On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-04-29 17:54:34
Well, let's get right to it >>;
Things of Note in the April 29th, 2013 update:

If the fast cast is 10% or higher, this more or less makes hyaline hat obsolete. As it stands right now, this is the best Enfeebling piece for WHMs ATM, bar none.

A great TP piece, I dunno how this will stack up against nefarious collar personally without putting it into the spreadsheet. Loses a lot of value when off-handing a kraken club.

13% Cure Potency Gloves, just... wow, jaw hit the floor when I saw this.
UNFORTUNATELY, this also occupies the exact same slot where WHMs get one of the biggest boosts to their cure set in terms of raw Curing power. Making up for the loss of 15 skill in other slots that might be freed up with this pair of gloves is almost non existent. I will need to review sets with this glove some more, but I honestly do not seeing it replacing our current ideal setup (and if it does, not by very much). Depending on difficulty of acquisition, however, these gloves may prove to be a very solid set of gloves for any partially established WHM.
[EDIT] Due note that this piece of equipment makes it significantly easier to hit the 50% potency cap while meleeing. Additionally, since this piece of equipment is part of the Delve augmenting/evolith system, the upgrades it can get may alter it's hierarchy in the grand scheme of things.

I'd argue this to be the best enfeebling gloves in the game for White Mage. These hands are 3.5 MACC shy of Ayao's gages and boasts almost as much MND as Marduk's dastanas +1. It also makes an incredible nuking piece too if that suits your fancy (and Cataclysm too!)

Another incredibly enfeebling piece (I see a pattern here), I would also use this for an enfeebling set I plug it into.

8 MACC, best in slot, enough said. I'm not sure if I'd still take that over a MND ring, but if you REALLY need to land something, this is your go to ring.

Mileage of this pairing will be completely dependent on the amount of Dual Wield this pairing gives. This has the potential to surpass suppanomimi + brutal earring/ ghillie earring +1 pairing for WHM DD. We're accuracy and attack dependent as is, this can help alleviate that.

Speaking of ghillie earring +1....

I'm on the fence for this. 12 MACC is incredibly hard to beat, but it's also hard to argue the -1 Inventory for it as you will be needing to carry an INT earring that will be mostly useless to a WHM.

MDT pants, I think that says a lot. WHM does cap MDT easily, however, so sticking with Iaso tights may serve you better thanks to MDB.

I think these speak for themselves.........
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-01 07:59:17
Guide updated with new items. With the above changes, I also updated the Divine nuking set and Divine MACC set.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-05-01 08:00:41
That club has more damage than a 99 Ragnarok.
That is all.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 211
By Valefor.Lisamarie 2013-05-01 09:55:56
While I know that having the "best possible" gear sets posted for a guide is nearly essential, is there a way you can scale each of the sets (such as fastcast/etc) to more obtainable gear?
That said, my main has access to most of those gearsets, and I know most of the scaled gear for my mule, but I had a LS mate check this guide out earlier and had no idea where to start in terms of fastcast body, mid-tier curaga builds, mid-tier enfeebling and that stuff.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 1050
By Carbuncle.Sterling 2013-05-01 10:01:50
Valefor.Lisamarie said: »While I know that having the "best possible" gear sets posted for a guide is nearly essential, is there a way you can scale each of the sets (such as fastcast/etc) to more obtainable gear?
That said, my main has access to most of those gearsets, and I know most of the scaled gear for my mule, but I had a LS mate check this guide out earlier and had no idea where to start in terms of fastcast body, mid-tier curaga builds, mid-tier enfeebling and that stuff.
Probably a good idea to just use MyFFXIGear if you're looking for a lot of comparable options. You might be able to ask about a specific slot but otherwise, asking for a more obtainable gearset in a guide forum is just going to make people tell you to stop settling for gimp in the nicest way possible :\
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-01 11:59:25
Valefor.Lisamarie said: »While I know that having the "best possible" gear sets posted for a guide is nearly essential, is there a way you can scale each of the sets (such as fastcast/etc) to more obtainable gear?
That said, my main has access to most of those gearsets, and I know most of the scaled gear for my mule, but I had a LS mate check this guide out earlier and had no idea where to start in terms of fastcast body, mid-tier curaga builds, mid-tier enfeebling and that stuff.
