You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
By Crossbones 2020-02-16 14:51:54
Ghorn helps a lot with sleeps. Has tons of CHR and skill on them. Often times you need to keep mobs asleep and Ghorn is very powerful for that especially when starting out.
By Afania 2020-02-16 15:02:26
gain exp, 2 chars cashing out is 4m
repeat 2x an hour is 8m/hr
repeat 5 hours is 40m
don't need to be a pro to aoe trash mobs
Gain exp is boring as ***.... not worth the time either.
Anyways the point wasnt "whether 43m is cheap or not", but gear upgrade priority...
You can argue that 40m is easy. But the same 40m can be spent on better items like empy or whistle, or another job. So none of the pro ghorn argument applies unless you really need inv, or dead set that you will eventually have absolutely capped brd with every items.
For people that just want a good enough BRD for event then move on its not a good argument. Certainly isn't a good argument for new player maining brd that can't even do any relevant content without empy/Aeonic, which cost time and Gil.
By Afania 2020-02-16 15:07:21
Ghorn helps a lot with sleeps. Has tons of CHR and skill on them. Often times you need to keep mobs asleep and Ghorn is very powerful for that especially when starting out.
Spend 43m to fix macc issues caused by bad macc set while you can spend less Gil on better macc set instead... Ragnarok bandwagon 2.0 isn't it. I'm a new player with bad gears so I need Ragnarok for accuracy!
The priority is still not making any sense here.
I feel ghorn defenders are just trying to look for individual ghorn pros to justify it... Without considering priority(bigger and cheaper improvement comes first) at all.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-02-16 15:08:42
Guess bards don't have much to talk about these days, huh?
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 2999
By Shiva.Thorny 2020-02-16 15:25:09
You can argue that 40m is easy. But the same 40m can be spent on better items like empy or whistle, or another job. So none of the pro ghorn argument applies unless you really need inv, or dead set that you will eventually have absolutely capped brd with every items. a new character will take at least several weeks to get to the point in missions that they can access all rmea, and a player who farms gain exp will have gil to spend during those several weeks.. it makes perfect sense to knock out gjallarhorn sometime during that period rather than hoarding gil for weapons you don't even have mission access to yet and throwing out time on abyssea garbage
Certainly isn't a good argument for new player maining brd that can't even do any relevant content without empy/Aeonic, which cost time and Gil. my original post said sure, legit new player go ahead and save for marsyas.. but there are no legit new players just mules
the real question is why you hate gjallarhorn so much, because we both know most people reading this are either going to spend the $15 to buy gil for it or have a main with access to gil sources to fund it with
By Afania 2020-02-16 15:47:04
You can argue that 40m is easy. But the same 40m can be spent on better items like empy or whistle, or another job. So none of the pro ghorn argument applies unless you really need inv, or dead set that you will eventually have absolutely capped brd with every items. a new character will take at least several weeks to get to the point in missions that they can access all rmea, and a player who farms gain exp will have gil to spend during those several weeks..
Will they be able to save enough Gil for every other better items too before missions are done though?
If they can save several million worth of Gil for better items like empy, macc sets and whistle and STILL have surplus of Gil for a ghorn then sure.
Other wise this argument still doesn't make a lot of sense.
the real question is why you hate gjallarhorn so much, because we both know most people reading this are either going to spend the $15 to buy gil for it or have a main with access to gil sources to fund it with
I don't "hate" ghorn. I only analyze the importance of every BRD big Gil item based on what they bring to the table in group content. And that's math, not preference.
Getting Ghorn before everything else only adds 6 more accuracy to entire pt, it's just math. My feelings about ghorn doesn't change anything.
If A item has better mathmatical improvement than B item, then it makes more sense to pay for A item first then work on B.
In the case of ghorn, it just happened to bring less improvement to entire pt than most other expensive gears. You can't serious argue that 6 accuracy from ghorn is anywhere close to game changing and should prioritized over everything else.
I'm simply against community telling a new player to work on ghorn BEFORE they even have solid macc set, empy or Aeonic, whistle +1 etc. Nobody will care if your song gives 6 more acc unless brd having a relic somehow make people feel better.
