You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto

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You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
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Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-04-10 18:22:06
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I prefer sTP+4 on TP flute anyway, but I play with Carn and when I need damage from BRD I go for AM3. AM3 is just great, because it really improves your skillchain potency. Even when I single wield while /thf at Dynamis (I triobox it) I open (on NMs) with Mordant>Mordant for my COR to Leaden, then I finish with high TP Rudra on BRD.

Also correct me if im wrong but /dnc with Suppa+Eabani and Windbuffet+1 should be much better than /nin if you dont need shadows and its group event.

/dnc is more TP per swing, haste samba to help WARs (and DRKs with LR down) and you can do steps too.

Asura.Sechs said: »
Lustratio+1 is a fantastic set

Personally I think its poo set, but I'm probably biased because I triobox and can't fully focus on BRD. Lack of any def on Lustratio just sucks ***. You are going from really high DT in your TP set to suddenly 0 DT and MEVA in your WS set and unless you pay attention and time your WS, you can get smacked like paper doll that you are with this set on. It's another reason why I prefer Mordant by a lot. 5/5 Relic+3 is not only bis for it for damage (not counting some af+3 being super marginally better when attack is capped) but also provides 29%PDT, very high MEVA and MDB, -26 enmity. It's just a WIN on so many levels.
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2019-04-10 18:27:44
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Asura.Sechs said: »

After more than 50 mils of stones mine is still at acc/atk+13, can you believe it? :(

If I wanted to pick a single stat not sure I'd favor atk+20 over acc+20, dunno, guess it depends on the rest of your gear. If it were me I'd go the acc route though.

I had a similar experience with +2 stones tryin to get DA+3. Took me a gazilion of stones. In the end? I got it with a couple of stacks of +1.
Might be just a coincidence, but it could also be that there's a "bug" and you can't get DA+3 with +2 stones but you can with +1?
Not giving me much hope in getting the augment i want now lol. I will give it a shot and never know i might get lucky XD.

Asura.Sechs said: »
Sorry if I sounded bitter in my previous posts, it was more a general thing, not specifically directed at you.
It's all good. I don't claim to be right in anything i say so usually anything i say is just personal opinion and maybe it will give others ideas to test etc.

For example the big stupid moment of me thinking i lost TP from flute to harp. Which was something i read from someone else and i just never took notice of it myself since the majority of the time that i swap to a harp i lost tp due to a main/sub swap. I'm always happy to be corrected if i'm wrong. Because the more you know the better right?
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-10 19:36:27
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SimonSes said: »
I prefer sTP+4 on TP flute anyway
Technically, if I recall, you should go for DA+3 while building AM3 and STP once it's up, but that's a lot of effort for what in the end is quite a minimal difference.

Also correct me if im wrong but /dnc with Suppa+Eabani and Windbuffet+1 should be much better than /nin if you dont need shadows and its group event.
Suppa + Eabani is only 9% DW, you need ~11% with /NIN and with /DNC you need ~21%.
What did you mean? Haste Samba for 5% JAhaste? But that's more often than not a loss in terms of TP use.
Maybe you meant Suppa+Eabani + 10% from cape? That's close to the 21%.
I dunno, last time I tried /DNC wasn't better than /NIN for pure damage output.
These days /DNC offers an additional tier of PDL, might be worth it I dunno, I haven't tested it.

I'm a bit skeptic in the value of Windbuffet+1 for AM3 up Carns though, as you know Multiattack is still useful but gets a bit devalued by AM3 so, theory, Wind+1 should be less worth than it would be in other builds without Mythic AM3 up.

/dnc is more TP per swing, haste samba to help WARs (and DRKs with LR down) and you can do steps too. this is what you meant.
Well sure, it suits well the profile of "support job". You give songs, use some modest DNC stuff, deal some damage.
In terms of pure damage output it would be clearly worse but the party/alliance boost might compensate for it, I dunno

Personally I think its poo set
I don't use and don't like Lustratio for pretty much the same reasons and then some more, but I can't deny how in some ideal situations it's clearly the best for pure damage, at least in some slots.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-10 19:37:22
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any actual math to support ambu glow dagger offhand being better than perfect taiming for carn main? actually curious because I'm having really shitty luck grinding a perfect taiming.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-10 19:59:41
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How does /DNC give you more TP per swing, am I missing something?
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2019-04-10 20:07:05
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im guessing you factor in the haste that samba gives you to pack less DW in gear, thus slightly more TP/round
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-10 20:18:22
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I'm not sure that would be more TP gain though since you have to still gear for more DW and Haste Samba costs TP to maintain. I'd have to plug it into a TP calculator and see.
Server: Leviathan
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user: kate99
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By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-04-11 02:22:34
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Autocast said: »
any actual math to support ambu glow dagger offhand being better than perfect taiming for carn main? actually curious because I'm having really shitty luck grinding a perfect taiming.

