You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto

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You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2020-08-19 09:19:16
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Asura.Shantae said: »
Apologies for the potentially dumb question, but does Pining Nocturne stack with Addle? Didn't see it clarified on BGwiki and Nocturne isn't mentioned in the original guide post's full song effect list as far as I saw.
No it does not.
Posts: 148
By Buffyslyph 2020-09-08 23:49:27
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OP seems a bit out of date. I just build a 4 song brd mule and am looking for gear.

I +1 all my old empy +2 and know I need ambu legs and AF feet from Omen (+3).

Specifically I'm curious about rings/earrings?

Right now it's musical earring/singing earring and nereid ring x2.

There is a seemingly great +1 ring that is CHR and magic acc +4, but it's 10m a pop.

I don't need super top-end gear, but good enough to hang in dynamis and be a good buffer in dual-box situations.

Suggestions/guidance on rings/earrings?
By 2020-09-09 00:11:20
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Server: Siren
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user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2020-09-09 00:35:37
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Buffyslyph said: »
OP seems a bit out of date. I just build a 4 song brd mule and am looking for gear.

I +1 all my old empy +2 and know I need ambu legs and AF feet from Omen (+3).

Specifically I'm curious about rings/earrings?

Right now it's musical earring/singing earring and nereid ring x2.

There is a seemingly great +1 ring that is CHR and magic acc +4, but it's 10m a pop.

I don't need super top-end gear, but good enough to hang in dynamis and be a good buffer in dual-box situations.

Suggestions/guidance on rings/earrings?

for debuffs, Perception Ring and Inyanga Ring are a good starting point, or Sangoma Ring if you have. don't know how much money you wanted to put out, but Stikini Rings are much better, even if they're NQ. Bragi Earring from Domain Invasion is also really good and easy to get, Enchanter's earring is a solid AH piece.

for buffing, if your Singing/Wind are capped, you shouldn't have to worry about building a skill-set for songs. you cap most songs' skill potency with natural skill. even the higher end caps (900 combined skill) you reach with merits/gifts/Empyrean+1. all you need to focus on long term is Song+/Song duration+/Empyrean set bonus. so you can fill in your ring/ear slots with DT/idle pieces as mentioned above, but it's not absolutely necessary to have those slots filled if you don't have anything to put there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10288
By Asura.Sechs 2020-09-09 02:47:03
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Sylph.Funkworkz said: »
Asura.Shantae said: »
Apologies for the potentially dumb question, but does Pining Nocturne stack with Addle? Didn't see it clarified on BGwiki and Nocturne isn't mentioned in the original guide post's full song effect list as far as I saw.
No it does not.
Like Funky said it doesn't and Addle of any tier will overwrite Nocturne, but not the other way around. Both are fire-based.
Posts: 148
By Buffyslyph 2020-09-09 06:24:56
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Do I only need to worry about hitting 900 skill? I'm at 959 right now, so I could remove some gear and put in -DT instead.

Or does offensive magic like lullaby and elegy need to stack higher skill and magic accuracy?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2020-09-09 09:02:55
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Buffyslyph said: »
Do I only need to worry about hitting 900 skill? I'm at 959 right now, so I could remove some gear and put in -DT instead.

Or does offensive magic like lullaby and elegy need to stack higher skill and magic accuracy?
At first you might, but i never worry about it in my sets. As master your pretty far above that easily.
Posts: 148
By Buffyslyph 2020-09-09 10:08:36
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How do dummy songs work? I see reference to them but don't understand.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: chendar
Posts: 137
By Asura.Chendar 2020-09-09 11:40:23
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Dummy songs are basically just songs sung with Daurdabla/Terpander (to get the 1 or 2 extra active songs) that you intend to later overwrite with full potency Gjallarhorn songs.

There er multiple ways you can go about this. Some people like to lock Daurdabla on and sing 4 "dummy" songs, then unlock it and overwrite them with 4 real songs.
Some assign specific songs to always be sung with daurdabla in their gearswap and use those for dummies instead.
And there are probably lots of other variations on how to do it, but that's the general idea.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: chendar
Posts: 137
By Asura.Chendar 2020-09-09 12:15:03
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1) If you use marcato with honor march it shouldn't really matter, but I find it's a good rule to sing it last usually. That way it won't get overwritten if you need to pianissimo something later. The song with the lowest duration is the one that'll get overwritten, so usually the first one you sang. (Mages tend to appreciate keeping the haste buffs more than min/mad when you throw them a pianissimo ballad for example)

2) Relic has tons of attack and accuracy and so tends to be great for various weaponskill sets (especially the body) if you like to melee at all.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2020-09-09 12:28:21
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I have only had issues with Scherzo getting overwritten than others. It used to be ALOT WORSE but they fixed it a few years ago to get songs with the least duration overwritten instead.