If you want to get ghorn after you have better items then sure. But your argument about making gil is irrelevant.
By Crossbones 2020-02-17 13:18:51
Considering a new player won't have access to tons of macc gear which is typically AF reforges since it takes time to collect cards making the Ghorn first is a really sound option particularly when there is content that you want strong sleeps for such as some ambus. The reason Ghorn should be made first isn't just because it is the best instrument but also because you don't need to spend time or gil making other instruments that are inferior.
The most reasonable order to obtain rema is Ghorn > 4song > aeonic in terms of both ease of attainability and gil cost. Aeonic is very expensive to get so should be done last unless you have friends that can just help you out. I would put the HQ whistle after 4 song probably, having a 4th song slot really adds a lot, more than an HQ whistle or aeonic IMO.
By Afania 2020-02-17 16:30:04
Considering a new player won't have access to tons of macc gear which is typically AF reforges since it takes time to collect cards making the Ghorn first is a really sound option particularly when there is content that you want strong sleeps for such as some ambus. The reason Ghorn should be made first isn't just because it is the best instrument but also because you don't need to spend time or gil making other instruments that are inferior.
The most reasonable order to obtain rema is Ghorn > 4song > aeonic in terms of both ease of attainability and gil cost. Aeonic is very expensive to get so should be done last unless you have friends that can just help you out. I would put the HQ whistle after 4 song probably, having a 4th song slot really adds a lot, more than an HQ whistle or aeonic IMO.
Man, I feel like I'm just repeating myself over and over >.>
1) if I understand how macc stats work, 1 HQ whistle + 1 NQ Stikini Ring should provide about the same amount of macc as Ghorn.
Except hq whistle + ring cost 36m, 7m cheaper than getting a ghorn. You can resell the ring whenever you want to upgrade to HQ.
2) most of the +3 instruments are either free or cost 20k. So it's not a very big investment to begin with.
3) Probably the most important point of all: how are you going to do ambu D/VD as a new brd that has nothing but ghorn? Your point about new brd needing macc for higher lv ambu sleeps is completely moot because you didn't consider the fact that a ghorn brd without Aeonic/empy won't get invite to D/VD pt to begin with.
If they do lower lv like E or N they won't have issue with macc.
Going with your priority list a new brd will need to proc mobs in dynamis for a month for a ghorn, don't get invite to D/VD, then they have to spend another 3 months grinding Gil in dyna for a harp THEN they can finally do content. Getting a ghorn before harp just prolong the time that a new player got locked out from relevant content.
IMO the better progression for a new brd without an Aeonic group should be:
Grind Gil for harp -> join ambu D/VD for gil -> work on other big Gil item.
Basically go straight to the most job changing item so they can do relevant content asap. Once they start doing D/VD Gil and gear comes much faster.
You can grind AF +3 somewhere in between by doing omen card farm and I doubt a card pt cares about your gear. However life without being able to do ambu D/VD suck so much that getting empy should be first priority for a new player IMO.
If you are an established player with a group then you can get Aeonic first then I guess* you can work on a relic while waiting for Aeonic if you have no plans to get empy ever. I still wouldn't put ghorn on higher priority than whistle +1 though. More so with access to Aeonic because whistle +1 = better honor march. And that's one song you'd use 100% of time.
Your priority list only really work if that new player has another easy gear job like whm to do D/VD on. And that person doesn't care about bringing brd to relevant content until both relic and empy are done. Personally, I think that just takes too damn long.
By Crossbones 2020-02-17 16:49:34
You should do things in order of affordability and the Ghorn is one of the most affordable based on the options, its serves many, many purposes, you will needed it eventually anyways, so you might as well get it first. A new BRD shouldn't be doing D/VD anyways, they should be grouping to do N so they can learn how to play their job properly which also includes contributing dmg, but all of that depends on the month of the ambu. A BRD, much like SMN, is really not a good starting job for players to begin with, no matter how you slice it, unless you have tons of outside help (which you should, this is an MMO). Even according to your preference you should have HQ whitsle and 4 song which is like 200m or whatever depending on price of plates, it doesn't matter if you start with Ghorn and 4 song or HQ whistle and 4 song because at the end of the day that bill runs way too high for a new player.