You're better off building Tauret than obtaining Sari, according to DNC sheet, these two daggers are so close to one another with Sari being like 1-2% ahead of Tauret in capped situations.
More often than not players like to assume uncapped situations, which is fair. In that case picking Tauret is more logical.
Server: Leviathan
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user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-04-11 02:34:43
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eliroo said: »
How does /DNC give you more TP per swing, am I missing something?

Because you can still use the same amount of DW in TP set as if you're subbing NIN granted you use Haste Samba to cap Delay with Magic Haste.
The more DW you have the less TP you gain per hit due to penalty.
Don't forget that /DNC gives more benefits to you and to the party.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-04-11 03:43:12
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With /dnc and haste samba, you only need 9%DW to cap delay with capped gear/magic haste.

0.76 * 0.2625 = 0.1995

Carn + Tauret with 36%DW give 49TP per hit. With 24%DW they give 53TP per hit, so a little above 8% more TP.

Carn + Taming with 36%DW give 51TP per hit. With 24%DW they give 55TP per hit, so a little below 8% more TP.

With good samurai roll + sTP in gear, you should get at least 7TP more TP per swing. Haste Samba costs 350TP.

350/7 = 50

So the cost of haste samba pays back after 50 swings. In most haste capped scenarios, you should easily do more than 50 swings in 90 sec (90sec is duration of haste samba) and in worst case scenario you should at least make it even.

If you have at least one WAR in the alliance and your haste samba let him reach last 1.25% haste he needs to cap, then alliance damage definitely will make up for your 350TP loss even if you would make less than 50 swings per 90sec and wouldn't make up for that loss on your own.

If there is no other source of box step and attack isnt capped, then on long fight you can add -13% unique def down effect. On shorter fights you can add -5% with with just one step. Sure you will lose some time because of JA delay, but you should easily make it up with higher damage with def down applied and if we talking about event when full ally is used, then again the alliance damage will easily make up for few second of your JA delay.

Lastly like Sechs already mentioned, /dnc gives PDL trait (+0.1 to pDIF cap), but also gives Accuracy I trait (+10 accuracy) and Skillchain Bonus trait (+8% Skillchain damage).
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-11 08:19:11
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SimonSes said: »
With /dnc and haste samba, you only need 9%DW to cap delay with capped gear/magic haste.

Yeah I knew less DW meant more TP / Swing, I honestly didn't think that the 5% from Haste Samba did as much as It does. Anyway I plugged in a basic build and assumed Carn w/ AM3.

I used Volte set + Ashera Harness, Double Chirich, Bards neck/ Linos 3QA / 3DA (STP most likely better) and a STP back. I swapped around Supa/Eba/Windbuffet and Eba/Reiki/Cessance based on their proper subs

My calculator had DNC at 215/323 TPS second number being sams roll and NIN at 203/297 TPS

Its a handmade calculator so it could have some stupid error in it but overall DNC seems pretty superior especially if you are fighting for at least 90 seconds. And like you said if your group has a WAR then its even better.

There was an error in my calculator. A big one too! Will edit the numbers to reflect that. I apparently dropped the Divisor in DW calculations.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-11 10:31:02
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the calculator doesn't take into consideration the TP you spend to activate the Haste Samba, nor the JA delay (which is minimal)
Same thing for Steps, it doesn't take into consideration the 100 TP you spendand the JA delay.

I think the point SimonSes was making is that it's more a boost for all of your alliance/party, which is bigger than the amount of dps you lose by going /NIN.
In some situations (skillchain bonus, PDL tier2, additional accuracy) /DNC can actually produce more DPS even on the BRD itself, provided you can mantain haste samba up flawlessly, no dispels, etc.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-11 10:38:52
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You would make up for the TP lost doing the haste samba within 10 seconds or so according to that, even quicker with Sams roll up.

Edit: Fixed my calculator. It would take 30 seconds of uptime to make up for the lost TP from using Haste Samba
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-04-11 12:24:43
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Same thing for Steps, it doesn't take into consideration the 100 TP you spendand the JA delay.

When you play with Carn, then you ideally don't even lose TP. You just do step when you overtp to 1100. Then you do Step and WS. So only thing you lose is 1sec of JA delay. Also steps give finishing move and you can do reverse flourish to get TP back.

Same for Haste Samba. Most if not all of that lost TP will be TP overflow.

Also like eliroo mentioned, you will easily make 350TP advantage fast on /dnc vs /nin in that 90sec of samba working for you.

Steps will benefit not only everyone else, but also your damage.

Even if you use Rudra's and tp overflow is actually more damage to WS, you still should make up for every second and TP lost on steps/samba with faster TP gain and higher damage.

