I’d still probably pick the JA shield personally.
Personally the only real good use I see for Miracle cheer is if you win Bonanza on a mule who doesn't have BRD levelled.
At that point you can get Miracle Cheer and then maybe slowly farm Daurdabla and you're set, you're gonna have a BRD mule that's not BiS but pretty close to that without effort.
You won't have to farm song duration gear
You won't have to farm Ghorn
You won't have to farm Carnwenhan
Arguably you won't have to farm Marsyas either because as we emphasized before it doesn't work well with Miracle Cheer.
I dunno, but in this scenario I can see it as a pretty respectable option over other Bonanza prizes.
In a seg farm I will usually nitro SV at the start, get the cor to reset then re-apply nitro soul voice again at the 2nd/3rd camp so it lasts until floor 3, then there’s a good chance WC worked or cutting cards worked so the likelihood of SV the entire run is higher.
I see two problems with this:
1) You're relying on a ~33% chance to reset SV (it's actually slightly higher if we include the WC job points). And if you fail you're gonna end up having SV on the first floor, where it hardly makes a big difference, and no SV on last floor where imho it makes a huge difference. Personally I dislike chances/gambling but to each his own
2) You won't be able to use single march for the full run (SV HM + Haste1 to cap magic haste) because of the Marsyas/MC problem we mentioned before.
So again, as much as I can see the benefit in the approach you described, ultimately it seems like such a small difference that it doesn't exactly make me particularly excited about it.
...now if they ever allowed us to "learn" HM by Trading Marsyas to an NPC it would be a different story but that will never happen alas :-P
On that note, I've been contemplating what they could possibly add to the Prime Horn to make it useful without making any of the other rema redundant(or making the prime horn itself inferior to another option we already have).
What do you guys think SE have in mind?
I'm betting on Massacre Elegy but unless they revamp the song I'm not sure it would make such a huge difference in terms of making the Prime Horn attractive.