By SimonSes 2020-02-17 16:54:58
The most reasonable order to obtain rema is Ghorn > 4song > aeonic in terms of both ease of attainability and gil cost. Aeonic is very expensive to get so should be done last unless you have friends that can just help you out. I would put the HQ whistle after 4 song probably, having a 4th song slot really adds a lot, more than an HQ whistle or aeonic IMO.
No, its not most reasonable, it's totally illogical.
You need 4 songs not including honor or 3 songs including honor to do most content that provide gils, so you need Daurdabla or Aeonic. I would buy Aeonic before Empy personally, but Afania argument to buy Daurdabla before Aeonic has sense too.
Gjallahorn should be bought last, before AG and R15 your Carn, because that last +1 to songs is least valuable among what other other instruments and whistle +1 bring.
Your argument about sleeps for Ambu is totally invalid too. For ambu sleeps, you use NITRO for 100% magic accuracy long sleep and after that mobs are usually so resistant to lullaby, that nothing will let you resleep them again (unless maybe another Troubadour), or they are very easy to sleep and you don't need anything close to bis macc for that.
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Reain 2020-02-17 17:04:37
I'd definitely work on heavy metals and riftcinders atm cause there's a voidwatch campaign going currently if you have stones.
Gjallarhorn used to be cheaper. You could make a 99 Gjallarhorn for about 26M on Sylph before the dynamis bots got banned/started raising currency prices which was probably cheap enough to just do while whistles+1 were about 40M. Gjallarhorn got more expensive and Whistles got cheaper though.
But yea the Gjallarhorn and Whistle+1 are smaller upgrades than the others over next BiS.
You can also borrow a Moonbow Whistle+1 from a friend which can't do with Gjallarhorn. Depends on circumstances. Also 250k for a NQ whistle is great value.
By SimonSes 2020-02-17 17:05:11
You should do things in order of affordability and the Ghorn is one of the most affordable based on the options, its serves many, many purposes, you will needed it eventually anyways, so you might as well get it first. A new BRD shouldn't be doing D/VD anyways, they should be grouping to do N so they can learn how to play their job properly which also includes contributing dmg, but all of that depends on the month of the ambu. A BRD, much like SMN, is really not a good starting job for players to begin with, no matter how you slice it, unless you have tons of outside help (which you should, this is an MMO). Even according to your preference you should have HQ whitsle and 4 song which is like 200m or whatever depending on price of plates, it doesn't matter if you start with Ghorn and 4 song or HQ whistle and 4 song because at the end of the day that bill runs way too high for a new player.
You keep writing the same illogical arguments, that its better to buy Gjall first, because it's cool to have something. It's way cooler to have more important things for BRD 40+M sooner.
Buying Ghorn first is as stupid as buying Moonbow belt +1 for MNK before buying Veret.
By Crossbones 2020-02-17 17:07:32
Did you miss the part where I said in terms of attainability and cost? You want people to start with an aeonic that costs like 150mil or whatever the *** people are charging this week and then 4 song that is another 150 mil or whatever and then also get an Hq neck for a total of what? 300+mil for a "starting" set? Sounds illogical. This is why I tell people to not start as BRD.
By Afania 2020-02-17 17:08:40
You should do things in order of affordability and the Ghorn is one of the most affordable based on the options, its serves many, many purposes, you will needed it eventually anyways, so you might as well get it first. A new BRD shouldn't be doing D/VD anyways, they should be grouping to do N so they can learn how to play their job properly which also includes contributing dmg, but all of that depends on the month of the ambu. A BRD, much like SMN, is really not a good starting job for players to begin with, no matter how you slice it, unless you have tons of outside help (which you should, this is an MMO). Even according to your preference you should have HQ whitsle and 4 song which is like 200m or whatever depending on price of plates, it doesn't matter if you start with Ghorn and 4 song or HQ whistle and 4 song because at the end of the day that bill runs way too high for a new player.
