On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Pandemonium.Imaplatypus 2014-04-24 05:54:44
I've been looking for a piece of equipment, maybe a neck, that has slip damage for whm. Does it exist? And if exists, can you tell me the name, please?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Fosco 2014-04-24 10:51:49
"Slip damage"?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2014-04-24 11:27:37
I think he means dot, like Frenzy Sallet/Berserker's Torque. I don't think WHM has one as far as I know.
By Achira 2014-05-01 05:51:49
What do you want it to do? Poison pot-like to keep you awake?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Calatilla 2014-05-01 06:18:51
Server: Odin
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Posts: 282
By Odin.Skjalf 2014-05-09 13:44:18
I really like this guide and thread. Thank you. Its past time for an update to combat sets. Here are some (not all) of the gear that Skjalf has been using/testing recently:
TP (Club Skill):
ItemSet 322858
/checkparam says the following for the above set:
Average item level: 115
Primary accuracy: 825 / Primary attack: 909.
Auxiliary accuracy: 815 / Auxiliary attack: 857
Alternately Rajas Ring and Suppanomimi can be used in lieu of Tjukurrpa Annulet and Tati Earring, respectively for faster TP generation. However, Skjalf likes Club Skill @448.
[Sole Sushi +1 on WHM great. ^^ hehe]
Hexa Strike:
ItemSet 320201
Been messing around with different Atmas and have seen up to 7~7.4k damage against Raptors in Abyssea - Misareaux.
For those who might not have reforged/+1 armor stuff yet the RoE can be nice for WSing.
WHM - Hexa Strike (Crit Hit+10% Set)
ItemSet 318771
Skjalf used to use it and did this:
ItemSet 322918
All right! Did this a couple days ago:
There is always room for improvement. WHM can be a great DD. Don't let anyone tell you different. ^^
meow :3
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-05-09 13:47:40
I really like this guide and thread. Thank you. Its past time for an update to combat sets. Here are some (not all) of the gear that Skjalf has been using/testing recently:
TP (Club Skill):
ItemSet 322858
/checkparam says the following for the above set:
Average item level: 115
Primary accuracy: 825 / Primary attack: 909.
Auxiliary accuracy: 815 / Auxiliary attack: 857
Alternately Rajas Ring and Suppanomimi can be used in lieu of Tjukurrpa Annulet and Tati Earring, respectively for faster TP generation. However, Skjalf likes Club Skill @448.
[Sole Sushi +1 on WHM great. ^^ hehe]
Hexa Strike:
ItemSet 320201
Been messing around with different Atmas and have seen up to 7~7.4k damage against Raptors in Abyssea - Misareaux.
For those who might not have reforged/+1 armor stuff yet the RoE can be nice for WSing.
WHM - Hexa Strike (Crit Hit+10% Set)
ItemSet 318771
Skjalf used to use it and did this:
ItemSet 322918
All right! Did this a couple days ago:
There is always room for improvement. WHM can be a great DD. Don't let anyone tell you different. ^^
meow :3
This looks nice. Thanks for posting!
I like how you refer to yourself in the 3rd person too, btw. :)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Odin.Skjalf 2014-05-09 22:04:23
Mighty Strikes > Realmrazer sounds like a lot of fun, but this is a WHM thread! ^o^
[Nearly 6.4k Realmrazer on KB today ^^]
meow :3
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Odin.Skjalf 2014-05-14 18:51:40
All right! Update brings new gear. Do need more accuracy fighting high level mobs? ^^ If accuracy becomes more important than Store-TP, here you go:
ItemSet 323615
(Bokwus pieces augmented with DEX+10 Accuracy+15 and Attack+10 of course.)
meow :3
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-05-29 23:31:21
Just out of curiosity, what is everyone's priority on job points for whm?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Quetzalcoatl.Crystalchan 2014-05-30 00:13:33
I started doing Benediction because I thought it'd be pretty awesome at Level 30 but then I saw how grindy it was and I could just use a vile or a coalition ether instead, lol.
I guess I would go Magic ACC>Asylum>Benediction>Divine Seal if I ever got that far but it does seem like a pretty minimal return for the amount of time it takes but I suppose that is job points!
