You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
By Asura.Briko 2020-12-31 07:32:14
After seeing how much my gear sets were referred to, I have overhauled the page and turned it into more of a guide. Please give any feedback for things I might have overlooked, or things you think are better. Constructive criticism is welcome.
Reviewed all sets, researched all slots again and made many adjustments to existing sets.
Covered more aspects of Bard such as Merits, Job Points, Abilities, etc.
Many new pieces of gear such as Unity augmented gear added to sets.
I also added "New 99" to "BiS" sets to help returning/new 99 players.
#1: I do not touch DD Bard in this guide. I am not a melee expert, and am not going to pretend to be. If anyone wants to give accurate sets to add - dual wield and single wield, along with different weapon options if applicable, I gladly will.
#2: I linked to Ruaumoko's video at the beginning, as he does a great job explaining the purpose of bard. No reason to rewrite what is already written.
Check your healing bard sets again. 5/5 Kaykaus +1 is inferior for cure 4 than the set in my node.
Need to update my sets a little, but havent been on ffxi in a few months
By bombsdiggity 2021-01-01 11:23:09
I run REMA bard (currently on hiatus). And the progression of my build was actually : REMA . You get your Gjallarhorn 1st because its cheap and easy way to get songs with max potency quicker. Next came Daurdabla because it was behind more hoops to jump through to get (both time and gil). Next came Mythic for me because i wanted the max song time / magic accuracy / and love to DD bard. Last i obtained was Aeonic because it required finding a Linkshell to team up with and getting jobs equipped/capped to be useful to Aeonic runs.
Its really a matter of progression then a stat argument, some sets like MACC and Song Potency come 1st in progression / price because of ease of access/gil so Relic +3 set with Gjallarhorn gets your foot in the door. Most of the bards I know tend to progress through Gjallarhorn : Daurdabla : Marsyas : and optional Carnwenhan.
The progression argument isn't valid because progression isn't limited to REMA.
People repeatedly pop on the forum and made the same "it's easy so it should comes first" comment. You know what's easier for a new player?
Don't build a ghorn and don't tell anyone that you don't have one! ;) ;) ;).
nah, i am totally with phio, REMA or REAM. two things that aggravate me, people showing up for aeonics with 3 5 min songs expecting a spot and people expecting me to bench my 4 song capped potency HM brd with carn and barfawc so they can sit there recasting 3 half songs every 3-4 mins as i try to slog through schah's chess board. don't be cheap, don't be lazy and work for something worth being proud of
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1400
By Fenrir.Richybear 2021-01-01 17:00:32
+1'd for legit liking the comment and for DGD avatar
By DaneBlood 2021-01-25 19:21:46
is there any updated sets for making a new bard ?
especially for
buff songs
enfeeble ?
Thank you
Server: Odin
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Posts: 38
By Odin.Naytan 2021-01-25 19:39:07
The BG guided that was posted twice in last 4 posts has newbie and Advanced sets:
also see Briko sets also posted
By DaneBlood 2021-01-25 22:07:07
..I should really read before posting. my bad :D
By Asura.Briko 2021-02-10 07:35:31
New Bunzi set initial reactions:
5/5 BiS for Idle DT when you dont need refresh (sub nin)
Head BiS fast Cast
Hands BiS tp gain w/o AM3
Whole set likely best non DM aug for Aeolian Edge
Gleti's Knifr looks like best offhand for Evisceration
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Funkworkz 2021-02-10 14:51:07
My take on the new Bunzi set: (this is based on my BiS idle set on my guide)
Entire set is BiS idle. It beats everything I had as long as you can live without the paralyze resist and extra couple refresh+ on idle, which can be put other places now.
Wearing the whole set gives Damage Taken -40%, so paired with defending ring you are now capped on DT, MDT and BDT taken. The total Magic Evasion from the full armor set alone is +674.
This opens up accessory slots to be switched with other gear. I am thinking HP+ or to make up the Refresh+ lost.
Head matches Nahtirah Hat for fast cast, but more survivability on it so its a replacement and inventory +1.