It's hard to state where to start, honestly. So much gear comes from a variety of different areas and one's access to content is dependent on the player themselves that I cannot really recommend where to begin.
I do try to answer this question to a degree in the alternatives gear listenings that are spoilered throughout the guide. The nice thing about a lot of WHM spell math is everything is straight forward. Plug in the best piece of gear you own for that slot while waiting on getting alternatives.
As Sterling mentioned above [HI STER!], using that website she has listed can help alleviate some of the mess. I have never used that website personally (but have heard good things about it), as I prefer to use the Power Search function of FFXIAH to find the gear I want. With this in mind, I encourage players to determine what stats they deem ideal for those particular sets and search for them themselves. What someone may consider "stupidly easy" may be inaccessible for others because they're new or don't have specific access to areas or just don't duo/trio/quad box and have difficulty playing during times where their friends/LS is on.
This guide is partially written to expand a player's knowledge base and not hand out gear sets on a silver platter. My goal is to encourage people to see why certain gear sets or the ideal and than to look at their own inventory, play schedule, and accessibility to find a good replacement piece for themselves.
I know it's a bit of a wordy and roundabout answer, but I hope it helps alleviate some of the confusion as well.
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »I've never felt more inadequate holding gambenteinn than I do right now lol
Just use it for those insane solos! =p... lol, yeah, I feel the same. I still eventually plan to 99 a Gambanteinn (after I get and 99 a Yagrush and Mjollnir) just for completions sake. Who knows, may by then, we'll have 200D R/M/Es, lol >>;...
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2013-05-01 12:09:49
set i think would be nice would be
entering abysseas set
out of abyssea set ( + relic +2's)
above + voidwatch/nni
optimal sets
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-01 12:53:28
Phoenix.Gaiarorshack said: »set i think would be nice would be
entering abysseas set
out of abyssea set ( + relic +2's)
above + voidwatch/nni
optimal sets
Unfortunately, this is difficult to write for because of the amount of contenct a WHM can participate in.
Do they do meebles?
Can they blaze Abyssea?
Are they just starting Voidwatch?
How accessible is Dynamis for them?
Can they farm Bayld's effectively?
Can you acquire NNI gear?
Sky equipment readily available?
Massive amounts of Gil to buy all the HQ craftables?
Your gearing selection is entirely dependant on what sort of content yourself and your peers are able to partake in. I find Nares to be the least useful to WHM and as such, don't really need to do NNI, yet some WHMs may already be 15/15 NNI and can use NNI gear in their sets.
Will this WHM have access to all tiers of VW? If they're starting new, some of the gear listed may be inaccessible to them. Likewise with Meebles.
It also doesn't help that a lot of gear WHMs can improve upon are either side grades or slightly improvements which do not mean a whole lot. In some cases, going for the most ideal piece is the best (and most accessible) way to go.
If a player has an question regarding a specific piece of gear, I do not mind answering that question. Again, my goal is to expand a player's knowledge so they can make educated decisions for a particular set, not hand out gearsets on a silver platter as a player's inventory is entirely dependent on the content they have access too.
I recommend anyone to use the alternative listings as a good start to see what is good (but not considered ideal) and look at the gear sets hierarchy under the Inventory Management in Part 5 of the guide.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 88
By Carbuncle.Nezea 2013-05-02 02:33:48
Carbuncle.Ghishlain said: »Phoenix.Gaiarorshack said: »set i think would be nice would be
entering abysseas set
out of abyssea set ( + relic +2's)
above + voidwatch/nni
optimal sets
Unfortunately, this is difficult to write for because of the amount of contenct a WHM can participate in....
I have to agree that it would be nice to see another set in between your "middle" set and what you call "optimal" for curing. The main problem I see with the current "optimal" set is that it is somewhat misleading. For instance, to people who are less informed it would almost appear that the augmented Zenith pumps are optimal for your curing set when in fact that's probably only the case if you're using an extremely specific gear set such as the one posted.