So I believe even in solo, /dnc is still better for dps, but in group events, it gives even more when there is no DNC or /dnc around.
Posts: 1191
By DaneBlood 2019-04-16 10:06:47
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looking for some quick and dirty song buff song set for a brd mule

Currently the mulehas
- Master brd
- Emp rf+1 gear
- ghorn
- derbiederb harp
- kali x2
- base mythic dagger
- moonbow whistle NQ

im willign to do some lgiht famring og dropping a few mills on it just looking to get a decent buff set
Server: Leviathan
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user: Isiolia
Posts: 476
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-04-16 10:17:29
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There's Funkworkz's gear guide on BG Wiki if you haven't already taken a look at that.

Other than what you listed you'd likely want to pick up Inyanga pants and reforged AF feet for the duration+. Few other potential items for precast, but really just Ambuscade (Inyanga body, Ayanmo legs) or Skirmish (Gendewitha hands, Telchine feet) with appropriate augments. Likely things it already has anyway.
Posts: 1191
By DaneBlood 2019-04-16 17:34:29
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Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
There's Funkworkz's gear guide on BG Wiki if you haven't already taken a look at that.

Other than what you listed you'd likely want to pick up Inyanga pants and reforged AF feet for the duration+. Few other potential items for precast, but really just Ambuscade (Inyanga body, Ayanmo legs) or Skirmish (Gendewitha hands, Telchine feet) with appropriate augments. Likely things it already has anyway.

TY i forgot i to mentioned all ambuscade gear +2
soo looks like i im decent set i just need to get focus on AF gear
Server: Asura
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user: Barber
Posts: 35
By Asura.Solymr 2019-04-16 17:58:16
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One of the really alluring things about bard (not counting the melee aspect of it) is the fact that generally there is a "best" piece you can aim for and that's not always the case in XI.

For instance, a thf could have 4-5 different "best" pieces for a single slot for his TP set based on accuracy needed, amount of haste supplied, etc. But for bard there is pretty much a "best" for buffs (which changes slightly based on song), debuffs (again you can opt for longer duration over macc if you want to in some cases), and precast. It just doesn't hurt if the +march from a piece of gear puts you OVER the magic haste cap. It doesn't hurt if you have way more macc than the target requires. So just aim for the best. While a lot of people grumble about needing multiple rema etc, even if its not an easy job to gear it is one of the simpler jobs to gear.

And I know this is for a mule, but I always always recommend Carn. Maybe especially for mules. It always you to full time Nitro and gives you full time marcato on honor march. You literally have to sing 5x an hour if you are using it as a CP buffer etc. Harp and both horns are for the party.....carn is for the bard.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Isiolia
Posts: 476
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-04-30 10:21:37
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Is it me, or is Bihu Justaucorps +3 (at least) not currently applying the bonus duration to Troubadour? Haven't upgraded feet past +1 yet, but those are working for Nightingale, and //gs showswaps has the body getting swapped out.
Server: Asura
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user: Falsetto
Posts: 81
By Asura.Fabiano 2019-04-30 10:28:06
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Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
Is it me, or is Bihu Justaucorps +3 (at least) not currently applying the bonus duration to Troubadour? Haven't upgraded feet past +1 yet, but those are working for Nightingale, and //gs showswaps has the body getting swapped out.

Tested this just now and it's working fine. Bihu Jstcorps. +3 & Bihu Slippers +1 increased the duration of Nightingal/Troubadour as expected.
Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-04-30 10:30:13
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Asura.Fabiano said: »
Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
Is it me, or is Bihu Justaucorps +3 (at least) not currently applying the bonus duration to Troubadour? Haven't upgraded feet past +1 yet, but those are working for Nightingale, and //gs showswaps has the body getting swapped out.

Tested this just now and it's working fine. Bihu Jstcorps. +3 & Bihu Slippers +1 increased the duration of Nightingal/Troubadour as expected.

I had the same "problem" awhile back, it's actually just the plugin timer not knowing that the +3 grants extra duration.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 476
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-04-30 10:32:45
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Hm, okay, thanks for checking.

Plugin thing makes sense, since it was probably set up prior to +2/3.
Server: Asura
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user: Manticore
Posts: 25
By Asura.Manticore 2019-05-13 16:42:50
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Hi all!

1) Does anyone who is currently playing have an GS lua they can share? I have not been able to find an updated one for 2019

2) Is there a Bard that I can lookup on here that has bis for everything so I can base off what I should be farming for and making? The guides seem very outdated and all over the place and it's really hard to find out where I need to use as a benchmark

3) The SU3 equipment, is this useful? All of the guides only have Emp AF and some AF/Relic as the main slots but no guide mentions the SU3 equipment

4) Overall, can someone give me a quick and dirty of how many gear sets I should have and what they should contain? (I am about to finish my mythic and just finished my relic, aeonic and empy and really want to throw myself into playing Bard.)