By Asura.Briko 2021-02-10 15:00:02
My take on the new Bunzi set: (this is based on my BiS idle set on my guide)
Entire set is BiS idle. It beats everything I had as long as you can live without the paralyze resist and extra couple refresh+ on idle, which can be put other places now.
Wearing the whole set gives Damage Taken -40%, so paired with defending ring you are now capped on DT, MDT and BDT taken. The total Magic Evasion from the full armor set alone is +674.
This opens up accessory slots to be switched with other gear. I am thinking HP+ or to make up the Refresh+ lost.
Head matches Nahtirah Hat for fast cast, but more survivability on it so its a replacement and inventory +1.
5/5 Bunzi with this I believe is best now.
ItemSet 363878
Linos: HP, Meva
Intarabus: HP60, Meva45
By Haziko 2021-02-20 11:48:11
My take on the new Bunzi set: (this is based on my BiS idle set on my guide)
Entire set is BiS idle. It beats everything I had as long as you can live without the paralyze resist and extra couple refresh+ on idle, which can be put other places now.
Wearing the whole set gives Damage Taken -40%, so paired with defending ring you are now capped on DT, MDT and BDT taken. The total Magic Evasion from the full armor set alone is +674.
This opens up accessory slots to be switched with other gear. I am thinking HP+ or to make up the Refresh+ lost.
Head matches Nahtirah Hat for fast cast, but more survivability on it so its a replacement and inventory +1.
5/5 Bunzi with this I believe is best now.
ItemSet 363878
Linos: HP, Meva
Intarabus: HP60, Meva45
What are you thinking if someone doesn't have Gold Mog Belt?
I'm thinking something along the lines of Carrier's Sash, Acuity Belt, Slipor Sash, Sveltesse Gouriz +1, or Porous Rope.
If only BRD could wear Asklepian...
Server: Asura
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Posts: 98
By Asura.Panasync 2021-03-02 12:56:50
I take it using the Mpaca's Staff as a replacement for the refresh on the Contemplator +1 is fine? At least in terms of having to force choose a specific unity trust, or am I missing something that the contemplator has over it (which considering it's in a refresh set I can't imagine what)?
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By Yzen 2021-05-14 05:33:26
Anyone mind sharing their BRD lua [with updates for 2021] thanks!
By Slowforever 2021-05-25 10:37:05
Question guys. I just got enough bard cards to upgrade a piece to +3 in the artifact set. I am leaning towards the helm because it will give me the best boost to magic accuracy but the hands have +2 lullaby and the feet give 2% more song duration. My songs are lasting 4 min 3 seconds atm. But for most stuff I don't need more then that + the double song JA. What do you guys think?
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-05-25 10:38:40
Are you missing any to +2? I think the whole set has it's use especially for magic accuracy so if you can get them all the +2 then I'd go for hands/feet first, then the rest. If you don't find yourself struggling with current lullaby duration then I'd do feet first.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Wotasu 2021-05-25 10:43:33
Question guys. I just got enough bard cards to upgrade a piece to +3 in the artifact set. I am leaning towards the helm because it will give me the best boost to magic accuracy but the hands have +2 lullaby and the feet give 2% more song duration. My songs are lasting 4 min 3 seconds atm. But for most stuff I don't need more then that + the double song JA. What do you guys think? Feet cause overall song duration means less singing. Then Hands.
By Slowforever 2021-05-25 12:44:12
Excellent thanks, and yea I have not finished +2 ing the set so Ill do that then boots.
On the bard guide on bgwiki it shows best in slot for songs is all omen +3 gear. Is this because of all the +instrument skill? I thought you wanted song duration stuff like the abyssea body and Inyanga legs. But on bgwikis bard guide it shows very little duration gear but of course they do have carn there. So question is, when you reach best in slot gear do you drop the 5-10% duration for more string/wind instrument gear?
By Serjero 2021-05-26 01:15:41
It shows AF+3 for the debuff songs because you want as much magic accuracy for landing debuff songs as possible. The full AF+3 set gives you +60 M.Acc bonus on top of the M.acc already on the individual pieces.