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1550
By Bahamut.Dannyl 2014-05-30 00:35:49
I like how you refer to yourself in the 3rd person too, btw. :)
was thinking the same thing. WHMDD FTW
rawr >:D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 340
By Asura.Nanabi 2014-06-14 02:21:16
Hello! I just returned from a long break.
I was wondering if anyone has an idea of what is the current optimal set for WHM in terms for Cure/Curaga, idle, and Enhancing? All the new gears are really confusing....
If it helps I was a club user, and all sets were close to optimal pre adoulin, would like to know how much work I need to do before I am allowed to join high tier stuff so I don't get one shot.
Any input on this will be much appreciated!! ^^
By Pantafernando 2014-06-14 04:14:07
Hello! I just returned from a long break.
I was wondering if anyone has an idea of what is the current optimal set for WHM in terms for Cure/Curaga, idle, and Enhancing? All the new gears are really confusing....
If it helps I was a club user, and all sets were close to optimal pre adoulin, would like to know how much work I need to do before I am allowed to join high tier stuff so I don't get one shot.
Any input on this will be much appreciated!! ^^
You can start mixing AF1 and AF2 reforge as well taking a look at gendewitha sets.
WHM is a job that didnt changed so much over time. The only diference is that nowaday we got so many cure cast/cure pot gear that its hard to say a unique top. You can always drop a piece of cure pot here to add there and get more MND but overall, the biggest improve adoulin bring to us is the ease to make hybrid sets, where you can reach both cure pot and cure cast caps in a single set.
As im no WHM expert, what I can say for sure is this piece is a standart between WHMs, and must be your top priority:
For enhancing, this piece made easier to reach cap:
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2014-06-14 04:26:42
Just out of curiosity, what is everyone's priority on job points for whm?
Benediction, Benediction and Benediction.
HP set for devotion and mp set for Benediction; currently level 8 and 150mp with an mp set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 30
By Asura.Kharlan 2014-06-29 23:25:55
Just saw these while looking through new High-Tier rewards. They lose to Pantaloons+2 by 1% of MP converted and 2% Cure Casting Time, but they do have an interesting Potency+10%... as well as Enmity-, Haste, and stat vomit.
Consensus? I would guess not worth it?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Cerberus.Leires 2014-06-29 23:40:57
Just saw these while looking through new High-Tier rewards. They lose to Pantaloons+2 by 1% of MP converted and 2% Cure Casting Time, but they do have an interesting Potency+10%... as well as Enmity-, Haste, and stat vomit.
Consensus? I would guess not worth it? I would say it's a good piece to have on hand. I wouldn't fulltime it, but I find it useful for say Yorcia Delve to stay in w/o going idle or a non ilvl piece. Have the stat puke for defense while still maintaining cure benefits unlike AF or Relic.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Quetzalcoatl.Jezz 2014-07-08 12:09:40
I'd just like to say how disappointed I am that they are only for whm. :(
By Heimdel 2014-07-08 12:30:28
Does regen 4 have a hard cap or does the stats on delve club and reforge not count as specific bonus like it not actually +36 hp a tick?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 747
By Ragnarok.Nemesio 2014-07-08 12:55:32
Does regen 4 have a hard cap or does the stats on delve club and reforge not count as specific bonus like it not actually +36 hp a tick? It's percentage based I believe. So +36%
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Quetzalcoatl.Crystalchan 2014-07-08 13:06:34
The HQ Piety body's not +36/tick, it's actually 36% (sadly) it is also the same is for the Bolelabunga club, +10%.
Hopefully accurate math below, did it a long time ago, so I most likely forgot, not sure!
If we're talking about Regen IV (+30 Regen / 60 Seconds)
HQ Body+Club=46%.
30x0.46 = +13 HP regen
Marduk Hat+1 = +3 HP Regen
Base Regen IV = +30 HP Regen
Total = 46, 51 if you have 5/5 Regen merits
HQ Theo. Pants = Regen Duration +18 s
Orison Mitts +2 = Regen Duration +15 s
Regen IV Duration Base = +60 s
Total = 93 seconds, Divide by 3 to get 31 ticks.
