On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide

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On Healing Hands - A Comprehensive WHM Guide
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Server: Bismarck
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user: Ihina
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By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-09-13 02:13:15
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Could just use Vates cape
Server: Ramuh
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user: Lorzy
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By Ramuh.Lorzy 2013-09-13 03:36:41
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seconding vates if you don't need the slot for potency. also if your fights are lasting only 5 minutes you probably don't need the -enmity on anything except maybe curagas. i don't think it makes a huge difference either way, but just throwing it out there.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ihina
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By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-09-13 04:13:50
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I tried to trio box VWNM rex the other day, THF/WHM/RDM, got to 71% until whm started pulling hate and I wiped. Only in situations like that would massive -enm be useful.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Ghishlain
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By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2013-09-13 07:13:52
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Phoenix.Warusha said: »
Ragnarok.Ghishlain said: »
This test states that the staff is additive with the Recast part of Fast Cast unless a futures test has debunked this. Again, I'm not sure is this allows the Recast term of Fast Cast to exceed that 40% cap due to Fast Cap capping at 80%, but it's easy to test as stated before, I just do not happen to have a staff nor a RDM to test this with.

Reread what you quoted, there is no information for recast in your source. It is true that the cast time reduction staves are additive with fastcast term, it is not true that recast reduction staves are additive with fastcast term on recast value. Also, 40% is still the cap on fastcast term for recast.

You are correct. For some reason, I was thinking the test was a recast test, not a cast test. I know I've read somewhere that affinity recast stacks additively with Fast Cast, but I can't think of the source right now. If I find, I'll post it, but for now, I'm not entirely sure.

EDIT: Here's a quote I found regarding that. I'll see if I can dig for a test somewhere in the thread after I get off work or if I get time during work.
By 2013-09-13 15:24:18
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Server: Ragnarok
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user: Ghishlain
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By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2013-09-13 16:43:04
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Okay, partially back reading / skimming the BG Cast and Recast thread and came up with the following:

*Affinity Recast is additive with the Fast Cast term as per this and this.

*Affinity Recast is not halved like its Fast Cast counterpart. Therefore, wearing two pieces of gear with 10% fast cast + an appropriate staff gives a total Recast reduction of 24% ( [10% + 10%]/2 + 14% = 24%)

I didn't see it, but I don't think there's been a test to see if Affinity Recast allows the player to break the 40% Recast cap on Fast Cast. If we have 80% Fast Cast equipped + appropriate staff, do we get 40% recast or 54% recast? Please correct me if I'm wrong though because I just skimmed the thread.
Server: Sylph
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user: Zenrin
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By Sylph.Zenrin 2013-09-21 21:28:18
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I've been away from the game for almost a year and my main jobs were WHM and BRD, started reading this our of boredom and I have to say: I have to congratulate you Ghishlain on such an amazing thread.

I take my Orison Cap off to you.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee 2013-09-22 17:58:04
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so, I've been thinking about the prospects of day/weather bonus stacking with sure pot and healing skill, and wondered with gendewitha caubeen and bokwus hands cure pot is easy to cap. Have people thought about revisiting chatoyant staff as a curing piece? with light weather up from aurorastorm or natural sources, iridesences gives another .1 multiplier as a seperate multiplier from cure potency.

single weather 0.1
iridesence +0.1
twilight cape +0.05
additional 1.25 multiplier on cures

double weather +0.25
iridesence +0.1
twilight cape +0.05
additional 1.4 multiplier on cures

day 0.1
twilight cape 0.05
zodiac ring 0.03
additional 1.18 multiplier

single weather 0.1
day 0.1
iridesence 0.1
twilight cape 0.05
zodiac ring 0.03
additional 1.38 multiplier
ItemSet 313159
gives cure4:895, cure5:1120 without weather
gives cure4:1074 cure5:1344 with day and weather

double weather 0.25
day 0.1
twilight cape 0.05
additional 1.4 multiplier
ItemSet 313520
gives cure4:912 cure5:1134 without
gives cure4:1231 cure5:1530 with double weather and day

the day weather bonus caps at 1.4. another consideration is that this day/weather bonus has a sporadic proc rate, making it necessary to use a korin obi to force procs.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2013-09-23 17:36:33
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This is a very valid point, especially with the proliferation of high Cure Potency pieces. While an incredible bonus in theory, the times where a WHM is in the same party as a SCH during practical events is almost non-existent. But for those times where Lightsday / Light Weather is present, this is a very useful set to have for those who know how to program it into their spellcasts or use a separate macro for weather.

Sets like the above also makes orison pantaloons +2 so ridiculously broken with Cure sets... heh.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
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By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-09-23 18:34:45
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Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but I find it highly advisable pending on lag and quality of PC to have a precast set that caps potency/cast time. Also something I've noticed with a fair amount of premade XMLs that people need to watch out for; the delay on precast is long enough to where it's actually slowing your cast times significantly. I have had to "fix" numerous friends XMLs who ended up running into this issue and not figuring out why.