Instead it would be nice to see a high tier cure set involving something like Rubeus boots, and Marduk's Tiara +1 as an alternative to the Iaso Mitra, with perhaps a mention that Augur's Mitts might beat out Healer's Mitts +1 in the case that you're still curing in the Orison Cap +2 (which, when used with Healer's Mitts +1, might put you at 49% potency depending on the rest of your set). But currently I see no mention of any these items and in my mind it fails to give a realistic idea of what most high tier curing sets actually look like.
I'd say post a curing set that you would typically see a high tier WHM actually using, and then give special mention to the optimal set by pointing out that it is technically better by a very small amount if you can get your hands on it. Just my two cents.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 214
By Ragnarok.Kogenta 2013-05-02 02:48:06
ItemSet 203671
Possible situational swaps are Meeble MND+4 ammo (can't remember name now) healer's pantaloons +2 (abyssea) and the combination of augur's hands + colossus torque (same curepot but less healing skill overall and less efficient when healing yourself). If you are still using Orison Cap +2 i think a 49% cure pot build with phalaina + healer's mitts +1 still performs better than overcapping cure potency with phalaina + augur's hand.
This is currently the best cureset a WHM can accomplish without Legion and losing giganormous amount of time trying to go for the rarest augment i have ever seen (healing magic + cure pot on zenith feet +1. If you do not plan to go for HQ feet, don't bother to augment your NQ and stick on rubeus).
Speaking of builds, sweet jebus those new delve cure pot hands <.< anyone has already played with them to build a new optimal set? <.<
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-02 09:54:57
I can agree with doing a more moderate / high-end cure set for the cures. The optimal set is OMG expensive but people pulled teeth and splitted hairs for it, so it'll stay there too with that disclaimer.
In terms of the new 13% hands, the only time I truely see it winning is if you can take potency off the feet slot and add Rubeus to your set (in other words, lose Zenith Pumps or Iaso Boots). Otherwise, it's hard to make up the 15 skill in other slots where you can remove potency in. It can work in specific setups, but the synergies have to be there.
In the absolute optimal setup, the gloves to nothing.
In a melee set, the gloves are a OMG WTF AWESOME because you don't get the 20% to 24% from having a curing weapon on.
I will make adjustments to the guide later tonight as work is pounding my face in. Cheers!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-02 14:44:33
I will have to renag on building a 'high' tier playable set.
As it stands right now, the mid set I've posted is also a 'high' tier playable set and should be a standard for any WHM to achieve if you want to be taken seriously outside of Abyssea. I have adjusted my wording in that section to reflect this and changed the title of the set for clarity.
I have also updated that section to reflect the overwhelming amount of Gil and Time a player may experience to reach the absolute optimal for curing, including making note of alternatives for both zenith pumps +1 and Iaso mitra.
Bare in mind that even though there is a MASSIVE divide in expense and time between the acceptable set and optimal set, the performance difference is negligible (+30HP cured) at best.
As I've started before, 50% (or even 49% is good) potency combined with orison bliaud +2 and orison pantaloons +2 is what a WHM needs to get off to a great start. Every upgrade you add AFTER that will be minor.
With that in mind, players should be able to determine what sort of gear they wish to aim for or achieve after they reach this threshold of acceptances. Once there, they can look towards other gear sets or work slowly towards improving their cure set, but know that the changes they make will be minor at best.
[May 2nd, 2013 9:54 EST EDIT]Slight adjustment to the curing set plus one minor error found in the guide.
Found a use for Bokwus gloves outside of a melee. It'd make a great Curaga IV piece, especially since it has MND, Potency, and a splash of -emn too.
Can take out Arka IV and go muse tariqah and tefnut wand to maximize mind. Still overcapped, but can't think of any good replacement's for the already potent MND equipment in the set.
Again, optimized for your viewing pleasure, I'm not sure if I'd spend the -1 inventory on a Muse Tariquah though.