Duration won't mean anything if they never stick is pretty much the sentiment. Also the sooner they land the sooner you can be doing other stuff, like poking the mob, or afk to get a drink.
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-05-26 01:22:46
Duration isn't really relevant for debuffs aside from special situations where you want to maximize the duration of your sleep.
The old strategy to kill Albumen (we're talking about yeaaaars ago) comes to mind.
BRD would sleep in max duration set. In that case Macc didn't matter because you could only land it with NiTro on, so you didn't really need additional macc in the Midcast set.
Normally you just want +Macc. The only exception I can think of atm is Threnody, where you want to use Mousai+1 to maximize the Potency of the Threnody song.
That body has some macc but it's a big sink compared to Brioso+3.
Threnody nowadays is nowhere as relevant as it used to be years ago though. Can only think of Ongo V15 atm.
Either way please be warned that the AF set bonus caps at 5 pieces and we have 6 pieces (5 pieced Head/Body/Hands/Legs/Feet and the Regal Earring).
Given how you're likely gonna use Regal Earring regardless, unequipping one piece for something else won't make you lose the max set bonus.
Oh and about the skill.
Sing Skill helps with magic accuracy, the conversion rate should be more or less the same as with every magic skill.
Wind Skill converts into magic accuracy too but ONLY if you're using a Wind Instrument (i.e. Gjallarhorn) and the conversion rate is much worse, I don't remember it but it's something like 3:1 or around that. If you search in this thread you can probably find more relevant data.
String Skill instead converts into wider range for your AoE debuff songs, but ONLY if you're using a string instrument (i.e. harp). Obviously this only applies to Horde Lullaby II because:
1) all other debuff songs are single target
2) horde lullaby I reaches the maximum possible range with just default skill from job, merits and gifts.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Senaki 2021-06-17 01:37:00
Hey guys I have a Brd question.
Barfawc: pretty bad to DD in, yes. BUT
does path C apply the DA to only you, or the whole party? And does it last even when you stop equipping the dagger?
Also: does the DA stack per song? (So 20% in total with 5 song?)
Does it mean that after you cast wearing the dagger -> swap to another weapon, that you can get a ‘free’ + 20% DA for the whole party?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-06-17 05:07:34
It doesn't work like that Senaki.
The Song>DA conversion is not applied to the song, it's imbued into the dagger.
It only applies to the wielder of the for that reason, if it wasn't like this the DA would apply to everyone receiving your songs while you cast songs with the dagger equipped, but alas it's not the case.
You can cast 5 songs with any dagger and equip Barfawc after, and you will receive the Song>DA bonus.
It's the same if you receive songs from someone else, even a trust.
It's unknown when the Song>DA conversion caps.
I mean of course there's a hard cap of 48%, because you can't have more than 12 songs active at the same time.
So Barfawc cannot possibly give more than that.
It might cap earlier though, like at 20% for instance (5 songs).
We don't know, nobody tested it yet.
It's pretty bad, you can check it on the BRD spreadsheet.
If I recall you can get better results with Path A or B if you're really adamant on getting a Barfawc.
By Crossbones 2021-06-17 10:16:18
I think Abura uses path b barfwac for aeolian build. I haven't tried it myself but I could see it being really good. Right now I use tauret / daybreak for it but maybe grabbing the SU5 at some point won't be the worst for some niche function. With the nyame set AE can hit really hard now on brd.
Also wanted to mention for threnodies, wind threnody can be really helpful on some wave 3 mobs!
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-06-17 10:26:19
Barfawc A and B are interesting weapons. They might not yield the absolutely BiS pure DPS, but they offer other pros.
Aside from the DT for each song up, Path A is like a mini-empyrean (it offers an effect similar to the Empyrean aftermath, but without requiring you to activate it with the Empy WS and mantaining it), whereas Path B is like a mini-mythic (the follow-up mechanic is somehow similar to Mythic AM3 but, again, without requiring you to activate it and manage it).