I also lock orison pants+2 and relevant cure weapons, so in the event of macro jamming I don't screw up my cure too badly. The latter isn't as relevant for someone solely playing a WHM, but I find myself hectically spamming cures while multiboxing high stress events.
Server: Odin
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user: Calipso
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By Odin.Calipso 2013-09-23 18:53:20
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Due to lag and not really sure what else, I was having issues with my precast sets. My biggest problem was with spamming back to back cures, I would end up in weird mixes of precast/midcast/idle gear at times.

I took precast stuff for cures out of my spellcast (but left in idle set in aftercast and obviously cure sets as it goes off) and instead changed my ff macros to look like this:

/spellcast set precast
/ma "Cure IV" <stal>


This seems to work a lot better (at least for me) than having precast/midcast in your spellcasts. It seems to especially shine for brd as well.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-09-23 20:33:20
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I just combined my precast and midcast sets into one, never had a problem casting in the wrong gear again. Only downside is that you have to cast in -cure casting time gear, so your cures aren't as strong.

If anyone has a fool proof method to allow both precast and midcast sets to properly go off 100% of the time, I'd love to hear it.
Posts: 122
By Dantedmc 2013-09-23 20:48:51
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The only solution I've found is just to idle in precast. Since whm gets plenty of big -cct pieces it won't negatively impact your refresh too much. I have both cast and midcast delay set to 0 and it seems to work. I also have my sc set up to switch back to idle faster since sometimes sc is kind of slow on that.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2013-09-23 20:54:39
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Yeah, as it stands right now it's pretty straight forward to build an all in one set and let it rock. It's not the most efficient, but skill / MND / VIT only accounts for so much after potency is capped, so using an all-in-one set isn't a bad solution to the "too fast cast" problem.
Server: Odin
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user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2013-09-23 21:32:25
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From what I've seen, the macro I posted always works for getting precast on, and potency going on properly. No matter what you're doing or where your sc is at, it forces on the precast set and you can't gear swap with a target on, so it stays on. You could probably use a windower script too. (A lot of people I play with swear up and down scripts are faster than sc). I first started using it like that on brd, because spamming songs would often end up with weird gear combinations.

Idling in your precast stuff works too (though not as well because it still has to finish a cast and put on your idle set), if you can handle the mp loss from not having on refresh gear.
Posts: 122
By Dantedmc 2013-09-23 22:02:23
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I'm not a fan of that solely because I like to type //c# and a few letter of someone's name as opposed to using stal.

Odin.Calipso said: »
Idling in your precast stuff works too (though not as well because it still has to finish a cast and put on your idle set), if you can handle the mp loss from not having on refresh gear.

I'm not really sure what you mean by this, you have to wait for the spell to finish either way to switch back into your refresh gear. Additionally you can set up sc to switch to idle pretty much as soon as the spell is complete.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Enceladus
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2013-09-23 22:25:04
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Last time I checked, Spellcast does not register aftercast until the spellcast time from resources has passed (very irritating as a BRD). Because of this, if you have enough fast cast, you sometimes start to cast another spell before your idle gear equips. This could be a problem if you're relying on your idle gear to be your precast gear, because you won't be in the set before the spell starts; whereas if it's just refresh gear, it's not a big deal to skip over it.

I don't even have WHM macros, so Calipso's solution also wouldn't work exactly for me, but it would be possible to replicate it in Spellcast. Assuming it works, this would probably be the best solution to the issue that doesn't involve castdelay, which I'm not a fan of.
Server: Phoenix
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user: MiavPigen
Posts: 1245
By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2013-09-23 22:29:18
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according to ffxiclopedia zodiac ring does not work with healing.
is there new info on that ?
Server: Odin
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user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2013-09-23 22:51:44
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Dantedmc said: »
I'm not really sure what you mean by this, you have to wait for the spell to finish either way to switch back into your refresh gear. Additionally you can set up sc to switch to idle pretty much as soon as the spell is complete.

What flippant said. Unless I completely fail at searching for sc rules, there's no way to make your idle set come on faster.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2013-09-23 22:56:55
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Phoenix.Gaiarorshack said: »
according to ffxiclopedia zodiac ring does not work with healing.
is there new info on that ?