By cravygravy 2013-05-04 02:57:15
ItemSet 297978
I think this is a better set for almost all of the current long fights. With the enmity adjustments and low damage output I'm watching other WHMs pull hate almost immediately and dying. The difference between a "max cure set" and this is -41 enmity. And >30hp cured across all cure spells. I definitely don't think a max cure set should be recommended in any situation anymore.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 214
By Ragnarok.Kogenta 2013-05-04 04:31:05
ItemSet 297978
I think this is a better set for almost all of the current long fights. With the enmity adjustments and low damage output I'm watching other WHMs pull hate almost immediately and dying. The difference between a "max cure set" and this is -41 enmity. And >30hp cured across all cure spells. I definitely don't think a max cure set should be recommended in any situation anymore.
i think it does depend on the situation you are in. From my EYEBALLING experience, with the recent enmity update, it's easier to pull hate from a DD tanking in PDT than from a PLD tanking with a regular TP set (mostly ares +1 gear).
I.E. in Odin2 if i'm healing in the DD party dealing with valyries i'd prefer a -enmity gear for sure, but if i'm healing in the tank party where every single hp count in to avoid the tank being shotted by Kai and it's REALLY hard to pull hate, i'd go with the max potency cure set.
Plus, less HP healed, more cures need to be done in the long run, more MP consumed and more hate pulled. As usual it's a "do as you feel" matter and heavily depends by your playing style and by what events you do.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-04 08:03:30
ItemSet 297978
I think this is a better set for almost all of the current long fights. With the enmity adjustments and low damage output I'm watching other WHMs pull hate almost immediately and dying. The difference between a "max cure set" and this is -41 enmity. And >30hp cured across all cure spells. I definitely don't think a max cure set should be recommended in any situation anymore.
You actually have -48 Enmity in there, so even better! ^^
As Kogenta says, it's all about play style. Go with what fits yourself and the people you're working with. I personally enjoy the front line face tank/heal strategy. Galka sized HP allows me to withstand some pretty meaty hits. If I'm double (or triple) Ballad'd, my MP never hits any threshold of danger and I can repeatedly cure even after I pull hate and not worry of dying short of getting one-shotted or disabled (but again, that comes with knowing your targets and knowing what risks a White Mage can take).
I haven't don't any Delve yet but chances are, on higher tier fights, you'll be getting double Ballads so you can be quite liberal with your Cure V's and not be at a high risk of pulling hate. Especially if your tank(s) are getting constant SATAWS', than you should be at no risk at all. Additionally, as your group gets more and more potent weapons, the chances of you pulling hate becomes a lot less just because of the magnitude of damage the new weapons can employ when smashing face.
Again, it's dependent on your style. If 30 HP is gonna make or break your melees / tanks, employ more regen spells to offset that. In any serious event, you will be getting a magnitude of refresh that will more than offset the higher MP usage.
[EDIT] I do like the set though, and that is a nice use for Bokwus Gloves too. I've always leaned towards a max cure set so didn't think of Bokwus Gloves for a more hybrid enmity set as that frees up a lot of slots to put in -Enmity gear.
Also, didn't now there was a -4 Enmity grip, lol! Updated my max -enmity set with the grip. Thanks!
By cravygravy 2013-05-04 11:23:38
Carbuncle.Ghishlain said: »ItemSet 297978
I think this is a better set for almost all of the current long fights. With the enmity adjustments and low damage output I'm watching other WHMs pull hate almost immediately and dying. The difference between a "max cure set" and this is -41 enmity. And >30hp cured across all cure spells. I definitely don't think a max cure set should be recommended in any situation anymore.
You actually have -48 Enmity in there, so even better! ^^
As Kogenta says, it's all about play style. Go with what fits yourself and the people you're working with. I personally enjoy the front line face tank/heal strategy. Galka sized HP allows me to withstand some pretty meaty hits. If I'm double (or triple) Ballad'd, my MP never hits any threshold of danger and I can repeatedly cure even after I pull hate and not worry of dying short of getting one-shotted or disabled (but again, that comes with knowing your targets and knowing what risks a White Mage can take).
I haven't don't any Delve yet but chances are, on higher tier fights, you'll be getting double Ballads so you can be quite liberal with your Cure V's and not be at a high risk of pulling hate. Especially if your tank(s) are getting constant SATAWS', than you should be at no risk at all. Additionally, as your group gets more and more potent weapons, the chances of you pulling hate becomes a lot less just because of the magnitude of damage the new weapons can employ when smashing face.
Again, it's dependent on your style. If 30 HP is gonna make or break your melees / tanks, employ more regen spells to offset that. In any serious event, you will be getting a magnitude of refresh that will more than offset the higher MP usage.
