain more and more dex in our sets, the usefulness of that +50dex will diminish slowly over time.
According to my math, a 200/142 setup would provide approximately a 4% gain in tp rate over a 200/176 setup, and the addition 3TA will provide approximately 2.5% gain, resulting in about 6.5% gain in tp gain rate. If you're smrt, you'll notice that 6.5 is smaller than 8.5.
What troubles me is that, in my old short and admittedly incomplete test, the effective rate I was getting was wildly different compared to my theoretical calculations. The number I was getting was 10%, which is higher than 8.5% and much higher than the calculated 6.5%.
If my theoretical calculations are correct, /twashtar still has a solid lead that won't be surmounted for some time. If my actual play testing is correct, jugo+1 should be a stronger dagger.
I guess I'll have a more definitive answer is SE ever releases some semi-worthwhile content again.