I always use Marcato + Honor march first.

Edit: I usually sing my first two songs regularly with ghorn. I put up third and fourth songs with harp, then overwrite them. Some people sing the song they are going to overwrite with harp, then sing again with ghorn. I use paeon as dummy songs so i know they have the least duration and will be overwritten. Daurabla songs are always slot 3+4 unless you use Clarion call. Clarion is always slot 3, and pushes daurdabla to 4+5.

Also, no reason to put back up song 3+4 again, only reason is if they drop. You can overwrite them before that. Same goes with Clarion. Unless it drops, you can keep a 5th song up full time as long as it doesnt drop.
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2020-09-09 12:41:05
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Sylph.Funkworkz said: »
Some people sing the song they are going to overwrite with harp, then sing again with ghorn.

I do that, especially during something like dynamis. If for whatever reason you need to wait to replace harp songs with ghorn, at least everyone have right songs on, even when 3rd and 4th song is not at full potency.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-09-09 12:41:09
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Always sing marches last. That way if you need to override a song for ballad for mages that song will be something they don't need like minuet or whatever while still leaving them haste capped.
Posts: 148
By Buffyslyph 2020-09-14 16:22:48
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What pieces (outside of mythic dagger) can I use to extend song length?

I have:

Fili Body +1
Inyango Shalwar +2
Brioso Feet +1 (eventually to +3)

Obviously the holy grail is mythic dagger, but I'm looking to bridge the gap between being a REA BRD to becoming REMA.
Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2020-09-14 16:30:43
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Buffyslyph said: »
What pieces (outside of mythic dagger) can I use to extend song length?

I have:

Fili Body +1
Inyango Shalwar +2
Brioso Feet +1 (eventually to +3)

Obviously the holy grail is mythic dagger, but I'm looking to bridge the gap between being a REA BRD to becoming REMA.
Only thing around besides Song+ is but the duration is the same as dual wield Kali's.
Nothing really comes comes close to Carn duration.
Posts: 148
By Buffyslyph 2020-09-14 16:44:45
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Thanks Wotasu

Is there a list of song potency + items?

I know of g.horn, moonbow. (+7 all fully upgraded)

What else is there that isn't a specific weapon?

The song potency page on BG lists song effect but not gear:

Some of the Fili gear has some +1 for specific songs.

Anything else all songs?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10288
By Asura.Sechs 2020-09-14 17:12:51
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Can't think of anything else that is "all songs+" out of my mind that isn't the Neck of the Instrument slots.

There's a plethora of specific song+ gear and you sorta want to get those, at least some.

Intarabus Cape (Ambu cape)
Fili set (Head for Madri, Body for Minu, Hands for March, Legs for Ballad, Feet for Scherzo)
AF+3 (Head for Paeon, Hands for Lullabies,
Mousai+1 set (Head for Etudes, Body for Threnodies, Hands for Carols, Legs for Minne, Feet for Lolmambo)

Not sure what you want to skip among these.
Anything Madri/Minu/March related is strictly mandatory if you ask me.
Lullabies was mandatory with the old Vinipata/Albumen strategies, can probably skip it nowadays.
Can totally skip the Paeon Head and the Mambo feet.

Body for threnodies used to be good during the mage strat era. Nowadays it's quite a minor bonus. Plus you lose a lot of macc going from Brioso+1 to Mousai+1, can skip this probably.

Minne legs, uhng, it's actually nice getting 20% more duration and potency, but I dunno how often you cast Minne with the content you do.

Etude head you can probably skip. If you really want to get this make sure it's the +2 for the +1 is almost useless.

Carol hands I suggest you to get. When you do carol, it's nice having that +20% potency, very very nice.
Carols are used quite often in most zerg strategies, so yeah, I'd get these.

The Ballad legs are nice but they make song overwriting a big more annoying than necessary.
Given the utility/necessity of ballads these days, you can probably skip these if you really want to.
Can always get them at a latter time after all.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2020-09-14 18:28:23
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Buffyslyph said: »
The song potency page on BG lists song effect but not gear:

Some of the Fili gear has some +1 for specific songs.