[EDIT] I do like the set though, and that is a nice use for Bokwus Gloves too. I've always leaned towards a max cure set so didn't think of Bokwus Gloves for a more hybrid enmity set as that frees up a lot of slots to put in -Enmity gear.
Also, didn't now there was a -4 Enmity grip, lol! Updated my max -enmity set with the grip. Thanks!
My set is actually -49,your set -8, difference is - 41.
By cravygravy 2013-05-04 11:45:27
Current best max cure set:
Hume WHM/SCH (no merits)
ItemSet 284234
Healing Skill: 424+83
MND: 91+44
VIT: 83+3
Enmity: -8
Cure III: 478
Cure IV: 897
Cure V: 1122
ItemSet 297978
Healing Skill: 424+50
MND: 91+26
VIT: 83+3
Enmity: -49
Cure III: 465 (-13hp)
Cure IV: 871 (-26hp)
Cure V: 1102 (-20hp)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 143
By Ragnarok.Grimkitty 2013-05-04 17:08:28
ItemSet 297978
I think this is a better set for almost all of the current long fights. With the enmity adjustments and low damage output I'm watching other WHMs pull hate almost immediately and dying. The difference between a "max cure set" and this is -41 enmity. And >30hp cured across all cure spells. I definitely don't think a max cure set should be recommended in any situation anymore. I am happy to see a set like this because I think it will be extremely useful when doing delves. Especially the Field ones when they rage.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 214
By Ragnarok.Kogenta 2013-05-04 17:34:47
Current best max cure set:
Hume WHM/SCH (no merits)
ItemSet 284234
Healing Skill: 424+83
MND: 91+44
VIT: 83+3
Enmity: -8
Cure III: 478
Cure IV: 897
Cure V: 1122
ItemSet 297978
Healing Skill: 424+50
MND: 91+26
VIT: 83+3
Enmity: -49
Cure III: 465 (-13hp)
Cure IV: 871 (-26hp)
Cure V: 1102 (-20hp)
We are not saying that is not useful or one is better than the other. We are just saying that is useless to stack in enmity- gear if you are NOT risking to pull hate from the tank. It's the same concept about DD. they strive for every inch of performance, even if it's 0.1%. Those 20-30 hp in the long run can make the difference. I'd use that build only on cure4.
I dont want to point fingers and repeat old memes but... i'll do it. If you pull hate from a tank after the fix, it's not you doing something wrong. It's the tank.
By cravygravy 2013-05-04 21:54:08
Current best max cure set:
Hume WHM/SCH (no merits)
ItemSet 284234
Healing Skill: 424+83
MND: 91+44
VIT: 83+3
Enmity: -8
Cure III: 478
Cure IV: 897
Cure V: 1122
ItemSet 297978
Healing Skill: 424+50
MND: 91+26
VIT: 83+3
Enmity: -49
Cure III: 465 (-13hp)
Cure IV: 871 (-26hp)
Cure V: 1102 (-20hp)
We are not saying that is not useful or one is better than the other. We are just saying that is useless to stack in enmity- gear if you are NOT risking to pull hate from the tank. It's the same concept about DD. they strive for every inch of performance, even if it's 0.1%. Those 20-30 hp in the long run can make the difference. I'd use that build only on cure4.
I dont want to point fingers and repeat old memes but... i'll do it. If you pull hate from a tank after the fix, it's not you doing something wrong. It's the tank.
Just posting stats. Also in Delve/Fracture/Wildskeepers, enmity does matter.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-05 10:46:57
My set is actually -49,your set -8, difference is - 41.
Yep, I misread that, my mistake.
Here's a slight variation I put together to hit -50 Enmity while getting a slightly stronger build out of it:
ItemSet 299757
53 Skill, 34 MND, 3 VIT
Cure Values (Hume WHM/SCH no merits)
Cure III: 468
Cure IV: 876
Cure V: 1,107
The key thing we all can get out of this discussion is that cure sets are INCREDIBLY malleable. Once you hit that 50% potency with both Orison Bliaud +2 and Orison Pantaloons +2, how people decide to gear for an event is up to themselves. Players can build for an extreme specialization or build for hybrid sets as they deem fit depending on their play style, content participation, and gear acquisitions.