It doesn't work with cures.
Posts: 122
By Dantedmc 2013-09-23 23:06:49
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you can manipulate the aftercast value by adjusting the %castingtime variable to account for fastcast. Here's what I'm currently using for LA white magic
<elseif skill="HealingMagic|EnhancingMagic" notspell="rerai*|raise*|arise*">
		<if buffactive="Light Arts|Addendum: white">
                      <var cmd='setcalc CastTime (%CastTime * 1 * (1 -($SubCastBonus + $%SkillCastBonus))* (1-.10))' />
                      <var cmd='setcalc AfterCastTime ($CastTime + 1.6)' />
                        <aftercastdelay delay="$AfterCastTime" />
			<cmd when="precast">wait $AfterCastTime; sc set "Idle $Idle"</cmd>

%SkillCastBonus is a value I set relating to the healing or enhancing fast cast I have.

the (1-.10) is the LA bonus

Subcastbonus is for /rdm and it's really only in there because I took this from my sch code.

The AfterCastTime variable is the CastTime + w/e seconds you set and controls when your idle set equips. You need to find a time that works with the lag you are dealing with.

This doesn't work for raises as I currently have it set because -cure casting time doesn't work on them, but -cct is included in my HealingSkillCastBonus value.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2013-09-23 23:39:40
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That's cool, I've never seen that before. How accurate is it though? As the original problem in the first place was SC pre/mid/after casts not meshing together very well when you're spamming spells back to back
Posts: 122
By Dantedmc 2013-09-23 23:59:02
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This code (based on the time you set) will put you back into your idle set quickly. It's extremely noticeable on things like Curaga and long nukes. It allows me to quickly recast cure3 and higher for full potency if im idling in 80% cct with cast and midcastdelay set to 0.

The issue is when i'm not idling in -80% cct and try to have a cureprecast, I don't think sc is fast enough to -80% spells as quick as cure, but that's unrelated to the code I pasted.

The code is to fix the issue of aftercast equipping well after you've casted due to fastcast, thus eliminating the issue of aftercast meshing with the others.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Achira
Posts: 16
By Ragnarok.Achira 2013-09-24 01:08:59
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I'd like to propose a simpler XML out there for ppl who white mage specifically for events or dual box:


1. It only uses built-in variables.
2. Almost all sets degrade gracefully- that means, they have a baseset that can be traced all the way to your idle set, so you should always have a piece of gear in a slot, even if the gear you ideally wanted was left in your mog house.
3. there are final "else" rules are built in as a catch-all: even if I missed something, you will still cast in a set that is max mnd or max int based, and will use your fast cast set when appropriate.

It assumes a few things:
- you're aware of the //sc exportgear command.
- you're using the lua addon aecho to remove silence status automatically so you don't need it in your spellcast.
- you can figure out what your ifcasttimegt number is and adjust accordingly.

It may need some tweaking here and there- some people like reraise reminders when not in abyssea, or special rules like that. I do think that this could really simplify the whm xml process for a lot of people though.

I would love to get some feedback if anyone tries it out! :)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Enceladus
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2013-09-25 02:01:40
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Odin.Calipso said: »
That's cool, I've never seen that before. How accurate is it though? As the original problem in the first place was SC pre/mid/after casts not meshing together very well when you're spamming spells back to back

The problem with aftercast doesn't really have to do with the same issue between pre/mid sets, but more that you can only delay it. But the aftercast part of the code isn't what's remedying the problem (and can be taken out entirely)--it's the cmd that's being sent (and actually, iirc, cmds cannot be queued and are always fired immediately, so it doesn't need the when="precast" in it).

Spellcast does not go through all the equipment and "stack" them like you seem to suggest in #2. For example, it will only store a single belt in its execution of a set, even though it may need to travel several sets to get to the first instance of a belt. If that belt is not in your inventory, it will not equip the next belt it finds; rather, the game will still try to equip it even though it's not in your inventory. Also, I think Motenten posted somewhere that using basesets can cause Spellcast to lag (or rather take a longer time to process), so having one set go through several basesets may be bad. If it's not directly related, I wouldn't do it, especially if the spell should be filling in the holes with that set already; for example, WhiteMagic baseset Idle, or FastCast baseset Idle.

I didn't look at all the sets specifically, but a few suggestions: 1. You should avoid redundancy, like the idle/resting sets on the top and the bottom.
2. You have some ifs where you can use elseifs (JA, white magic, black magic).
3. You may also want another catch at the end for other types of spells (ninjutsu I guess lol).
4. Misery and Solace cure sets tend to differ (and curaga, for that matter).
5. Need a cursna set!

But overall, looks like nice clean code for people to use.

And the casttimegt is a very interesting and convenient feature, thank you for sharing.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Achira
Posts: 16
By Ragnarok.Achira 2013-09-25 08:24:10
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Ragnarok.Flippant said: »
Spellcast does not go through all the equipment and "stack" them like you seem to suggest in #2. For example, it will only store a single belt in its execution of a set, even though it may need to travel several sets to get to the first instance of a belt. If that belt is not in your inventory, it will not equip the next belt it finds; rather, the game will still try to equip it even though it's not in your inventory.