Anything else all songs?

Click the NAMES of the songs, such as Minuet, to see items and abilities that enhance the song.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Rafike
Posts: 10
By Asura.Rafike 2020-09-14 23:44:32
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Can anyone tell me what skirmish stone people use to get both DA +3% and QA +3% on their Linos. I see on BG wiki that DA+3% is listed as a possibility using Leafslit stones and it lists QA+3% as a possibility using Dusktip stones which I currently have on mine, but how are people managing to get both augments at the same time?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2020-09-14 23:51:49
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Asura.Rafike said: »
Can anyone tell me what skirmish stone people use to get both DA +3% and QA +3% on their Linos. I see on BG wiki that DA+3% is listed as a possibility using Leafslit stones and it lists QA+3% as a possibility using Dusktip stones which I currently have on mine, but how are people managing to get both augments at the same time?
You can have 3 augments on Alluvion Skirmish Gear 1 of each stone type Leaf, Snow, and Dusk.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-09-14 23:52:45
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Asura.Rafike said: »
Can anyone tell me what skirmish stone people use to get both DA +3% and QA +3% on their Linos. I see on BG wiki that DA+3% is listed as a possibility using Leafslit stones and it lists QA+3% as a possibility using Dusktip stones which I currently have on mine, but how are people managing to get both augments at the same time?

Snow, Leaf, and Dusk stones all have their own respectable augment slot that doesn't overwrite each other meaning you can get 3 augments on a item using all 3 types on a single piece
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Rafike
Posts: 10
By Asura.Rafike 2020-09-15 00:00:48
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Asura.Rafike said: »
Can anyone tell me what skirmish stone people use to get both DA +3% and QA +3% on their Linos. I see on BG wiki that DA+3% is listed as a possibility using Leafslit stones and it lists QA+3% as a possibility using Dusktip stones which I currently have on mine, but how are people managing to get both augments at the same time?
You can have 3 augments on Alluvion Skirmish Gear 1 of each stone type Leaf, Snow, and Dusk.

Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
Asura.Rafike said: »
Can anyone tell me what skirmish stone people use to get both DA +3% and QA +3% on their Linos. I see on BG wiki that DA+3% is listed as a possibility using Leafslit stones and it lists QA+3% as a possibility using Dusktip stones which I currently have on mine, but how are people managing to get both augments at the same time?

Snow, Leaf, and Dusk stones all have their own respectable augment slot that doesn't overwrite each other meaning you can get 3 augments on a item using all 3 types on a single piece

Oh wow very cool. Thank you both!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-09-15 00:04:18
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NP and GL - Gonna need it lol
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2020-09-19 16:31:31
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After seeing how much my gear sets were referred to, I have overhauled the page and turned it into more of a guide. Please give any feedback for things I might have overlooked, or things you think are better. Constructive criticism is welcome.
  • Reviewed all sets, researched all slots again and made many adjustments to existing sets.

  • Covered more aspects of Bard such as Merits, Job Points, Abilities, etc.

  • Many new pieces of gear such as Unity augmented gear added to sets.

  • I also added "New 99" to "BiS" sets to help returning/new 99 players.

#1: I do not touch DD Bard in this guide. I am not a melee expert, and am not going to pretend to be. If anyone wants to give accurate sets to add - dual wield and single wield, along with different weapon options if applicable, I gladly will.

#2: I linked to Ruaumoko's video at the beginning, as he does a great job explaining the purpose of bard. No reason to rewrite what is already written.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-09-19 16:38:56
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That is really great funk!

In the disclaimer at the bottom regarding DD bard, I would suggest putting a link to the highly regarded Bard node as that has various BiS/Dream tier sets For DD, as well as some other stuff.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2020-09-19 16:39:46
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »
That is really great funk!

In the disclaimer at the bottom regarding DD bard, I would suggest putting a link to the highly regarded Bard node as that has various BiS/Dream tier sets For DD, as well as some other stuff.

Didn't know that existed. Adding!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Darkvlade
Posts: 202
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2020-09-26 11:01:41
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Good morning guys, anyone familiar with Singer addon, and what command to use to to add songs and delay to list, commands in readme not working for me, thanks in advance
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Posts: 22
By marlinselfish 2020-12-06 06:02:58
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Hi all new brd here looking for BiS pre cast song fast cast set.
Does fast cast work on songs? ? ? Thank you
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2020-12-06 06:48:24
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And yes, fast cast works for songs.
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