I have updated the cure section of the guide and added a max -enmity set and max +MND set to showcase the above blurb.
Additionally, the Tranquil Heart section of guide has been updated to reflect the fact that the Job Trait allows White Mages to surpass the -50 enmity cap and stacks multiplicative with -enmity gear and merits (not sure how I missed that in my original writing).
To touch on the discussion of multi-tiered sets outside of the cure sets, I will probably do this eventually as SoA becomes more and more developed. As it stands right now, if the push for the game is SoA and only SoA and the majority of old gear becomes obsolete, than I will adjust the guide to reflect this.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 143
By Ragnarok.Grimkitty 2013-05-05 13:08:16
Having an enmity- set is also useful for Odin V2 for when he resets hate or when the babies pop and start going crazy on everyone.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-08 15:48:00
Bokwus gloves can be augmented with the magic accuracy path. Based on the table found on the Delve Rewards page at BG Wiki, this puts the final augments at 13 MACC, 10 MND, and 10 INT.
Effectively, we're looking at a pair of 17 MND, 17 INT, 13 Magic Accuracy, 13% Cure Potency, -3 Enmity Gloves if augmented this way. This certainly changes the hierarchy of certain pieces of gear.
Best enfeebling hands by far, beating yaoyotl gloves by 4 MND on potency. Also highest MND and thus awesome Realmrazer piece (among other utilities MND provides).
It's still hard to make up for extra 10 skill one loses replacing this with healer's mitts +1, but still a great cure piece for Curaga IV and very potent for any melee set looking to cap potency easily as well.
Also, I'm on a plane ride for a few hours tomorrow, I'll hopefully have something together for the melee section by the time I"m back... >>;...
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Sylph.Perryk 2013-05-08 22:11:11
The MAcc path also gives you:
-Bokwus Robe at 23 MND, 13 MAcc, which looks to be pretty good for max MND or general enfeebling. Possibly Realmrazer? I'm not sure if the 14 STR and 13 Acc on Sublime beats out the extra 9 MND.
-Bokwus Legs with 10 MND and 23 MAcc which should be best for max MAcc, I think. Is 1 skill = 1 MAcc just a rumor I've heard, or has that actually been tested?
-Bokwus Boots with 10 MND and 20 MAcc which should be best for max MAcc.
It seems like they've been concentrating pretty heavily on MND + MAcc the last few updates. Orvail & Bokwus are basically enfeebling & Realmrazer only. While this is nice, I hope we have some different stats to look forward to in the future. Conserve MP & -Enmity on Cure Potency pieces, Refresh on different slots, and Spell/JA specific pieces would be nice. And I certainly wouldn't turn down a big +Enhancing piece or two to clear out my inventory a bit.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17
By Valefor.Thelaughingman 2013-05-11 23:16:45
Something I've been thinking about lately, particularly when dealing with lackluster showings in Reives, is that everything will aggro you.
Obviously as a White Mage, you can stay alive for a fairly long amount of time, especially if you eat some tacos, but spell interruption becomes an issue even with capped Healing Magic.
Perhaps I should be testing with sets that cast faster, but I'm very tempted to start working towards building this:
ItemSet 300714
Obviously this would stop spell interruption, but at the cost of a fair amount of inventory while providing little else (the lack of AF1+2, Zeni item augments, or even just more plentiful interrupt gear makes this set pretty annoying to use). It is also almost completely non-negotiable.
Thoughts, especially on the pros/cons of this?
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 138
By Diabolos.Yugl 2013-05-12 03:08:58
Do most WHM precast their cure sets or do they midcast?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-05-12 03:21:55
Pretty sure you want Novia instead of Novio
My set is pretty much identical to the one you posted except I completely abandoned a midcast set all together because of how often the cure spell goes off while in precast gear. All I really did was put in Cure Clogs instead and use Pythia sash +1. Puts me at -49enm, which annoys me but it's good enough until something new comes around.
Also, this link is helpful
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-13 21:00:42
The MAcc path also gives you:
-Bokwus Robe at 23 MND, 13 MAcc, which looks to be pretty good for max MND or general enfeebling. Possibly Realmrazer? I'm not sure if the 14 STR and 13 Acc on Sublime beats out the extra 9 MND.