Inviting a ghorn only BRD to ambu N is exactly the same as inviting a none rema brd though.
You can't seriously argue that you need that extra 6 accuracy or 12 extra attack from ghorn for ambuscade N.
Ghorn makes absolutely no difference in easy content like this. Stop giving it more value than it really provides >.>. The magic accuracy argument only matters when you are doing much higher level content and you need empy/Aeonic to even get invite for such content.
So yup, go for the best first. Yes I know making empy or Aeonic first sound daunting for a new player, but there's just no way a BRD can be even useful without at least one of these things and the earlier you deal with it the better it is.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-02-17 17:08:45
IMO, Terpander > NQ Whistle > Marsyas > Daurdabla > Whistle +1 > Gjallarhorn > Carn
By Afania 2020-02-17 17:10:12
Did you miss the part where I said in terms of attainability and cost? You want people to start with an aeonic that costs like 150mil or whatever the *** people are charging this week and then 4 song that is another 150 mil or whatever and then also get an Hq neck for a total of what? 300+mil for a "starting" set? Sounds illogical. This is why I tell people to not start as BRD.
It's better to spend 150m and get invite to relevant parties. Worse to spend 43m and still don't get invite.
Honestly if your brd has every EMA except ghorn I doubt you'd even notice unless you write down your /checkparam acc and compare the value of the last digits.
By Crossbones 2020-02-17 17:24:08
Yall are crazy as *** if you think new players have 300m to spend starting a job. Or even 150. No matter what you're gonna be gimp and poor, it just depends how you wanna be gimp and poor. Just get the damn Ghorn out of the way and be done with it, the other pieces will come after a long grind. I would also make 4 song before aeonic but who gives a ***at this point, no one is doing this starting out unless they have mad hookups, in which case aeonic is free anyways and you can just start with that, or hot2020 that ***.
By Afania 2020-02-17 17:29:42
Yall are crazy as *** if you think new players have 300m to spend starting a job. Or even 150. No matter what you're gonna be gimp and poor, it just depends how you wanna be gimp and poor. Just get the damn Ghorn out of the way and be done with it, the other pieces will come after a long grind. I would also make 4 song before aeonic but who gives a ***at this point, no one is doing this starting out unless they have mad hookups, in which case aeonic is free anyways and you can just start with that, or hot2020 that ***.
Yup, nobody wants to grind that much Gil starting out, hence I suggest new player skip ghorn: a piece of gear that cost 43m and makes no real noticeable difference.
Not sure why is this logic hard to understand...
By SimonSes 2020-02-17 17:31:46
I am not crazy, you are crazy. You want new BRDs to buy least useful item first to make them feel better, instead of being more thoughtful and patient with investing their gils and buying items that would actually make them significantly more useful.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Geriond 2020-02-17 17:31:58
New players can farm to get that 300m, and postponing how long it takes for you to get the necessities to get invited to pickup ambu (D/VD)/dyna/etc is crazy, not what we're suggesting.
Blowing 40m on Gjallarhorn first is ridiculous when it has less than 1/10th the benefit of a Marsyas or Daurdabla.
By Afania 2020-02-17 17:36:16
Just get the damn Ghorn out of the way and be done with it, the other pieces will come after a long grind.
Cross do you know why people call you out for not making any sense?
You can just skip ghorn completely and other piece will come after a long grind just the same... Nobody will notice this BRD is Ghorn-less unless the BRD said so themselves.
By Crossbones 2020-02-17 17:42:14
"Hi I'm a new BRD any suggestions where to start?"
"Go make 350 mil".
That's what this is.
By Afania 2020-02-17 17:47:45
"Hi I'm a new BRD any suggestions where to start?"
"Go make 350 mil".
That's what this is.
Nobody said that....You totally missed the point.
You can do ambuscade N with 0 rema too. You are the one who suggest a new brd to get a ghorn first before starting ambuscade N...