They also offer other pros like pretty respectable base damage (among the highest in the dagger category), lotsa HP, which never hurts for survivability, then the huge STP for A and the nice SB2 for B.
If you ask me, they are interesting weapons, somehow.
Path C instead is just a lot of wasted potential, alas.
By Crossbones 2021-06-17 10:56:01
They also have really good magic damage and macc, so similar to tauret but with more tp gain. I think the path b would be really good considering how much stp we have already in our sets. (I tp in ayanmo head, ashera, bunzi gloves, and volte legs / feet plus moon rings).
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Wotasu 2021-06-17 11:49:58
So this is just lose thinking, but with how Brd now gets a lot of wsdmg from Nyame, could Bunzi Robe fit in with its PDL+5? Or is the Relic Body+3 still to good.
By SimonSes 2021-06-17 12:10:58
So this is just lose thinking, but with how Brd now gets a lot of wsdmg from Nyame, could Bunzi Robe fit in with its PDL+5? Or is the Relic Body+3 still to good.
Maybe for Mordant Rime. For Savage and Rudra, probably not because beside WSD vs PDL, there is also big STR and DEX difference too (and 5 less MND probably wont make up for that).
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Aburaage 2021-06-17 13:49:01
Yeah it's definitely niche weapon, I don't really use it outside of wave3 dyna, but as far as Aeolian Edge goes, it's the weapon to have. I use path B myself because I have volte gears, but I can see path A being really good too with how much multihits gears BRD have access to nowadays.
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By Fenrir.Yinsha 2021-07-04 09:13:40
Did some searches, didn't see it mentioned anywhere aside from the information on Horde lullabies specifically. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Haven't played bard since 2013, but anyway based on testing I did back then:
Song s.level = The capped stringed instrument skill at the song's learning level.
To max the range of any song with stringed instruments you need 2x the (Song s.level). Or, inversely, to floor the range you need to be under (Song s.level) +10% skill. Buffs have a total 10 tiers, each tier being +1 yalm for an being 10% skill over the (Song. s.level). Hordes are 4 tiers but same limit of 2x (Song s.level), so every +25% skill.
String instrument radius =
Buffs =
(Song s.level) +10% skill(rounded up) = +1 yalm for a max of +10 yalms(19'9) at +100% skill(2x Song s.level)
+50% skill = +5 yalms, etc
For Hordes, as already mentioned, it's:
(Song s.level) +25% skill(rounded up) = +1 yalm for a max of +4 yalms (7'9) at (Song s.level) x2 or +100% skill
By Brynach 2021-07-18 18:52:10
I know the lullaby duration thing has been pretty well covered, but I cant figure out why my cap duration for HL2 is 7:56.
Im using SVNTCC Marcato in this set:
Code sets.midcast.Lullaby.Duration = {
sub="Ammurapi Shield",
head="Brioso Roundlet +3",
body="Fili Hongreline +1",
hands="Brioso Cuffs +3",
legs="Inyanga Shalwar +2",
feet="Brioso Slippers +3",
neck="Mnbw. Whistle +1",
waist={ name="Acuity Belt +1", augments={'Path: A',}},
left_ear="Digni. Earring",
right_ear="Regal Earring",
left_ring="Stikini Ring +1",
right_ring="Stikini Ring +1",
back={ name="Intarabus's Cape", augments={'CHR+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','Mag. Acc.+10','"Fast Cast"+10','Magic dmg. taken-10%',}}
I have added into my lua that if spell name includes 'Horde' and Troubadour is up, then use the set above. Based on the calculation, I should be hitting 8:19 sleep, but it is 7:56 everytime. Ive turned on showswaps, and it is definitely going to this set.
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Reain 2021-07-19 19:57:04
SV will stop the marcato from applying and you won't get +20s. Rest is probably just rounding or flooring or whatever.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 141
By Asura.Nebohh 2021-08-01 21:01:37
Yup. SV + Marcato DO NOT stack for duration.
Marcato on Bigi Wiki