-Bokwus Legs with 10 MND and 23 MAcc which should be best for max MAcc, I think. Is 1 skill = 1 MAcc just a rumor I've heard, or has that actually been tested?
-Bokwus Boots with 10 MND and 20 MAcc which should be best for max MAcc.
Updated with these in mind. I would consider them all good contenders, but if I had a choice on which ones to build first for a WHM support, I would go with either gloves or body, with my vote leaning more towards body. Legs and Boots are very nice though like that, and head can make for a fun nuking piece on WHM if augmented down the MAB path.
I do not feel Bowkus Body would trump Sublime Breastplate on Realmrazer mainly because of the accuracy issues in SoA. In non-SoA areas, my gut tells me fully augmented Bowkus would win because of the extra mind, but would need to calculate that out.
It seems like they've been concentrating pretty heavily on MND + MAcc the last few updates. Orvail & Bokwus are basically enfeebling & Realmrazer only. While this is nice, I hope we have some different stats to look forward to in the future. Conserve MP & -Enmity on Cure Potency pieces, Refresh on different slots, and Spell/JA specific pieces would be nice. And I certainly wouldn't turn down a big +Enhancing piece or two to clear out my inventory a bit.
I would also like to see the above, which we may see. I don't know if they'd do JA specific pieces like before because of the fact that JSE gear takes time to balance (and create in a sense), but the rest, well, we can see.
Valefor.Thelaughingman said: »Something I've been thinking about lately, particularly when dealing with lackluster showings in Reives, is that everything will aggro you.
Obviously as a White Mage, you can stay alive for a fairly long amount of time, especially if you eat some tacos, but spell interruption becomes an issue even with capped Healing Magic.
Perhaps I should be testing with sets that cast faster, but I'm very tempted to start working towards building this:
ItemSet 300714
Obviously this would stop spell interruption, but at the cost of a fair amount of inventory while providing little else (the lack of AF1+2, Zeni item augments, or even just more plentiful interrupt gear makes this set pretty annoying to use). It is also almost completely non-negotiable.
Thoughts, especially on the pros/cons of this?
I've been noticing interrupts quite frequently now, even against content in Heroes of Abyssea zones. I'm not sure why though, I guess partially because of the levels and partially because of the defense update.
However, I personally do not feel an interrupt set is needed as it burns inventory and has niche uses (if something is really looking at you in an extremely dangerous situation, your DDs either need to hit harder and use their PDT sets smartly or you need to pull back some healing). I feel the better advice is to actually try to maintain Aquaveil as much as possible as an enhanced set can last for quite a bit of time even against SoA critters.
Do most WHM precast their cure sets or do they midcast?
Some WHMs actually like to precast in a mixture of fast cast gear AND Potency gear in their remaining slots. This allows them to maintain at least some form potency if their cast goes too quickly (or if occasional quickens cast procs). I do not do this myself, but you may find success in that. I personally go the route of keeping the two sets separate.
Pretty sure you want Novia instead of Novio
My set is pretty much identical to the one you posted except I completely abandoned a midcast set all together because of how often the cure spell goes off while in precast gear. All I really did was put in Cure Clogs instead and use Pythia sash +1. Puts me at -49enm, which annoys me but it's good enough until something new comes around.
Also, this link is helpful
Yep, you are correct and I have corrected the set. That's a nice link too O-o I guess I'll have to play around with that more.
Update: I am making progress on the melee section of the guide, but having issues putting more mid and low tier sets that seem reasonable (optimal sets are mostly easy since Sylow made them easy to find ^^;...)
Once the melee section is updated, I plan to make a basic spell cast for everyone to look at/use for both regular support and melee and also plan to node the entire guide.
Thank you for your patience.
Note: The guide will not be updated at this time due to personal real life commitments. My completely biased opinion is that this guide is still an incredible resources for any WHM, aspiring or not, and the majority of the theory presented in this guide will most likely remain appropriate for many years to come. Item sets have not been updated since August 17, 2013.
On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide
Part 1 - Introduction - “So… I hear you enjoy healing!”