Thanks all!
Server: Phoenix
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user: Tphantom
Posts: 49
By Phoenix.Darkspawn 2019-05-13 17:14:13
Link | Quote | Reply currently this are the gearsets you will need if your all into min/max stuff:


2. check link from funkswortz

3.Su3 equipment is more likely to be used under MACC, DD sets not for full buffs songs. sets are as follows:

*Song recast
*Cure pot
*DT set
*Meva set
*Song buffs
*songs debuffs
* DD set (mid/high acc)
*WS set (mid/high acc)
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-14 01:42:03
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Asura.Manticore said: »
1) Does anyone who is currently playing have an GS lua they can share? I have not been able to find an updated one for 2019
Mine is pretty up to date but I built it myself from zero and it's built on my own specific playstyle/needs, would be pretty useless to you.

2) Is there a Bard that I can lookup on here that has bis for everything so I can base off what I should be farming for and making? The guides seem very outdated and all over the place and it's really hard to find out where I need to use as a benchmark
Check Funkworkz' sets on BGwiki, his are the closest you can get to the "BiS" you're looking for. Keep in mind for some things there's no clear winner but rather a small number of arguably comparable options.

3) The SU3 equipment, is this useful? All of the guides only have Emp AF and some AF/Relic as the main slots but no guide mentions the SU3 equipment
Are you talking about the Mousai set? A piece-by-piece insight is required. I'll drop my personal opinion here. I have 5/5 HQ set but I can hardly call it "necessary".

4) Overall, can someone give me a quick and dirty of how many gear sets I should have and what they should contain? (I am about to finish my mythic and just finished my relic, aeonic and empy and really want to throw myself into playing Bard.)

Thanks all!
Ungh, which sets are "required" depends on where you want to put the threshold. There is virtually no limit in how deep you can get. You didn't specify so I assume you just want to know the "required" sets to begin with.
In that case in my opinion you're gonna need:

That's it for the "required" sets I think, even though these days I'm pretty tempted to say having DD sets is pretty much "required" as well...
Oh and a cure potency set, if you ever find yourself going /WHM and support.
Keep in mind that just because you're /WHM doesn't mean you can't DD. You'd have a different TP set (no dualwield) and your damage output would of course be inferior ("Fencer" job trait helps making the gap slightly smaller than it would otherwise be, but it can't do miracles alone) but it's still perfectly viable.
I've been DDing as /WHM plenty of times. Sometimes it just is useful to have that sort of versatility of switching between DD / Buff / Debuff / heal / -na any second. Depends on the fight, on the alliance setup and, of course, on your personal preference.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-14 01:46:39
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I forgot to mention which JSE pieces are "required" for BRD.
Again personal opinions of course, but here's mine.

Artifact Armor +3
I'd pretty much go 5/5 here. Each piece either has an use or simply is the best for debuffing because of the huge magic accuracy bonus it gives (set bonus too!)

Relic Armor +3
A couple of pieces are necessary to boost Nightingale, Troubadour and Soul Voice durations, but you could use the +1 for that (the bonus is the same).
Getting these items to +3 is sorta for DD purposes. Body is the BiS for WS, any WS. The other pieces are BiS for Mordant Rime, which is a WS you spam if you decide to become a Carnwenhan ddBRD, you don't really use it if you decide to go for other main hand dagger options.
So it's sorta up to you, wouldn't call this set "necessary".

Empyrean Armor +1
+3 not available yet, but 5/5 +1 is absolutely necessary. Each piece either has a purpose or you want them for the set bonus.

Imho you want to get 5/5 Inyanga +2 as well, Ambuscade set.
The Ayanmo +2 Ambuscade set is another pretty nice starter set for DPS on BRD. Before getting better options for specific slots, you can start with 5/5 Ayanmo +2 and you'll be more than fine.
Server: Asura
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user: Manticore
Posts: 25
By Asura.Manticore 2019-05-14 06:24:18
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Darkspawn and Sechs, thank you so much for taking the time, I will follow your advice and start there! Really great stuff and extremely helpful!
Server: Carbuncle
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user: bukasmith
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By Carbuncle.Bukadan 2019-05-14 06:35:51
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theyve been treasures in the community for as long as i can remember
By 2019-05-30 03:38:00
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-05-30 03:40:02
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Pretty confident it's someone else's BRD trust overwriting your songs, can't think of anything else.

It's strange though, granted a lot of time has passed since I last farmed Domain Invasion on BRD, but I don't recall that happening to me.
Maybe I'm wrong though.

Either way I think you should be asking this in the Random Question thread, you'd have a higher audience than in the melee BRD thread.
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