46 x 31 = 1426 HP cured in 93 seconds (no merits)
51 x 31 = 1581 HP cured in 93 seconds (5/5 merits)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 340
By Asura.Nanabi 2014-07-15 08:23:01
Need advice on some sets:
fast cast -
ItemSet 326038
1. Other than Marduk's body +1 that gives 1 more FC, are there pieces that I don't know of or any augment earring that gives FC? I use impatients > Incantor stone because with witful 5% is 1/20 proc rate :3
2. also, if I were to make haste recast faster, what pieces should I replace out of this set?
Cure -
ItemSet 326037
currently @ 50 enmity and doing 1450+ on Cure VI(just a benchmark for me, never use it), are there more conserve MP or ways to improve the cure strength if I want to keep 50 enmity intact?
Also, looking at what above poster said, Regen set seems worthy of building now.... that's next in line :3
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 307
By Sylph.Ice 2014-07-15 13:50:09
Need advice on some sets:
fast cast -
ItemSet 326038
1. Other than Marduk's body +1 that gives 1 more FC, are there pieces that I don't know of or any augment earring that gives FC? I use impatients > Incantor stone because with witful 5% is 1/20 proc rate :3
2. also, if I were to make haste recast faster, what pieces should I replace out of this set?
Cure -
ItemSet 326037
currently @ 50 enmity and doing 1450+ on Cure VI(just a benchmark for me, never use it), are there more conserve MP or ways to improve the cure strength if I want to keep 50 enmity intact?
Also, looking at what above poster said, Regen set seems worthy of building now.... that's next in line :3
For recast timers on haste, I use:
Head: Nahtirah Hat
Neck: Orison Locket
Ear1: Loquac. Earring
Body: Artsieq Jubbah.
Hands: Dynasty Mitts
Ring1: Prolix
Back: Switch Cape
Waist: Cetl Belt
Legs: Artsieq Hose
Feet: Umbani Boots
Pretty much the same precast gear as you are.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Quetzalcoatl.Crystalchan 2014-07-15 20:16:26
(I would spoiler all this but it'll make it so you can't open it? Weird! So here's a wall of text)
This is what I use for a fastcast set, really liking the instant cast and even though Dalmy has less fastcast, I still find it really nice. Everything else seems the same, except for Veneficium ring (I honestly forgot about it until recently, obtained with legion points or bought on the AH.)
Fastcast set:
12% Instant Cast, 41% Fast Cast (Dalmy+1: 3% Instant, 6% Fastcast)
ItemSet 325330
Cure sets aren't really that super important to optimize anymore, as long as you can get 50% Cure potency, -50 Enmity and capping Tranquil heart is nice too! I try and stuff in ConserveMP since a little extra MND/Healing skill is pretty marginal
Cure Set:
50% Cure potency, -51 enmity, +62 healing magic skill, +36 ConserveMP with SCH sub. Caps Tranquil Heart(-25% enmity) if you have 16 Healing merits at 502 skill.
(Hat is Augmented with Cure Potency+7%)
ItemSet 321078
Oh and if you mean a midcast haste set, I use this:
ConserveMP Set:
+24 Haste, (+1 Haste with Ionis on), +66 ConserveMP with /SCH trait. *I swap to Dynasty Mitts for enhancing spells
ItemSet 321082
Oh and yeah, I love Regen now!
Here are my item sets on other things if you want to take a look. It's not entirely perfect and I have some weird things so let me know if you find anything better, I'm always looking for new stuff!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2014-07-15 20:30:03
A little bit of MP for haste/erase/etc isn't going to be noticeable. You should use the -recast magian staves instead. 3-4 second erase and 5-6 second hastes recast timers are nice.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Quetzalcoatl.Crystalchan 2014-07-15 23:46:49
Thank you, I had forgotten about recast staves, I'll probably start working on the wind one soon. It is a pretty noticeable difference; I'm at 9 second recast on Haste and 3 second recast on Erase with Light Arts. ConserveMP is nice for the occasional Arise though!
Note: The guide will not be updated at this time due to personal real life commitments. My completely biased opinion is that this guide is still an incredible resources for any WHM, aspiring or not, and the majority of the theory presented in this guide will most likely remain appropriate for many years to come. Item sets have not been updated since August 17, 2013.
On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide
Part 1 - Introduction - “So… I hear you enjoy healing!”