We only said if you want to move to D+ from N you need either Aeonic or empy for accuracy songs.
Ghorn is completely irrelevant in entire gear progression. You can finish entire endgame in ffxi as the LS brd without a ghorn and people probably won't even notice if you don't tell them.
By Crossbones 2020-02-17 17:53:11
I agree with that but then you are adding a 150m minimum cost to get into ambu d/vd which is steep for a new player. My priority wasn't in order of benefit it was in order of what to get based on what you can get and when. If that's what it takes then play another job that will get you into that content faster with less cost so you can gear yourself. If you are at endgame it doesn't really matter what you make first because you can bankroll it wig little effort.
By Afania 2020-02-17 17:59:51
I agree with that but then you are adding a 150m minimum cost to get into ambu d/vd which is steep for a new player. My priority wasn't in order of benefit it was in order of what to get based on what you can get and when. If that's what it takes then play another job that will get you into that content faster with less cost so you can gear yourself. If you are at endgame it doesn't really matter what you make first because you can bankroll it wig little effort.
What's the point to make a "priority list" that's not based on benefit >.>
You may as well make a priority list for DD job containing none afterglowed relic because they are "easy to get" >.>
But anyways, I'm glad that finally got it >.>, Geez.
And yeah, play another job like whm for ambu D/VD and Aeonic access is usually the better move for brd players. That wouldn't change priority list though. Ghorn is pretty damn skip-able unless you are really hurting for inv.
By Draylo 2020-02-17 18:42:54
New players aren't just going to "farm 350m." I think people have become so desensitized to making gil these days, mostly through multiple characters. It isn't as easy for the average character to make that much gil so quickly... I'd say they are better off on GEO in groups that know 900 skill is sufficient (which usually isn't shout groups) or a WHM that needs barely anything to play those.
By Afania 2020-02-17 19:22:56
Nobody is asking a new player to farm 350m though, you all read it so damn wrong lol.
We are only saying that new player could save their 43m by skipping ghorn.
If I can make a bot that repeats my point every single time someone read a post wrong I would.
Edit: also forgot to mention that none rema brd is fine in D/VD for ranged setup because you don't need 2 song slots for marches. So where did that 350m requirement came from?
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 2999
By Shiva.Thorny 2020-02-17 19:33:13
New player needs advancement to stay motivated and interested. Being able to get a *relic weapon* for 43m and feel better about their character has benefits. New players barely exist anyway.
For a mule, still haven't heard a valid argument against simply doing gain and buying the horn. For the time it takes to make 43m with 2 chars, you'd be silly to chase alternative instruments.
By Afania 2020-02-17 19:41:06
For a mule, still haven't heard a valid argument against simply doing gain and buying the horn.
There is.
Gain exp is never on when I play because of its odd hours.
I can farm abyssea NM anytime I play or semi afking and it's more enjoyable than aoe mobs anyways.
If I'm going log on on weird hours and suffer through AoE burning I'm spending that 43m on other jobs that I like more, period. 6 accuracy for a mule isn't worth my time.
If I'm a new character and need achievements for motivation I'd spend 43m for 10 items instead of 1. That makes me feel even better because 10>1.
If somebody legitimately feel nice because they own a RELIC then good for them. It's their 12.95 they can play however they want. Just dont try to convince everybody to feel the same about it.
I bet most new players build a relic first because people told them to, not because they legimately feel good owning one. If they know they can completely skip relic and still get content done with nearly no difference how many would work on them?
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Thorny 2020-02-17 19:52:07
you personally not liking gain exp or not wanting to spend 43m on a gjall instead of other jobs doesn't really change anything
i'm not saying your logic is wrong, gjall is objectively not a large benefit per gil spent compared to some other items like moonbow+1 or marsyas, but it's a really niche thing to argue about and most people will just pay the 43m and not think that much of it
small goals can help keep new players motivated, and tackling everything related to other rmea is intimidating, but i really don't think there are that many brand new players to begin with, much less ones playing brd and chasing rmea immediately with max efficiency in mind