I knew this, I'm not sure why I misspoke. >< I apologize if I created confusion for anyone.

Here's what I should have said: if a set doesn't have a piece of gear in the list (and by that I mean it's been excluded completely from the set list), if there is a baseset, SC will "fill in" the missing items with items that are in the baseset.

To address the other points-
- Yes, using more basesets is something that can cause spellcast to lag. It was a decision that I thought about when making this spellcast in particular.
Here were some of the considerations:
1. the target user
2. the xml doesn't have any user defined variables (which can slow SC down)
3. No includes (can also slow it down)
4. I don't know what/how people are going to actually make their sets. I've only pre-defined the name and given some guidance as to what someone should gear up before using the exportgear command.

This is why the SC uses basesets.
That being said: If users know that their sets are covered and don't need basesets, then don't use them. Maybe you're friends with the find and replace function on your code editor and don't mind having complete sets for every set and updating all of those things when you get new gear.

- Avoiding redundancy- Idle at Top/Bottom: This one is where it definitely can/will improve. While testing we found that the rules didn't work so well for Status types but do work perfectly at the end. That being said, I don't like having equip rules just hanging out there. So I'm not entirely 100% positive on that just yet.

- Why I used ifs instead of ifs and elseifs: I could have done that, but then would have needed an else at the end, and my goal was simplicity that covered the bases.

- Including other types of magic (Ninjutsu, SummoningMagic, etc): These were left out on purpose. The target user is the person who is using spellcast for a dual box whm or is only a whm for events in which they are the primary healer and pretty much nothing else. I'm working on other iterations of this one, ones in which the user has many different roles. The less lines of code that SC needs to go through, the better, imo.

- That Misery/Solace cure sets will differ, as will curaga:
The target user generally will not be breaking out Afflatus Misery.

-No Cursna set: There is a *na set in there, if the user wanted to add a more specific cursna set they could. However given the inventory space issues, a general *na set will most likely suffice- and I've encountered more melee being responsible and bringing medicines like remedies and holy waters in specific events where hard to remove status effects will occur.

- Casttimegt: Very cool feature. Saves you heartache in the most generic way! I'm glad you like it.

However, this one did require explaining to my test user- so I should expound in case anyone else doesn't really understand it either.

Spellcast already knows the name of all the spells, and how long they take to cast. It has that number (time in seconds) built in and that's when it changes the gearsets.

What casttimegt is saying, is this: "IF this spell takes 3 seconds or LONGER to cast, then please use the fastcast set during pre-cast. If it's 2.9 seconds or less, then don't use a fastcast set."

Not understanding what I like to call "your fc number" is the reason players end up casting in their fastcast gear instead of their set specifically created for the spell. It's a little bit of math but it's worth doing! Once we got this right for the test user, they were pretty excited that they were finally casting in their cure potency set instead of their cure fastcast set. :)

At any rate, thank you for the feedback Flippant! :) It's given me a few things to improve and I appreciate that you took the time to look through it.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: MiavPigen
Posts: 1245
By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2013-10-08 16:20:19
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can i safely assumed that due to how ilevel weapons now work in regards to magic acc that tamagotchi club should be used instead of soothsayer?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2013-10-09 12:30:37
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Based on what I've read briefly, yes, but it's still a fairly new addition so if someone can link any testing on this somewhere, it would be great. I've only seen the few bits I've seen on this website that the MACC boss is pretty substantial, given sub job spells with sub job capped skills were still landing on targets. Whether this is a bug or not remains to be seen. I guess we will find out.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Fosco
Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Fosco 2013-11-05 09:36:40
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Looks like I need to start working on Mjollnir again.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: MiavPigen
Posts: 1245
By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2013-11-12 20:11:23
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jsut a quick proposal for an efficiency set

ItemSet 315463

This is based on the optimal set.
except for healing skill ring (since 1mill for 1 healing points ...) & gende.head which is supposed to be augmented with at least 5% curepotency

based on a whm/sch hume with 8 healing skill merits i get this:

CureMP set
Cure 4: 897 cures. 35.28 hp/mp

Optimal set:
Cure 4: 907 cures. 30.88 hp/mp

so only reducing 10hp on cures but can cast 14% more cures from the same mp pool

in case ppl dont wanna sacrifice that much the order of changes should be:
Ear1: 3 power changed to 5 ConMP (healing- to magnetic earring)
belt: 5 Power changed to 8 ConMP
Ammo: 2 power changed to 3 ConMP
Back: 4 power changed to 3 ConMP
Ear2: 4 power Changed to 3 ConMP

This set also has another benefit: Its is a lot easier to obtain.
if you exchange rubeus boots with gende boots. Nothing really takes that long time to get and you have 2 pcs of gear to split out that neede 5% cure potency augment.
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