Part 2 - Job Traits and Abilities - “Wait… I can do that…?”
Part 3 - Sub Job Selection and Merits - “I put on my wizard’s hat, no wait!”
Part 4 - Spells and Equipment - “Ooooh… shiny!”
4a) Healing Magic - “Making sure a DD only cares about flattening things”
4b) Enhancing Magic - “Proccing Haste, huh?”
4c) Divine Magic - “I got a laser… that was blessed by the heavens!”
4d) Enfeebling Magic - ~ Insert malicious grin here ~
4e) Miscellaneous Spells and Gear Sets - “What’s that in your Gobbie bag?”
Part 5 - Tips and Tricks to playing White Mage - “Nuances? What’s a nuance?”
5a) White Mage Spellcast - “Can you PLEASE stop blinking?!”
Part 6 - Applying Mace to Face - “Stop! It’s Hammer Time!”
6a) The Right Tools - “Preparation Time”
6b) Weapon Selection - "Do I use Meat Tenderizer A or B?"
6c) Wardrobe of Mass Destruction - "I think the title says it all"
6d) Nuances of Smashing Face - "How many hands do you think I have???"
6e) White Mage Melee Spellcast - “Smashing Supporting!”
Part 1 - Introduction - “So… I hear you enjoy healing!”
White Mages are masters and mistresses of the healing arts. No class in the game can heal as quickly, efficiently, and effectively as a White Mage. With defensive job abilities and traits, the most powerful Cures, several status recovering methods, and a wide variety of enhancing magic - it is difficult to compete with a White Mage on the defensive scale. If fast paced spike heals and a challenge to keep your allies alive and unhindered in even the most desperate of situations is your cup of tea, than White Mage is for you.
White Mages is one of those classes where you are more dependent on your knowledge and your wits than you are in your gear. Does this mean gear is less important for a White Mage? Not at all, but a lack of gear can be made up with quick reflexes and prior knowledge to an encounter. It doesn’t matter if you have the best gear in the world if you do not realize that one of your party members is petrified thanks to a Rock Smash from an opposing troll or if your entire offensive line is paralyzed thanks to a potent Roar from a tiger. Not only are there reactive measures, there are also preventative measures a White Mage can employ. You see that notorious monster readying a highly damaging Area of Effect attack? Prepare that Curaga IV and watch as your parties HP goes from red back to white in an instant.
Where a White Mage truly shines is in large scale melees with huge spike numbers. White Mages are capable of revitalizing your entire front line by themselves, and with a little support can keep up that scale of healing indefinitely.
In this guide, you will find a comprehensive review of many of the spells and abilities White Mages bring to table. Included in this review are optimized gear sets as well as good and easier to acquire alternatives for some equipment.
As a disclaimer, the majority of this guide is written from my own personal experience and knowledge as playing a White Mage as my only job for the majority of my FFXI career. There are different playstyles and some may be more suitable for an individual than others. I wish to present this guide in a way where it can provide players with insight and knowledge that may otherwise be hard to find or located in an obscure part of cyberspace. How an individual wishes to apply this knowledge afterwards, it is up to them. I hope you enjoy this guide!
Version Update
1.9 - August 17, 2013 - Updated item sets to reflect new gear introduced August 8th, 2013 as well as adjusted iLevel gear
1.81 - July 14, 2013 - Updated items sets to reflect near gear introduced in July patch
1.8 - July 11, 2013 - Rough melee sets completed for melee guide; aesthetic and description updates to specific sections in the guide
1.7 - May 23, 2013 - Partially completed Melee section added
1.6 - May 2, 2013 - Gearset update with the April 29, 2013 patch including some clarifications
1.5 - March 28, 2013 - Gearsets update with the introduction of SoA
1.41 - March 18, 2013 - Small update for optimal single target Cure and Tips section
1.4 - March 10, 2013 - Aesthetic updates and links for most spells to a respective FFXIAH page so players may have quick access to other wiki's. Also, pictures!
1.3 - March 7, 2013 - Minor tweaks and edits as suggested by the community.
1.2 - March 3, 2013 - Added Section Content section for easy searching
1.1 - March 2, 2013 - Edits and clarifications
1.0 - March 2, 2013 - First iteration posted