Part 2 - Job Traits and Abilities - “Wait… I can do that…?”
Part 3 - Sub Job Selection and Merits - “I put on my wizard’s hat, no wait!”
Part 4 - Spells and Equipment - “Ooooh… shiny!”
4a) Healing Magic - “Making sure a DD only cares about flattening things”
4b) Enhancing Magic - “Proccing Haste, huh?”
4c) Divine Magic - “I got a laser… that was blessed by the heavens!”
4d) Enfeebling Magic - ~ Insert malicious grin here ~
4e) Miscellaneous Spells and Gear Sets - “What’s that in your Gobbie bag?”
Part 5 - Tips and Tricks to playing White Mage - “Nuances? What’s a nuance?”
5a) White Mage Spellcast - “Can you PLEASE stop blinking?!”
Part 6 - Applying Mace to Face - “Stop! It’s Hammer Time!”
6a) The Right Tools - “Preparation Time”
6b) Weapon Selection - "Do I use Meat Tenderizer A or B?"
6c) Wardrobe of Mass Destruction - "I think the title says it all"
6d) Nuances of Smashing Face - "How many hands do you think I have???"
6e) White Mage Melee Spellcast - “Smashing Supporting!”
Part 1 - Introduction - “So… I hear you enjoy healing!”
White Mages are masters and mistresses of the healing arts. No class in the game can heal as quickly, efficiently, and effectively as a White Mage. With defensive job abilities and traits, the most powerful Cures, several status recovering methods, and a wide variety of enhancing magic - it is difficult to compete with a White Mage on the defensive scale. If fast paced spike heals and a challenge to keep your allies alive and unhindered in even the most desperate of situations is your cup of tea, than White Mage is for you.
White Mages is one of those classes where you are more dependent on your knowledge and your wits than you are in your gear. Does this mean gear is less important for a White Mage? Not at all, but a lack of gear can be made up with quick reflexes and prior knowledge to an encounter. It doesn’t matter if you have the best gear in the world if you do not realize that one of your party members is petrified thanks to a Rock Smash from an opposing troll or if your entire offensive line is paralyzed thanks to a potent Roar from a tiger. Not only are there reactive measures, there are also preventative measures a White Mage can employ. You see that notorious monster readying a highly damaging Area of Effect attack? Prepare that Curaga IV and watch as your parties HP goes from red back to white in an instant.
Where a White Mage truly shines is in large scale melees with huge spike numbers. White Mages are capable of revitalizing your entire front line by themselves, and with a little support can keep up that scale of healing indefinitely.
In this guide, you will find a comprehensive review of many of the spells and abilities White Mages bring to table. Included in this review are optimized gear sets as well as good and easier to acquire alternatives for some equipment.
As a disclaimer, the majority of this guide is written from my own personal experience and knowledge as playing a White Mage as my only job for the majority of my FFXI career. There are different playstyles and some may be more suitable for an individual than others. I wish to present this guide in a way where it can provide players with insight and knowledge that may otherwise be hard to find or located in an obscure part of cyberspace. How an individual wishes to apply this knowledge afterwards, it is up to them. I hope you enjoy this guide!
Version Update
1.9 - August 17, 2013 - Updated item sets to reflect new gear introduced August 8th, 2013 as well as adjusted iLevel gear
1.81 - July 14, 2013 - Updated items sets to reflect near gear introduced in July patch
1.8 - July 11, 2013 - Rough melee sets completed for melee guide; aesthetic and description updates to specific sections in the guide
1.7 - May 23, 2013 - Partially completed Melee section added
1.6 - May 2, 2013 - Gearset update with the April 29, 2013 patch including some clarifications
1.5 - March 28, 2013 - Gearsets update with the introduction of SoA
1.41 - March 18, 2013 - Small update for optimal single target Cure and Tips section
1.4 - March 10, 2013 - Aesthetic updates and links for most spells to a respective FFXIAH page so players may have quick access to other wiki's. Also, pictures!
1.3 - March 7, 2013 - Minor tweaks and edits as suggested by the community.
1.2 - March 3, 2013 - Added Section Content section for easy searching
1.1 - March 2, 2013 - Edits and clarifications
1.0 - March 2, 2013 - First iteration posted